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"I'm a skeptic by nature and I still don't know how she does it, but Elisabeth told me more about myself and about critical points in my life than she could've known beforehand or can possibly be dismissed as coincidence or a parlor trick. And she helped me to use this as a framework to analyze the here and now more clearly. The session was definitely a positive, eye-opening experience."
Attorney, NY

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Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 3/3/2014: Mars Retrograde in Libra; Sneak Peek at the Week

Happy Monday!

The work week begins with a burst of energy, courtesy of the Moon in RAMbunctious Aries, rushing ahead with its me-me-me agenda and totally pumped up by contact with rebel Uranus, ruthless Pluto and expansive Jupiter — all before 9AM ET. Whew! Y’know the Moon was in Aries during last night’s Oscars — and how interesting that a picture of host Ellen DeGeneres & friends was one of the highlights of the night. Ellen has the Moon in Aries, and her Mercury at 13 Capricorn is currently being supercharged by electric Uranus, potent Pluto and expansive Jupiter. What she thinks and says is more likely now to pack a powerful punch. And of course Ellen, being a “who’s yer buddy?” Aquarius with an opinionated Sagittarius rising, would need to share a photo taken with her friends — with the rest of her friends throughout the entire Free World. No wonder her “selfie” crashed Twitter!

Back to today:  a supportive connection between Sun and Pluto today at 2:13PM ET offers the potential for depth of communication that facilitates transformation and regeneration. This is echoed by another supportive connection between the Moon and mental Mercury, exact at 6:28PM ET. News involving power and resources can be expected.

Lots of planetary shifts this week, as noted last week, so be prepared to adjust your speed and direction as required. Mars (action) and Saturn (ambition, structure) just turned retrograde, suggesting certain plans of attack (literally) may be delayed or should be tabled. Venus finally leaves social-climbing Capricorn for freaky Aquarius on Wednesday. Jupiter, planet of expansion turns direct on Thursday.  And it’s all happening against the backdrop of the the fifth of seven exact squares between Uranus and Pluto, which will be exact April 21st — and part of a rare Cardinal Grand Cross. What does it all mean? Let’s break some of it down now; save the rest for later in the week.

Today let’s review Mars in Libra — retrograde.

Mars is the planet of action. Moving backwards is not comfortable. Thus, many people find themselves more irritated, impatient and frustrated than usual when Mars is retrograde. Why aren’t things moving forward fast enough? It feels like a truck spinning its wheels in the mud. Frustration built up can lead to an urge to jump into action — rashly. Resist this urge!

A more appropriate use of Mars retrograde is to treat it as an opportunity to plan an effective strategy. Think of a coach calling a time out on the playing field. Mars retrograde is a good time to huddle — to turn inward — and reflect upon or talk about a strategy for…oh…in this case…partnership, relationship, justice, fairness and whirled peas — all suggested by Mars being in Libra.

Libra is a partnership-oriented energy that dislikes conflict. Mars is an ego-oriented energy that thrives in battle — or on a crusade. Thus becoming a “warrior for peace” would be an exalted manifestation of Mars in Libra — especially with Mars retrograde. Think of Nelson Mandela and Pope John Paul II.

What does it suggest if you happen to have Mars retrograde in your horoscope? Book an appointment for a personal astro-logical consultation and we’ll talk about it. Geez, Louise, I can’t put everything in a daily forecast, as tempting as it is to do so.

During Mars retrograde, it is suggested that one avoid:
Rushing into — or out of —  a love affair or a marriage.
Rushing into a new job or contract.
Buying a car
Hiring a new employee (unless it’s a temp)
Starting a lawsuit
Starting a war!! (which makes the ongoing crisis in the Ukraine even more problematic).

Interesting to see many front page headlines today about reviewing past acts of aggression — too numerous to list them all — but here’s the homepage of one paper as an example.

Moon voids this week: Tuesday 12:31PM ET – 2:12PM ET; Thursday 8:55AM ET – 9:37pm ET — that’s a big chill day.

To be continued…

Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 12/6/2013 & The Weekend: Mercury Square Neptune; Mars in Libra

Moon entered the humanitarian sign of Aquarius at 1:53AM ET, suggesting a focus today on matters of social significance. Innovative, imaginative and empathetic thoughts and communication can be yours, suggested by the rose-colored challenge between mental Mercury and dreamy Neptune — yes, we’ve been talking about it all week — and it’ll finally be exact at 4:31PM ET. That aspect suggests bigger-than-usual tabs at watering holes everywhere, given the Mercury-Neptune square’s need for a (spiritual) escape.

Mercury-Neptune contacts can also refer to  music, and isn’t it interesting that the hills and airwaves were alive with The Sound of Music — broadcast live last night on NBC — and earned record ratings? Interesting that the Julie Andrews movie everyone knows and loves was released in 1965, during the Uranus-Pluto conjunction. Here’s what the cast members of that film are doing now.

At 7:11AM ET on Saturday, the Aquarius Moon goes void on a “wet blanket” challenge from stern Saturn. Moon won’t enter the next sign — Pisces — until 3:34AM ET. That means no impulse purchases at yard sales — and really, I’d hold off on holiday shopping until Sunday, when the Moon will actually be in gear.  The Moon void should make for some interesting football games — likely favoring the underdog — and strikingly aggressive. This is suggested by action hero Mars entering Libra at 3:41PM ET, where it will remain….now pay attention here…until July 27, 2014.

Why will Mars be in Libra for so long? Because on March 2nd, Mars will turn retrograde — at 27 Libra. It will turn direct at 9 Libra on May 21st. Mars goes retrograde every two years — here’s a blurb written just before the last retrograde in 2012, so you know what to expect. Mars in Libra can be challenging. Libra is a partnership-oriented energy that dislikes conflict. Mars is an ego-oriented energy that thrives in battle — or on a crusade. Thus becoming a “warrior for peace” would be an exalted manifestation of Mars in Libra. And you know who has Mars in Libra? Many people, of course — but right now I’m thinking about Nelson Mandela, who passed away last night at the age of 95. A “peaceful liberator” reads one headline — here’s his horoscope. Pope John Paul II is another famous warrior for peace who had Mars in Libra — here’s his horoscope. May the lives of these two men serve as inspiring role models over the next several months.

On Sunday, Moon enters soulful Pisces at 3:34AM ET. Note your dreams upon waking, as the Moon will hook up with Neptune at 8:16AM ET. You’ll find plenty to talk about around midday, when Moon is squared by Mercury in opinionated Sagittarius. And yes, feel free to shop for gifts — maybe something intangible will inspire you, such as music, films, all things spiritual and the healing arts. You might even consider gifting someone very special with an astro-logical consultation — contact me for details.

There’s no Moon void on Monday, the start of the next work week. Be prepared to hit the ground running. Meanwhile, have a lovely weekend!