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New York, NY

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Monday 6/10/2019: Sneak Peek at the Week; Cutting Through the Fog

Today is an interesting mix. Lots of action in the wee hours of the morning in the Americas, with challenges suggested by the First Quarter Moon at 1:59 AM ET, in touch with Neptune and Jupiter. More of the same from Sunday.  The Virgo Moon, seeking exacting perfection in every detail, went void at 8:01 AM ET…and won’t enter the next sign — Libra — until 8:29 PM ET. If you wanted to sneak in an extra vacation day, this would be a day to do it. Otherwise, stick to routine and avoid impulse shopping sprees. I find writing flows easily during long Moon voids — if drafting or brainstorming needs to be part of your work flow today, have at it.

Meanwhile, the Sun’s opposition with Jupiter at 11:28 AM ET can be cited as the source of any weekend indulgence from which you are now recovering. For me it was a S’mores Sundae — shared with a friend.  It was the last thing on my mind when I ordered my healthful vegan entree at the local Bareburger, but as it turned out, a feast of graham crackers, marshmallow and hot fudge over vanilla and chocolate ice cream couldn’t be helped. Yum!

Today’s Sun-Jupiter opposition amplifies whatever beautiful ideal or flat-out falsehood made the news over the weekend. “President P45 has made 10,796 false or misleading claims in 869 days,” WaPo posted at 3 AM ET. A few hours later, P45 accused the NYT of “sick journalism” for reporting that key components of an immgration deal with Mexico that was announced on Friday had actually been agreed to several months ago. Immigration and big lies: both are likely potentials during this Jupiter (big) in Sagittarius (foreign, press) square Neptune (illusion, ideal, lies) in Pisces (refugees, victims). Clear?  Note that the last time Jupiter and the Sun were in a tense pattern was in March, so stories that were hot back then may be hot again now.

The closer we get to the weekend, the more ruthless and militant the action and opinions are likely to get. Here’s how the week progresses:

  • TUESDAY: is driven by the Moon in Libra, seeking harmony, balance and fairness in relationships. A Libra Moon faciliatates talk, some of which may be merely conceptional, without depth or substance. Things flow fairly (!) smoothly, though note the potential for a clash of opinion around 5:03 PM ET, as the Moon squares Mercury (how we need to think).
  • WEDNESDAY: Another busy period in the wee hours for the Americas, as most of the action occurs while we are sleeping. The Libra Moon squares Mars, Saturn and Pluto around 2, 5 and 11 AM ET respectively, before going void for the rest of the day, ET. Get it off your desk in the morning, then roll with whatever twists or flakes that may disrupt your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Crises that crop up during Moon voids are likely much ado about  nothing so CHILL!
  • THURSDAY: Now we’re getting to the depth and substance the Libra Moon may have lacked. Moon enters Scorpio at 12:02 AM ET and clashes with rebel Uranus at 9:11 AM ET. Surprise, surprise? The Scorpio Moon’s need for power and control may be keenly felt over the next two days. It is intensified by the influence of patterns exact on…
  • FRIDAY:  At 2:12 AM ET, Mars (action, war, men, courage) trines Neptune (scandal, healing, empathy, lies, vision, faith). A trine is a harmonious aspect between two planets; hence the energies the planets symbolized may be easily applied. So we see an opportunity for a collective experience involving compassion and/or courage in matters related to victims, idealism, assertion, weapons — any and all of the potentials Mars and Neptune symbolizes. Mercury and the Scorpio Moon are part of the experience, as the Moon trines Mercury, Mars and Neptune between 3 AM and 9:13 AM ET.
  • FRIDAY (cont): The wrench in the system will be played by the 11:49 AM ET opposition between Mars and Saturn, as well as Mars and the toxic South Node.   Unlike the trine, the opposition is a challenging aspect. Two planets are literally opposed to one another; how will they integrate? Mars is the energy of action and heat. Saturn is the energy of structure and cold. Thus Mars and Saturn can run hot and cold, suggesting that a project running merrily along is suddenly blocked — or attacked.  Avid Readers may recall that last month, when Mars (weapons)  was in Gemini (words), we cited headlines where words did in fact become weapons, or the PTB was engaged in a war of words. With Mars in Cancer, the weapon can become whatever Cancer symbolizes: motherhood, homeland security, family security, food/nourishment; emotional response. Something to consider when reading this week’s news — and here is an example, as Mars rules the head “How to avoid facial recognition technology at the airport.”  Next week — on June 19th — Mars and Mercury will oppose Pluto, which can be even more ruthless in thought and action. On the plus side, it can be quite helpful for investigative reporting.
  • FRIDAY: (cont.) the Scorpio Moon goes void at 3;45 PM ET, not to enter Sagittarius until Saturday. If you can start the weekend early, please do.
  • SATURDAY:  Moon enters Sagittarius at 5:03 AM ET, looking for an outlet for its righteous opinion. A Sag Moon needs to be enthusiastic and push boundaries. Get out in nature; take in a foreign film; consider something outside your usual comfort zone because it will be fun! Note that the Moon is waxing, thus the fiery Sag emotions are running high. The Full Moon won’t be exact until early MONDAY, but before we get to that release, we must process three other patterns in effect this week and exact on…
  • SUNDAY. Mercury trines Neptune at 7:43 AM ET. Note your dreams today — and frankly, all this week and next, given how active Neptune (which refers to dreams) is. That dreamy vision gets a reality check or a structural advance around 10 AM ET, as Mercury is opposed by Saturn. At 11:18 AM, Jupiter officially squares Neptune for the second time this year.  The first square was on January 13th — here’s what was going on back then.  Meanwhile, the Sag Moon makes contact with both Jupiter and Neptune at 3:08 PM and 3:11 PM ET, respectively. I’ll have another S’mores Sundae…

And now, the news.

Finally, WaPo columnist Jennifer Rubin thinks she knows why Elizabeth Warren and Pete Buttigieg are surging in the polls — and she’s got half of it right. According to her, both are delivering messages of faith and optimism, including religious faith. Yup. But does Jennifer Rubin know WHY that message is likely to be so well received now? Nope! So where do we see that need for a message of faith and optimism? In the 2019 Jupiter-Neptune square!! We also see in the horoscopes of Warren and Buttigieg that they have the ability to serve as effective and empowered messengers at this time. Robert J. Samuelson is also a WaPo columnist, with an opinion expressing the streamlined focus of 2019’s approaching Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn: “Democrats are peddling fairytales.,” says he. Such a Debbie Downer!

What’s going on in your horoscope? Are you more affected by the expansive optimism of the Jupiter-Neptune square or by the lean, mean focus of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction? Find out in a personal consultation. Here is the 411.

Thank you for reading this forecast — have s’mores!!

Friday 5/30/2019 & the Weekend: Keepin’ It Light and Lovely on a Taurus Dead Moon


Friday and Saturday are brought to you by the Moon in Taurus, apt for establishing material comfort and security. Indulge in tangible, practical pleasures that favor the status quo. Such efforts are well-supported, now that we are past the potential surprising twist that may have coincided with the Moon’s weekly clash with rebel Uranus, exact at 9:26 AM ET.  File that one under “P45 defends tariffs on Mexico as stock markets reel”

Moon goes void on SATURDAY at 6:52 PM ET. Enjoy your chill! Note that we are at the end of the lunar cycle, a time when we may feel restless or listless, sensing that something new is just around the corner. Chill! On SUNDAY, Moon enters information junkie Gemini at 7:48 AM ET, no doubt with some deep tale to tell involving women, money, aesthetics — how and whom/what we love.  Take some time to make a list and set your intentions for the New Moon in Gemini that begins on MONDAY at 6:02 AM ET. No sleeping in.

And now, the news.

With Mercury making contact with Neptune and Jupiter, we anticipated BIG statements of opinion, some of which may have been overly idealistic or muddled at best. More rose-colored expressions were suggested by Venus in harmony with Neptune. Fun fact: Neptune refers to music, and I noticed more than one person humming to themselves on the streets of New York this week (myself included). Did you have a musical escape, too?

Here in these United States, Robert Mueller made a surprise announcement that the office of the Special Counsel is now closed. He did not take questions. Notable takeaways:

“…if we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so. We did not, however, make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime.

“…under longstanding department policy, a president cannot be charged with a federal crime while he is in office. That is unconstitutional. Even if the charge is kept under seal and hidden from public view, that, too, is prohibited. A special counsel’s office is part of the Department of Justice, and by regulation, it was bound by that department policy. Charging the president with a crime was therefore not an option we could consider.

“…the Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing.

