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"Last night’s session was a delightful time for me. IT WAS ALL ABOUT ME!!! You are so articulate and caring, and I thoroughly enjoyed the time, all the nu- ances you brought to it and your obviously experienced, long- time expertise."
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A high-flying Moon in Sagittarius continues to drive the day, seeking to push boundaries and expand minds ever so righteously. Optimistic, seed-planting, tell-the-whole-world energy is aided and abetted by two helpful exact aspects. Venus (social graces, women) and Saturn (ambition, structure, authority) are in an easy alignment; so are Mercury (mindset) and Jupiter (expansion, reward). Make the pitch!
Hang with your besties and think outside the box this evening, as the Moon aligns with innovative Uranus and Jupiter at 7:22PM ET and 10:18PM ET, respectively. Then the Moon goes void until 7:21PM ET on SATURDAY.
Hold off on impulse shopping and chill until the Moon engages in practical Capricorn on Saturday night. Conventional wisdom argues that purchases made when the Moon is void of course will likely prove to be not as useful as you hoped.
Sunday morning’s practical, make-it-happen energy is tinged with a dreamy indulgence, as the Moon makes contact with Neptune and Venus at 8:26AM ET and 9:32AM ET. You can use the rest of the day to plan strategy for world domination, or fortify your castle. At 8:37PM ET be aware that the Moon will meet up with Pluto, suggesting a potential power play or emotional catharsis. Moon clashes with Uranus at 3:10AM ET on Monday, suggesting an upset to the status quo likely making headlines.
No dawdling on Monday. Planetary patterns facilitate an easy flow of action until 3:53PM ET, when the Moon goes void for the rest of the business day.
To find out how these planetary patterns are reflected in your horoscope, schedule a personal consultation. You’ll understand why you are the way you are, why things happen when they happen and how to maximize opportunities now and in the future. But don’t just take it from me — consider these testimonials.
And now, the news.
With Mars at the Aries Point — i.e., at the first degree of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn — we expect headlines reflecting the assertive/warrior energy of Mars to become prominent. In this case we have Mars at the first degree of Libra, and yesterday I could not bring myself to put into cyberspace what carnage I anticipated we’d see in Friday’s headlines. And yet, the carnage is there — and it has an aura of prominence. Astrology is amazing.
First, the United States is “reasonably certain” that a drone strike killed “Jihadi John”, the notorious executioner. Beirut experienced a double suicide bombing that was “the worst attack on the city in years”. More acts of war: “Kurdish Forces Retake Iraqi City of Sinjar from ISIS.” Also: “The Attacks Will Be Spectacular” is Friday’s headline in a Politico exclusive that reveals how the CIA “repeatedly and urgently” warned the White House of an anticipated strike against the US, starting in the spring of 2001. Well, in the light of Wednesday’s New Moon in Scorpio, we did expect secrets to be exposed.
Guns and cars are also ruled by Mars. “How Gun Traffickers Get Around State Gun Laws” is on the NYT homepage. Over at the The Guardian, you can read how one of Google’s self-driving cars got a traffic ticket. Even the presidential campaigns are being reported as more combative. There’s a Democratic debate tonight, the second in a row which is not happening on a weeknight. Coincidence or conspiracy, media mavens? The NYT headline asserts that Bernie Sanders’s strategy will be to “Attack Hillary Clinton, If Asked”.
Meanwhile, in Republicanland, the Washington Post reports, “After pulling punches at the debate, GOP candidates take the gloves off“, with Donald Trump calling Ben Carson “pathological, “comparing him to child molesters. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio were also on the offense.
Is there anything positive to report? Yes! Earlier this week, a judge in Utah made headlines by ordering a lesbian couple to give up their foster child because he’d read somewhere that children are better off when raised by heterosexual parents. Much outrage ensued, including the State of Utah’s, and today, under the rational and supportive connections between Venus, Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter, the judge reversed his order. However, he is still concerned by the research, and a hearing is scheduled on December 4th, during a Moon void and a square between Mercury and Jupiter. This ought to be of no consequence, if the judge gets his facts straight, no pun intended. If you’ve been reading this forecast for over a year you may remember a study from last summer concluding that actually, children raised by same sex parents “are happier and healthier than their peers”. Tell it to the judge.
