Good Morning!
Another day to note your dreams upon waking, as the rose-colored fog of a Moon-Neptune opposition crests at 8:40AM ET. Put your grounding cord down if you’re out and about in the material world in the early part of the day. Deep healing and a potent emotional flow are favored around 6:23PM ET, as the Virgo Moon makes an easy connection to Pluto.
Did I mention that the Moon has been in perfection-seeking Virgo since 12:59PM ET on Sunday? How will you make things right in your world today and tomorrow? Organize, analyze, prioritize!
Perfection may reach new heights — or at least strive for them, given two exact aspects we talked about last week. Jupiter makes the third of three easy connections to cosmic/technogeek/rebel Uranus at 9;43AM today; nebulous Neptune challenges mental Mercury on Tuesday at 2:09PM ET. Got a vision you’d like to sell? Feel free to walk your talk.
This is a week for action. Moon voids (natural rest periods) are few and far between. Wednesday AM there’s a 30 minute void starting at 1:12AM ET. Thursday evening the Moon goes void at 7:22PM ET and wanders around aimlessly until Friday at 1:57PM ET. That’s it.
Meanwhile, Mars — planet of action — pulls focus midweek when it leaves Gemini for Cancer at 9:33AM ET on Wednesday. As you know from last week’s discussion about the Summer Solstice, planets at the first degree of Cancer are at the Aries Point — and thus attract prominence. Prominent action in communication and home(land) security matters is to be expected.
And now, the news.
Who remembers the sneak preview of next month’s Venus retrograde I posted some days ago? Well, guess what? Over the weekend Venus was at 14 degrees of Leo, marking the beginning of what we call “the shadow period” of the retrograde. Why is this the beginning of the shadow period? I’ll tell you.
Venus turns retrograde at 0 Virgo on July 25th. It will appear to move backward into Leo, until it turns direct on September 6th at….14 Leo! Venus will reach 0 degrees Virgo again on October 10th. So between now and October look for reviews and re-evaluations in all matters related to Venus: money, relationships, values, aesthetics. What does this have to do with the news, you may wonder? Just check out this article from the NYT, “No Time to Be Nice at Work”.
So there’s your sneak preview of Venus retrograde in Leo potential. Don’t let this happen to you. Do your part to focus on courtesy and kindness between now and October 10th, mmmkay?
In the technogeek awesomeness of Jupiter’s alignment with Uranus, check out this story about Taylor Wilson. He’s 21 and he’s from the South (Arkansas). He has not done anything horrifying with a firearm. However, at age 14 he did build a working nuclear fusion reactor. In his garage. And he’s just getting started. With transiting Uranus and Pluto supercharging his natal Mars (and probably his Moon) in pioneering Aries now and through 2016, my money says we can expect more innovative breakthroughs from his brilliant mind. Other measurements in his horoscope — even without an exact birth time — suggest as much.
A stroke of luck in a daring enterprise also evokes the potential of Jupiter aligned with Uranus. In England, a parachutist was very lucky when he was rescued in mid-air by a fellow skydiver when his chute failed to open. Meanwhile, another man appears to have survived the 8000 mile flight to London from Johannesburg, which he made as a stowaway on British Airways. Whether there was another stowaway on that flight — who wasn’t so lucky — is under investigation.
In the last forecast about the Aries Point, it was noted that William Shatner was born with his Aries Sun at that point of prominence. And there he was making news — in at least two separate stories — over the weekend. First, at 84, he’s traveling by motorcycle along Route 66 — from Chicago to Los Angeles. Second, George Takei had plenty to say about Mr. Shatner’s need for prominence in the NYT. See how planets at the Aries Point function? Even in an interview with Mr. Takei about the upcoming opening of his Broadway show, in the end it was all about Bill. Coincidence or conspiracy?
What’s going on in your horoscope? Do you have a planet that needs to attract attention? If so, what are you doing with all that potential? Your local astrologer would be delighted to provide you with valuable insight on why you are the way you are…and when things are likely to happen for you. Here’s the 411 on consultations.
Thank you for reading this forecast and sharing it with the rest of the Free World.