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"Last night’s session was a delightful time for me. IT WAS ALL ABOUT ME!!! You are so articulate and caring, and I thoroughly enjoyed the time, all the nu- ances you brought to it and your obviously experienced, long- time expertise."
- Bill R.
Los Angeles

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Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 9/14/2012 & the Weekend: New Moon in Virgo

For those burning the midnight oil, give it a rest already! Moon is void of course from 1:14AM ET…not to enter Virgo until 5:31AM ET. Note your dreams upon waking, as nebulous Neptune casts a potentially dizzying spelling on the Moon at 7:36AM ET, which may well add a bit of weirdness to this day.

Moon is in Virgo, dying to get everything in perfect order, which is a fine goal in the last two days of the lunar cycle. In the dark side of the Moon (where we are now), we often feel a restlessness  and a listlessness, knowing that something new is about to hit, but we do not know what it is just yet. Nevertheless, details and clarity should likely roll in, as we get closer to 5:39PM ET, when we’ll have a supportive connection between the Moon and perspicacious Pluto.

No void of course Moon on Saturday, so you can bounce out of bed with all the energetic exuberance suggested by supportive connections between action-oriented Mars and expansive Jupiter. Got a detail-oriented project that’s been hanging over your head? Go for it. Or make a list of intentions for the New Moon, which is exact at 10:11PM ET, at which time you can light a candle and get focused.

And what a New Moon this is! Like the New Moon in June, this one features an exact square between rebel Uranus and potent Pluto, just dying to disrupt the status quo — or propel you into a new, higher level of consciousness. Waaaakkke upppp!!!! Ideas, communication, technology and travel are certainly in the spotlight for the next four weeks, courtesy of mental Mercury being challenged by the Pluto-Uranus square (the aspect is exact on the 20th – but applies to the New Moon). Information may well be flying so fast you can hardly keep up with it — check and double check that story in the news before you believe it. And if that’s not enough for you to handle, note that passions may also be riled up, as loving Venus in proud, regal Leo is approaching a challenging square to an intense Mars in Scorpio, ready to get it on. Though that square won’t be exact until the 27th, we will be feeling it from now until then. Watch the headlines for battles of the sexes, drama and passion and other sexy beasts.

This New Moon is at 24 degrees of Virgo, an earthy sign that is often happiest when its organizational skills and discerning tastes are channeled into service. The Sabian Symbol for 24 Virgo offers clues to coping with the volatility you may encounter over the next four weeks. Here it is: “Mary and her white lamb” — one of my favorites. Why? Because it is an image of innocence and utter simplicity, one that we all know from the nursery rhyme of our childhood.  Little Mary and her lamb are just so sweet — how can you not love them? And the lamb follows her to school, isn’t that wonderful? But as Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee points out, having that lamb at school does not sit well with the authorities, but somehow Mary’s innocent attitude makes it all turn out OK. The lamb sticks around, and even the stern teacher has to acknowledge the awesome power of love conquering all. See? That’s your coping strategy in turbulent times.

Finally, something I’ve been meaning to mention for months, and that is China. It has the Sun at 7 Libra, currently opposed by Uranus and squared by Pluto; it has Uranus at 4 Cancer, which was opposed by Pluto and will have its third hit from Uranus later this year. There have been fascinating stories of power and intrigue in the headlines in recent months, including a murder trial, a blind dissident who escaped to the U.S., disputes with Japan over islands, and now this one about the presumed “disappearance” of its new leader. Both Pluto and Uranus were exact at 7 Libra earlier this month; both planets will hit those degrees again (for Pluto: all through Oct and November; for Uranus early next year. Keep watching the headlines…and oh…quantitative easing is on, says the Federal Reserve.

Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 9/13/2012: Speed Bumps Ahead

Moon continues to roar through royal Leo all day, bolstered by a supportive connection with expansive, perhaps indulgent, connection to Jupiter. Indulgent, eh? Did you order your pricey new iPhone5 yet? Kudos to Apple for unveiling it on a day with Venus in flashy, luxury-loving Leo and trine to technogeek Uranus in pioneering Aries. What’s not to like? The phone hits the market on September 21st, when Mercury (mind, gizmos, communications) will be challenged by the Uranus-Pluto square. This suggests this new iPhone will deliver on its promise to be a game-changer…and it certainly is from a design standpoint. The phone has a new kind of connector port, which will make old iPhones obsolete. What other game-changing news involving mindset, communication and/or transportation might we see in the coming week? Yesterday a proposed merger between two aerospace “giants” was announced, which could create the world’s largest company  in that industry.