Meanwhile, here are two stories reflecting the “small is big” potential we’ll see through 2016, as Jupiter (big) travels through Virgo (small). “After a Mass Extinction, Only the Small Survive” and “The Microcomplaint: Nothing Too Small to Whine About”, the NYT wants you to know. Does Jupiter in Virgo also reflect a story about how a tiny chip of carbon was valued at $48 million — purchased at an auction by a billionaire who wanted to give the famous (prominent!) flawless blue diamond (now known as the Blue Moon of Josephine) to his seven-year-old daughter? Factor in Venus and Mars entering Libra (things of beauty) and other planetary patterns, including the reality-melting potential of Saturn square Neptune….
…which is an excellent pattern to facilitate stories all over the place about the 150th anniversary of “Alice in Wonderland”. This article is from the Sunday NYT travel section, travel being an excellent focus when the Moon is in Sagittarius. I suppose the “mysterious space junk,” seriously known as “WTF”and plummeting to Earth today qualifies, too. Certainly it being Friday the 13th is not a factor.
Happy surreal journeying and cue Jefferson Airplane now, please.
Thank you for reading this forecast.

The morning of this New Moon in Scorpio day gets an optimistic boost, suggested by a harmonious flow between the Scorpio Sun and Jupiter, exact at 11:41AM ET. Think positively as you conjure up your list of intentions for the next lunar cycle, which begins at 12:47PM ET. After the meet up between the Sun and the Moon, there are no other exact aspects for the rest of the day. Keep on truckin’!
Around the 19th, on the First Quarter Moon, we can expect a challenge to your New Moon intentions, with appropriate adjustments made. At the time of the Full Moon on the November 25th, we can expect illumination on the success or failure of our goals for the cycle. If we succeeded, we can consciously release our success into our reality; if we failed, we let go of whatever did not work. After the Third Quarter Moon on December 3rd, we can review our achievements; make more adjustments; tie up loose ends and get ready to begin another New Moon on December 11th.
Scorpio is a deeply emotional sign. It has a thing about power and control. With Scorpio, there’s often a lot going on underneath the surface of its masterful mask. A Scorpio Moon needs to appreciated for being of substance. Scorpio can build all the way to Heaven and all the way down to Hell. Its depths and heights apply especially in matters of sex, death and (other peoples’) money, a.k.a. energy, transformation and resources. Scorpio challenges us to face our basest instincts, fears and passions — more on that in a minute.
In the horoscope for this New Moon, Mars is at the Aries Point in perfection-seeking Virgo, suggesting a need for prominent action. Sorting out what is real vs. what is unreal in our belief systems is also a theme, suggested by the tension between Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces. With Mercury closely aligned with the Sun and Moon, we must consider the possibility for idealism and/or being blinded by the light. A saving grace in relationship this month is suggested by Venus, strongly placed in diplomatic Libra and in easy contact with practical Saturn. Whatever murky depths we fall into, this Venus-Saturn connection facilitates communication and structure. Yes, there really is a way out of the swamp — once you recognize that you are mired in one. And then of course, humming in the background, we have the tension of the revolutionary Uranus-Pluto square. Never a dull moment in the cosmos…and thus never a dull moment in the headlines.
The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon furthers the opportunity to reveal what has been hidden. It is “a woman drawing two dark curtains aside”. Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee cleverly points out that the Symbol does not specify what the curtains were covering. A window? A passageway? The former would let in light; the latter could take you someplace else…up, through or down…which will it be? Bovee suggests we are invited to imagine it for ourselves.
