Today’s Pisces Moon could push boundaries…because with Pisces, there are no boundaries. Pisces intuitively understands that boundaries are an illusion; we are all one; we are all in this together. Pisces can flow as sweetly as a gentle stream or pull as powerfully as the ocean’s undertow…float or drown. Neptune is also in dreamy Pisces — and still challenging mental Mercury in clever Gemini. That’s my excuse for today’s inspired, soggy prose.
Correction: yesterday when writing about Mercury retrograde, I said it would start on June 18th. I meant to type MAY 18th…with thanks to the avid readers who pointed out the error. We are in the shadow phase of the retrograde period — and have been as of May 4th. What that suggests is that whatever ideas and communications are put forth between now and June 27th, we’re likely to revisit, rethink and review. Stay flexible. Why May 4th to June 27th? Because Mercury was at 4 Gemini on May 4th. It turns retrograde at 13 Gemini on May 18th. It moves back to 4 Gemini and turns direct on June 11th. It gets back to 13 Gemini on June 27th. After the 27th, Mercury will be in new territory. Got that?
You may be feeling the sweeter side of Pisces this morning, courtesy of an easy connection to Venus in nurturing Cancer. Breakfast in bed? Around 3PM ET, Moon meets up with Neptune, encouraging a fit of inspiration, lingering coffee break or space-out. Around 6:30PM ET, double check the details in your communications and thinking, as Moon is challenged by Mercury (which is still under that dreamy Neptune influence). Ship it today or by 12:55PM ET tomorrow, when the Moon goes void.
And now, the news.
Last night Mars (energy of action) entered Gemini and edged closer to this Friday’s face off with Saturn (structure) in Sagittarius. At 10:54PM ET, the so-called gentle Pisces Moon squared Mars, and then squared Saturn at 3:01AM ET. Four minutes later, there was a 7.3 quake in Nepal. Fascinating.
With Mars in Gemini and Saturn in Sagittarius, we note the potential for action and advance in communication, travel and corporations. What an apt pattern for this morning’s announcement that Verizon (telecommunications) is buying AOL. Or about this update on an advanced mode of transportation: a solar road that opened six months ago in the Netherlands? Maps are within the provenance of Mercury, Gemini and Sagittarius. This item is surreal, but it fits current planetary patterns: Google’s Map Maker tool has been under attack, so they’ve shut it down. Here’s the headline: “Google Shuts Down Map Maker After Urinating Robot Ruins It For Everybody”. Oh, and by the way, China’s ballistic missiles can now reach just about any target in the United States.
No boundaries here. None. Happy Pisces Moon. Here’s a picture of a recent sunset…on Mars.
No boundaries at Christie’s, either, as this morning’s headlines report the highest price ever paid for a work of art sold at auction — $179.4 million for a painting by Picasso. Surreal. And no boundaries at Chris Christie’s, especially if you joined him for a football game. Governor Christie apparently racked up an $82,000 bill on stadium snacks…paid for by New Jersey taxpayers. Score!
Update on the “Deflategate” story that surfaced just before the Super Bowl under a bewildering Mars-Neptune conjunction. Planetary patterns suggested little consequence would come of it. Now, as Mars is about to square Neptune (exact on May 25th), allegations that New England Patriots used deflated footballs to gain a competitive advantage — and that the quarterback, Tom Brady, knew about it — have proven to be valid. So were the Patriots stripped of their last Super Bowl win? No. They were fined and Brady will sit out four games next season. Which in my playbook, adds up to little consequence.
Update on Barack Obama, whose horoscope I wrote about yesterday. Before Mars hits President Obama’s 3 degree Gemini Moon, it opposed his 28 degree Scorpio Midheaven over the weekend. Mars suggests action — and also provocation, attack and/or an outburst. How interesting to stumble across a provocative story by Seymour Hersh, alleging that a lot of what you may have seen in Zero Dark Thirty is fiction, and that President Obama lied about what really happened in Abottabad the night Osama bin Laden was killed. On the other hand, the story was published on a square between Neptune and Mercury, which can be pretty surreal (or untrue). We will see this Mercury-Neptune pattern again on May 29 and June 23. It will be interesting to see if there are further developments on this story then. Here’s a bit more from NBC News.
What’s going on in your horoscope? Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.
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