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Party on and color it rose for the next few days. The Moon entered Leo at 3:54AM ET, looking for love in sublime places, if Sunday’s meet-up between Venus and Neptune in soulful, compassionate Pisces takes the high road. Otherwise that beautiful dream may be just that…a dream.
Planetary patterns are light on Friday and Saturday. The Leo search for love and ego recognition may incorporate old guard and avant garde on Saturday, before going void with a sigh at 4:43PM ET. Your rip roarin’ evening adventures may be of little consequence, but still enable you to shine, shine, shine! Moon enters Virgo (to clean up the confetti at 1:39PM ET on Sunday. Sleep in, why don’t you?
Meanwhile, at 12:31AM ET on Sunday, the Sun enters Aries and the New Year officially begins. Happy Vernal Equinox! Happy Astrology Day, too!
Courage, self-reliance, inspiration and a pioneering spirit are keywords for the Sun in Aries, sign of the ram — and the lamb. That’s on a good day. Otherwise, Aries falls down stairs because it’s faster than walking. They can be impatient, reckless and fierce in their belief in impossible things. Aries is the baby of the zodiac. In the Northern hemisphere (the birthplace of Western astrology), the Sun’s ingress into Aries is a time of renewal and rebirth.
In astrology, the first day of each season (Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter) corresponds with the first day (or first DEGREE) of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, respectively. Got that? Good. These four signs are called CARDINAL signs of the zodiac, with “cardinal” here suggesting (from the Latin root of the word), “that on which something turns or depends.” Cardinal signs take ACTION. They INITIATE. Nothing happens without ACTION. And action leads to NECESSARY CHANGE. As in a change of seasons — suggested by solstices and equinoxes. Clear?
The first day of a season is prominent in our culture, right? We make a big deal over it — yes? So can you see that in astrology, we observe that PLANETS that are at the first degree of a cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn), tend to pack a more powerful, prominent punch. They suggest ACTION which leads to CHANGE — prominently! The first degree of the cardinal signs is known as the ARIES POINT. Got that?
On Monday, Mercury will enter Aries and thus be at the Aries Point, bringing pioneering communication to the forefront. Watch the headlines. If your personal horoscope has a planet or angle at the Aries Point, you can expect that the energy of that planet will demand prominent expression in your life. Your friends and family — and perhaps the entire free world — will notice it. Consult your local astrologer for details.
No sleeping in on Monday. It’s a busy day and we’ll be warming up for a Full Moon and Eclipse early Wednesday morning. There’s a lot to sort through that no longer serves between now and then. How else are you going to make that fresh start?
And now, the news.
Not much, because I’m tired of writing about Donald Trump. Except for this bit about a prescient “Simpsons” episode which aired on March 19, 2000 — on the last day of Pisces, natch — perfect for a doomsday scenario. It imagines an America “gone insane” — and electing Donald Trump for president. Things are pretty bewildering in Brazil, too. And elsewhere. Sign of the times.
Dreams, endings and chaos are themes in the latest message from The Hathors. As many Avid Readers know, they are my favorite disembodied entities, channeled by sound healer Tom Kenyon. Someone turned me on to them over a decade ago, and they always seem to send a message right before a particularly intense period of planetary action. Coincidence or conspiracy?
I wish this one wasn’t quite so dire, but we are at the end of the astrological year…with Uranus and Pluto running full speed ahead in the back half of Aries and Capricorn for the next few years…along with this year’s bewildering righteous tension between the other outer planets: Jupiter in Virgo, Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces. And then some. We live in interesting times — similar to what we experienced in the 30s and 60s — as you’ve known for years — and as certain media types are now finally starting to realize.
How to stay centered?
Many have written about the benefits of gratitude, but I especially appreciate the Hathors’ view that gratitude — and joy — are empowering. If you are grateful, you are a Have, not a Have-Not. And out of that gratitude and empowerment, you can be joyful. We really need more of this practice in the world — and the Hathors offer tools you may find intriguing. If all else fails — if you’re not a meditative type — there is music and dance — as in this piece about “sober raves” — a latest craze. Sounds like fun — and how fitting for a weekend with Moon in love play love Leo.
Meanwhile, one of my favorite embodied entities is the gifted intuitive (and Avid Reader) Peri Lyons. It’s her birthday today. Happy fabulous solar return!
Finally, news from the cosmos. First, “what we’ve learned about Pluto” in the past eight months — posted the day after Pluto pulled focus in the astrological world with its trine to expansive Jupiter. So of course we should expand on Pluto. Even more expansive: “meet the BOSS — the largest structure in the Universe discovered (so far) — a wall of galaxies one billion light years across”.
There must be a bunch of beginnings in that big ginormous wall. I wonder how we fit in to the grand scheme of things. It’s hard to believe there are no other life forms out there pondering the same question…
Thank you for reading this forecast.
The only exact aspect today is a communicative hit between the intuitive Pisces Moon and potent Pluto at 7:11AM ET. With the Sun and Moon in the last degrees of Pisces, we are at the very end of the lunar cycle and the astrological year. In this dark of the Moon, we may feel listless or restless, sensing that there is something new just around the corner. Do not despair.