Other news dominating the headlines today involves the destructive and disheartening consequences of people failing to see themselves in each other (please refer to yesterday’s forecast for thoughts on the potential benefits of acting as if we are all connected). And here I would be referring to the attack on the US Embassy in Libya, in which the US ambassador was killed. And now we are seeing violent protests spreading to US embassies in Yemen, Egypt and Iran. These protests are allegedly in response to an anti-Muslim video created by an as-yet-to-be identified person, and no one would have seen this reportedly  “amateurish” and clearly inflammatory effort if it had not been posted on YouTube. Surreal, isn’t it? (Update: Minutes after this forecast was posted on Thursday morning, I came across another piece dismissing the notion that this nebulous video  could have sparked these attacks).Yes, it’s weird and changing by the hour. It’s volatile! And in previous forecasts, volatility was expected to  back in the headlines as we approach the second of the disruptive seven squares between rebel Uranus and potent Pluto. Depending on your time zone, that second square will be exact on the 18th or 19th, one day after Pluto turns direct. Stay tuned for more potent releases of energy between now and then. One such release of energy may come from the Federal Reserve, as there is much speculation that some kind of action will be taken to boost the economy. I have been thinking that if action were taken (in the form of quantitative easing), this week or next would be the time I might expect it. If you do not know what quantitative easing is, click on the link above.

Finally, my deepest gratitude to you, dear Readers, for the wonderful response to yesterday’s forecast. Thank you for your continued attention and connection, and for sharing my writing with family and friends. Keep on shining!

Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 9/12/2012: Let It Shine

So yesterday was September 11th, and it was the 11th anniversary of an act of violence that stunned the world and resulted in the loss of thousands of lives. I couldn’t bring myself to acknowledge this in yesterday’s forecast because, frankly, I was living in New York on That Day. Then I noted someone on Facebook opining that on every September 11th since, all of America gets very patriotic, while New Yorkers just get somber and quiet. So I thought, “OK, I’ll post something.”  After all, the Moon was in Cancer (needing to focus on homeland/emotional security; America is a Cancer nation, etc.), and it was slowly approaching a square to serious Saturn, suggesting a need for gravitas.

Here’s what I wrote:

What I remember about That Day was how quiet the city became in the aftermath. We gathered at night in public places, needing the support of community. We gave up our defensive edges. We slowed down. Drivers did not honk their horns. With whomever we met in the course of the day, we would take the time to look into each others’ eyes and ask, with heartfelt sincerity, “how are you”?

We approached each other with such loving kindness — back then — perhaps because we were all so conscious of our collective shock and grief. Everyone seemed to know someone who knew someone who had died…or was at Ground Zero and escaped, covered in ash…or was supposed to be there, but Fate intervened, and they missed their train or their appointment in the city was canceled or whatever. Point is, we all had a story to tell…and a connection to this experience that connected us to each other. We were able to see ourselves in each other.

Time passes…it heals wounds…and we forget. And often, we forget the connection. Separation — which is an illusion — creeps back in. It’s us against them. We racing to get here, there, everywhere. We get impatient with each other and start honking our horns again…or worse. And yes, I do have a thing against people who honk their horns and I have a byline to prove it. Point is, we are still sharing the same human experience — in a Big Picture, yet profoundly simple way. Even though we may forget.

These thoughts led me to decide as my tribute to 9/11,  I would pretend to be an exalted human being — and try to act accordingly — during the course of my errands in the city. That meant taking the time to consciously assess whomever I  engaged and imagining myself in their position before promoting my own agenda.

