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Astro-logical Forecast for 10/18/2011: What’s In That Pipeline?

If you happen to wake up in a particularly cranky mood — or have to deal with someone else who did, an intense challenge to the Moon (in the sensitive sign of Cancer ) from power-driven Pluto may well be the planetary pattern to point at. What you — or the other parties — do with your crankiness — or supersensitivity — or a desire for deep emotional expression, is up to you. One option is to take a breath and look forward to the rest of the day unfolding with the potential for lovely, optimistic forms of social expression, with a bit of loony humor added, too. Could a dose of domestic bliss be added to your evening plans?

Meanwhile, I’ve been anticipating headlines about energy resources hitting towards the end of the week and into next week, especially with regard to oil/gas. In fact, two big deals — big, as in optimistic and possibly excessive — hit within the past 48 hours (perhaps Friday’s exuberant Venus-Jupiter opposition just couldn’t wait).  Here’s one:  and here’s the other

Happy reading — and enjoy the day!