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"Her ability to pinpoint exact years of major occurrences was uncanny. And her sensitive insight brought such clarity to the reading."
-- D.H.

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Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 8/24/2011: Bewitched, Bothered & Bewildered

Driving actions today is a need for emotional and/or homeland security, suggested by the Moon’s ingress into Cancer at 6:31AM ET. Note your dreams upon waking, as nebulous Neptune may well send you a message via these intangible forms. The morning vibe on the East Coast is likely one of balance and harmony in social expression; however, as the day progresses and the need for security is challenged by rebel Uranus and ruthless Pluto between 1:30PM and 3:46PM ET (other time zones, please do the math and adjust accordingly), we may be in for a few bumps, surprises and other bolts from the blue.

Meanwhile, yesterday’s 5.8 quake at 1:51PM ET in Mineral, VA left more than a few residents in the Northeast feeling bewildered. That’s what’s so intriguing when we cast the horoscope for that moment in time and space. The first thing I note is nebulous Neptune opposing the Virgo Sun AND squaring the 27 Scorpio Ascendant, suggesting bewilderment, especially with regard to identity — and perhaps even an identity crisis. As in, “This isn’t California: earthquakes don’t happen in this part of the world – wtf???”

Speaking of freaky quakes, at 1:50PM 8/23/2011 in NYC, the New York Times posted a story about another “rare” quake that happened Monday night in Colorado  Looking at the chart for 11:46PM on 8/22/2011 in Trinidad, CO, would you believe we find the same Neptune opposite the Sun squaring the 1 Gemini Ascendant? I can’t help but be intrigued by the similar pattern in these two charts…

Astrologers observe planetary patterns. Time and time again we note a correlation between an event, an action, a personality trait or a behavior. Then, when we see the pattern coming, we anticipate what will happen…