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- Bill R.
Los Angeles

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Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 7/6/2015: Sneak Peek at the Week

Good morning!

I trust you all had a lovely holiday weekend. Here’s what’s on deck for the week:

Today’s Moon continues its journey in Pisces, beautifully supported by the nurturing Cancer Sun and regenerative Pluto around 10AM ET. Whatever power play or purge is dropped on your plate this morning, courtesy of the Sun’s opposition from Pluto at 11:36AM ET may be more easily integrated. A sensitive Pisces Moon can go with the flow more than most, even as it seeks to identify and work with what is most ideal.

You’re more likely to be dealing with a personal power play if you have a planet or point around 14 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn. Whatever it is may well be related to something that was lit up for you in mid-March and early April.

Other planetary patterns of note this week include a harmonious connection between Mars in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces, exact on Wednesday. Mars-Neptune aspects suggest charisma and other forms of pixie-dust, facilitating starpower and scams. Less so with the scams, given that is an easy Mars-Neptune connection, but still. This particular configuration conjures up images of nourishment, family, peace offerings, spirituality and (the potential downside) more than a little fanaticism, likely of a religious kind. Combine this with power play of today’s Sun-Pluto push, and it sounds like a great backdrop for Pope Francis to razzle-dazzle ’em in South America this week. Neptune refers to music and other intangible art forms such as photography. The weekend’s final Grateful Dead concert fits the mix, too. So does the cover story of Sunday’s NYT magazine, subtitled “Looking back with Robert Frank, the most influential photographer alive”.

Also happening on Wednesday: mental Mercury finally leaves Gemini for Cancer. Mercury functions ever so quickly and cleverly in Gemini, detached as it can be from weighty emotions. Not so in Cancer. How we feel about it — especially how emotionally secure — is likely to be more of a factor in thoughts and communication until July 23rd. Meanwhile, the 3rd Quarter Moon is also exact on Wednesday, adding an energetic push to the day.

As we get closer to the weekend, shake-ups are in store. Rebel Uranus challenges the Sun late Sunday night — but we’ll feel it beforehand. I doubt you’ll be bored this week, but if you are — just wait until next week, when planetary patterns — including a New Moon — are even more exciting.

Your Moon voids this week are as follows:  Tuesday 10:36AM – 12:37PM ET; Thursday 9:47AM – 3:49PM ET; Saturday 5:52pm – 8:16pm ET. Not too many natural breaks in the action. If you are new to this forecast and unfamiliar with Moon voids, here’s a primer.

And now, the news.

So last week we were thinking that today’s Sun-Pluto power play would be reflected in the ongoing drama in Greece. Yesterday voters rejected the notion of more austerity as a condition for a bailout. Today, banks are still closed and the finance minister has resigned. Last week we were tracking patterns in the horoscope for the establishment of modern Greece’s democracy. Today I’m looking at the chart for Greece’s  independence in February of 1821 and noting that this chart is also under pressure from transiting Pluto through the fall. Next year, when Uranus hits this chart’s Aries Ascendant, we can expect an intensification in areas of shake-ups and break-ups. Until then, this chart is feeling the pressure to streamline as transiting Saturn squares its Sun through August.

We do not have a confirmed birth time for Greece’s Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras. We have enough information to see, however, that persuasive communication and mindset through next year is strongly suggested, as transiting Pluto opposes his Mercury. It is also interesting to note rebel Uranus running wild….and sitting exactly on the 7th house cusp of 1821 chart. We’d expect his  drive for freedom and independence to shake up the whole country.

So much more to talk about. Did you know that today is the birthday of the Republican Party? That’s a horoscope I hoped to write about today, but will have to wait until tomorrow.  The Democratic Party was born on May 13th, 1792. We’ll get to that horoscope, too.

I’ll leave you with a positive power play: the United States won the Women’s World Cup last night. If you were thinking that planetary patterns on Carli Lloyd‘s birth date were supercharged now, you’d be right.

If you’re wondering whether patterns in your horoscope are supercharged, consider scheduling a personal consultation. Here’s the 411.


Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday-Friday 9/2-5/2014: Sneak Peek at the Week; Saturn in Scorpio;Horoscope of a Beloved Cat

No sleeping in on this Back-To-Work/School Tuesday. The Moon is waxing in high-flying, opinionated Sagittarius, fueled by a square to the Virgo Sun at 7:11AM ET. A First Quarter Moon suggests a challenge to whatever seeds were planted on last week’s New Moon. What was that all about? “Piercing intellect” and integration of whatever sharp reality check or ambitious reach may have landed on your plate last week, especially if you have planets or angles around 2 degrees of Virgo, Pisces, Gemini and Sag…and 16-19 degrees of Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius or Taurus.  If you don’t know where your planets are, consult your local astrologer.

Deep perspective and issues of resources, healing and regeneration are facilitated over the next two days, courtesy of a harmonious alignment between potent Pluto and the Sun on Wednesday at 12:08PM ET, as well as supportive contacts to the optimistic Sag Moon from expansive Jupiter and innovative Uranus Tuesday at 8:10AM ET and 5:38PM ET, respectively. Avoid finalizing shipments and signing on the dotted line between 2:06PM and 6:15PM ET on Wednesday, when the Moon will be void-of-course. Stick to routine tasks and chill during this natural planetary rest period; roll with whatever twists may occur in your efforts to move forward in a straight line.

Once the Moon enters proactive Capricorn at 6:15PM ET on Wednesday, you’re likely to feel a push to make things happen, with the following caveats: a potential power play or emotional catharsis around 1PM ET and/or an upset to the status quo around 8:41PM ET, when the enterprising Moon is challenged by ruthless Pluto and rebel Uranus. I’ll give you an example of how one of these bumps can manifest later in this forecast.  Otherwise, forge ahead with your agenda until Friday at 11:08 AM ET, when the Moon once again goes void for the rest of the business day, until 7:59PM ET. Skip out early for the weekend without consequence; avoid impulse purchases and launching important initiatives; see if you notice a wandering “drift” in the energy of the day; avoid making mountains out of molehills.

Two planets change signs this week. Mercury, which rules the mind, travel and communication, leaves Virgo for Libra at 1:38AM Tuesday. Mercury excels in Virgo, where it easily tends to every exacting detail. In Libra, Mercury’s need is to be fair and pleasing, but it may miss — or avoid — unpleasant details for the sake of peace and/or appearances.  On Friday at 1:07PM ET, Venus leaves Leo for Virgo. Venus refers to social expression, women, aesthetics, finances. In Leo, Venus can be grand, dramatic and generous. Note how the ubiquitous Ice Bucket Challenge caught on fire (Leo is a fire sign) when Venus met up with expansive Jupiter earlier this month. The preceding link is comedian Wendy Liebman’s effort to raise awareness of ALS. She’s a Wellesley classmate, too — and will be on America’s Got Talent tonight at 9pm — go, Wendy, go! Vote for Wendy — rah rah rah! See? Dramatic Leo social expression. Let’s just say that in Virgo, social expression is likely to  be more refined, sometimes priggish and critical.

When planets change signs, we may need a day or two to adjust. Patience is advised if your communication and social expression experiences are a bit “wobbly”.

And now, the news.

Regular readers may recall a recent post about Saturn, the planetary taskmaster, finally past the halfway mark in Scorpio, sign of energy, resources and transformation, a.k.a. sex, other people’s money/debt and death. Saturn began its journey in Scorpio back in October of 2012. At that time, we anticipated that issues involving deep, difficult consequences of sex, death and money would dominate the headlines. And in fact, we have seen plenty of disturbing and controversial stories involving rape, contraception, abortion, crushing debt and — at least in the US — downright horrific stories about the death penalty. Did you know that the US is only one of nine nations that regularly executes convicted criminals (not including random citizens stopped by police)?

Anyway, there’s been tremendous controversy in the above-referenced matters, especially in areas of CONTROL (Saturn!). But now with Saturn past the halfway point — i.e., 15 degrees of Scorpio — as expected, we’re seeing more and more headlines about pushing back. In Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi, judges have ruled that certain restrictions placed on reproductive health clinics that provide abortions are unconstitutional. Sunday’s NYT magazine features a fascinating profile of a pioneering Dutch doctor who has found a way to provide women around the world with a method of terminating pregnancies without having to travel to a clinic.  In California, a federal judge ruled that its death penalty system was unconstitutional. We saw a similar pattern in cases involving same sex marriage when Saturn was in Libra a few years back. Once Saturn was moving forward past the halfway point, the tides were began to turn in favor of marriage (Libra) equality (Libra!), as predicted. Interesting, isn’t it? Search the archives of this forecast for specific examples.