This dreamy/spacey flow is likely to shift noticeably on Friday, as the Moon and Sun charge into Aries, ready to fire without necessarily taking the time to aim. Let’s talk about the potential of the New Moon first.
A New Moon offers the opportunity to re-set your intentions for the next 30 days. Make a list; light a candle; plant those seeds. Around the 27th, on the First Quarter Moon, we can expect a challenge to those goals, with appropriate adjustments made. How are our seedlings doing? Keep on nurturing them, and at the time of the Full Moon (and a potent lunar eclipse) on April 4th, they may flower. We may receive illumination on the success or failure of our goals for the cycle, either way. If we succeeded, we can consciously release our success into our reality; if we failed, we let go of whatever did not work. After the Third Quarter Moon on April 11th, we can harvest our achievements, then tie up loose ends, compost and get ready to begin another New Moon cycle on April 18th.
The Pisces mantra is I BELIEVE. If you know where 29 degrees of Pisces falls in your horoscope, this is the area of your life where you might consider your long-held beliefs and contemplate a new vision. The New Moon is exact at 5:36AM ET. You’ll have less than an hour to contemplate soulfully during a Moon-void that ends at 6:28AM ET. Then Moon enters me-me-me Aries. The Sun follows suit at 6:45PM ET. Happy Vernal Equinox! Let the action begin! As Aries astrologer Rick Levine says of Aries, “Ready! Fire! Aim!”.
And therein lies the caveat of this potent lunation. Some visions may be acted upon impulsively, perhaps recklessly. Aries energy is RAMbunctious. It is a pioneer and it is a warrior.
The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon is “The Great Stone Face,” which recalls a short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne about “a boy who lives under and looks up to a mountain formation resembling the face of a man“. The story was written in 1850, when Uranus and Pluto were conjunct in Aries and Neptune was in early Pisces (about where it is right now). How interesting that it was created under the influence of planetary patterns that are not unlike what we are currently experiencing.
There is a spiritual element to the story and a search for greatness outside the self, What does it takes to become the embodiment of an ideal and how do you know if it’s the Real (i)Deal? Here is the Wikipedia summary; here is the full text of the story. If you like The Wizard of Oz and/or The Alchemist (by Paolo Coelho), you’ll like The Great Stone Face.
Of this Sabian Symbol, expert Blain Bovee writes:
The projection of self culminates in an expression that seems to transcend the temporal existence of the individual, echoing for the ages, the face of mankind.
Well, that sounds deep and wise and all-encompassing, doesn’t it? In the aftermath of the seventh Uranus-Pluto square, one would hope that the next signpost on this cosmic journey would be something big. So what does it mean for you?
Wherever this New Moon falls in your horoscope is where you have the opportunity to plant seeds — with greater than the usual potency. That’s because this New Moon is also a solar eclipse…and it also falls on the Aries Point. If your life is on track, you may reap an abundant harvest. If your life is not on track, this New Moon/Eclipse may call attention to certain flaws, resulting in quite a challenge. So do think carefully about those seeds.
A Solar Eclipse can act like a “bottleneck” of energy. Light flowing from the Sun is temporarily interrupted, focusing attention on that interrupted point, allowing something new and possibly fragile to enter the picture and grow. And here I would be thinking of Michael, the kindhearted policeman in the storybook Make Way for Ducklings, who stopped the flow of traffic on Beacon Street so Mr. and Mrs. Mallard and their brood of eight could safely make their way to the Boston Public Garden. Got that?
You are more personally affected by this soulful, potent New Moon/Eclipse f you have a planet or angle around 29 degrees of Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius and especially Pisces….or in the first few degrees (beginning) of Libra, Cancer, Capricorn and especially Aries. Several famous people whose horoscopes are affected include Jill Abramson, Glenn Close, Harvey Weinstein, Spike Lee, Holly Hunter, Brent Scowcroft and Bruce Willis; they were all born on the 19th or 20th of March.
And now, the news.
Right after I posted the forecast on Tuesday, a massive solar storm hit Earth, disrupting the status quo and lighting up the skies of both hemispheres. Wow! Other status quo disruptions: a campaign has begun to put a woman on the face of the $20 bill — who would you nominate? The target launch date is 2020 — sounds about right.
Meanwhile…first it was Walmart, and now Target has announced it will raise its minimum wage. I predict this trend will continue. Did you know that the first minimum wage law happened in 1933, during the last Uranus-Pluto square cycle? It was ruled unconstitutional, but after a few years of chaos, it was reinstated in 1938.
Elsewhere, a rebellious Greece defied the EC by moving ahead with measures that would offer food stamps to the poor. In Israel, many were surprised that Prime Minister Netanyahu won his bid for re-election so “decisively”. The win does support a projected career boost this fall, suggested by his horoscope (and noted in a prior forecast). In Tunisia, anti-terrorism rallies are being held in response to a massacre at an art museum yesterday, in which a number of foreign tourists were killed.