“…I will close by reiterating the central allegation of our indictments, that there were multiple, systematic efforts to interfere in our election. And that allegation deserves the attention of every American. “

Everybody clear on this? With his Mercury and Mars in Virgo, seeking perfection in though and action, we can appreciate that Mueller would want everyone to get it. It must be frustrating to have transiting Neptune (which dissolves whatever it touches), infringing on the perfect execution of Mars. This cycle started in mid-March, and Avid Readers were advised that it would be significant. That is when he sent his report to AG William Barr, who wrapped it in duct tape and rose-colored fog. Neptune turns retrograde on June 21st and will throw more fog on Mueller’s Mars on October 14 and January 8, with still more to come on this theme up until August of 2020. Wait and see.

Meanwhile, we can all talk about whether or not Mueller is overly-idealistic to think that Congress will take action (see quote #3 above).

Here’s another one, with bonus input from Jupiter (big!) and  Venus-Pluto (power and news from underground, as the evidence in question is from a dead man’s hard drive): “Despite P45 administration denials, new evidence suggests citizenship census question was crafted to benefit white Republicans.” 

Words were oh-so BIG and boundary-pushing last night: “‘Uncharted territory’: national spelling bee ends in historic eight-way tie”

UPDATE: on exciting news from Israel. You may recall that Israel’s horoscope is ripe for an upset this summer — and we were alerted to this potential before its most recent election. Thus it was disappointing to see the status quo preserved, and Netanyahu re-elected. Ohhhh — but wait! The fat lady has not yet sung in this opera, as Netanyahu has failed to form a government. That means there will be a new election on September 17, and we’re finding this out just a few days after the first disruptive square from Uranus to Israel’s stability-seeking Leo Moon. After September 17, whoever wins will have 42 days to form a government…and on November 3rd, Israel will have the second hit of Uranus square its Moon. Hmmm. Things get even more interesting in January 2020.

Also affected by transiting Uranus —  on his Taurus Moon: Elton John. A biopic about him — “Rocketman” — opens in the U.S. this weekend. It’s “better at the tiaras than the tantrums,” says on reviewer. Well, who needs tantrums in a weekend dominated by Mercury, Neptune and Venus? Bring on the tiaras!

Here’s a story with Mercury and Venus in touch with Neptune written all over it: “Dementia stopped Peter Max from painting. For some it was a lucrative opportunity.”

What’s going on in your horoscope? Are you due for a move, a split or a promotion? What do you really need to have in order to feel fulfilled? What is your purpose in this lifetime? These and other important questions can be answered in a personal consultation. Here’s the 411.

Thank you for reading this forecast — and for the wonderful referrals. Your friends are fabulous…and so are you.




Monday 4/15/2019: Sneak Peek at the Week; Tiger, Tiger, Burning Bright; Mayor Pete Makes It Official

Good Morning!

Moon entered Virgo at 6:19 AM ET, driving the day with a need for exacting perfection. A harmony between the Moon and Uranus invites innovation. If you have a planet or angle around 24 degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces (e.g., Tiger Woods), you either have plenty of reasons to celebrate  — or you bit off way more than you can chew. That’s the plus or minus of today’s  square between two planets generally associated with good fortune: Venus and Jupiter. It suggests an indulgent mood everyone can appreciate, whether their horoscope is directly affected or not. The square is exact at at 7:15 PM ET. As the evening progresses some may feel snippy, as the persnickety Moon squares assertive Mars in double-talking Gemini.

Between TUESDAY and next MONDAY there are no exact aspects among the planets, except to the Moon — but this does not mean it’s likely to be an uneventful week. Quite the contrary, experience has shown.  These apparent lulls are often deceptive. It’s like looking at a giant ice shelf on the most sparkling sunny day ever…and then, for no apparent reason, half the shelf crumbles into the ocean. So if an “other shoe” drops in the headlines, I will not be surprised, and neither should you. We do have a Full Moon on FRIDAY...and next MONDAY the Sun makes it’s annual meet-up with rebel Uranus, which suggests disruption for better or worse.

  • TUESDAY — Note your dreams upon waking, as the Virgo Moon is opposed by visionary Neptune at 11:10 AM ET. The rest of the day is devoted to making dreams a reality, supported by harmonies among the Moon, Saturn (structure) and Pluto (power). Communication is bound to be especially prominent, as Mercury (how we need to think)  is FINALLY back to where it was on March 5th, the day it turned retrograde at the verrrrrrrrry end of “whatever I believe is true” Pisces. The day ends with a splash, as the Moon squares Jupiter at 10:03 PM ET.
  • WEDNESDAY — Moon goes void at 12: 29 AM ET and enters Libra at 7:22 AM ET.  Big news is that at 2:01 AM ET, Mercury enters Aries, adding prominent information to whatever was going on around the Vernal Equinox. That’s when Robert Mueller sent his report into a black hole, where it hasn’t been seen since. Although the aptly-named Attorney General William Barr has teased that he will release a redacted version sometime this week. Coincidence or conspiracy? With a people-pleasing Libra Moon driving the next two days, fairness and balance are likely to be front and center. Meanwhile, rumor has it that the redacted report may be color-coded. WaPo funnywoman Alexandra Petri explains what it all means.
  • THURSDAY — Emotions are on the rise, as the Libra Moon is waxing. Get it done in the early part of the day. The longer you wait, the closer you’ll be to the wet blanket/brick wall and power plays suggested by the Moon’s square to Saturn at 4:48 PM ET, followed by the Moon’s weekly clash with Pluto at 9:18 PM ET. A harmony between the Moon and Jupiter at 11:07 PM ET soothes frazzled feeling before bedtime.
  • FRIDAYFull Moon in Libra at the verrrrry last degree of Libra, exact at 7:12 AM ET. It promptly goes void for a brief spell, then dives into Scorpio to brood over whatever was illuminated. A jolt or revelation likely arrives by lunchtime ET, as the Moon opposes Uranus.
  • SATURDAYSun enters Taurus at 4: 55 AM ET, sort of slowing down the pace. I say sort of, because with Mercury in Aries, thoughts and communication are racing intensely forward until May 7th. At 12:11 PM Venus also enters Aries, sharpening social expression as much as Mercury in Aries sharpens our minds. Not now, but RIGHT NOW would be an apt Aries expression.  Women, money, art and social graces are sure to be prominent in the headlines, as Venus will be at the Aries Point. If you’re an Aries, your dance card may be fill up fast between now and May 15th. Enjoy.

And now, the news.

Back in 2017 I wrote:

Tiger Woods was one of the first — if not the first — person whose horoscope I started tracking as it was making news. This was back in November of 2009, when Mr. Woods got into an argument with his then-wife about his infidelities. Shocking news at the time, but totally in line with the potential seen in the horoscope:

Meanwhile, what’s up w/Tiger? This Capricorn w/Virgo rising (the energy to make things happen, expressed through a prism of perfection) has his Sun in the very private 4th house. You better believe he doesn’t want to talk about it. However, a quick glance at his chart speaks volumes: transiting Uranus about to break out in the 7th house of marriage (needing freedom and independence); progressed Moon (emotions) challenging Mars (the combination produces heated emotions); transiting Pluto (transformation) struggling to adjust to demands of obligation (Saturn); a boatload of Venus connections (you can bet women are involved) and if that weren’t enough — Pluto the transformer is all over a number of key midpoints (I told you I was reading the chapter on midpoints)! Bottom line: challenges in the House of Woods…to be dealt with over the next few months.

Right now (May 30, 2017) Mr. Woods has transiting Saturn at the bottom of his horoscope, hitting all the angles and his Moon in boundary-pushing Sagittarius. We see an opportunity for Mr. Woods to take a good look at his personal core foundation and clean up whatever needs cleaning. We also see a disruptive challenge to his Mercury from Uranus, suggesting an upset in how he needs to think, communicate and otherwise go about his business. Not only that, but Uranus is also making contact with the angles of the horoscope by solar arc — it’s a similar pattern to what was happening in 2009.

Over the weekend Mr. Woods was booked on a suspected DUI. Mr. Woods says he was having a reaction to prescription drugs, not alcohol. It is interesting to note that transiting Neptune is currently squaring his natal Neptune, impacting the areas of his life related to how he needs to think, as well as the public. Neptune refers to drugs, alcohol and spirits of all kinds. Astrology is amazing.