With last month’s New Moon suggesting the potential for a disruptive revelation in relationship, this month we see the potential for focused recognition and exploration of shared values and resources. We shall see if it reveals light or shadow. With respect to the headlines, probably a bit of both. In your own personal world, this opportunity to draw back a curtain will affect you more if you have a planet or angle around 20 degrees of Scorpio and Taurus, and to a lesser extent, Leo and Aquarius. As always, if you would like to find out more about why you are the way you are, why things are happening now — and how you can plan a strategy to create opportunities in the future, consider scheduling a personal consultation, here’s the 411.
And now, the news.
I did not watch last night’s Republican debate, though one report declared it “substantive” and “volatile,” which is apt for an event happening during a depth-seeking Scorpio Moon, with aggressive Mars attracting prominence at the Aries Point. Immigration was a big topic, as we expect it to be for at least through 2016. Here’s a recap of winners and losers from one of Antonin Scalia’s favorite newspapers, using the words “substantive” or “substantial” multiple times. Coincidence or conspiracy? But don’t take it just from The Washington Times, or any single news source, especially if you did not actually witness the news event in question. Here’s a different perspective on who did well in that same contest, like so many blind people touching different parts of an elephant, describing to the world what they see. All of life is like this. Rumor has it there are still people in the world who believe the Earth is flat.
Meanwhile, no one lost his or her head, including the moderators and the Republican Party. Ted Cruz had a Rick Perry moment when he couldn’t remember all five of the federal agencies he says he’d close if elected President, but my money says those employed at the four agencies he could name should not be too concerned. With transiting Mars about to make contact with Mr. Cruz’s Sun-Pluto square within the next 36 hours, I would not be surprised to see an expression of assertion or aggression in the news, and perhaps his allegedly otherwise strong performance last night qualifies.
In other news, the mysteries of Stonehenge are closer to being revealed — or so it is hoped. Check it out.
Finally, a random fun story, exposing what lies beneath in matters of shared resources: a picturesque town in Wales is using the same controversial accountancy loopholes used by huge multinationals in an effort to move its businesses offshore. Here’s more on Crickhowell; the experiment is the subject of a BBC documentary to be released next year.
Thank you for reading this forecast.
Exact planetary patterns are light today and tomorrow, with the Moon now in Aquarius. Fitting for the U.S. as it celebrates another birthday tomorrow. It was born with an Aquarius Moon. With “liberty and justice for all…” or at least that was the idea, and how appropriate, given that humanitarian Aquarius is a cerebral sign. Get together with all of your eccentric friends and brainstorm matters of social significance. Planetary patterns among mental Mercury, Jupiter and Venus favor expansion and idealism in your thoughts and communication.
The Moon goes void for two hours on Sunday morning, entering soulful Pisces at 10:23AM ET. A heavy square between the Moon and Saturn at 8:31AM ET may put an edge on the morning. We’ll likely see more “news from underground,” including matters of power and resources, as the nurturing Cancer Sun is opposed by Pluto on Monday at 11:36 AM ET. The announcement of BP’s $18 billion settlement for its part in the Deepwater Horizon oil rig disaster falls into that category. So does this piece about a ginormous dome of radioactive waste in the Marshall Islands that is now leaking.
Right now I’m thinking about Saturn transits, as I scan the headlines. On the plus side, Saturn suggests opportunity for an ambitious reach and/or increased executive authority. On the down side, it suggests separation, streamlining and loss — of favor, material goods and sometimes — sadly — loved ones.
Three men whose horoscopes are undergoing heavy Saturn transits are Barack Obama, Donald Trump and Joe Biden. We’ve been tracking the progress of Saturn in the President’s horoscope for years. Search the archives for the latest. In the case of Donald Trump, Saturn squaring his Ascendant (combined with other authority-seeking measurements), has coincided with a run for public office. However, his big Moon-in-Sagittarius mouth has offended numerous business partners who have consequently severed ties.
As for the Vice-President, it was anticipated here last year that 2016 would likely be a time of expansion in his career, preceded by the heavy focus of Saturn on three planets in his horoscope this year. And in fact, it has been heavy for Biden. His son Beau passed away on May 30 at age 46. Loss. But now there is talk of the Vice-President contemplating another presidential run. Ambition.
Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders continues to gather steam, as anticipated — under pressure from Uranus and Pluto…
Where is Saturn in your horoscope? Are you on the brink of an ambitious reach? Are Uranus and Pluto putting pressure on you to make a fresh start? Maybe you’re up for a major reward or promotion, courtesy of a Jupiter transit. Awesome, but here’s the thing: if you do not know that this potential is on the horizon, you might miss a valuable opportunity. I could tell you many stories about chances taken because someone knew of an upcoming transit that suggested positive results IF an effort was made. That is the benefit of knowing where you are at in planetary cycles of timing.
People ask me all the time, “how often should I consult with an astrologer”? I’d advise a check-up on your horoscope at least once a year — as often as you would make an appointment with any other healthcare practitioner. If you’re in a crisis mode, you might see an astrologer more often.
And just for fun, check this out:

One of the Sabian Symbols for last month’s Full Moon was “a flag turning into an eagle that crows”. And here it is in the flesh, just in time for 4th of July. Here’s the full story. Thank you for reading this forecast. Have a happy 4th!
Alllll righty then!
A lot of news to digest today, the start of a holiday week. Today’s Moon is in Sagittarius, potentially lifting spirits and encouraging the expansion of horizons everywhere. Sagittarius is a fire sign, adding to the spark already suggested by Uranus (in Aries) and Venus-Jupiter (in Leo). Plus the Moon is waxing to its fullness on Wednesday, so emotions are likely running high and righteously so. We can expect boundaries to be pushed in opinions, as well as a mood that’s up for a gambol or a gamble until the Moon enters earthy Capricorn on Wednesday at 5:11AM ET. We can also expect a bit of bewilderment or need for an escape as the Moon is challenged by nebulous Neptune at 5:12PM ET.
Meanwhile, get it off your desk today or by 2:18PM ET on Tuesday, which is when the Moon goes void for 15 hours. That is the only void (natural rest period) of note, for those of you who are not on vacation. Friday is a holiday in the U.S., and many have already left the building.
Actually, tomorrow morning features one of those rare patterns often associated with luck and timing: a grand trine. Picture an equilateral triangle involving these three planets: Uranus in Aries, Venus-Jupiter in Leo and Moon in Sagittarius. If you have a planet around 20 degrees of those signs, you are more affected than most.
Other than this Wednesday’s Full Moon, notable planetary patterns include Wednesday morning’s meet-up between Venus and Jupiter, which was discussed last week. Nebulous Neptune is also active, as it makes an easy alignment to the Sun on Wednesday afternoon. This inspired connection can enhance the innovative and expansive ideas I expect to see as the week progresses, as mental Mercury makes easy alignments with Uranus and Jupiter on Thursday and Friday, followed by an idealistic connection with Venus on Saturday.
As we roll into the weekend, I expect power plays, resources and news from the underground to pull focus, as “resistance is futile” Pluto opposes the homeland and security-oriented Cancer Sun. That’s the day Greece reopens its banks. More on Greece in a minute.
This concludes the sneak peek for the week, to be followed by more weeks of dynamic action in the cosmos as we move through July. Stay tuned to this forecast for updates.
And now, the news.
“Boundaries pushed in opinions” and “bewilderment” describe my thoughts as the Supreme Court issues its rulings today. One 5-4 opinion held that a controversial drug (Neptune) used in executions (Saturn now back in Scorpio) was A-OK, despite its horrific malfunction in botched executions last year. When I got to the last paragraph of this article describing a proposed alternative, I nearly spit my coffee all over my keyboard. I wonder if you’ll do the same.
In another 5-4 decision, the Court tossed out the EPA’s recent efforts to limit the amount of pollution generated by coal-fired power plants. Why? Follow the money. But while I may be bewildered by this ruling, consider that over at the Washington Times, this is very good news indeed. Right now, it’s the lead story, replacing an earlier top headline about how the Brady Center — a non-profit advocate for gun control — has been ordered to pay the legal fees of an ammunition dealer who sells his stock online. The dealer’s name? Lucky Gunner. Seriously.
