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Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 10/23/2015 & The Weekend


The Moon is in Pisces today, driving the day with a need to identify what is ideal, which it’s willing to follow on faith, intuition or some other intangible belief. Friday morning dawns with an advance, a heavy responsibility or a wet blanket, as taskmaster Saturn squares the sensitive Pisces Moon at 6:34AM ET. A need for vision quickly follows suit, as the Moon then meets up with Neptune at 1:17PM ET.

Big news on Friday happens at 1:47PM ET, when the Sun leaves Libra for Scorpio. As I’ve said before,  Scorpio demands substance; none of that airy-theory-rational stuff that Libra does so well. Scorpio is a deeply emotional sign, noted for its need for privacy, power and control.  Scorpios “build all the way up to Heaven…and all the way down to Hell,” wrote astrologer Linda Goodman. Hopefully you can hang with one who builds a stairway to Heaven. A Scorpio heading for Hell will happily annihilate everyone and everything in its way. Really, they are so very interesting.

On Saturday the Pisces Moon goes void at 7:18AM ET…not to enter the next sign, Aries, until 2:22AM on Sunday. This is a day to chill and go with the flow. It is not a day for shopping, as the Moon void suggests a higher probability that whatever you impulsively buy will prove to be of little use. If you don’t believe me, test the theory out for yourself. Take care of routine concerns and avoid making mountains out of molehills, especially in the early hours of the day when the Moon is opposed by aggressive Mars in hypercritical Virgo. Maybe use that perfecting drive to declutter your space.

Although…decluttering is not what comes to mind when I think of Sunday’s expansive meet-up between Venus and Jupiter at 4:03PM ET. That day will be driven by the Moon in me-me-me Aries, a sign that will happily fall down stairs because it’s faster than walking. And here is Justin Trudeau to prove it to you. Canada’s new PM has Moon in Aries opposed by wacky Uranus, so we immediately expect an eccentric sense of humor and a need to shock. And this is exactly what he says in this videoen francais mais si charmant en disant comment il aime choquer les gens. And then he falls down a flight of stairs.

The Venus-Jupiter meet-up suggests good fortune in traditional astrology. If you have a planet or angle around 15 degrees of Virgo, you could consider buying a couple of lottery tickets. Hey, ya never know. At 6:59PM ET, mental Mercury is rattled by an opposition from rebel Uranus, perhaps building on whatever power play and revelation we saw around earlier in the week. We can expect tech breakthroughs, cosmic revelations and other upsets to the status quo. You’re personally affected by the bolt from blue if you have a planet or angle around 18 degrees of Aries, Capricorn, Cancer or Libra. If you don’t know where your planets are, order the Astro-Basics Report, described on this page.

So I’m thinking we’ll have some verve and excitement on Sunday. On Monday, the Aries Moon meets up with Uranus at 6:57AM, suggesting an upset to the start of the workweek. Moon goes void for the whole business day at 8:25AM ET. If you sleep through your alarm, don’t fret about it.

And now, the news.

Plenty of headlines reflecting the intense, no-holds-barred social expression, mindset and communication we might expect on a day colored by Pluto in contact with Mercury and Venus. “Major Vatican Summit Erupts into Theological Slugfest Over Pope’s Vision for the Church”, just hit as I listen to the another intense slugfest happening in Congress, as Hillary Clinton testifies about Benghazi. Trey Gowdy, the Chair of the Benghazi committee, currently has transiting Pluto opposing his natal Venus-Mars conjunction in Cancer, suggesting relentless force applied in social expression and action. Yep, that is what I’m hearing right this minute. It’s the perfect background noise for a story I’m reading now about Thug Kitchen, a vegan blog whose latest profanity-laced cookbook is also making news today. Today’s potential for blunt, raw social expression is also reflected in this popular headline: “Everyone Is Downloading iOS9.1 for the Middle Finger Emoji”

In the category of cosmic revelations, add these stories:  “NASA Images of Cosmic Catastrophe Give Glimpse of Earth’s Ultimate Fate” and “Rare Merging Stars Spotted; Set to Explode,”  which is what Rep Elijah Cummings’ head just did as the Benghazi hearings moved into recess. Mr. Cummings has Venus opposing Pluto, suggesting no small amount of emotion invested in his social expression. He also has an intense pattern known as a T-Square involving Saturn, squaring a Mercury-Uranus opposition. This suggests a hard-nosed mindset, with the potential for disruptive communication.

Meanwhile, here’s cheerfully irreverent  NYT columnist Gail Collins with her unique take on today’s intensely dynamic inaction in Congress. It’s just about the lightest headline I can find right now. Most all of the rest concern military actions, arson and other violence around the world…what we might expect when a planet makes contact with Uranus and Pluto, as Mercury is doing now.  Thank goodness for for a ray of sunshine…and hey! How about those Mets (unless you are a Cubs fan)?

To order 2016 Really Useful Mercury Rx Bookmarks (one for $2.88; three for $4.99, go here). For the 411 on personal consultations, go here. For albatross, go here.

Have a great weekend and thank you for reading this forecast.

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