Yeah, Saturn transits can be tough. But when you rise to the challenge and do the work, after the streamlining comes expansion. Yesterday Tiger Woods made headlines with a Masters tournament win at least one reporter called “the greatest comeback in sports history.” Astrologers would call it “transiting Jupiter on his Moon, opposing his Midheaven (career),” aided and abetted by other patterns suggesting heightened intuition and innovation. It will be interesting to see where he’s at in 2021 and 2022, when transiting Neptune will hit his Moon and angles, with input from Uranus as well. Fun fact: guess whose Moon sits right on the Moon of Tiger Woods? P45. No wonder they golf together…and no wonder P45 just tweeted that Woods will be awarded the Medal of Freedom — the nation’s highest civilian honor.

Meanwhile, Pete Buttigieg fulfilled expectations and formally announced his run for president. He picked a darn good time on a day with the Sun in Aries (as good as it gets) in a Grand Trine with the regal Leo Moon and Jupiter in Sagittarius (the sign it rules). Plus, transiting Uranus was within 24 hours of an exact square to his Venus (social expression; values) in Aquarius (humanitarian, innovative, friend to all). Transiting Uranus is also in contact with Buttigieg’s Jupiter/Pluto midpoint, suggesting an intensified experience with power and resources. One wonders if he consults with an astrologer. With transiting Pluto exactly square his natal Saturn, he’s got hard, hard work penciled into his calendar through the end of this year. Many might find that an anguished prospect, but lately I’ve been thinking that Buttigieg was born with an intimate understanding of the ruthless demands of Pluto and Saturn. How so? His Capricorn Sun is squared by both, suggesting potential fortitude and discipline against seemingly insurmountable odds. Hmm. Depending on where he stands at the end of 2019, 2020 offers a potential windfall opportunity, as transiting Uranus opposes his natal Jupiter in “man on a mission” Scorpio. Wish we had a birth time. Here’s what I wrote about him earlier this year. Fun fact: Buttigieg was born with Venus square Jupiter — same pattern is exact today. That’s not a coincidence.

In other news, WaPo‘s Alexandra Petri has a few things to say about presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren.

I’ve written about Rep. Ilhan Omar’s horoscope for the next issue of  Mountain Astrologer — coming to a newsstand near you soon — or subscribe online. I wrote about Nancy Pelosi in the current issue. She will soon receive the Profile in Courage award from the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation, reflecting certain visionary patterns in her horoscope that are in effect this year.

What’s going on in your horoscope? Are you due for a winning streak after a series of challenges, like Tiger Woods? Primed to set the world on fire, like Pete Buttigieg? A personal consultation offers clarity, validation and confidence. But don’t take from me. Take it from a client who recently booked a consultation to better understand how she and a business partner could work most effectively. What skills did each bring to the table? How did their communication and thought processes differ? What did each of them need in order to feel fulfilled in the partnership? The focus was on the creative potential of the partnership. Afterwards, she wrote:

So many of the things you said deeply resonated with me at my core. Your reading was one of the most profound readings I’ve ever had! In fact, I want to book your 90 minute to 2 hour one where you really look through the chart and go through all the details of one’s life.  Would that be possible?
Of course it’s possible. I love what I do for a living: helping people live life better, using the amazing language of astrology. Here’s how to contact me — and do note that I will be in Denver next week and will be available for consultations.
Thank you for reading this forecast.




Tuesday 3/19/2019: Full Moon in Libra; Vernal Equinox: Sneak Peek at the Rest of the Week

Hellooooo and happy Tuesday!

I hope you are making the most of the discerning energy driving this day, brought to you by the Moon in Virgo. Apply it — along with REorganizing potential of Mercury retrograde —  and REview your projects, files and closets. Separate what no longer serves (“serve” is Virgo’s middle name) and chuck it!

Moon entered Virgo yesterday (Monday) at 9:41 PM ET. Before then, Moon was void in drama king/queen Leo. A Moon void means that the energy of the day has a higher probability of wandering off-course. Hopefully you rolled with any twists or flakes that interfered with your efforts to move forward in a straight line. A crisis that came up was likely to have been much ado about nothing,  dramatic as it may have seemed. Yes?

Emotions are on the rise, as the Moon waxes to fullness on WEDNESDAY at 9:43 PM ET. Tomorrow is also marks the start of the astrological new year, as the Sun leaves Pisces and charges into Aries at 5:59 PM ET.  As much as all the Aries in the room would love to just get to the me-me-me Aries part of the discussion, we need to break down what will happen before the Sun enters Aries, because those patterns reflect what’s been happening over the past few days. Ready?

TUESDAY — Moon travels without interference from the other planets for most of the day. Keep on sorting, reviewing, revising, reorganizing — in an effort to get it right. Know that since Mercury is retrograde, your efforts may be up for review again after March 28th, when Mercury turns direct. Still, double check the details thrice this evening, as Moon opposes foggy/dreamy Neptune just after midnight — ET. It will help you get from Point A to Point B without ending up in Point C.

WEDNESDAY —  A valiant effort to separate facts from fiction marks the morning. I hope the facts prevail, because at 7:37 AM ET, Mars (planet of action and aggression) harmonizes with Pluto (planet of power, resources and breakdown). Over the past several days we’ve had an easy flow of physical/assertive energy at our collective disposal. If this pattern personally affects your unique horoscope (consult your astrologer for details), it has facilitated the execution of your marathon effort — the one you’ve been planning for months and months — for better or for worse. At 10:28 AM ET, Mercury (how we need to think) harmonizes with Saturn (necessary controls; patriarchy, structure). Upside potential: authentic intuition facilitates structure. Downside potential: delusional beliefs facilitate authority.Watch the headlines.

Whatever communication is expressed, it’s likely to be grand or grandiose, suggested by the Moon’s challenging contact with Jupiter (expansion!)  at 11:22 AM ET. After that release, Moon goes void, once again traveling without focus. If it feels like the end of the world, do not despair. You’re just tuning in to the Sun at the verrrrrry last gasp of Pisces, which definitely IS the end, if you happen to be a caterpillar. But at 5:59 PM ET, the Sun (and all caterpillars) is born anew when it ends the inevitable beginning in Aries. Happy Vernal Equinox — happy first day of Spring!

Aries is the baby of the zodiac, ruled by warrior Mars. Courage, self-reliance, inspiration and a pioneering spirit are keywords for the Sun in Aries, sign of the Ram (as in battering). There is no greater crusading champion for the underdog when Aries is at its best. Downside potential: insufferable self-absorption, impatience and a tendency to jump off cliffs or fall down stairs because it’s faster than walking. You think I’m kidding? Here is one of my fave Exhibits: Justin Trudeau, who has Moon in Aries in touch with wacky Uranus, showing us on tape how he falls down stairs. What fun he must be at parties. The mantra for Aries is I AM.

Here’s what you need to know about the first day of any season from an astrological point of view. The first day of Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter corresponds with the first day (or first DEGREE) of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, respectively. Got that? Good. These four signs are called CARDINAL signs of the zodiac, with “cardinal” here suggesting (from the Latin root of the word), “that on which something turns or depends.”  Cardinal signs take ACTION. They INITIATE. Nothing happens without ACTION. And action leads to  NECESSARY CHANGE. As in a change of seasons — suggested by solstices and equinoxes. Clear?

The first day of a  season is prominent in our culture, right? We make a big deal over it — yes? So can you see that in astrology, we observe that PLANETS at the first degree of a cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn), tend to pack a more powerful, prominent punch. They suggest ACTION which leads to CHANGE — prominently! The first degree of the cardinal signs is known as the ARIES POINT. Got that?

If you have a planet or angle at the Aries Point, you can expect that the energy of that planet will demand prominent expression in your life. Your friends and family — and perhaps the entire free world — will notice it. William Shatner was born with the Sun at 0 Aries. “To boldly go where no man has gone before”? I should think so — and the whole world knows him for playing that role.

Moving right along…to 9:28 PM ET on WEDNESDAY, when the Moon leaves Virgo and enters Libra. A Libra Moon needs to be appreciated for being fair, diplomatic and people-pleasing. If you have one in your horoscope, this is the key to your happiness.  At 9:43 PM ET, the Libra Moon will exactly oppose the Aries Sun, pitting the expression of me-me-me Aries against the we-we-we need of the Libra Moon. Who will win? Illumination and release in matters of diplomacy, partnership and relationship are the likely fallout. Whatever comes out is sure to capture our attention, as this Full Moon is happening at the aforementioned Aries Point. It’s likely to involve leaders — in government and commerce. Watch the news!