In other “limitless” rulings, the Supreme Court also ruled that independent panels may draw election district lines, and that states may not require prospective voters to provide proof of citizenship on voter applications, as Arizona and Kansas wished to do. So “limitless” seems to be the theme for the day.
Meanwhile, Greece. I’ve been writing about its horoscope since 2011, which is when disruptive Uranus and corruption-routing Pluto began hammering a number of planets: Venus, Moon, Pluto…and recently Mercury, Saturn (ouch) and the Ascendant. It’s the hits to the 13 Cancer Ascendant that are coinciding with the most dramatic shifts. The final hit of Uranus coincided with the stunning election of Alexis Tsipras, he of the “anti-austerity party”. The last two hits of Pluto will happen on August 30th and October 20th — should be significant action around then. Pluto transiting the Ascendant usually reflect a transformation of perspective in one’s identity that can be empowering. What is no longer working is purged so that a new form can thrive. A phoenix rising from the ashes is a good Pluto metaphor. Ditching the Euro for the drachma? It would be no surprise at all.
Pride and joy is one potential of the exuberant meet-up between Venus and Jupiter in Leo, as noted last week and in the rainbow-colored photos beaming all over social media. Wretched excess is another, especially in matters of fire, fun, sugar and drama. Will we see a significant story on diabetes, I wonder?
Meanwhile, on Saturday, during a moody bastard Moon in Scorpio, over 400 people attending a music party in Taiwan were hospitalized when they were burned by an explosion of colored fireworks powder; one woman has died. Equally wretched were the comments of the Usual Suspects outraged by Friday’s ruling legalizing same-sex marriage — too many to list here.
If I were writing this during a moody bastard Scorpio Moon, I might say something catty about Bristol Palin’s latest wretched excess. Ms. Palin, who is best known for being a single mom who scored an awesome gig as a highly-paid ambassador for abstinence, announced that she is pregnant again — weeks after breaking off yet another engagement. But rather than be catty, I’m linking a thoughtful piece from Salon, while noting that over the next several years Ms. Palin could well become the mature spokesperson envisioned therein. Even without an exact birth time we can see that hits from Uranus and Pluto will afford her the opportunity for liberation and empowerment, after a likely period of austerity. Kinda like Greece.
Since I’ve been writing this forecast, I swear six ambulances and fire trucks have passed by my building, with sirens at full blast. Seven…make it eight…oh, and choppers, too. And now police yelling “get down on the ground!” as mothers push strollers on the sidewalk. Just another day in New York. It occurs to me now that both Saturn (control) and Pluto (power) are running wild in the cosmos, today. Add those to the rising fiery emotions and the bewilderment of Moon challenged by Neptune…be prudent in your otherwise exultant state today.
Aren’t you dying to know what all this planetary activity suggests in your horoscope? Here’s the 411 on personal consultations. I guarantee you will find our discussion meaningful and enlightening.
Thank you for reading this forecast. Here’s the “busting-out June” reference, if you’re not up to speed on your Rodgers & Hammerstein repertoire.
Good Morning!
Perfectly lovely patterns today — not to be taken for granted. An efficient Moon in Virgo facilitates discernment and organization, aided and abetted by an easy balance between social expression and actions taken (Venus in an easy alignment with Mars). An easy alignment between mental Mercury and expansive Jupiter facilitates writers who are busy REwriting and others who are busy rethinking. With only one week left of this Mercury retrograde, what projects from the past have you deemed worthy of a REvisit?
Moon goes void of course late this evening — at 11:30PM ET, and on a challenging contact with provocative Mars. This is not the time to pick a petty fight or take a risk behind the wheel. The Moon re-engages in Libra at 7:12AM ET on Tuesday.
