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“I can't thank you enough for the incredible adventure in astrology. You have that rare gift that certainly all who call themselves astrologers don't possess... you're the real deal!! It seriously blew me away that you were able to not only nail so much from my past (exact times/years certain events took place, along with situations with family, relationships and beyond) but you've already helped with my present! The answers you gave to the specific questions I asked pertaining to important career-related happenings this week have already proven true. I will look forward to an update in a year or so.”
– S.L.
New York, NY

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Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 8/14/2013: Jupiter in the News

I hope your day yesterday was productive, even if a bit intense, given the Moon’s passage through the watery depths of Scorpio. And it’s not over yet. This day begins with a tense First Quarter Moon at 6:56AM ET, and for some this may present a stubborn clash of will related to the New Moon agenda you set last week. You don’t remember what that was? See the previous link for a recap. If a tough dose of reality is dampening your royal spirits today, therein lies your challenge for the next week, until the Full Moon on the 20th. This more likely applies to you if you have a planet or point around 5 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius.

If, on the other hand, you have planets or an angle anywhere between 8 and 12 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, you may be bouncing off walls today and for the next several days,  courtesy of expansive Jupiter in that area of the zodiac, supercharged now by dynamic connections to ruthless Pluto and rebel Uranus. What do you mean, you don’t know if this applies to you? Well isn’t it time you consulted with an astrologer about your horoscope, so you can be fully informed?

The rest of the day is light on planetary patterns. The highlight — as noted on Monday, is the inventive potential of a harmonious connection between mental Mercury and unconventional Uranus. Really, try thinking outside the box for a solution to your problems. Be on the lookout for revelations and breakthroughs in communication and mindset, with a futuristic and/or humanitarian angle. Speaking of which, Bradley Manning may finally break his silence and express a few words in court today, as his sentencing hearing continues…

Take a break from the intense focus of moving things forward and chill if you can around 5:30pm ET, when the Moon goes void. At 9:04pm ET, the mood should lighten up considerably when the Moon enters high-flying Sagittarius, seeking to broaden horizons and spout opinions everywhere.  Walk in the woods; catch a foreign film; initiate a philosophical debate.

In the news, it should surprise no one that rocket scientist entrepreneur Elon Musk has natal Uranus square the Sun and Mercury, and that the span of that pattern is 6 to 14 degrees of Cancer and Libra. He’s been supercharged by the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square for a couple of years, and the influence will continue into 2015. Earlier this week he unveiled plans for yet another mode of transportation, a hypothetical high-speed train called a Hyperloop, designed to take passengers from  Los Angeles to San Francisco in half an hour.

Expansive Jupiter’s continued contact with the revolutionary potential of Uranus and Pluto was reflected in other strking headlines. Jupiter also refers to the law; Uranus to aerospace, so it was interesting to note that the Justice Department is seeking to block a proposed merger between U.S. Air and American Airlines. Another intriguing legal  bulletin with far-reaching consequences — keeping in mind that Jupiter is now in Cancer and focused on homeland security concerns: in New York, a controversial “stop and frisk” program was declared unconstitutional.  Here’s another: a class-action suit alleging violations of privacy by Facebook was settled a few years ago, but the plaintiffs are not happy and now are pushing for the case to be heard by the Supreme  Court. Why? Because the settlement apparently earned the lawyers millions, but nothing of value appears to have been gained by the plaintiffs.

In the category of “news from underground” we can expect to hear when Uranus and Pluto are triggered, another sinkhole opened up in Florida this week, swallowing part of a resort. And last but not least, Jupiter itself is in the news, as NASA’s Juno spacecraft officially reached the halfway mark on its journey to the biggest planet in our solar system. Fascinating to note its scheduled arrival on July 4, 2016 at 7:29PM (chart cast for Mission Control in Pasadena, CA) shows Uranus exactly opposing the Midheaven, and Jupiter will be trining Pluto. Seriously, do they consult with astrologers on the timing of these landings? Check out this analysis of the horoscope of the Mars Curiosity landing last August — there’s Uranus, right on angle. Coincidence or conspiracy?