For further clues to the nature of what is revealed, we can examine the Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon at 0 Libra and the Sun at 0 Aries. If you do not know about these wonderful Sabian Symbols, here is the story.  For the Sun: “A woman rises out of water, a seal rises and embraces her;” for the Moon: “A butterfly made perfect by a dart through it.” Thankfully we have Sabian Sage Blain Bovee to help us make sense of these cryptic images. He advises that we be mindful of “emergent moments that initiate a new life-cycle; tender moments of raw emotion that leave a lasting impression. Watch for photographic moments; the desire to capture something in the perfect light.” You’ll find even more insight here and here.

Here is the Full Moon chart set in Washington, D.C.


We can use it to see how these next few weeks are likely to be experienced by the United States. I see a picture suggesting a matter coming to an inevitable conclusion, as well as the end of any image of diplomacy. I see a disruptive revelation or action that leads to a clash between a stubborn and destructively macho need to preserve the status quo vs. a gender-inclusive, equally intractable need to express a more progressive and humanitarian value system. The clash I’m referring to is suggested by…

THURSDAY ..a square (challenge) between Venus (women, money, art, social expression) in Aquarius and Mars (men, assertion, aggression) in Taurus, exact at 4:07 AM ET. If you have a planet or angle around 23 degrees of  Taurus, Aquarius, Leo or Scorpio, you are personally affected. My money says you’ve been feeling a build-up of tension demanding a heroic, physical or combative release. This means you, Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader McConnell and Trump. Be prepared for a provocative initiative or attack, especially for Trump, as transiting Mars triggers his Taurus Midheaven and moves on to his Mars and Leo Ascendant over the several days — told you about it weeks ago — search the archives.

Also on THURSDAY — a cooperative connection between Venus and Jupiter, exact at 10:16 AM ET gives those on Team Venus an optimistic boost in the wake of whatever release is provoked earlier in the day.

FRIDAY — a potentially heavy start is suggested by the Moon’s square (challenge) with patriarchal Saturn and powerbroker Pluto, exact at 4:39 AM ET and 10:29 AM ET.  That’s followed by a lift at 11:59 AM ET and a sigh at 2:10 PM ET, as the Libra Moon goes void and encourages you to start the weekend early.  Once the Moon enters Scorpio at 10:16 PM ET, planetary patterns suggest a need for a potent emotional escape. Whatever dreams or delusions that were hot around February 19th may be back for a second look by…

SUNDAY...when Mercury (how we need to think) and Neptune (our need for vision) meet up at 1:26 PM ET. Don’t jump to conclusions; this part of the dance doesn’t end until mid-April. It’s interesting that this pattern will trigger Robert Mueller‘s horoscope now — and again on April 2nd. It will oppose his natal Mars in Virgo, activating his need to act with exacting perfection. We’ll just have to wait and see. There are no exact aspects among the planets on SATURDAY, just the Moon in Scorpio plumbing the depths for the sake of acquiring knowledge and control.

So what do all these planetary patterns mean for you? That’s a topic worth discussing in a personal consultation, especially if you’re either a) feeling stuck and wondering when things are going to change; or b) facing change and wondering what it all means and when it will settle down. These shifts will be clear in the horoscope, prepared in advance of our discussion. If you have children, their horoscopes will accurately outline what they need (vs. what YOU need) in order to fulfill their potential. Lately I’ve consulted with a number of divorced parents who gained insight on how to better manage expectations regarding their ex. Here’s the 411 on these and other ways to use the powerful language of astrology to live life better.

Thank you for reading this forecast. Coming up next: a ton of news — Brexit, Venezuela, bomb cyclones and what we can expect from all the Usual Suspects. Stay tuned to this channel for continuing updates…


Tuesday 1/15/2019: Late, Late Sneak Peek at the Week; Catching Up on the Big News

Alll-righty then!

Late post this week — and there’s so much going on. Plus, I caught a cold over the weekend, and my stunt double wasn’t available to fill in. Getting caught up now, thanks for your patience.

The Moon is Taurus, doing its best to preserve material comfort and security, while refusing to change. Still, whatever you’re doing, keep at it, because the Moon is cruising without much interference. Can’t say as much for the Capricorn Sun (leaders, CEOs) which is scheduled for a self-destruct or toxic release as it meets up with the South Node (a symbol of toxic release/destruction) just after midnight on THURSDAY. Not only that, but the Sun (leaders, willpower, heart, spine, gold) and all that is symbolizes is under added stress from its square this FRIDAY with rebel Uranus. In the language of astrology, Uranus refers to space oddities, genetic mutations, seismic activity, aviation, technology and revolution. You are more affected by the wacky buzz if you have a planet or angle around 25-28 degrees of Aries, Libra, Cancer or Capricorn.

Other patterns this week:

  • WEDNESDAY: Taurus Moon goes void at 1:34 PM ET, inviting us to chill and focus on routine concerns. No freaking out over twists and flakes; this, too shall pass. I find writing during Moon voids to be highly fulfilling.
  • Moon enters Gemini on Wednesday at  8 PM ET, seeking the big story in every trivial detail. A day with Moon in Gemini can be chattier than most, and also quite mercurial.
  • FRIDAY features a harmony between Venus (women, money, art ) and Mars (men, action, courage, aggression).  Mars is in Aries all month, driving us forward with urgency in its need to get there FIRST. Venus is in Sagittarius, pushing the boundaries of social expression with enthusiasm some may find less than refined, but it still works. The Venus-Mars harmony is exact at 11:50 AM ET,  but in effect all week, facilitating passionate alignments, especially if you have planets around 11 degrees of just about any sign.
  • FRIDAY also features a penetrating meet-up between Mercury (how we need to think) and Pluto (news from underground). This happens at 3:01 PM ET, followed at 8:32 PM ET by that raucous Sun-Uranus square. Lord only knows what investigative dirt will hit the fan — I hope there are tapes.
  • Moon goes void on FRIDAY at 8:32 PM ET and enters Cancer at 10:44 PM ET. The void is a nothingberder — you’ll barely notice. The Cancer Moon suggests a weekend of focus on family, homeland and emotional security, driven by a beautiful humanitarian ideal.
  • Sun enters Aquarius on SUNDAY at 4 AM ET; Venus squares Neptune at 11:24 PM ET; there’s your drive for a beautiful humanitarian ideal, illuminated by the eclipse of a Supermoon in Leo minutes after midnight on MONDAY. This one should reflect quite a release; even its  1 Leo Sabian Symbol is daunting: “a fit of apoplexy” — same as the New Moon in Leo from July 2017 — take a look back here and see what was going on then.

Awww…look what just landed in my inbox from Avid Reader Regina:

I wanted you to know that on New Year’s Day I went back and listened to the tape of your astro reading from last summer. With the benefit of time, distance, and reflection, I was just blown away by how accurate it was. In fact, I remembered things that did not occur to me under the pressure of hearing the reading for the very first time (which is why the tapes are so invaluable). Can’t wait for our next consultation!

That just made my day — hope your day is filled with equal appreciation.

And now, the news.

Heavy reality checks involving power and leadership beyond your wildest imagination. That’s one potential under last weekend’s:

  • Sun conjunct Pluto in Capricorn
  • Mercury conjunct Saturn in Capricorn
  • Jupiter in Sag square Neptune in Pisces (the first of three this year)

In the horoscope of the U.S., the heavy reality check hit hard, reflecting transiting Saturn opposing the U.S. Sun and square U.S. Saturn. We see the potential for America to be severely diminished and squeezed.  Exhibit A: the current government shutdown is now the longest in U.S. history. Exhibit B: while The Donald was on the TeeVee last week, reading the Teleprompter something something non-existent humanitarian crisis (told ya so)  blah blah,  The Donald’s Administration downgraded the status of the EU’s diplomatic mission (without telling anyone beforehand). “The Donald” is how he was named in the tabloid press decades ago,  back in the good old days, and I think we need a dose of good old days right now. Plus, I’m not convinced that occupying the White House has changed him at all since then.

Exhibit C: on Friday, we see the  NYT and WaPo reporting 1) that the FBI opened an investigation into whether The Donald is a Russian asset or agent; and 2) a gentle reminder that no one in our government has any idea what was discussed between The Donald and Vladimir Putin. This goes against all protocols — especially the part about The Donald seizing his translator’s notes.  In short, this is not normal — and lord only know what they’ve got on Mitch McConnell and his three (at least) planets in stubborn-as-a-bull Taurus.

First thought: “Thank gawd the FBI was paying attention (and their investigation was transferred to Mueller’s watch).”  Second thought: “None of this is remotely surprising to anyone who’s been paying attention since 2016, the year of the surreal Saturn-Neptune square…or anyone who’s been paying attention to The Donald for decades.” Third thought: “OMG…but so many people aren’t paying attention, including my adorable Republican chiropractor, who has no idea who Merrick Garland or Paul Manafort are.” Fourth thought: “As comedy is a coping strategy for pain, let’s see how funnyman Stephen Colbert presented the news of Exhibit C.

