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“I can't thank you enough for the incredible adventure in astrology. You have that rare gift that certainly all who call themselves astrologers don't possess... you're the real deal!! It seriously blew me away that you were able to not only nail so much from my past (exact times/years certain events took place, along with situations with family, relationships and beyond) but you've already helped with my present! The answers you gave to the specific questions I asked pertaining to important career-related happenings this week have already proven true. I will look forward to an update in a year or so.”
– S.L.
New York, NY

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Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 11/11/2015: New Moon in Scorpio

The morning of this New Moon in Scorpio day gets an optimistic boost, suggested by a harmonious flow between the Scorpio Sun and Jupiter, exact at 11:41AM ET. Think positively as you conjure up your list of intentions for the next lunar cycle, which begins at 12:47PM ET. After the meet up between the Sun and the Moon, there are no other exact aspects for the rest of the day. Keep on truckin’!

Around the 19th, on the First Quarter Moon, we can expect a challenge to your New Moon intentions, with appropriate adjustments made. At the time of the Full Moon on the November 25th, we can expect illumination on the success or failure of our goals for the cycle. If we succeeded, we can consciously release our success into our reality; if we failed, we let go of whatever did not work. After the Third Quarter Moon on December 3rd, we can review our achievements; make more adjustments; tie up loose ends and get ready to begin another New Moon on December 11th.

Scorpio is a deeply emotional sign. It has a thing about power and control. With Scorpio, there’s often a lot going on underneath the surface of its masterful mask. A Scorpio Moon needs to appreciated for being of substance. Scorpio can build all the way to Heaven and all the way down to Hell.  Its depths and heights apply especially in  matters of sex, death and (other peoples’) money, a.k.a. energy, transformation and resources.  Scorpio challenges us to face our basest instincts, fears and passions — more on that in a minute.

In the horoscope for this New Moon, Mars is at the Aries Point in perfection-seeking Virgo, suggesting a need for prominent action. Sorting out what is real vs. what is unreal in our belief systems is also a theme, suggested by the tension between Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces. With Mercury closely aligned with the Sun and Moon, we must consider the possibility for idealism and/or being blinded by the light. A saving grace in relationship this month is suggested by Venus, strongly placed in diplomatic Libra and in easy contact with practical Saturn. Whatever murky depths we fall into, this Venus-Saturn connection facilitates communication and structure.  Yes, there really is a way out of the swamp — once you recognize that you are mired in one. And then of course, humming in the background, we have the tension of the revolutionary Uranus-Pluto square. Never a dull moment in the cosmos…and thus never a dull moment in the headlines.

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon furthers the opportunity to reveal what has been hidden. It is “a woman drawing two dark curtains aside”. Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee cleverly points out that the Symbol does not specify what the curtains were covering. A window? A passageway? The former would let in light; the latter could take you someplace else…up, through or down…which will it be? Bovee suggests we are invited to imagine it for ourselves.

With last month’s New Moon suggesting the potential for a disruptive revelation in relationship, this month we see the potential for focused recognition and exploration of shared values and resources. We shall see if it reveals light or shadow. With respect to the headlines, probably a bit of both. In your own personal world, this opportunity to draw back a curtain will affect you more if you have a planet or angle around 20 degrees of Scorpio and Taurus, and to a lesser extent, Leo and Aquarius. As always, if you would like to find out more about why you are the way you are, why things are happening now — and how you can plan a strategy to create opportunities in the future, consider scheduling a personal consultation, here’s the 411. 

And now, the news.

I did not watch last night’s Republican debate, though one report declared it “substantive” and “volatile,” which is apt for an event happening during a depth-seeking Scorpio Moon, with aggressive Mars attracting prominence at the Aries Point. Immigration was a big topic, as we expect it to be for at least through 2016. Here’s a recap of winners and losers from one of Antonin Scalia’s favorite newspapers, using the words “substantive” or “substantial” multiple times. Coincidence or conspiracy? But don’t take it just from The Washington Times, or any single news source, especially if you did not actually witness the news event in question. Here’s a different perspective on who did well in that same contest, like so many blind people touching different parts of an elephant, describing to the world what they see. All of life is like this. Rumor has it there are still people in the world who believe the Earth is flat.

Meanwhile, no one lost his or her head, including the moderators and the Republican Party. Ted Cruz had a Rick Perry moment when he couldn’t remember all five of the federal agencies he says he’d close if elected President, but my money says those employed at the four agencies he could name should not be too concerned. With transiting Mars about to make contact with Mr. Cruz’s Sun-Pluto square within the next 36 hours, I would not be surprised to see an expression of assertion or aggression in the news, and perhaps his allegedly otherwise strong performance last night qualifies.

In other news, the mysteries of Stonehenge are closer to being revealed — or so it is hoped. Check it out.

Finally, a random fun story, exposing what lies beneath in matters of shared resources: a picturesque town in Wales is using the same  controversial accountancy loopholes used by huge multinationals in an effort to move its businesses offshore. Here’s more on Crickhowell; the experiment is the subject of a BBC documentary to be released next year.

Thank you for reading this forecast.