We are in the balsamic phase of the Moon — the dark side of the lunar cycle. Time to wrap up those projects you started a few weeks ago and get ready to begin anew on the 23rd (Thursday) when we’ll have the New Moon in Scorpio at 5:57PM ET. If you’re feeling restless or listless, you’re not alone. Don’t worry; you’ll have something new on your plate soon enough.
This New Moon is also a solar eclipse. More on that later this week. Other patterns of note this week include Venus and the Sun both leaving Libra for Scorpio on Thursday. Mars leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn on Sunday. And Mercury turns direct on Saturday.
Your Moon voids for the week, other than this evening: Thursday 1:22PM – 5:10PM ET; Saturday 12:11PM ET until 12:40 AM on Sunday. These are times to chill, roll with whatever twists and flakes delay your efforts to move forward in a straight line. No impulse shopping. Learn to appreciate the sensation of herding cats. Remember that crises that crop up during voids are usually much ado about nothing.
Rest and RElaxation is an apt focus for Mercury REtrograde periods. How nice to see an article about sleep and what it does for you in the New York Times. This piece focuses on why sleep is so important for students, but I figure we are all students in life, so it will likely be helpful for you, too. And of course, it wouldn’t be a real Mercury retrograde without at least one transportation strike. If you’re flying on Lufthansa tomorrow, my condolences.
Meanwhile, Pope Francis’s horoscope has been pretty active recently, with his Mercury (communication, mindset) being ruthlessly empowered by Pluto, suggesting persuasive communication about a new perspective. His Mars is at 19 degrees Libra and thus his need to take action has been supported by this month’s Grand Trine among Mars, Jupiter and Uranus. Next year his Mars will become further supercharged by innovative Uranus, and I’m sure we’ll see him taking more initiatives with a decidedly humanitarian bent.
In astrology, Uranus represents the new and the avant garde; Saturn represents the old guard. My teacher likes to say that in any contest between Uranus and Saturn, Uranus will win. Eventually. Really, resistance is futile.
So never fear, Pope Francis, even though your bishops squashed your tolerant and humanitarian agenda over the weekend, one day they will capitulate. Or die. Here’s what Pope Francis said over the weekend:
“God is not afraid of new things. That is why he is continuously surprising us, opening our hearts and guiding us in unexpected ways”
Which feels like a good way to end today’s forecast.
Mercury retrogrades are excellent times to REview your life with an astrologer. Right now I’m offering a little incentive for new clients. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.
As of 12:44AM ET, the Gemini Moon is void-of-course, suggesting a slow start to a day marked by twists in your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Roll with whatever flakes, fits and starts crop up, and remember that if what crops up is a crisis, chances are good that it is much ado about nothing. Chill out, rest if you can — or put yourself in a meditative state to do whatever you must do today, which is hopefully something routine.
Moon void or not void, mental wheels focused on practical ambitions are likely still spinning, courtesy of two excellent communicative aspects among mental Mercury and Jupiter, on the one hand — and Sun and Saturn on the other. Brainstorming and hammering out details — fine — but conventional astrological wisdom suggests not shipping anything you wish to be of consequence until the Moon is fully engaged in the next sign — after 7:33AM ET on Friday. And definitely no impulsive shopping sprees, as chances are that whatever strikes your fancy now will not prove to be of service later.
And for some reason, when thinking about wheels spinning on a voidy Moon in Gemini day, this song came to mind. Cue John Lennon now, please….
One day on; one day off — that’s the pattern this week. And once the Moon gets into gear in Libra at 3:25AM ET, this day is ON. Always one for seeing both sides of a debate and fond of rational discourse, this people-pleasing Libra Moon suggests a need to focus on integrity in relationship. Expansive, generous and inspirational ideas and communication is supported by a cooperative connection between mental Mercury in Aries and jolly Jupiter in Gemini.
This all sounds lovely for seeking peace and balance, with one caveat: the Libra Moon makes contact with the disruptive Uranus-Pluto square this evening (exact at 8:37PM ET and 11:25PM ET), suggesting the peace may be challenged by a sudden shock, revelation or power play. As I have written in prior forecasts, we can expect this jolt every week for the next two years, whenever the Moon is in Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn.