Like Stephen Colbert, I was also mercifully distracted by the video of gymnast Katelyn Ohashi scoring a perfect 10 with a mind-blowing floor routine that lit up social media. First thought: “She has to be an Aries.” And she IS…and about to launch an empowered run into the fall of 2020, as transiting Pluto squares her Sun. Birth data: April 12, 1997 in Seattle — no time available.

Meanwhile, across the pond, it was another dreadful day for UK PM  Theresa May, whose Brexit deal was resoundingly defeated in Parliament.  Well, she was never in favor of Brexit anyway. What will happen now? I do not know, but I note that on February 1st she will have the first of three squares to her Jupiter from transiting Jupiter. This is interesting because when she became PM, she was having a Jupiter return. This upcoming square is like a First Quarter Moon. Either she’ll push through the challenges of the seeds planted when she took on the job or the challenges will derail her. February 1st is a likely marker, so let’s watch.

Avid Readers may recall that the Brexit vote happened during that bewildering Saturn-Neptune square of 2015-2016, a time when borders and foreigners would be more likely to be controlled. Saturn was in Sagittarius, remember? Saturn is control/borders; Sagittarius refers to foreigners.  Now that we have Jupiter in Sagittarius (square Neptune), we see the potential for a more expansive attitude in these matters.  Add in the penetrating reality check of Mercury’s current contact with Saturn and Pluto, and in the U.S. we see: “Court Blocks [The Donald’s] Administration from Asking About Citizenship in the Census.” Huzzah.

RANDOM OBSERVATION about the horoscope for the current U.S. government shutdown, which began at midnight on December 22, 2018 in Washington, D.C.: The Donald said he would own it. And went it went into effect, the Moon was at 22 Gemini — same degree as his Gemini Sun. Coincidence or conspiracy? No idea when the shutdown might end, but the 22nd and 23rd look interesting.

Guess who else has Moon at 22 degrees of blah blah blah Gemini? Rep. Steve King (R-IA), known for being a “staunch opponent of immigration and multiculturalism,” as they might say in polite society. Of course he would also be known for being an ally of The Donald, with his Gemini Moon exactly conjunct The Donald’s Sun. This is an easy magnetic pull.

But Rep. King pushed his luck over the weekend, saying in an NYT interview, “White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization — how did that language become offensive?”  This was the straw that broke the elephant’s back, apparently.  Rep. King was stripped of his committee positions by his Republican colleagues — yep happened yesterday.

Now the NYT asks,  “Why Not Sooner?”   Well, we do have a birth time for Steve King and thus a reliable horoscope.  What just happened? The immediate trigger is transiting Mars, which squared his 9 degree Capricorn Ascendant yesterday. Mars in hard aspect to an angle alerts us to an impulsive outburst, accident or attack. Today he trashed his GOP leaders, including Liz Cheney (R-WY), whose horoscope suggests she’ll be making all kinds of headlines later this year. Stay tuned!

Thank you for reading this horoscope.


Friday 12/28/2018 & the Weekend: Courage, Action and Fog (Mars and Neptune)


The Virgo Moon is void as of 11:27 AM ET. Focus on routine organizing concerns and roll with the twists and flakes that may disrupt your efforts to move forward in a straight line. From my experience, Moon voids are excellent times for writing, including writing these forecasts. Go figure.

At 3:23 PM ET, Moon enters Libra, shifting the day’s need to one of people-pleasing, fairness and diplomacy. A harmony between Venus (money, aesthetics, women) and Pluto (power, resources) at 4:27 PM ET might reflect a bit of balance that may be back in markets. For now.

SATURDAY begins with the Third Quarter Moon at 4:34 AM ET. Whatever illumination received from last week’s Full Moon gets a push or a shove. At 10:41 AM ET, squares Saturn, suggesting an authoritarian advance or wet blanket. Spirits may be lifted minutes later by a harmony with expansive Jupiter at 11 AM ET.

SUNDAY morning is notable for Moon’s weekly clash with Pluto at 3:23 AM ET. Power play or emotional catharsis? Watch the headlines. Moon’s weekly clash with Uranus occurs at 5:53 PM ET, suggesting a disruption of the status quo. Moon then goes void until 5:53 PM ET, when it plunges into the emotional depths of Scorpio.

The Scorpio need for depth, substance and control continues through MONDAY. If you are working today, your quest for world domination is supported by an easy flow among the Moon and Sun-Saturn (will power; authority/structure), exact between 2:46 PM and 5:09 PM ET. New Year’s Eve may be magical enough, with Moon in harmony with Neptune at 10:11 PM ET. However, the potential for action and assertion — for better or worse — can’t be discounted, as warrior Mars leaves Pisces for Aries at 9:20 PM ET. Action involving power and resources (think: megabucks) would be one potential, as Mars will be in touch with a midpoint between Jupiter and Pluto. Action with unintended consequences (think: shipwreck) would be another potential, as Mars is also in touch with the fixed star Scheat (affectionately known as sh*t). Judging from the previous link, Harvey Weinstein, Rudy Giuliani and Julian Assange should be making news any minute now.

The rest of the first week of 2019 is action-packed: New Moon (with an eclipse), the annual Sun-Saturn conjunction — and more! Stay tuned to this channel for continuing updates.

Ready to plan a strategy for 2019? Astrology can help you maximize potential and timing. Your 60-minute check-up will be jam-packed with insight and specific dates for opportunities. Check-up? Yes, a check-up. Astrologers are not a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Treat us like dentists and hairdressers —  and see us every six months to a year. 

And now, the news.

Mostly a lot of Mars (action, aggression) demanding prominence at the Aries Point, and especially in the “it’s the end of the world as we know it” sign of Pisces.

In other news…

UPDATE: on Michelle Obama, who is now the most admired woman in the U.S., replacing Hillary Clinton. Not surprising at all, given what’s going on in her horoscope. File this under “told ya so” back in 2016.

UPDATE: on Kevin Spacey, whose name truly reflects planetary patterns in his horoscope (birth time unconfirmed). How so? An exact square between his Leo Sun and spacey Neptune, that’s how so. Things are not as they seem. The structures of Mr. Spacey’s reality are dissolving, suggested by 1) an eclipse to his Leo Sun at the end of July; and 2) his natal Saturn (reality) under the dissolving influence of Neptune (exact on January 13th). On Monday, the Boston Globe reported that he was to be arraigned on charges of felony sexual assault. The arraignment is scheduled to happen at 11 AM on  January 7th, in Nantucket, MA. Neptune (surreal, film, delusion) is all over this case, as apparently there is video evidence. Not only that, but Mr. Spacey’s surreal response to the charges was to post a video of himself as Frank Underwood, his killed-off character from “House of Cards.” And this was after saying nothing on social media for over a years. Ready? All together now: “Weeeeeeeeeiiiiiiird!” Astro students, guess what’s on the ascendant of the chart for the arraignment? Neptune. Weird!

Also under the influence of Neptune: Sheikha Latifa bint Mohammed al-Maktoum, the Emirati princess whose effort to escape Dubai failed under a Sun-Neptune meet-up on March 4th. She was “seized on a yacht off the coast of India”, never to be heard from again. Then a British documentary about her escape aired in the UK earlier this month– on a Sun-Neptune square (see a pattern here?). This week, photos were published of the princess having a casual meal with Mary Robinson, the former UN high commissioner on human rights and president of Ireland. Not everyone is buying the “everything’s fine” story line.

Sheikha Latifa was born in Dubai on December 6th, 1985 — no birth time available. She’s a Sagittarius, driven by a perfection-seeking Virgo Moon. Skydiving is one of her passions, and we see that need for risk and excitement in the Sun-Uranus conjunction in her horoscope (and possibly a Moon-Uranus square, too).  Her Neptune is at the Aries Point, suggesting vision, scandal, idealism and other Neptune themes are likely to be prominent. Depression would be something to watch out for, with Mercury (mindset) and Venus (affection) in a tight meet-up with controlling Saturn.

In the documentary it was revealed that the princess began planning her escape seven years ago. That’s when transiting Pluto in Capricorn met up with her natal Neptune in 2010, supercharging a dream (of escape?). Then transiting Uranus grabbed the torch and carried it into 2012.  Meanwhile, transiting Neptune squared her Mercury, Venus and Saturn in the first half of the 2010s.  More magical thinking, along with a potential meltdown of her reality (compare this with Kevin Spacey’s current Neptune-Saturn meltdown). The princess launched her disappearing act as transiting Neptune squared her boundary-pushing Sagittarius Sun all through 2017 and early 2018. With Neptune now moving away from her Sun, the fog has lifted — sort of — with those photos of Mrs. Robinson (!??!) as evidence of her presence in the material world. I suspect she has a big change in store in 2019, given patterns in her horoscope. Wish we had a birth time.