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 8/12/2013: Sneak Peek at the Week

As with last week, the start of the work week presents us with a void-of -course Moon, suggesting the usual twists in your efforts to move forward in a straight line and perhaps a double shot of espresso to get your going. It has been wandering aimlessly since 9:29PM ET on Sunday. The Moon is in Libra, a relationship-oriented energy that challenges us to find balance and harmony in our interactions with others. Go with the flow today; remember that crises that crop up during Moon voids are often much ado about nothing. The flake factor is higher during Moon voids; don’t take it personally.

At 4:18PM ET, Moon slithers into Scorpio with no fanfare at all, though you may notice a shift as rational debate is replaced by a need for emotional depth and substance. Not until after midnight on Tuesday does the Moon interact with any other planets. Meanwhile, if you have nothing else on your plate, the Perseids are back tonight with a vengeance. More info on this annual meteor shower can be found here.

For those wondering what went down over the weekend (as I did not post a forecast), Saturday’s Moon in Libra was fairly quiet; Sunday’s Moon was batted around by the disruptive Uranus-Pluto square in the early morning hours, ET. The main aspect of the weekend was a stern challenge between mental Mercury and wet blanket Saturn. On the plus side, an opportunity to do some serious — and I do mean serious — brainstorming. On the downside, the potential for heavy, heavy thoughts and overwhelming responsibility. Blergh.

Overall, planetary patterns are light this week. Those heavy thoughts may be replaced by an innovative brainstorm in the days leading up to Wednesday’s easy connection between Mercury and rocket scientist Uranus. Further breakthroughs and sudden changes of fortune can be anticipated (by those directly affected) as we get closer to expansive Jupiter’s square to rebel Uranus on the 21st. You’re affected if you have a planet or angle around 12 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

Moon voids for the rest of the week — Wednesday 5:30pm – 9:04PM ET; Friday 1:32PM ET – 11:25pm ET. Another Friday to leave work early….


Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 8/8/2013

Finally, the Moon is fully in gear — no longer drifting aimlessly — but engaged in Virgo, sign of the organizing perfectionist. Now is the time to launch your New Moon initiatives: make the call; pitch the idea; send the documents.  A rosy idealistic glow starts the day, but soon gives way to an easy flow of practical concerns, attended to with depth and detail. Optimistic communication is suggested around 6:30PM ET, just in time for happy hour. This proactive vibe continues until 6:05PM ET Friday, when the Moon goes void with a sigh. Make the most of your time until then.

The other planetary shift today is mental Mercury, ruling mindset and communications, leaving emotional Cancer for prideful, roarin’ Leo. How many royal edicts will be issued between now and August 23rd, when Mercury leaves Leo for Virgo? Never mind; that’s a rhetorical question.

On the heels of yesterday’s face-off between heavyweights Jupiter in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn, financial heavyweight JPMorgan revealed it is facing criminal and civil inquiries. Let the record show that this configuration directly impacts the horoscope of JPMorgan’s CEO, Jamie Dimon, discussed in prior forecasts (search the archives). It will be very interesting to see what is going on at that company around November 2, when lightning bolt Uranus adds its two cents to the conversation. A disruption of the status quo is suggested.

Last but not least — following up on yesterday’s post about the government of Japan now getting involved with the crisis at Fukushima, it was all I could do not to type in all caps GEEZ LOUISE, WHAT TOOK THEM SO LONG?  I could post news of staggering crises every day and chalk them all up to the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square, bemoaning stories like Governor Rick Scott of Florida moving full speed ahead on voter suppression appearing on the same day as this piece about the ecological collapse happening RIGHT NOW in Florida’s inland waters. It can be challenging to maintain balance and optimism during these historic planetary cycles, but we must…even though the fact is — as Edward Snowden has been kind enough to inform us — that we are all connected, whether we like it or not.

How to cope? Levity is an amazing coping strategy. Once upon a time I had a writing teacher who liked to say that drama is inspired by heroes; comedy is sparked by tragedy. Tasteless, ill-timed jokes are efforts to process information and sensory overload. Thus I must conclude that there is a giant SEP field hovering over those Floridian waters…and the SEP field over Fukushima may now be finally lifting (thank you, Uranus-Pluto sqaure). What? You’ve never heard of a SEP field? It is a most ingenious device, written about by Douglas Adams in his breathtakingly wry and observant book Life, the Universe and Everything (the third book in the series that began with The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy). I hope it makes you laugh.  If you haven’t read these books, you’re missing out on a real treat.

So long, and thanks for all the fish.


Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 8/7/13: Chillin’ With the Heavies

All dressed up and nowhere to go? Could be a feeling after the surge of energy launched into nothingness by yesterday’s New Moon in Leo, which promptly went void-of-course, suggesting nothing of consequence will be started. This drift continues until 11:57PM ET, when the Moon gets into gear in discerning Virgo. You’ll likely feel the shift of energy immediately, along with a focused awareness of details that need to be sorted, organized and made right.

The big planetary pattern of the day is the first of three oppositions between expansive Jupiter in emotional/homeland security-needing Cancer and empowering, perspicacious Pluto. A shift or power reach or breakdown of collective beliefs about home, family, emotional security? Here’s a story that hit a few days ago about such issues: a county in California considering using  eminent domain to seize homes with underwater mortgages and allow the homeowner to stay in the home and refinance the reduced value. As opposed to evicting the homeowners and letting investors buy the homes at the same reduced value. In other news, President Obama made a speech yesterday about getting involved in serious housing finance reform.

As noted yesterday, Jupiter-Pluto connections often reflect stories about power and resources: oil, gas, nuclear — and here’s a cool one about solar power — also out of California. Meanwhile, in Japan, the prime minister has directed the government to get involved with the ongoing crisis at Fukushima, which has been going on now for over two years.  According to a story in the NYT, Mr Abe said, “This is not an issue we can let Tepco take complete responsibility of; we must deal with this at the national level.”  How fascinating that this statement would be made on the Jupiter-Pluto opposition…

Use the energy of this long Moon void to chill, take care of what is routine and know that crises that crop up are usually much ado about nothing. Enjoy the twists that arise in your efforts to move forward in a straight line.

Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 8/6/2013: New Moon in Leo — A Royal Celebration

The New Moon in  Leo officially begins today at 5:51PM ET, offering us an opportunity to re-set  intentions and goals for the next lunar cycle.  Around the 14th, on the First Quarter Moon, we can expect a challenge to those goals, with appropriate adjustments made. At the time of the Full Moon on the 20th, we can expect illumination on the success or failure of our goals for the cycle. If we succeeded, we can consciously release our success into our reality; if we failed, we let go of whatever did not work. After the Third Quarter Moon on the 28th, we can review our achievements, tie up loose ends and get ready to begin another New Moon on September 5th.

This New Moon occurs at 14 degrees of Leo, where its need for drama, love and other forms of recognition will likely find expression in groups, perhaps also through a maternal influence. Freedom of expression is a lingering theme, with an added layer of “healer, heal thyself”.  The Sabian Symbol for this lunation suggests plenty of opportunities to pull out all the stops in all matters of creative expression seeking recognition. It is this:  “a pageant”.  Examples of a pageant, notes Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee, include the outrageous carnival of a Mardi Gras, marked by wretched excess and exultation. Adding to the potential for celebratory overload is a pattern noted yesterday: expansive Jupiter, seeking its reward in whatever fosters homeland and emotional security….opposed by powerful Pluto in the sign of the Established Order.  But wait, there’s more — and that would be the windfall opportunity suggested by Jupiter’s upcoming square to Uranus. Sudden disruptions of the status quo, for better or worse, that lead to sweeping change…

You will feel this surge of creative expression and celebration more personally if you have a planet or point at around 14 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.  Opportunities for transformational expansion are suggested by the Jupiter-Pluto-Uranus square if you have a planet or point around 8-13 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

I don’t know about you, but everyone around me has been particularly giddy this morning, true to the spirit of the Leo Moon’s need for play. Once the New Moon is exact at 5:51PM ET (light a candle; set your intentions), it then goes void of course until 11:57PM ET — tomorrow night. That’s a looooong rest period. Time for a party or what? But y’know, that’s the spirit of this New Moon — just be careful your backyard BBQ grill does not tip over and set the house on fire. Or explode. You can have too much of a good thing, including creative self-expression, as this timely article on America’s narcissism crisis explains. Once the Moon is in detail-conscious, perfection seeking Virgo on Thursday, then proceed to launch an agenda that is intended to take form, as opposed to just taking the stage.

