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I have been sitting with the incredible experience of your gift and knowledge and letting it sift down into my understanding and psyche. It was a powerful time for me. I told a friend, "she is the real deal." I don't say that very often!
--Diana S.
New York

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Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 12/10/2010 and the Weekend

Mercury turned retrograde Friday AM at 7:06AM NY time. Don’t panic — and no whining — just because computer snafus, delays and misunderstandings are more likely under this transit, it doesn’t have to happen to you! But if it does, you won’t freak out because you were prepared, right?  If the going does get tough, think of Mercury retrograde as a welcome opportunity to develop patience.

Moon is in humanitarian Aquarius today. Who’s your buddy? Possible tech snafus aside, you can accomplish plenty today…though I wonder what idealistic outlook we may see in the headlines today, which will likely recall whatever idealistic outlook was happening last Wednesday. Rose-colored glasses aside, it’s a good day – and night — for socializing. Get out there and re-connect; others are likely to see and be seen in the best possible light. Enjoy the lightness while you can.

Saturday we’ve got a Moon void from 6:09AM – 1:40 PM NY time — no shopping sprees at this time, please! Sleep in, chill, go to yoga — get used to the Mercury retrograde slowdown.  After 1:40 PM NY/10:40AM LA time, Angelenos could head to the Bodhi Tree, buy some wonderful metaphysical books and receive a gift bag filled with all kinds of good things, including a gift from yours truly : )

With Moon in dreamy Pisces Saturday afternoon and all day Sunday, you can float and go with the flow…though be advised that we have some particularly intense aspects happening on Monday. Mars (action and aggression), Mercury (mind, travel, communication) and Pluto (transformation; resistance is futile) are all hooking up in “make it happen” Capricorn late Monday night, and we are likely to feel this power waxing over the weekend.  You will notice it ESPECIALLY if you have a planet or an angle (midheaven or rising sign) between 4 and 6 degrees of Aries, Libra, Capricorn or Cancer. Be mindful of potential power trips, battles, seizures, temper tantrums and other explosions of energy  — some of which may happen underground. Fifty cents says we see more intriguing power struggles over Wikileaks, as well as continued power grabs here in the alleged US House of Representatives. Watch the headlines. On the other hand, if you can channel this energy with enlightened consciousness, you could create something wonderful that makes quite the positive impact.

Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 12/9/2010

The only exact aspect today is a challenge between the Moon, now in “I love you, but don’t take it personally” Aquarius, and Venus, planet of social expression in intensely personal, “let’s get right down to it” Scorpio. Blink and you might miss it at 12:31PM NY time; the Moon moves fast.

Have you backed up your computer yet?? Finalized your travel plans? Bought all the electronics on your holiday shopping list? Signed the documents on your desk? If you haven’t, please double check everything — then double check it again. Mercury, as you likely know by now, turns retrograde on Friday.

To be continued…

Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 12/8/2010: Sabian Symbols, Julian Assange

Thrilling news in the astrological community yesterday: a reliable source revealed the allegedly accurate birth time of Julian Assange, which gives him a Ascendant of 18 Scorpio, to go along with his Scorpio Moon. I thought this would be a perfect case to talk a bit more about Sabian Symbols, since readers of this forecast may have noticed that I mention them at every New and Full Moon, and you might be wondering what they are.

The Sabian Symbols were divined in 1925 by astrologer Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler, a medium.  One day in San Diego, the story goes, Jones held up a note card for each of the 360 degrees of the zodiac (the zodiac is a circle of 12 signs of 30 degrees each = 360 degrees). Wheeler channeled a picture — a symbol for each degree of the zodiac, et voila — yet another level of depth in the language of astrology emerged. Because a picture is worth a thousand words, n’est-ce pas?

OK, so now what. Well, what might the Sabian Symbol for 18 Scorpio tell us about Julian Assange and how he connects to the world and how the world perceives him?  The picture is “a wood rich in autumn coloring”. For more, we turn again to Blain Bovee’s really groovy book, Sabian Symbols & Astrological Analysis: “…the colors are rich and there is a special air about the season…autumn leaves also announce an impending time with the trees will be stripped bare, fully exposed….watch of enhancement skills; a knack for showing something or someone up for who or what they really are. Consider a nose for story; a tell-all nature; expose; the bare facts; an attitude of “que sera, sera”.

Isn’t that interesting? Aren’t you curious about what the Sabian Symbols might suggest in your horoscope? (the Sabian Symbol for my Sun at 9 Aries is “a crystal gazer” — big surprise there, huh?). Any questions about Sabian Symbols, drop me a line — I’m happy to clarify!

As for the daily forecast: Moon is still in Capricorn. Make it happen! You’ve got until 8:07PM NY time before the Moon goes void of course for the evening, giving you a chance to rest. A supportive connection between loving Venus and transformational Pluto can help you make a persuasive case for your bright idea — put it out there! It could lead to some constructive change. It can also make a night with your sweetie magically delicious.

Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 12/7/2010

Moon entered “make it happen” Capricorn yesterday at 6:16PM NY time, encouraging your plans for world domination. A communicative connection between Sun and Saturn (structure, control, discipline) reinforces the potential for accomplishment today. And wait…there’s more: Mars, planet of action leaves high-flying Sagittarius for earthy Capricorn, too, where it will meet up with ruthless Pluto and Mercury (which will be retrograde) on December 13th. Grabs for power, some of which could be quite brutal, are likely to hit the headlines this week. Karmically, of course, brutality will not serve you, but you can still put in a bid for enlightened empowerment. Just be mindful that others may not be as psychically clear as you are; this will help you cope with whatever trips they may be on.