The employee behind the counter at Pret A Manger, for example, was a 20-something man with a wonderfully grounded, friendly intelligence. I thought about where he was at in his life — working behind a counter for probably not much more than minimum wage — and I wondered what his dreams might be at this nascent stage of his career. And as we were discussing the comparative merits of the caffeinated beverages offered at this fine establishment, I found myself telling him what a great job he was doing, and that I was certain his attitude and attentive presence would take him very far in life. I put my two dollars on the counter to pay for my coffee (decided not to spring for the cappuccino), and darned if he didn’t say, “It’s on the house”.

What a delightful surprise. What a lovely connection.

And what, pray tell, does this have to do with anything astro-logical?  How about this: with today’s Moon in playful, regal, sunny Leo, you are encouraged to let your light shine! Practice senseless acts of beauty and acts of random kindness. Remember, that was the challenge presented at the beginning of this lunar cycle — the New Moon was in Leo on Aug 17th, right? Show the world the results of your intention. Shine! You’ll be aided by lovely connections to the Moon from loving Venus and electric Uranus,  ’round about lunchtime on the East Coast. You’ll be helped even more by another lovely connection between Venus and Uranus, suggesting you expand your networks and allow yourself to be open to encounters that are delightfully unconventional and unusual…based on the simple premise that we are all on the same ride in the big scheme of things. That stranger on the bus could be your new best friend, even if it’s just for the few minutes you share until you arrive at your stop.

And look…here’s a song to inspire you…so many versions to choose from. Take your pick of Odetta, the Boss or the Templet Family Band. A tough choice, for sure.OMG, here’s Brenda Lee, too.  The Odetta version opens with a passage written by Marianne Williamson that may give you chills….and…oh wow. Apparently Odetta sang this song(with the Harlem Boys Choir) on the first Letterman show after 9/11. I did not know that…until now.


Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 9/11/2012: Sneak Peek at Next Week

More of the same from yesterday: Moon in security-needing Cancer, driving the day, supported by a detail-oriented, number-crunching hook-up between Sun and mental Mercury in fastidious Virgo. Plan away until 5:58PM ET, when Moon goes void of course on a challenge from restrictive Saturn. That could be just the boost you need to reach for that brass ring, or it could be the wet blanket you dread from some uptight person who dares to rain on your parade. Thank goodness the Moon enters playful Leo at 11:01PM ET, lifting spirits everywhere.

So…next week has a couple of milestones we may be feeling from now until then. Pluto, which has been retrograde since April 10th, will turn direct at 1:08AM ET on the 18th. Right now it is sloooooowing down, getting ready to move forward…and this brings a focus on Pluto concerns, such as power, corruption and news from underground. Also next week: the second exact square of the seven squares we will experience between rebel Uranus and ruthless Pluto. The first square occurred on June 24th, and here is what was written then.  You might want to read the forecasts for the week after June 24th to refresh your memory of what upheavals occurred, such as the surprising Supreme Court ruling on the Affordable Care Act. Meanwhile, I’m happy to toss Monday’s crash of Go Daddy dot com into the category of Uranus in Aries (rebellious individual) squaring Pluto in Capricorn (the Establishment; Corporations), as the crash was apparently caused by a single hacker. If you have a website or a domain name, you might find these “Five Reasons to Leave Go Daddy” of interest, courtesy of Forbes Magazine.

And finally, a couple of other headlines, sponsored by Moon in Cancer (women; financial savings), and presented here as a public service:  “Ovarian Cancer Screenings Are Not Effective” and the truth about who benefits from low interest rates.  I am certain we will read more nitty-gritty stories like these when Saturn moves into Scorpio on October 5th (not the 6th, as I wrote yesterday, unless you live in Japan or other points Far East).

Update from yesterday’s Emmett C Burns/Baltimore Ravens kerfuffle: Mr Burns has decided that the linebacker in question has the right to speak his mind after all, as suggested in the First Amendment.

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 9/10/2012: Sneak Peek at Saturn in Scorpio

Another week of productivity in reasonably calm seas. Not that there isn’t a lot going on underneath the surface, for sure. Use this last week of the optimistic lunar cycle that began August 17th to bring your New Moon agenda to a conclusion — or at least to a stage where you feel, “Ah…a chapter is finished…onto the next one.”

