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Los Angeles

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Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 3/19/2012: The Last Day of the Year!

The last day of the Sun in Pisces offers the potential for inspired innovation, given lingering effects of yesterday’s hook-up between mental Mercury and Uranus in Aries. A humanitarian Moon in Aquarius drives the day, facilitating all the REconnections and REunions you may be experiencing, courtesy of Mercury retrograde.

That Moon goes void at 4:31PM ET, entering Pisces at 8:05PM ET. Moon in Pisces needs to work with intangibles: intuition, music, rarefied art…and it can all get even more spacey-dreamy as Moon meets with nebulous Neptune, which rules Pisces.  The Impossible Dream! That could be the theme song as of 1:15AM Tuesday, when the Sun enters Aries, champion of the impossible dream, and the New Year in Western Astrology officially begins. Happy Vernal Equinox (first day of Spring).

Moon void alert: 4:39AM ET on Wednesday to 5:57AM ET Thursday is a loooong time to go with the flow. Plan whatever you intend to be of consequence around those times.