Meanwhile, a brief look at Julian Assange…born July 3, 1971 in Townsville, Australia — birth time unknown — Sun in Cancer, Moon in Scorpio. The Cancer Sun can be quite devoted to building security, coupled with a need, suggested by the Scorpio Moon, for knowledge as a means of control; to be seen as a person of depth and significance; to be self-sufficient and seen as right.  Add to this a sense of being on a mission coupled with profound faith (Jupiter in Scorpio conjunct Neptune in Sagittarius), and a willingness to shake up the status quo (Sun squared by Uranus). Well, that works, doesn’t it?

No comment on yesterday’s “compromise” on the extension of the Bush tax cuts except to note that measures which increase the gap between the haves and the have-nots may increase the probability of even more radical measures to come, as suggested by the upcoming clash between rebellious Uranus and ruthless Pluto in 2012. Enlightened souls can still find many joys in life for which to give thanks; so take time to express gratitude for something — or someone — precious while you’re out seizing this day : )

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 12/6/2010 & the New Moon in Sagittarius

Happy New Moon in Sagittarius, which was exact yesterday at 12:36PM NY time. The meeting of Sun and Moon happened in my 12th house, suggesting I might have been more inclined to retreat from the world in contemplation. That’s my excuse for this delayed forecast. What’s yours?  Frankly, with all planets moving forward in the sky as of 8:51 PM NY time yesterday, there are no excuses for not moving forward, at least for the next three days, when Mercury goes retrograde.  Until then, go!

Sagittarius is the Archer, aiming his bow toward the sky. Ruled by expansive, usually optimistic Jupiter, Sagittarius is all about  “big picture” ideas, especially ones we share collectively: our philosophy, our religion, our laws, as well as ideas shared in publishing and broadcasting.  Sag is also interested in higher education and travel that broadens our horizons, as opposed to elementary school and local travel that gets us from here to the grocery store (that’s the domain of Gemini, the opposite sign to Sag).

Last month I wrote we would likely see themes of laying down lines of communication that could take us in to the unknown, out of our comfort zone. Examples of how this manifested in the headlines included the new TSA alleged security procedures and the latest batch of Wikileaks revelations. The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon at 14 degrees of Sagittarius is “the Pyramids and the Sphinx: an enigma, a hidden mystery that is inscrutable, defying close examination; a riddle, the answer to which cannot be spoken.”  Hmmm. Mystery…and yet I also note in the New Moon chart a close connection between Mercury (mind, travel, communication) and ruthless Pluto, which suggests an intense focus on the investigation of mystery and bringing hidden agendas to light. OK…so how do we apply this to our lives over the next 30 days?

This is an opportunity to broaden horizons, individually and collectively.  Where is that happening in your life? Here are some possible strategies for navigating new territory: seek to understand this area of expansion with a wisdom that goes beyond words. How do you know what you know? Use words carefully, incisively, sparingly — with a specific target in mind. Consider whether words are even necessary, especially given that Mercury will be retrograde from the 10th to the 29th, when words can easily spin out of control or be misunderstood. Consider how maintaining an aura of mystery might strengthen your position. Notice any tension between mystery and brutal honesty. What is really at stake?

With gratitude to Blain Bovee and his book “The Sabian Symbols and Astrological Analysis,” which helped me articulate a forecast for this inscrutable  New Moon; Julian Assange seems to be its poster boy; if I can find his horoscope, I’ll write about it anon

Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 12/3/2010

Reverberations from whatever may have disrupted the status quo yesterday or may yet disrupt said status quo today. Things may be going just fine relative to your own unique horoscope (consult your local astrologer for details), but you may still notice more than one person who is being personally affected (by Uranus squaring Mars), and feeling a bit jangled or on edge. Patience. Kindness. Compassion.

In other news, we are once again in the dark side of the Moon, the end of an old cycle, with something new around the corner, but it’s not here yet. A sense of listlessness, restlessness and anticipation is likely to prevail today — but there’s really nothing to be done except clear your desk in preparation for the New Moon happening on the 6th or in preparation for Mercury retrograde on December 10th (which we are beginning to feel even now).

More to come for Saturday and that New Moon, which will be in Sagittarius, on Sunday. Stay tuned…

Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 12/2/2010

East Coasters, the Moon will be void-of-course if you’re waking up before 9:43AM NY time, suggesting the increased possibility of a slow start or surprise twist to your morning commute. Take note of your dreams. After 9:43AM, emotional intensity is likely to increase when Moon enters Scorpio, the sign which demands depth and substance to back up magical thinking (which just might have been in your mind yesterday). But even this stubborn Scorpio vibe may be swayed by a bit of dazzle that shows up today and tomorrow: Mars, planet of action, can become as charming as Bill Clinton in top form, when it makes a charismatic connection to Neptune, planet of illusion. If you have a show or a pitch to make today, that stuff you throw at the proverbial wall might actually stick. On the other hand, if you’re on the receiving end of a pitch, read the fine print before signing on the dotted line.

Tomorrow, the only exact aspect is a square to Mars from eccentric, erratic, often disruptive Uranus. Breakthroughs, especially of a technological or cosmic kind are possibilities. Watch the headlines. So is anything else that shakes up the status quo — and that includes the weather.