Moon is in Cancer today and most of tomorrow, happily working to establish emotional and/or homeland security. Idealistic thoughts with a surprisingly sharp attention to detail are suggested by a conjunction between the Sun and mental Mercury in discriminating Virgo. Your intentions are further fueled by an easy connection between Mars (action) and the Moon. The potential shake-ups and power plays that are suggested by hard contacts to the sensitive Moon and rebel Uranus and ruthless Pluto are happening while most of us (in the US) are sleeping (around 3AM ET), so you may not need to lash out at anyone today — and vice versa — how cool is that?

Moon voids for the week:  Tuesday 5:58PM  – 11:01PM ET; Friday 1:14AM – 5:31AM ET

Let’s see…the news. Did any big opinions and/or heated exchanges make headlines, perhaps in a letter form? Why yes, at least one did.  Apparently Baltimore Ravens linebacker Brendan Ayanbadejo has been voicing his support for legalizing same-sex marriage, especially since Maryland(and a few other states), will be voting on a ballot initiative in November. Emmett C. Burns Jr. is a local politician and minister who wrote a letter to the owner of the Ravens, asking him to put a muzzle on his linebacker. Minnesota Vikings punter Chris Kluwe heard about the letter Burns wrote when Moon was in earthy Taurus on Thursday, and he was moved to write a blistering response (think “earthy, salty” and be forewarned). Why is this important? Well as the New York Times explains (without the earthy language), it is a very big image shift for NFL players to publicly support gay marriage, as it reflects a level of tolerance that was not there ten years ago.

Why is this of interest astro-logically? Well, Kluwe’s letter was published on a Sun-Mercury square to expansive Jupiter, which refers to sports, religion, politics and big, fat opinions. But to me, it also suggests another step forward as Saturn (structure, law) gets ready to wrap up its 28-month journey in Libra, sign of fairness, equality and (marital) relationships. Saturn will leave Libra behind on October 6th. Where will it go next? Scorpio. What can we expect? We can expect to get to the nitty-gritty of issues involving sex (creation),  death (transformation), and money (resources), especially debt. Saturn was last in Scorpio from December of 1982 to November of 1985. What was going on in the world back then? Good question — I’ll do some research and get back to you. But here’s a quick coping strategy for Saturn in Scorpio: tell the truth.

For those born in November 1982- September 1983 and  November 1953 – September 1954, congratulations, you were born with Saturn in Scorpio, and you’re about to embark on your first or second Saturn return, which suggests a time rich with developmental potential. Saturn will catch up with those born after September ’83 and ’54 in about a year.

For those born at the very end of Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn or the very beginning of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, you’ve got Father Time (Saturn) likely pushing for discipline. You may need to cut your losses and focus on what’s critically important. Saturn transits can inspire your ambition, but they can also be experienced as limiting, isolating and sad. Know that this, too, shall pass. Be brave enough to ask for support if you need it. You are worth it.


Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 9/7/2012 & the Weekend: Thinking Big

Read yesterday’s forecast for specifics on why this week was predicted to end on a high note…if not from genuine optimism, then from a hugely inflated egos running on so much hot air. Hopefully you are experiencing the former…and hey, the markets are at a four-year high. Enjoy it while it lasts. I would be surprised if we did not see some volatility by the end of the month…even though the ECB did throw another life raft into the ocean today to keep Spain and Italy afloat. See? People are thinking positively!

The Moon entered information junkie Gemini at 12:10AM ET…can you feel the buzz? Note your dreams upon awakening, thanks to the dreamy challenge between the busy Moon and nebulous Neptune, exact at 2:58AM ET, followed by the expansive square between Sun and jolly Jupiter (exact at 6:15AM ET), that was discussed yesterday. This fast-paced day challenges you to keep track of the facts and your wits, while pitching your Big Idea that will work for the greater good, i.e., the good of all. That esprit de corps carries you into the evening.

More buzz on Saturday…along with some potentially heated conversations, as well as a challenge to the agenda you drafted on the last New Moon (Aug 17th). Whatever it is, it’ll keep your brain engaged and entertained. Sunday, the Moon is void between 6:59AM and 12:49PM ET — that’s the time to avoid yard sales, lest ye be tempted to make a useless purchase or two. The rest of the day features Moon in Cancer, happily focused on issues of home security, Mom and apple pie. Perfect for a Sunday dinner at home with friends or family.