Yesterday’s exact meet-up between Mercury and Neptune suggested a focus on spirits of all kinds and illusion. Exhibit A: a bit-coin “exit scam” whose perpetrators made off with $12 million. Exhibit B: the effectiveness of “faith-based” Alcoholics Anonymous (another product of the last Uranus-Pluto square in the 1930s) is called into question, as the program itself is called “irrational”. Exhibit C: in Napa, a murder-suicide over an investment gone wrong — in a vineyard — is making headlines.
In a follow-up to one of Tuesday’s stories: Atlantic reporter David A. Graham attempted to make sense of the bewildering reality of the “dude” known as Al Gore now being “like the planet, getting hotter by the hour”. Dear David A. Graham, do give me a call, and I will explain what’s going on in Mr. Gore’s horoscope (or just read my Tuesday forecast, dude).
What’s going on in your horoscope?
Find out in a personal astro-logical consultation.
Happy Vernal Equinox! Happy first day of Spring! Happy International Astrology Day! As of 7:02AM ET, Sun entered Aries, marking the beginning of a new astrological year. Courage, self-reliance, inspiration and a pioneering spirit are keywords for the Sun in Aries, sign of the ram — and the lamb. In the Northern hemisphere (the birthplace of Western astrology), it is a time of renewal and rebirth — a chance to let go of old patterns and make a fresh start.
More on the equinox, but first let’s talk about the rest of this day, which is driven by the Moon in Cancer. This is a happy place for the Moon (it rules Cancer), as it seeks to express or find emotional security and sensitivity. The energy it provides is quite challenged today, however, which you may have noticed the minute you got out of bed. A provocative square between the sensitive Moon and willful Mars dominated the wee hours, followed by another square from rebel Uranus, the cosmic cattle prod. Electric!
This afternoon, stern Saturn seeks to stabilize all the buzz flying around, but at 2:01PM, potent Pluto opposes the Moon, suggesting an emotional catharsis or a power play. And on that note, the Moon goes void-of-course for a lonnnnnnnnnng drift, not to enter Leo (the next sign) until 2:50AM on FRIDAY. Regular readers of this forecast know that Moon voids are natural rest/brainstorming periods where creative endeavors can take odd, sometimes magical, twists. Moving forward purposefully in a straight line is often challenged by sudden detours, flakes and cancellations. Crises that crop up tend to be much ado about nothing — but that may not stop people from behaving as if the house is on fire. Roll with the twists and go with the flow and double check everything if you absolutely must hit “send”. I find that voids can feel like mini Mercury retrogrades, accompanied by communication snafus and lack of mental focus. I say this because I can’t tell you how many times someone will ask me if Mercury is retrograde when in fact the Moon is void of course. If you are free to wander, you can accomplish a lot.
OK, about the vernal equinox. Here’s what you need to know about the first day of any season from an astrological point of view. The first day of each season (Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter) corresponds with the first day (or first DEGREE) of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, respectively. Got that? Good. These four signs are called CARDINAL signs of the zodiac, with “cardinal” here suggesting (from the Latin root of the word), “that on which something turns or depends.” Cardinal signs take ACTION. They INITIATE. Nothing happens without ACTION. And action leads to NECESSARY CHANGE. As in a change of seasons — suggested by solstices and equinoxes. Clear?
The first day of a season is prominent in our culture, right? We make a big deal over it — yes? So can you see that in astrology, we observe that PLANETS that are at the first degree of a cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn), tend to pack a more powerful, prominent punch. They suggest ACTION which leads to CHANGE — prominently! The first degree of the cardinal signs is known as the ARIES POINT. Got that?
Mars was at the Aries Point last week, bringing pioneering initiatives and aggression to the forefront. Now we have Sun at the AP. Late tomorrow night, Venus will be at the Aries Point, too, bringing relationship issues (as I wrote last week), and also issues involving money, art and women to the top of your inbox. If you have a planet or angle at the Aries Point, you can expect that the energy of that planet will demand prominent expression in your life. Your friends and family — and perhaps the entire free world — will notice it. William Shatner was born with the Sun at 0 Aries. “To boldly go where no man has gone before”? I should think so — and the whole world knows him for playing that role.
Lots of news to cover — and since we will have a day with no exact planetary patterns tomorrow, I will devote that forecast to the headlines….stay tuned….
The last day of the Sun in Pisces offers the potential for inspired innovation, given lingering effects of yesterday’s hook-up between mental Mercury and Uranus in Aries. A humanitarian Moon in Aquarius drives the day, facilitating all the REconnections and REunions you may be experiencing, courtesy of Mercury retrograde.
That Moon goes void at 4:31PM ET, entering Pisces at 8:05PM ET. Moon in Pisces needs to work with intangibles: intuition, music, rarefied art…and it can all get even more spacey-dreamy as Moon meets with nebulous Neptune, which rules Pisces. The Impossible Dream! That could be the theme song as of 1:15AM Tuesday, when the Sun enters Aries, champion of the impossible dream, and the New Year in Western Astrology officially begins. Happy Vernal Equinox (first day of Spring).
Moon void alert: 4:39AM ET on Wednesday to 5:57AM ET Thursday is a loooong time to go with the flow. Plan whatever you intend to be of consequence around those times.