In other news, there was more than one upset at the U.S. Open while the Moon was void, as predicted. Moon voids often suggest a surprise twist or victory to the underdog in sports matches. Here’s some of what happened on Friday afternoon — and how about this:

Two matches were bona fide upsets: a 32-year-old former junior champion disposing of the No. 2 seed and a Swiss teenager bouncing the No. 6 seed. The third match went by the book according to the rankings but not according to anything else.

Here’s the whole article, also from Friday. And here’s another upset during a long void on August 27th.

Meanwhile, sniping and bickering between the sexes of a most territorial kind erupted on two airplane flights last week, perhaps reflecting last Wednesday’s clash among stern Saturn, Mars and Venus, all in the stubborn signs of Leo and Scorpio. A more productive reflection of this energetic combination can be seen in this article, “The Decisive Marriage,” which argues that couples who are proactive about making plans are more likely to succeed than those who are not. What kind of marriage do you have?

Finally, you may recall I mentioned some days ago that I’d been tending to my adorable, but ailing, Himalayan cat. I’m sorry to say that she departed for Kitty Heaven last Thursday. She was the cat I always wanted when I was a little girl growing up in a house full of dog people. Not that dogs aren’t great, but you know what I mean if you’re a cat person. But did you know that pets have horoscopes, too?

I was fortunate to know Phoebe’s birth time — July 17, 1997 at 11:45AM in Sherman Oaks, CA— for astrology students who would like to see the chart. She was a nurturing Cancer with Moon in opinionated Sagittarius in the highly communicative 3rd house. She had a distinctive meow and was not afraid to use it. She loved to travel. She had a Libra Ascendant — beauty and social grace personified. She was highly intuitive and a little “out there,” suggested by her Sun opposed by nebulous Neptune (she was named after the spacey Phoebe Buffet from Friends). But she was also a hard worker, fiercely determined, suggested by an opposition between Mars and Saturn — which all together formed a loose Cardinal Grand Cross (remember the dynamic energy we experienced in April)?  If I told Phoebe I needed to get up at 6AM, she’d jump up on the bed and meow right on time.

With her horoscope,  I could see two years ago the potential for a critical illness that might develop at the end of 2013, when controlling Saturn began a series of long, tough contacts to Phoebe’s Mercury (ruler of the house of critical illness & also neurological issues), Venus (rules kidneys and her 1st house, the health center) and Jupiter (rules the liver,the hips and her 6th house of the physical body). In fact, she suffered from a combination of all three potentials, but the one that proved more than her strong will and heart could handle was the third hit of Saturn to her Jupiter (hips, liver).

I am deeply grateful to Diane Samsel, a highly gifted animal communicator whose insights about Phoebe’s physical condition were astonishing, as were the loving messages she relayed from Phoebe about Phoebe’s concern for my well-being, which was delaying her transition.  Diane helped me move quickly into a space of release and joy. She assured me that “our pets are perennials,” capable of returning to us again after “a nice long vacation”. She mentioned a friend of mine by name — Phoebe had a message for him, which I relayed. And get this: this friend had dreamed about Phoebe the night before she passed — it was definitely Phoebe, he said — but in the body of a black and white kitten!

She left this world at 1:46PM ET in Forest Hills, NY on 8/28/2014. Since I had to take her to a vet, I knew I would not have full control over the timing of the event, but there was a window of a couple of hours that suggested the procedure would be smooth. As it turned out, it started a few minutes later than I’d hoped, with the Moon in an approaching connection to Pluto and Uranus. Remember what I wrote earlier about potential bumps or surges with those planets? The bump in this case was the vet’s decision to ignore my warning not to touch Phoebe’s hind leg, which caused her pain. A power play resulting in an emotional catharsis — the potential of Moon to Pluto. Otherwise, the vet and his staff could not have been kinder, and Phoebe made her transition with great dignity. I hope to see her in my dreams one night soon. She was the best assistant this astrologer has ever had.

Rest in peace.


Your donations never fail to make my day, with much gratitude to you for  your appreciation. Gratitude also to those of you who share this forecast with friends. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations. Have a wonderful day!


Gratitude to photographer Jim Herrington for taking this snapshot in May 2014.




Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 7/13 – Monday 7/16/2012: How to Handle Mercury Retrograde

A subtle shift this morning: freedom-loving Uranus turns retrograde 5:49AM ET, not to turn direct until December 14th. When a planet is retrograde, the energy it represents is best expressed by turning inward, instead of outward. When direct, Uranus tends to rebel against the status quo set by others. When retrograde, Uranus needs to set itself free from limits that are self-imposed. That is your subtle mission over the next few months, guided by the Sabian Symbol for 8 degrees of Aries: “a crystal gazer”.

Someone who looks into a crystal ball is intending to see a vision of the future. So what limits do you need to release internally in order to see that vision clearly — and have a real shot at making that vision come true?  Those born with planets between 3 and 10 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn will be feeling the need for freedom more than most. Don’t know where your planets are? Consider booking a consultation with your local astrologer.

Friday is relatively quiet. The weekend begins early when Moon goes void of course at 3:46PM…not to enter Gemini until 8:26 AM ET on Saturday. Friday should be another great night for music and other charms to soothe a savage…beast, including a pair of rose-colored glasses.

That rosy outlook continues into Saturday, as Mercury and Venus make an idealistic connection at 6:42PM ET. That suggests a need to confirm what you hear, given that mental Mercury turns retrograde at 10:16PM ET. It turns direct on August 8th. What can we expect?

Mercury retrograde gets such a bad rap because we are geared, in this crazy modern age, to always be thinking, doing, moving FORWARD. Ya know what that gets you? BURN OUT. We need our down times, and Mercury retrogrades are a perfect time to sloooooooow down.  We see this reflected in the curious increase in gizmo crashes (computers and phones), communication and transportation delays and other snafus.  We may also find ourselves having to repeat what we’ve just said, running into people we haven’t seen in years and having to repeat what we’ve just said.

Getting through Mercury retrograde periods requires FOCUS and PATIENCE. During this time, avoid signing contracts, double check details a zillion times, avoid making major purchases (especially mechanical ones) and don’t believe everything you see in the headlines. With Mercury retrograde, chances are high that there’s more to the story. Gossip is to be avoided, too.

Do plan on RElaxing, REviewing, REsearching, REorganizing, REgenerating, REconnecting and REcreating. Clean out those closets. Organize those files. Get back in touch with people. Turn off your cell phone — or your computer — for a while. Take a trip — yes, really — or any break from your normal routine.  Is that why we so often see people going on strike during Mercury retrograde? When in doubt,  practice the art of SILENCE.

This Mercury retrograde kicks off at 12 degrees of Leo. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is “a old sea captain rocking”…and it’s a nice complement to “a crystal gazer”. Of the sea captain, my go-to Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee writes that we should keep in mind “maintaining poise while reading how the tides change; knowing what is coming by sensing the prevailing mood. Watch for forecasting trends…” in all areas of life. Hmmm…sounds like a time for FOCUS.

In Leo, Mercury retrograde suggests REviewing or REconnecting with our sense of play, passion and noble honor. Potential pitfalls are stubborn pride and/or delusions of grandeur. Watch the headlines. And look to see where 1 to 12 degrees of Leo falls in your horoscope, as that is the area where the influence of Mercury retrograde will be experienced in your own personal world.

Also influencing the weekend: stern Saturn challenging the Sun, exact at 12:14AM ET on Sunday. Watch the headlines as fearless leaders may need to make tough choices. The rest of Sunday is light and gabby…and if you’re taking a long weekend, lucky you. Because on Monday, Moon will be void of course from 6:56AM ET until 8:31PM ET — perfect for a day off.

Yesterday I shared a few headlines expressing the symbolism of Neptune in Pisces: drugs, deception, infections, oil, oceans. Not the most upbeat of topics, I know. So to make it up to you — here is Neptune referring to music, spirit and blissful communion. I guarantee it will make you smile — put on your rose-colored glasses, your dancing shoes and enjoy!


Astro-logical Forecast for Friday & Saturday 2/10-11/2012: What is a Void of Course Moon?

Moon went void at 12:11AM…not to enter Libra until 2:54PM ET. See if you notice any twists in your normal routine. Will your alarm clock not go off? Will a traffic jam cause you to take another route to work? Will you be running late for a bus, not have time to eat breakfast — only to find two happy-faced Wendy’s employees giving away free coffee and cinnamon buns right at your bus stop (that happened to me last month). For the benefit of new subscribers to this forecast, I’m posting an updated explanation of Moon voids (and how to manage them) below.

