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Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 8/16 & the Weekend: Venus in Libra

Moon is still in Sagittarius, sign of the (opinionated) philosopher-clown. How righteous can you be while still expanding your horizons? Take care of the serious stuff by 1:32PM today; after that, the Moon will be void until 11:25PM ET, suggesting a very happy Happy Hour to reward you for whatever twists and detours you experienced up until the close of your business day.

Moon enters “make it happen” Capricorn at 11:25PM ET, making Saturday an excellent day for taking care of practical chores around the house. Note the potential for the usual upsets around 12pm ET to 9PM ET, when the enterprising Moon will be disrupted by its weekly clash with the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square.

On Sunday, be very mindful of the potential for a nasty clash of wills around 2:26PM ET, as the Moon is opposed by aggressive Mars, seeking to defend its piece of turf. Chill, chill, chill…do not turn this molehill into a mountain! Moon will be void for the rest of the day, entering the next sign — Aquarius — just after midnight on Monday. No shopping sprees during the Moon void, if you please.

The most significant planetary event today (Friday) is Venus (women, art, money, beauty, social expression) leaving prissy Virgo for Libra, one of the signs it rules, at 11:36AM ET. Look for headlines involving these themes.  Oh happy day, as social graces, peace and harmony once more become fashionable — at least until September 11th. Beautifying your home? Doing anything artistic or cosmetic? Working out kinks in a relationship? Initiating a project that requires great diplomacy? Great! Venus in Libra is happy to accommodate these goals.

Regarding yesterday’s story about Bette Midler’s opinionated Tweets about Larry Summers: it seems some were mystified. I suspect this is because they did not read the op-ed about said Tweets — here it is again.  Point of the story was this: Summers has quite a reputation for a certain intensity and roughness of style, and we would thus expect to see certain patterns in the horoscope that would reflect these traits. The patterns we would expect to see are absolutely, totally there. Astrology is amazing!  Summers is a Sagittarius with a heavy dose of Scorpio, and so is Ms. Midler. Fascinating that Summers would be the subject of her Tweets…and that we would be talking about this story on a day with Moon in opinionated Sagittarius. Got that?

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