How can we handle periods of stress when it may feel like things are falling apart? For sage advice on this very subject, here’s a link to a lengthy but valuable excerpt from spiritual teacher Pema Chodron‘s book, appropriately titled: When Things Fall Apart.
In other news, during yesterday’s Moon in Virgo, a sign associated with the gut and other health issues, this eye-opening article about probable cause and potential solutions showed up on my Facebock feed. The corollary to this piece would be this: a 14-year-old fast-food hamburger that’s been making the news, most recently on the TV shows, The Doctors. What’s for lunch?
The Moon in relationship-oriented Libra — as of 6:38PM ET on Monday — seeks peace, balance, appreciation and thoughtful, rational discussion. Achieving these objectives in the early AM hours may be tricky, as Moon is challenged by Pluto at 7:59AM ET and opposed by rebel Uranus at 9:26AM ET. Sudden insights or jolts and/or deep emotional connections — or confrontations –relating to power and control are possibilities.
Optimistic, inventive and expansive thinking is suggested all this week, as Mercury (mindset) makes a supportive connection to Jupiter at 3:15PM ET today and another easy connection with technogeek Uranus at 9:28AM ET on Wednesday. Write all of your great ideas down…just keep in mind that they may require further fleshing out once Mercury turns direct on August 8th.
Other aspects for the day: an impassioned connection between Moon and aggressive Mars is exact at 3:09PM ET — helpful for a creative pitch; note that debates might be especially heated. If you’re in the Western hemisphere, this is the only full work day we’ll have without a Moon void — ship it today if you can
We’re processing more of the same from yesterday. Still more Moon in high-flying Sagittarius to get you bouncing out of bed, full of fabulous opinions and ideas. And I’m serious about the fab ideas. Mental Mercury, which has been pulling focus all week, makes a cooperative connection to enthusiastic Jupiter, likely facilitating the breakthrough of more than one writer’s block.
Meanwhile, we have still more aggressive Mars, running wild and still obsessively needing to apply itself to the tangible detailed expression of the intangible. I don’t know about you, but yesterday my fellow commuters could not stifle their opinions on everything to save their lives; we had at least three spirited debates happening all at once in the company shuttle. We have still more rebel Uranus, also running wild — which, in my personal world, explained the space alien wandering around Times Square in a down jacket and boxer shorts, occasionally breaking into a little jig while smoking a cigarette and carrying a shopping bag from Financier, a high end French pastry shop. Other bold demonstrations of independence were likely witnessed around the globe. Today Mars and Uranus are in a combustible and/or high-tech genius connection; watch for flashes of brilliance and/or temper — and other potential hot spots.
We’re now in the aftermath of yesterday’s challenge between ruthless Pluto and Venus, suggesting the potential for emotional overkill, deep and/or cutting statements involving women and news involving essential resources (likely from underground). Possible example of emotional overkill: New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has made an apparently controversial decision to have flags flown at half-staff in honor of Whitney Houston (born in Newark, New Jersey) …and he plans to veto the New Jersey Senate’s recent bill that would legalize gay marriage, if the State Assembly passes it today Do you think he’s heard the rumors that Ms. Houston might have been a lesbian? Do you think he would change his mind about those flags if he had? You can check the status of the New Jersey state flag and hear one of the unofficial New Jersey state theme songs (apparently NJ is one of the few states that doesn’t have an official song) right here
OK, that bit took up so much space that it would be overkill to include other examples from the headlines of heavy power plays (Iran threatening to cut off oil supplies) and corruption exposed (California foreclosures, climate change denial conspiracies). You get the idea — and they’re all on the front page.
Coming up tomorrow: a look at the horoscope of Timothy Dolan, the archbishop of New York who is about to be elevated to cardinal. Lots of planetary patterns in the chart you’d expect to see in a man of the cloth. Stay tuned…