Here are a few happier Neptune-themed stories, i.e., without potentially victimized fairytale princesses. They reflect Monday’s square between Mercury (mindset) and Neptune (make-believe):

What’s Neptune doing in your horoscope? Setting you up for a new creative passion or dream? Neptune is one of the most challenging energies to manage in the material world. That’s why it’s good to know when it’s pulling focus in your life.

Thank you for reading this forecast.




Monday 10/8/2018: Sneak Peek at the Week; New Moon in Libra; Venus squares Mars; Sun squares Pluto

Happy Monday from Los Angeles! Will be back in New York on Wednesday.

The work week begins with the Moon in Libra, driving the day with a need for fairness, balance and social graces. Good luck with that while Venus is retrograde (as of last Friday), along other patterns happening this week. If you’re feeling restless or listless today, sensing that something new is on the horizon, you’re tuning in to the fact that we are in the dark side of the Moon. The new cycle begins at 11:47 PM ET.

This New Moon happens at 15 Libra, so anyone with planets or angles at 15 Libra, Aries, Cancer or Capricorn will have their horoscopes activated. How so? That’s a discussion point for a consultation with your local astrologer. FYI, the horoscope of the U.S. is one of those activated. Should be a rollicking lunar cycle.

Libra is the sign of partnerships; marriage is an obvious partnership; some business relationships are partnerships, including adversarial ones. We went through the first half of the zodiac with New Moons focusing on the Self: Aries = my identity; Taurus = my values/possessions; Gemini = my mind; Cancer = my emotions/family; Leo = my love to give; Virgo = my service/work/body. Now we’re ready to go public. Take a look at your relationships: how are We doing? What is the State of the Union?  How does it reflect the Libran qualities of justice, fairness, diplomacy, peace, beauty and sweetness? Is there resentment or a lack of appreciation? Are there issues hanging in the balance (Libra is the sign of the Scales)?

Venus rules Libra, and as you know, right now Venus is in Scorpio and retrograde. This is not a happy placement, and we are building to an assertive/aggressive release on WEDNESDAY. Why? Because Venus (yin) and Mars (yang) will square each other at 10:29 PM ET. And what is said is likely to be a game changer, for better or worse. Why? at 1:35 PM ET on WEDNESDAY, mental Mercury (how we need to think and communicate) will be opposed by rebel Uranus. Not only that, but on FRIDAY just after midnight ET, the Sun (leaders, will) squares Pluto. In the news, this suggests a significant powerplay involving political leaders and CEOs; news from underground. Whatever hits the fan that day will have an easy flow of communication, affirming the Established Order, suggested by Mercury in harmony with Saturn at 4:20 AM ET.

Avid Readers may recall that this week would likely be a week of significant action/assertion on the part of — or against — P45 and his administration. We see this in his horoscope and in the chart for the P45 inauguration. Perhaps conquering the Supreme Court qualifies. Perhaps there will be more. Oh, but I’m getting ahead of myself. Point is, we need to factor the patterns described in the previous paragraph into our analysis of what this New Moon suggests. Empowered, innovative ideas and social expression, stemming from a need to reassess and reclaim value related to money, aesthetics and WOMEN comes to mind. Mars is squaring Venus. The next aspect in the New Moon chart is a ruthless, cathartic square between the Moon and Pluto on TUESDAY at 4:50 AM ET. This energy can be applied for better or for worse.

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is “a boat landing washed away,” which Blain Bovee says is “an image sweeping away human constructs, calling for repair and renewal.” This line gave me pause: “‘Washed away’ implies the power of waves which carry off that which cannot withstand their force.” Waves, eh? What kind of waves, with Election Day happening on Tuesday, November 6th, during this lunar cycle? We’re sure to hear plenty of talk about waves over the next few weeks.

Bovee also observes that if your boat landing has been washed away, there’s no safe place to dock — but this is OK. We are advised to take the time to repair the damage, to heal — and to contemplate the unseen powers of nature. We are invited to consider “feeling washed out; being swept away by powerful forces; a strong sense of inner renewal; a positive attitude about the approaching new day.” Sounds like a apt time to clean the house…

In other news, the always-in-sync Beth Owl’s Daughter’s Card of the Week suggests a potential healing…

Other patterns of note this week:

  • TUESDAY: at 8:41 PM ET, Mercury leaves Libra for Scorpio. No more weighing the options in matters of ideas and communication; Mercury in Scorpio demands depth, substance and control — at least until Halloween.
  • Moon voids:
    • TUESDAY 4:50 AM ET until 12:09 AM ET on WEDNESDAY;
    • THURSDAY 7:12 PM ET until 5:53 AM ET on FRIDAY;
    • SATURDAY 8:58 PM ET until 3:17 PM ET on SUNDAY.
  • The all-day void on Tuesday is most likely to disrupt your efforts to move forward in a straight line, as it covers the entire business day. Chill and don’t freak out over crises, as they are likely to be much ado about nothing. Avoid impulse shopping; roll with the twists and flakes.

And now, the news.

Astrology is so amazing. Avid Readers will remember that on Sept 5th I noted that in mid-October, Brett Kavanaugh’s horoscope was ripe for potential expansion. He has transiting Jupiter square his Aquarius Sun exact at about 9:30 PM ET….TODAY. When his confirmation hearing began in September, that Jupiter transit (expansion/reward potential) seemed to be happening later than one might think — if he was to be confirmed, as Mitch McConnell’s plan was to have Kavanaugh seated in time to join SCOTUS on Opening Game Day  — a.k.a., October 1st. BUT — before Jupiter could get to Kavanaugh’s Sun, it met up with his Neptune (booze, fog, deception). We had to go through that fog.

And over the weekend, as you know, Kavanaugh was confirmed during the dead Moon — and sworn in as an official Supreme on Saturday around 6 PM ET in D.C. — much to my admitted personal anger and disappointment — but not to the surprise of my astrological mind.  Not only that, but all of the pomp and circumstance of his anticipated reward happens tonight at 7 PM ET (a few hours before hit exact Jupiter-Sun transit), in a ceremonial swearing-in hosted by P45. Which makes one wonder if this was truly inevitable, which could be depressing. On the other hand, while his Saturday swearing-in might have felt like  a reward for Justice Brewski, in the bigger scheme of things, it was not an apt time for initiating a new justice. Seriously, on a dead Moon opposing Neptune (booze, fog, deception)? Venus retrograde in Scorpio square Mars? The energetic time stamp of his swearing-in can’t help but mark his tenure, however long it lasts. Here’s how SNL covered the GOP celebration in its latest cold open. On a Moon-Neptune opposition, of course there was beer.

In other news, just before 2 PM ET on Saturday in Schoharie, NY, a limo carrying 17 people on their way to a brewery tour crashed. All passengers were killed, plus the driver and two pedestrians. At the time of the accident, Uranus (accidents) was on the angles of the chart for that moment in Schoharie. We see this pattern over and over again: heavy planets on an angle coincident with an energetic release.

Meanwhile, note that whenever a planet is retrograde, it facilitates reviewing and revisiting the past. With Venus retrograde, we see the potential for revisiting past relationships and social expression. Venus is now squaring Mars — this is supercharged potential. Here are two must-read op-eds published on Sunday reflecting that pattern:

Elsewhere — an innovative attack (Mars in Aquarius) slays the art world (Venus in Scorpio): “Banksy Prank Sees Million-Dollar Art Work Shredded Live at Auction” — watch the video. Also from the world of art, the NYT Sunday magazine: “The Ugly Beauty of Cindy Sherman’s Selfies”.

Hey! Have you registered to vote? Are you SURE??? Please check your status — and share this link with everyone you know. Voter registration deadlines in many states is TOMORROW, October 9th. Vote, vote, vote!!!

Finally, Avid Readers know that planetary patterns suggest strong potential for authoritarian rulers to be in vogue. It’s not just the United States; it’s everywhere, and it’s not going away this year or even next, as Saturn (authority figures) meets up with Pluto (power; rot; corruption) in Capricorn (Powers That Be).  Here’s John Oliver to tell you about a racist, misogynist authoritarian currently campaigning in Brazil. His name is Jair Bolsonaro. He did not win the election outright yesterday, but he came darn close. And he is still in the running.