Meanwhile, as forecast,  a big story about publications hit the wires yesterday; specifically, a judge’s decision may start an e-book price war. Ooh — and Apple just announced a web radio challenge to Pandora. In other news, as the final speaker at this year’s DNC, Barack Obama honored the reigning need of the evening’s Taurus Moon by asking for more time and patience in his efforts to build and maintain material security.

We’ve looked at Barack Obama‘s horoscope in prior forecasts, but here’s a brief 411 on why our President is all that. Born on August 4, 1961 at 7:24PM in Honolulu, HI, Obama, like Bill Clinton, is a royal Leo. That’s a fire sign, and that’s what Clinton was talking about when he described Obama as “cool on the outside, but who burns for America on the inside”.  So what’s the cool on the outside? That would be detached, cerebral Aquarius on the Ascendent, suggesting an unconventional, scientific, organized and humanitarian filter through which he is seen…and through which he sees the world. Aquarius is a Air sign. Driving the horoscope is Moon in Gemini, another mental Air sign. This Gemini Moon needs to be the smartest kid in the room, and it never tires of being informed and keeping you informed…hopefully in a clever, entertaining, albeit intense way. This Moon also has a need to concern itself with issues of homeland and emotional security, in service to other people.

Oh there is so much more I could write about Obama, including his own issues with nebulous Neptune in the horoscope. Neptune squares his Leo Sun, and whatever Neptune touches it tends to dissolve. So this suggests a bewildered and/or unclear sense of self that developed in his younger days, with others also not quite sure what he was all about. Inspiring or bewildering? Neptune can go either way, depending upon the actual human being who brings that horoscope to life. That Obama’s father was not around to give him guidance is also clear in the horoscope, as is the fact that his mother was fiercely independent and unconventional…and that women likely ran the show in his early home life. His 7th house, which describes his likely mate, is packed with planetary heavies: warrior Mars, potent Pluto, rebel Uranus — these are not marshmallows and neither is Michelle Obama.

Looking at his horoscope, and where it is suggested he will be in two years (at the top of his game), it is hard to imagine that Obama would be anywhere other than the White House. That’s my take on it. I also think scheduling an election on a day (Nov 6) when Mercury goes retrograde  increases the potential for confusion and logistical nightmares, and we may see a bit of that on Election Day. I think the week before the election we may see a repeat of the emotional volatility we saw during the week of August 13th, and I do not know if it will be related to this never-ending political campaign.

I also think those nifty new electronic voting machines — the ones that ingest your paper ballot and give you no confirmation whatsoever that your vote has been recorded and will be counted — are a democracy’s worst nightmare. Last March, the technogeniuses at the University of Michigan released an account of how they hacked an election and got Bender (a robot on the animation series, Futurama)  elected to the school board in Washington DC. Finally, I am ever mindful that as long as the Mother of All Squares (ruthless Pluto squaring rebel Uranus) is in effect (through 2015 and into 2016, thank you very much), suggesting we can expect the unexpected. Still, I am putting my fifty cents on Obama, along with the other astrologers who made election day predictions at an international astrology conference in May.


Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 9/6/2012: More Razzle-Dazzlers

Another full work day (in the US) of Moon void-of-course in Taurus. Steady as you go…and go with the flow.  Venus leaves watery Cancer for fiery Leo today at 10:48AM, suggesting social interactions may involve less sensitivity and nurturing; more luxury, play, drama and love love love.

Remember what I said about spirits lifting by the end of the week? Those optimistic patterns are now in effect as we approach an exact square between the Sun and jolly, expansive Jupiter at 6:15AM ET Friday. In a horoscope, this suggests someone who needs to live LARGE — as excessive, indulgent, wildly generous or simply inflated. In the world around you, see if you notice the buoyancy — and join in!

Also waxing rhapsodic is mental Mercury squaring Jupiter on Saturday at 8:14PM ET, suggesting  big ideas are up for consideration or publication. In conjunction with the profound coordination among Mars (energy), Mercury (mind) and Pluto (resources) that started off the work week, those big ideas could change the world! Here is one that made headlines yesterday: a super big amazing piece of the human DNA puzzle is solved, in a federally-funded study that provides stunning insights that will help us combat disease.

