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Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 6/17/2011 and the Weekend; Weiner Eclipsed

Less bumpy today. Moon in Capricorn continues to push us to take care of business, but without the fits and starts of yesterday’s harsh contacts from the heavies: Pluto, Saturn and Uranus. And perhaps you’ll find the pressures of the backlog/bottleneck suggested by the lunar eclipse have eased up.

Mind, communication and travel could incline you to the sublime, the optimistic, the escapist or expansive, thanks to supportive contacts to Mercury from rose-colored Neptune and enthusiastic Jupiter. Watch for innovation and possibly genius in your own personal world, as well as the headlines. By Sunday, you may be struck by a profound insight that cuts to the quick or cuts away the fat. It’s all part of this month’s lunar cycle: new ways of thinking that get you out of your comfort zone, so you can progress to the next level. Don’t be afraid to let go.

Your insights may have an especially sober, yet stabilizing effect on a partner or an investment. You can get real without the drama. Moon in humanitarian, independent Aquarius as of Saturday AM cherishes friendship above all else. Perhaps you will be inspired to mix and mingle with your own cherished friends.

Meanwhile, Congressman Anthony Weiner resigned, in what is surely the most important news story of decade. At least for him. Looking at his horoscope (again), it is interesting to note that the New Moon and solar eclipse on June 1st made a challenging square to Weiner’s own Sun, Uranus and Pluto hooked up at 11 to 13 degrees of Virgo. That drive for power; that (apparently) uncontrollable need for risk and excitement; that sense of independence — of being a renegade, an innovator, a ruthless disruptor of the status quo….well? It was suddenly “eclipsed,” wasn’t it? Were you born eleven days into the sign of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces? You may be feeling the effects of this eclipse more than others, too.