We live in such interesting times. What would we do without this astrological perspective? If you follow the patterns in your own horoscope, you will learn that while times are “interesting” around the globe, this does not mean you will not have opportunities for growth and reward.

If you’d like to know what this Venus retrograde period suggests for you, I would be pleased to offer insights in a special mini-consultation. Click the link below and send me your birth time, place and date of birth. Then toss $44 into my Cosmic Tip Jar. I will send you a few paragraphs about Venus retrograde, and how it may be building on the lessons posed by this summer’s Mars retrograde, too. I will also email you a copy of your horoscope, if you have not received one from me before.

Thank you for reading this forecast. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.


Saturday & Sunday 8/11-12/2018: New Moon in Leo/Eclipse; Catching Up on a Jam-Packed Week

Alll-righty then!

I’ve been writing  this forecast since Thursday. It started like this:

Sometimes you just have to drop everything and tend to your own personal garden. More on that in a minute.

Today (Thursday) is driven by the Moon in Cancer, a sign focused on building and maintaining emotional/family/home security. It went void at 7:20 AM ET, not to enter the next sign — Leo — until 12:18 AM ET on FRIDAY. Note your dreams and the potential for an emotionally intense start to the  morning, as the Moon was opposed by power broker Pluto when it went void. At 9:34 PM ET, Venus will be squared by Saturn, suggesting an opportunity to structure values (financial and aesthetic). Will the structure be felt as an advance or a cut? Saturn can go either way. Past Venus-Saturn contacts have featured no-nonsense stories of women, art, money and social expression. Remember the “resting bitch face”? It jumped into the news a few years ago on a hard aspect between Venus and Saturn. Coincidence or conspiracy?

On FRIDAY, the Leo Moon facilitates a need to party on, dude. Moon squares Uranus at 4:21 AM ET, suggesting a disruptive flash to the start of the day. Big ideas — regally pronounced and possibly half-baked — may infest the headlines, as Mercury (how we need to think) and Jupiter (expansion) square off at 2:32 AM ET. This is the second of a series of three Mercury-Jupiter squares. The first was on July 9th; the third happens on August 28th, when Mercury will be direct and likely demanding a rethink.

We are in the balsamic phase of the Moon, an apt time for wrapping up projects started at the beginning of the cycle. This would also be a time to fly under the radar, if it suits your purpose. During these “dead Moons” we may feel listless or restless, sensing that something new is around the corner, but we don’t know what it will be.

At 5:58 AM ET on SATURDAY we’ll have a New Moon in Leo, along with a partial solar eclipse — the final one of the summer eclipse season. This happens at 18 degrees of Leo, which happens to fall exactly on Barack Obama‘s Descendant, activating significant others and his relationship with the public. I expect we’ll see him pull focus in the headlines soon, especially when transiting Mars hits his 18 Aquarius Ascendant around October 26th. Other famous people whose horoscopes are affected: Demi Moore, Ashton Kutcher, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Beth Henley, Billy Joel, Candice Bergen, Mark Knopfler.  You are personally affected if you have a planet or angle around 18 degrees of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus or Scorpio. Consult your local astrologer for details

ThSabian Symbol for the New Moon  is “a houseboat party.” It’s fascinating to note that its opposing Symbol is “a forest fire quenched” — which would be a true relief  in many parts of the world. Sabian Symbol guru Blaine Bovee has written that we are wise to consider the opposition when considering a particular Symbol. So mote be….and so mote was on the Full Moon of August 2014.

Bovee observes that a houseboat is a place for social gatherings. It does not have a keel and is thus challenging to navigate in turbulent waters. “Forest,” he notes, is “derived from the word ‘foreign’ — meaning outside one’s own country; a forest fire is a wild, uncontrollable conflagration…imagine a flaming left-wing liberal finding himself at a conservative right-wing party on a houseboat. It’s a difficult situation, calling for diplomacy and delicate matters so as not to rock the boat.” Yep, he really wrote that, and this book was published in 2004.

Bovee also wrote that we should apply this pair of Symbols “with a mind to the challenge of controlling the burning passions of belief in light social circumstances divided along party lines; stewarding combustible situations; keeping an even keel in potentially interesting times.” Here is the link to his wonderful book.

So far, so good. Right?

This New Moon is more potent because it is also an eclipse. What does that mean?

A Solar Eclipse can act like a “bottleneck” of energy. Light flowing from the Sun is temporarily interrupted, focusing attention on that interrupted point, allowing something new and possibly fragile to enter the picture and grow. And here I would be thinking of Michael, the kindhearted policeman in the storybook Make Way for Ducklings, who stopped the flow of traffic on Beacon Street so Mr. and Mrs. Mallard and their brood of eight could safely make their way to the Boston Public Garden. Got that?


Sometimes what is brought into focus is a secret suddenly brought to light. Once out, there’s no going back. In this eclipse set in Washington DC, Mercury retrograde in Leo and right on the Ascendant, squared by bigly Jupiter. I expect a lot of big news to erupt in this lunar cycle, and the fact checkers should have a field day. Some of the fog and magical thinking will reflect the last of three trines (a harmonious pattern) between Jupiter and Neptune, exact on August 19th.

Jupiter-Neptune contacts suggest: blood, charity, empathy, film, photography, suffering, oceans. refugees, drugs, oil, scandal, spirits of all kinds, faith. The contact with Jupiter suggests expansion. Have you heard about Tallequah, the grieving killer whale, who has been carrying her stillborn calf through the waters off the coast of Washington state for the past EIGHTEEN DAYS? Big. Ocean. Empathy. Suffering. When we will ever learn? The first Jupiter-Neptune trine happened in December 2017; the second was on May 25th. You’re affected if you have a planet or angle around 14 degrees of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus or Scorpio.

Bringing us up to today….

…where the Leo Moon goes void immediately after the eclipse…not to enter Virgo until 11:59 PM ET. No impulse shopping during the void! On SUNDAY, the urge to sort and prune sails free and clear…taking on an even more earthy, “get down to business” drive at 10:13 PM ET, when Mars moves back into Capricorn. More of the same is scheduled for Monday — no sleeping in.

Meanwhile, here are the patterns that made the past week extra special:

Venus entered Libra on Monday evening, at the exact same moment as a big, bold outburst between the Leo Sun and expansive Jupiter. Venus functions with great efficiency in Libra, sign of sweetness, balance, diplomacy and partnership. On Tuesday Venus was trine Mars, offering an opportunity to soften the cranky edginess of Mars being retrograde (i.e., frustrating desires and delaying action), and arrive at an accord. Also on Tuesday, Uranus turned retrograde, suggesting we tune in and connect with our inner rebel. Are the chains that bind you self-created? How can you set yourself free? Idealism — or being blinded by the light — was suggested by Wednesday’s meet-up between the Leo Sun and retrograde Mercury.

And now, the news…reflecting the patterns above:

As predicted, airplanes are making big news (with added confusion/changes of course courtesy of Mars/Mercury retrograde):

In other news:

Because this post is so jam-packed, I will wait until the next forecast to tell you about my “garden adventure.” As Beth Owl’s Daughter observed when I posted about it on my personal Facebook page , it’s an apt microcosm of our current macrocosm, with many teachable moments I hope you will find helpful and inspiring.

Meanwhile, I would love to provide you with insights about your own personal horoscope. Here is the 411 on consultations.

Thank you for reading this forecast.

Friday 8/3/2018 & the Weekend: Mooooon in Taurus; Big Indulgences; Venus in Focus


The me-me-me Aries Moon has been void since 10:52 PM ET last night…not to enter Taurus until 3:51 PM ET.  You know how much I love a weekend driven by the Taurus Moon’s need for material comfort and security. Raise a glass; get thee to the spa; indulge in sensual pleasures with your sweetie….and yes, some may go overboard over the next few days. Why? Because on Monday, the Leo Sun squares Jupiter, planet of wretched excess. If you liked February 9th and May 8th, you’ll love August 6th. Watch the headlines for bloated consumption and bombastic egos. That’s the downside. The upside would be a jolly good time. Cheers!

Meanwhile, women, art, money and social expression will become prominent in the headlines. Why? Because Venus is fast approaching the Aries Point as it traverses the last couple of degrees of Virgo and hits 0 Libra — also on Monday. Ooh — and look at this: Venus hits the Aries Point and Jupiter squares the Sun at exactly the same time — 7:28 PM ET. Hmm. An excuse to buy a few lottery tickets, perhaps? Ya never know….especially if you have a planet or angle around 14 degrees of Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius or Taurus. Don’t know if that’s you? Well, good heavens, book an appointment with your astrologer and find out. That’s what I’m here for. Sheesh!