In other news, Bill Clinton rocked the house at the Democratic National Convention. Look up “charisma” in a dictionary and there oughta be a picture of Bill. He is a Leo (king of the jungle) with people-pleasing Libra on the Ascendant.  His reigning need is symbolized by a steadfast, sensual, stubborn Taurus Moon that needs to build and maintain material security. And you wonder why there was a surplus in the federal budget when he was in office?  With the Moon actually in Taurus last night, of course Clinton was completely in his element. But the planetary source of his razzle and dazzle owes much to nebulous Neptune (fantasy! glamor! illusion! vision!), energetic Mars, AND loving Venus piled up like a multiple car accident – right on his charming Libra Ascendant. And just like that car wreck, you can’t take your eyes off him for a minute. Admit it. Add to this mix expansive Jupiter, also in the Ascendant. Translation: this is a horoscope that makes a big, dazzling first impression — and can’t help but go over allotted time limits in any situation, including national political conventions.

As for Clinton’s intense, pragmatic and formidable intellect, look to another pile-up among Mercury (mind), stern Saturn and ruthless Pluto — all in royal Leo…and all working cooperatively with those magnetic Libran social graces. The man is a master of persuasion.

Lots more that could be written about Bill Clinton, but let’s quickly mention another person who probably has nebulous Neptune on the Ascendant who also dazzled a crowd this week. No, not Paul Ryan…but Michelle Obama. While astrologers have yet to get their hands on an official birth certificate, astrologer Isaac Starkman has done a convincing rectification of Mrs. Obama’s horoscope, which shows Neptune conjunct a Scorpio Ascendant. Hmm…Jackie Kennedy had Scorpio rising, but she was a fiery Leo, not an earthy Capricorn like Michelle Obama. But both women do have a magnetism and mystery that is extremely alluring…(a rectification involves calculating the birth time of a horoscope based on when important events in a person’s life happened).

Starkman’s rectification shows Moon and Saturn together in Aquarius, suggesting a profound need to help people. Also in conjunction with the Moon (and softening the stern disciplinarian of the Moon-Saturn alliance) is loving Venus in watery Pisces. The horoscope suggests physical stamina, too — with Mars in a wide conjunction with the  practical Capricorn Sun.  Her Mercury (mind) is also in Capricorn, a placement that Noel Tyl says “needs to hear the grass grow”. In Michelle Obama’s case, she needs to hear an entire garden.


Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 9/5/2012: More Moooooooon in Taurus

Forward. Not back.

Now that’s a catchy slogan, and since it is in synch with planetary patterns, it’s going in today’s forecast. If it takes longer than you thought, be patient and stay the course. Those are your marching orders as the Moon continues its steady sojourn through Taurus. Thoughts, actions, communication and resources are in a lovely coordinated flow this week, as noted yesterday.

At 2:54PM ET the Taurus Moon goes void of course for a looooong time — it doesn’t enter Gemini until 12:10AM ET on Friday. Use this time for practical brainstorming and creative organization of structures that support your daily routine. Avoid impulse purchases, as things bought during a void are often nowhere as useful as you thought they would be. Break this rule a few times and test it for yourself, if you must.

Go with the flow of whatever twists you encounter, and remember that crises that turn up during a void are often much ado about nothing. If you are a new subscriber to this forecast, welcome! If you want to know more about Moon voids, click here.


Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 9/4/2012: Return to Earth

For those who are not self-employed, your holiday weekend is over. Back to work — but take your time easing into it, as the impulsive Aries Moon will be void from 7:06AM until 11:41AM ET, when it enters good ol’ earthy Taurus. See if you notice any twists in your efforts to move in a straight line this morning.

Known for being both  patient and stubborn, Taurus is concerned with tactile sensual things and preserving material security. It has a well-deserved reputation for its resistance to change. Isn’t it interesting that Moon in Taurus will carry us through all three days of the Democratic National Convention, where we are sure to hear many speeches made for why we should not make major changes now (at least in the White House),  but at the same time work toward making things “the way they should be”? We will also likely hear many reasons why we should be grateful for what we already have — and how we can hang on to it. And they are right: we should be grateful for what we have, no matter how small it may seem.  Any statement of gratitude is empowering, as it instantly makes us feel like a “have” instead of a “have-not”. Gratitude is also one of the more effective remedies for depression. As is singing — another favorite Taurus activity, believe or not. Try it, you’ll like it!