As for the energy of the day after 2:54PM ET, with the Moon in people-pleasing Libra, relationships and issues of fairness, justice and equality may pull focus. Staying balanced, however, may be a challenge, as Moon is opposed by Venus (suggesting self-indulgence or other excess) and also by Uranus (suggesting a surprise or a breakthrough). Perhaps more of whatever you’re experiencing along with yesterday’s hook-up between Venus and Uranus?

Moon continues in Libra until 5:09PM ET on Sunday. I’ll write more about Sunday in another post…but please note that Mars, planet of action and aggression is running wild in perfectionist Virgo all weekend (including Friday). Keep that in mind if you find yourself being overly critical — or if you’re subjected to someone’s nitpicky jabs.  Instead, try to find a productive channel for all that energy that is dying to get something organized or plan a perfect strategy.  Peace out.


Here’s a visual for you: think of a pinball game. On Wednesday at 12:32PM ET, Moon entered the sign of Virgo. Now imagine the Moon as the pinball being launched into that sign. As the Moon travels through a sign, it makes aspects to other planets, like a pinball making contact with all the bumpers and gizmos in the game. Think of the dynamic way the pinball bounces off those bumpers and gizmos; it moves with purpose and clear direction, usually in a straight line, right? A Moon that is not void-of-course tends to move like this.

But what happens to the pinball after it hits the last bumper and falls to the bottom of the pinball machine, before it is relaunched into the game?  It loses steam, right? Sometimes the pinball just hangs for a while…before finally dropping…like a sigh. This is often how we experience the energy of the Moon when it is void-of-course.  The void — or v/c or VOC — is the time between the Moon’s LAST connection to a planet in one sign…and the time it enters the next sign.

When the Moon is void of course for a few minutes, we may not even notice it. When the Moon is void for a few hours or more, many of us definitely notice the difference.  Especially sensitive types may notice a floaty feeling — or may have difficulty focusing on a task at hand. I like to say that when the Moon is void of course, it can be challenging to travel in a straight line.  We are more likely to encounter curve balls, detours and other twists along the way. Ordinary tasks sometimes take FOREVER — or so it seems. Clients call with crises that later turn out to be nothing. Lines of communication get crossed. Your waiter says “Good Morning!” and it’s four in the afternoon. You pour hot water over whole bean coffee — oops — you forgot to grind it before putting it in the coffee maker.  You answer the phone and it’s someone you’ve been trying to avoid. During voids, details can fall through the cracks; it’s important to double check everything — you get the idea.

Moon voids are good for a nap, sleeping in late, leaving work early, a creative brainstorm, writing music, meditating, doing yoga or other activities that are considered routine or “going with the flow”. Moon voids are not ideal for buying things on impulse, especially if they are costly. I’ve tested this rule many times by breaking it, so now I avoid buying anything (even on sale) because I find I just don’t use them. The exception to this rule is when you find you NEED to buy something — like the time I had to buy a shawl because I was wearing a summer dress in fall weather, and I couldn’t go home and change. I do get a lot of use out of that shawl.

Activities initiated during Moon voids often have no consequence…and sometimes that is a good thing. Let’s say you want to return something to a store; voids are a good time to do that. Traveling during voids can bring unexpected rewards, like a $400 travel certificate because your flight is overbooked (that’s going with the flow!). On the other hand, when you want your event to have consequence — like an important business meeting — try to schedule that when the Moon is NOT void. I would never recommend signing a contract during a void.

There’s a higher “flake factor” during voids – people don’t show up for planned events. Other “twists” include upsets in sports matches (it’s a good time to bet on the underdog). The classic example of a Moon void during an election is the presidential election on Nov 7, 2000 — Bush v. Gore — which happened during a Moon void AND when Mercury was stationary direct — talk about a set-up for errors and confusion!

During a void you can likely get away with sleeping in. This is a natural cosmic rest period, so try to take it easy until the Moon moves into the next sign. Of course there will be times when you’ve got some big thing scheduled during a Moon void — that’s just life. The key then is to be AWARE of the void and BE FLEXIBLE in response to whatever twist comes up. I promise you this awareness will save you hours of frustration…