Oh, but I got ahead of myself.

There is no void on Saturday to deter your shopping sprees. On Sunday, the Moon will be void for only two hours — between 7:46 PM ET and 9:32 PM ET — no biggie. Then it enters Gemini, looking to be witty and clever with the latest rumor. I say “rumor” because Mercury is still retrograde. Don’t believe everything you hear! When in doubt, be silent!

No sleeping in on Monday. There is no Moon void to use as an excuse, and blaming it on Mercury retrograde is a tired cliche. In addition to the big story the Sun-Jupiter square suggests we’ll be reading about,  we’ll have the buzzzzzzz of rebel Uranus at a standstill, about to turn retrograde on TUESDAY at 12:49 PM ET. Watch for more stories of aviation, technology, innovation, geniuses, madmen, rebels, seismic activity and other shocks to the status quo.

Astrologers are like dentists. It’s good to check in with one every six months to a year. Plus, Mercury retrogrades are excellent times for REviewing your life with your astrologer.  Here’s the 411 on consultations.

And now, the news.

The pattern of the week — Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus — is everywhere in the headlines. Fires, firearms, tech breakthroughs, reckless actions, cars, airplanes, even an astrology story or two:

Reflecting the extravagance of the upcoming Sun-Jupiter square: details of Paul Manafort’s spending habits, as his trial gets underway. Here’s another: “At P45’s hotel in New York, revenue went up this spring — thanks to a visit from big-spending Saudis”

Also big — and adding the prominence of Venus (art) approaching the Aries Point, with the REcovery potential of Mercury retrograde: “A small-town couple left behind a stolen painting worth over $100 million — and a big mystery,” reports WaPo….although the story of the recovered De Kooning in question was reported way back in the fall of 2017. Meanwhile,

UPDATE: on P45. Just in time for a measurement exact on August 19th between Mercury (mindset) and Uranus (disruption), Omarosa Manigault’s tell-all tome will be released on August 14th. The title: “Unhinged” — an apt reflection of the downside potential of Mercury-Uranus connections. Why else would P45 tell an audience (last night), that he was 15 minutes early for tea with Queen Elizabeth…when all the world saw it live on tape that he was the one who kept Her Majesty waiting?  When was the last time you read George Orwell’s 1984?

UPDATE: Marianne Williamson, whose horoscope I haven’t written about since 2012. She’s apparently “exploring a run for president in 2020.” With transiting Uranus supercharging her Capricorn Moon this year, we can appreciate why she’d be fired up about making something happen — whatever it takes.  Ms. Williamson was certainly on to something in her open letter to Hillary Clinton, published before Mrs. Clinton announced her presidential run. And we see other patterns in her horoscope reflecting a need to expand on a vision and get the message out there in 2019. We also see patterns requiring no small amount of discipline and focus.

Well? What pleasantries will you allow yourself to indulge in this weekend, hmm?

Thank you for reading this forecast.

Tuesday 7/31/2018: Late Sneak Peek at the Week; Shakin’ and Bakin’ with Mars Square Uranus; News, News & More News

….and how did you survive the weekend’s total lunar eclipse? I don’t know about you, but I was grateful for Sunday’s all-day Moon void, suggesting an apt time to chill, process and try not to bite someone’s head off. If you have a planet or angle in your horoscope around 4 degrees of Leo, Scorpio, Taurus or Aquarius, my money says you’ve been feeling a bit piqued, for better or for worse.  That energy can be productively channeled into a Mercury/Mars retrograde REorganization or REsearch project. Onward! — as they say, even with so many planets appearing to move backwards above.

The work week began with the Moon in Pisces. An empathetic flow was exuberantly supported by a harmony from Jupiter in depth-seeking Scorpio. My day was booked to the gills with clients taking advantage of all this retrograde energy to review their lives and plan ahead for the next six months to a year. Astrologers are like dentists. If you’re going to work with one, check in once or twice a year. I guarantee that patterns in your horoscope have changed since the last time we spoke. Knowledge is power!

Moon continues in Pisces today (Tuesday), seeking to work with impressions and ideals. Did you note your dreams this morning? Moon met up with Neptune in the wee hours, perhaps taking you on an especially sublime trip. Depth of feeling is supported this morning, courtesy of a harmony with Pluto. Moon goes void on at 6:42 PM ET, on an opposition with hypercritical Venus in Virgo. Your feelings vs. someone’s else critical analysis?

Chill during the 12-hour void. The pace picks up noticeably when the Moon charges into me-me-me Aries at 6:54 AM ET on WEDNESDAY. It gathers steam on an harmony with Mars around 12 PM ET…then crashes through or into a brick wall around 1:45 PM ET, suggested by a square to authoritarian Saturn. It’s all prep work for this week’s BIG FAT ASPECT: the second of three squares between action/assertion Mars in Aquarius and rebel Uranus in Taurus, exact at 10:41 PM ET.  The first Mars-Uranus square happened on May 16th, and here’s what was written back then:

The really big buzz is as follows:

  • … rebel Uranus ditches Aries for Taurus. Over the next seven years, look for innovation, liberation and disruption is all Taurus-ruled concerns: banking, currency, food, pleasures of the senses, agriculture, the whole concept of possession (vs. renting or vs. community ownership). Perhaps we’ll see innovation and advances in the treatment of thyroid and throat disorders, too. Taurus is an Earth sign, so I would not be surprised if earth-shaking incidents demand our attention.
  • Mars leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius. I hope you like the idea of Mars being in Aquarius, because except for a few weeks starting on August 13th (when Mars returns to Capricorn), we’re stuck with Mars in Aquarius until November 16th. One of my teachers calls Mars in Aquarius the “rebel with a cause.”  So we can expect action in the headlines involving rebellious and/or humanitarian concerns, some of which will have a technogeeky (Aquarius) or “on the fringe” flavor. Think aviation, circuitry, freedom, astrology, outer space, uranium, what’s allegedly “best for everyone”.  Those sorts of things.
  • These two planets changing signs starts off with a likely bang. Why? Because two hours after Mars enters Aquarius, it makes the first of three squares to Uranus, suggesting a release of tension. What kind of tension? Possibly explosive, seismic, disruptive, ground-breaking, seismic, innovative, genius or mutating. When do the other two squares happen? On August 1st and September 18th. So let’s see how events happening this week are reported in the news around those two dates.

There are no other exact aspects among the planets — except to the Moon — between Thursday and Sunday. Moon will be void in Aries at 10:52 PM ET on THURSDAY — entering Taurus on FRIDAY at 3:51 PM ET. Sounds like a three-day weekend to me. We’ll have a Third Quarter Moon on SATURDAY between the Taurus Moon and the Leo Sun, suggesting a stubborn insistence on keeping things as they are supposed to be, according to whoever is doing the supposing.

You are more personally affected by the buzz/outburst potential of the Mars-Uranus square if you have a planet or angle around 2 degrees of Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus or Leo. The “Uranus component” of this second square is intensified by the fact that Uranus is slowing down, about to turn retrograde on August 7th. Avid Readers know that planets about to change direction bring the issues symbolized by that planet into focus. Horoscopes of famous people affected include: Hillary Clinton, Monica Lewinsky, Elisabeth Moss. Mrs. Clinton has been making a lot of news this week, breaking out and taking action.  Monica Lewinsky was belting it out at a gay bar last week.

Meanwhile, today WaPo ran an interview with Linda Tripp a.k.a. Grandiose Ambitious Blabbermouth, a.k.a. Sun-Ascendant in Sagittarius, driven by Moon-Jupiter exactly conjunct at 28 Capricorn. Ms. Tripp may be on quite as assertive tear at the end of August/early September, when transiting Mars stations exactly on that Moon-Jupiter conjunction. What’s bringing her into focus now is reflected by transiting Pluto on her Venus (empowering/transforming social expression) and transiting Saturn square her Midheaven (ambitious effort involving public status).


And now, more news.

Headlines have been plastered with almost nothing but reflections of Mars, Uranus and the Leo Sun. Translation: a focus on shocking news about leaders, guns, automobiles, violence, gender-benders, aviation, testosterone, #MeToo, the planet Mars, technology, fires, rebels.  Well, last week there were a few beautiful love stories  reflecting last week’s deep and mystical alignments among Venus, Neptune and Pluto — my favorite being this one from WaPo about a female crane in love with her human keeper.

Otherwise it’s been:


Have you checked your voter registration status recently? Do it NOW!

More news as it happens in sync with planetary patterns. Stay tuned!

Thank you for reading this forecast and thank you for the client referrals. Your friends are amazing. You?