Tremendous resources are available to you all week in your efforts to turn ideas into purposeful, powerful action, presented persuasively. That’s suggested by a favorable alignment among Mercury (mind), Mars (action) and Pluto (transformation and resources). Don’t waste this opportunity. Seize the day!  I promise by the end of the week, your spirits will be soaring higher than they may be now. Yesterday’s serious square between strict Saturn (authority, structure) and Venus (women, money) was a downer for many. But by Friday — huzzah! Venus will be in playful Leo and jolly Jupiter will be encouraging good vibrations everywhere.

Your Moon voids for the week, in addition to today: Wednesday 2:54PM ET…until 12:10AM FRIDAY. Plan accordingly.

In other news, last week I received a lovely email from a reader (no pun intended, as you will see),  marveling at the synchronicity of planetary patterns with the Tarot cards she pulls for insights into the week ahead. Last week it was all about nebulous Neptune — from the sublime to the ridiculous. The card she pulled for last week was The Moon. This week planetary patterns are much more down to earth, and the card she pulled was the Page of Pentacles — the suit that corresponds to the Earth element in astrology. Coincidence or conspiracy? Hardly a conspiracy; truth is expressed in all symbolic languages, which is what Tarot and astrology are: languages.  Please “emeet” Tarot card reader Beth Owl’s Daughter and learn more about the Page of Pentacles on her fascinating and practical blog. You can read about The Moon there, too.

Astro-logical Forecast for Saturday – Monday 9/1 – 9/3/2012: From Surreal to Real

As you go with the flow of today’s Moon in dreamy Pisces, note the inspired (or surreal) potential of the exact opposition between nebulous Neptune and Mercury (mindset, communication, travel), exact at 5:17PM ET. This could be some fantastic escape you’re on, as you chill through the evening hours on a Moon void-of-course that begins at 4:37PM ET and ends at 1:37AM ET on Sunday, when the Moon moves into RAMbunctious Aries. Get outside and do something physical with all that energy, will ya? But do note the potential for upsets, power plays and other disruptions of the status quo when the impulsive Aries Moon is challenged by ruthless Pluto and rebel Uranus between 3-4PM ET. Translation: the potential for reckless behavior, including accidents, goes up — be mindful!

During last week’s Republican convention, the anti-war group Code Pink made two appearances that were not on the official schedule. Around 10:47PM ET on Thursday, they interrupted Mitt Romney’s speech and around the same time the night before, they interrupted Paul Ryan. Pressuring the midheaven (public status) of the charts at those times it is interesting to see restrictive Saturn (structure, authority), in fair-minded Libra challenged by Venus (women, money) in nurturing Cancer. Code Pink was founded by women, some of whom have worn vagina costumes in recent protest events. Point is, the square between Saturn and Venus, exact on Monday at 3:46A ET, suggests a serious focus and reality check on issues concerning women. And look what’s on the cover of this Sunday’s New York Times Magazine: “Who Wears the Pants in This Economy? When Jobs Go Away, Husbands & Wives Make A New Deal.” Coincidence or conspiracy?

In your own personal world, this weekend may inspire you to get real or practical about a relationship. Or you may find yourself facing a stern reality check on your finances. Monday is a holiday in the US, but if you are one of the millions now cheerfully self-employed (and self-reliant, courtesy of Uranus in Aries), consider getting some work done as the potential for accomplishment is high. You’ll be supported by easy connections among action-oriented Mars, resourceful Pluto and mental Mercury. You can chill on Thursday, when the Moon will be void-of-course all day in Taurus.

PS: I almost put a bit in the forecast that went out to subscribers just minutes ago that when President Obama gives his speech Thursday night, he will no doubt argue we should stay the course and keep things the way they are. Which is right in line with the needs of that night’s Taurus Moon (Taurus does not like change).  This just came over the wires: “Obama to Make Case for Voters to Stick With Him”