Moon entered Leo this AM at 2:23 ET, after a thirty-minute void so brief you would have barely noticed it. Put aside for one minute the latest dreadful headline reminding us that the U.S. is still in the throes of 1) an anguished and brutal “get real” transit demanding it face the wretchedly twisted parts of its psyche; and 2) a bewildering identity crisis, thanks to nebulous Neptune. In your own personal world, you can reap the potential sunny festivity the Leo Moon inspires, aided and abetted by beautiful Venus and expansive Jupiter also in Leo. Big party; big drama; big hearts may rule.
There are no Moon voids to deter your shopping expeditions, save for a 50 minute break on Sunday between 12:09PM and 12:59 PM ET. Then Moon leaves Leo for perfection-seeking Virgo, so if you want to make Dad feel like a king, do it before 1PM. The rest of the afternoon and evening are driven by a need for detail, service and making things right.
On Sunday at 12:38PM ET the Sun leaves Gemini for Cancer. Happy Summer Solstice!
Here’s what you need to know about the first day of any season — i.e., equinoxes and solstices — from an astrological point of view. The first days of Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter correspond with the first day (or first degree) of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, respectively (there are thirty degrees in each sign of the zodiac). Got that? Good.
These four signs are called cardinal signs. Cardinal signs initiate. They come up with the idea and put it into action, which leads to necessary change. “Cardinal” suggests (from the Latin root of the word), “that on which something turns or depends.” So the first day/degree of a Cardinal sign is a turning point. In astrology, the technical term for the first degree of any Cardinal sign is the “Aries Point”, just to confuse people who are not professional astrologers. In other words, the first day of Cancer, Libra, Capricorn and Aries is the Aries Point. The first day of Taurus (and the rest of the signs) is NOT at the Aries Point).
Equinoxes and solstices are also prominent. We make a fuss over them, right? In Japan, the first day of each season is actually a national holiday. How cool is that? Thus, in a horoscope, a planet or angle at the Aries Point needs to be prominent. Off the top of my head, Meryl Streep & Elizabeth Warren (both Cancers — happy birthday!) and William Shatner (an Aries) were born with the Sun at the Aries Point. They’re pretty prominent in everything they do, don’t you think?
And now, the news.
Here’s what I wrote for Wednesday:
Up and at ’em. The drive of today’s Cancer Moon is mostly free and clear. It’s also fresh and new. Launch away! Cancer is a nurturing energy which needs to focus on home(land) and family concerns. It is emotional and intuitive, and it will carry us through the end of Thursday.
Between now and then we may see a power play or other catharsis around 9:42PM ET tonight, as the Moon makes its weekly challenge with Pluto. Thursday morning may present a wake-up call or upset to the status quo, as the Moon is challenged by Uranus at 7:24AM ET. Keep planting seeds related to your New Moon projects.
How unsettling to wake up Thursday morning with an upsetting story dominating the headlines (once again). On Wednesday night around 8PM, as I am sure you have heard, a disturbed young man entered a church in Charleston, SC. Shortly after 9PM, nine people had been fatally shot with a pistol he had been given for his 21st birthday (April 3rd). So here we are with our hearts breaking all over again because of this hardcore fact: if you combine a firearm with an angry person who may or may not be living in a distorted, hate-filled and possibly drug-induced reality, bad things are likely to happen.
Unless someone wants to send me a big, fat check for my time and focus, I’ll refrain from writing about planetary patterns on Dylann Storm Roof’s birthday, other than to say Neptune Saturn Pluto Uranus are all doing what you’d expect on this loner/misfit’s Sun, Moon and Saturn. I’d much rather focus on this tribute to the nine beautiful lights Charleston, SC just lost.
Speaking of distorted reality, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley delivered an emotional speech yesterday, telling her constituents:
“As all eyes of this country are on our state and our city,” she said, “what happened in that church is not the people of South Carolina.”
However, she said, “If this can happen in church, we’ve got some praying to do. If there’s one thing we can do in South Carolina it’s pray. … We are a state of faith, we are a state of prayer, we are a state of love.”
…which is in no means diluted or besmirched by the Confederate flag flying lovingly at full staff on top of the building where Governor Haley works, alongside its other Official State Flag — the one emblazoned with a rainbow, a peace sign and a smiley face.
Dear Governor Haley, I knew I’d see this in your horoscope, but could you please remove the rose-colored glasses reflected by your Neptune square Venus in (empathic) Pisces? At least until the end of your term? Your idealism is getting in the way of your relationships. And you might be forgetting that Charleston made headlines on April 4th when Walter Scott was killed by a police officer at a traffic stop (I thought the website of the Post and Courier looked familiar).
Odd that the Confederate flag also made headlines in Texas. The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that by refusing to issue an official state license plate imprinted with said flag (like the one on Mr. Roof’s black Hyundai), it was not infringing upon the free speech rights of its citizens. Justice Clarence Thomas joined the four liberal justices in that decision.
Well, at least plenty of people are now talking about this issue. And anger can be channeled for productive purposes, too…with the “burning intensity” suggested by the Sabian Symbol of Tuesday’s New Moon.
Meanwhile, what did we miss while focusing on the latest karmic consequences of our die-hard right to bear arms? First, the House reversed itself and approved a bill granting President Obama authority to move forward on the TPP. Well, with Saturn returning to the top of the president’s horoscope, we do expect him to be at the top of his game. Have to see what the Senate does next week…
Second, Brian Williams’ need to be Number One (suggested by his Moon in me-me-me Aries) has been permanently disrupted by transiting Uranus and Pluto to his Mercury and Mars (and probably that Moon, too). He won’t be returning to the anchor chair at NBC; he’s been reassigned to MSNBC.
Third, Amnesty International released a report alleging that “every state in the US fails to comply with international standards on the lethal use of force by law enforcement officers”. Holy transiting Pluto square U.S. natal Saturn, Batman! The U.S. is living out its horoscope, as noted in the first paragraph of this forecast.
Finally, a positive spin on the encyclical on climate change issued Thursday by Pope Francis. And by positive, I mean a story in The Guardian about how U.S. Catholic leaders are preparing to implement this directive. If you read about the encyclical in The Washington Times, you’d think from the headline that it was mostly a personal attack on President Obama. Fascinating.
Where do you get your news? And more important, what’s going on in your horoscope? Are you poised to be on top of your game or are you poised to make a fresh start? Why not contact me for a personal consultation?
No sleeping in on Monday. Have a fun and festive weekend!
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