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“I can't thank you enough for the incredible adventure in astrology. You have that rare gift that certainly all who call themselves astrologers don't possess... you're the real deal!! It seriously blew me away that you were able to not only nail so much from my past (exact times/years certain events took place, along with situations with family, relationships and beyond) but you've already helped with my present! The answers you gave to the specific questions I asked pertaining to important career-related happenings this week have already proven true. I will look forward to an update in a year or so.”
– S.L.
New York, NY

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Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 10/29/2013: The Planetary Pattern Everyone Should Be Talking About

OK, break time is over — as in —  yesterday’s long Moon void is behind us. As of 11:45PM ET last night, Moon entered discriminating Virgo, seeking to fulfill its need for critical thinking and perfection. And this is a need that’s quite well-supported by the rest of the planets throughout the next couple of days. Add in the serious focus of today’s exact conjunction of mental Mercury and stern Saturn in ruthless, penetrating Scorpio, and you’ve got a lovely set-up for some productive purging of thought forms that no longer serve, in light of potentially super-heavy facts that should no longer be avoided. Rethink, review, reform your ideas and ambitions — with a practical focus. Whatever is on your plate now — that was also on your plate around October 9th — should be back for another look or resolution around November 26th, when Mercury and Saturn will conjoin again.

Whereas the Mercury-Saturn hook-up on October 8th was co-mingled with an idealistic, beauty-seeking alignment between Venus and Neptune, this current hook-up is supported by an extremely resourceful and energetic alignment between action hero Mars (also in discriminating, organizing Virgo) and potent Pluto in enterprising Capricorn (exact on Thursday). Way to rally the troops and focus on what is absolutely essential. This Mars-Pluto connection also facilitates physical expression — if it’s all too much for you, hit the gym or connect deeply with a partner. Just don’t hit your partner, please — even though another alignment this week suggests we’ll see still more of the concentrated outbursts of disturbing violence the “if it bleeds, it leads” media folks love to publicize — I don’t need to link this stuff — any newspaper homepage is covered with it, except for this one: the eternally sunny Good News Network.

Meanwhile, that Other Alignment –exact on Friday morning ET —  is the fourth of seven exact squares between rebel Uranus in pioneering, individualistic Aries and “resistance is futile” Pluto in enterprising — and also patriarchal, corporate and institutional — Capricorn. As regular readers know, this looooooong pattern (2011-2016) suggests, as history reflects, upheavals and transformation as peasants revolt, infrastructure breaks down, entities fight to maintain power and control and we see the power of one person to disrupt an entire system (e.g. Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning — off the top of my head). Historically, we’re seeing a repeat of major issues we saw in the mid-60s, as we are given the opportunity to advance that agenda forward (e.g. civil rights, sane and sustainable agriculture, diet and health care; greater understanding of our world via breakthroughs in physics, especially matters of time and space).

We’re also experiencing an echo of the issues we faced in the early 30s, during which we had rebel Uranus in Aries squaring Pluto in homeland security-focused Cancer. Consult your history books for a recap — or check out the website of astrologer Bill Herbst, who has written extensively about the Uranus-Pluto cycle in historical perspective. I got turned on to his site by astrologer Rockie Gardiner over a decade ago; until then I had only worked with the horoscopes of individuals in private consultations. I became determined to understand how planetary patterns can reflect events in the world, too. And now I can’t stop writing about what we’re likely to see in the headlines and why people are making headlines. I’ve been doing this for five years — and I’m telling you — no one makes news unless there are very compelling patterns active in the horoscope.

As noted in prior forecasts, this current Uranus-Pluto square is especially potent because of its relatively long duration. Usually we get three or five hits of a square; this one has SEVEN over the course of 33 months. I appreciate Bill Herbst for pointing out that the last time we had such a long square was between 1496 and 1500 (NINE hits!). Anyone remember what came out of that pattern? How about…The New World?

Your horoscope is currently affected by the Uranus-Pluto square  if you were born 8-12 days into Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn…of if you have a planet or angle at 8-12 degrees of those signs. Believe me, these folks are facing many opportunities for empowerment and emancipation — the high road of Pluto and Uranus transits. As we move into 2014, we’ll see later degrees of those signs activated. Don’t believe me? Ask your Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn friends born in March, June, September and December if they’ve been — or are just wrapping up — major life-changing events.

Oh — and on Sunday, we’ll have another eclipse. This will likely be significant for Taurus, Aquarius, Leo — and especially Scorpios born 11 days into their signs — or anyone who has a planet or point at around 11 degrees of Scorpio. More on that later.

If you don’t know what’s going on in your horoscope, consider making an appointment for a personal consultation. Here’s the 411 on that — and here’s how to contact me.

Thank you for reading — and sharing — this forecast : )