In the news — following up on yesterday’s note about the Jupiter-Pluto opposition suggesting big news in the publishing world — how fascinating it was to see the Washington Post being bought by Amazon, and just a few days ago the owner of the Boston Red Sox bought the Boston Globe. Jupiter-Pluto-Uranus also suggests resources, including nuclear power, and I am totally bummed to report that the situation in Fukushima continues to worsen — and it does so every time there’s a trigger to the Uranus-Pluto square by a faster-moving planet. Last month it was the Sun and Mars; this month, Jupiter and Venus; the first week in October it’ll be the Sun; the first week in November it’ll be the fourth of seven exacts Uranus-Pluto square.

What else does Jupiter-Pluto suggest? Big news in sports…and everyone is dishing about the doping scandal in Major League Baseball, which includes its highest-paid player, a.k.a. A-Rod of the NY Yankees. We do not have a birth time for A-Rod (known birth data here), but let the record show that his proud Leo Sun was just smacked down by a square from stern Saturn. And while we are on the subject of stern Saturn smackdowns, let the record also show that a frequent subject of this forecast, Dominque Straus-Kahn, was recently charged with pimping after Saturn’s third opposition to DSK’s Taurus Sun.

Wanna see some cool outer space stuff, also suggested by current planetary patterns? Even the Mars Curiosity rover is in a celebratory mood. Here is a video of it singing “Happy Birthday” to itself, presumably not in violation of any copyright laws on the Red Planet. Happy birthday, Curiosity!

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 8/5/2013: Party Zone

East Coasters can ease into the start of the work week, courtesy of the Cancer Moon being void-of-course as of 2:49AM ET until 12:58PM ET. Sleeping late? No problem! Most transgressions can be gotten away with — huzzah! And huzzah it may be again once the Moon enters regal Leo at 12:58PM ET, looking for any opportunity to party on  and/or shine. Not until 11:54PM ET might the brakes be put on, thanks to stern Saturn challenging someone’s authority.  Spend this day and much of the next wrapping up projects from this lunar cycle. It starts all over again tomorrow at 5:51PM ET — sort of. We’ll have a New Moon at that time, but it goes void until 11:57PM ET Wednesday, suggesting that day will be a bit of a bust. Wait until Thursday to reeeeally launch your brand new bright ideas.

The big planetary pattern this week is expansive Jupiter exactly opposing Pluto (power, resources, transformation) on Wednesday at 7:34PM ET. Jupiter rules Sagittarius, the sign that is only too happy to offer its opinion on any subject — whether you want to hear it or not. Jupiter rules collective belief systems, including law, philosophy and religion. It rules group communication systems, too, such as academia, publishing and broadcasting.  Pluto refers to power, breakdown, transformation, energy/resources. Look for those themes in the news, as collective belief and outreach systems are challenged and perhaps transformed. Right now for example, there’s a battle going on between Time Warner Cable and CBS,  and the latter is no longer available on the former.  Fortunately for viewers, there’s Aereo and Netflix — and both are cheaper than TWC. Huzzah!

Meanwhile, a challenge to a collective belief system prevailed in the Czech Republic — with the delightful fringe element of Sunday’s uncompromisingly free and eccentric connection between rebel Uranus and the dramatic Leo Sun. Ever hear of a Pastafarian? You must see the official government ID photo of this fiercely independent Czech citizen, who is also a member of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. It may sound kooky, but there are intriguing potential consequences suggested by his victory, as the accompanying article explains.

Jupiter-Pluto transits often trigger events involving power sources, e.g., the oil, gas and nuclear power industries. Also watch for news from underground, especially as we get closer to August 21st, when Jupiter will square disruptive Uranus.


Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 8/2/2013 & the Weekend: Why the Meek Shall Inherit the Earth

Moon continues its drift in Gemini, needing to think and talk about everything. Gemini is an airy, mental sign that needs to inform and be informed. Just ask anyone with Moon in Gemini how they feel when they do not know something (on the rare occasions when that happens). Answer: insecure. And gawd forbid a Moon in Gemini should ever be perceived as boring. It needs to be seen as terribly clever and entertaining — and intensely so. How many of these smartypants-types will you encounter today?

Today’s only exact aspect is the sextile between “loving Venus and horny Mars,” as astrologer Rockie Gardiner would have said. Sextiles facilitate cooperation in relationships — as noted yesterday — and we’ve had a lot of them all week. The Gemini Moon is highly flexible, so you could use this day to work out a kink in a relationship, assuming you can’t plan a full-day Moon void escape. For inspiration, here’s a provocative new study that argues that selfish people are doomed to extinction; it’s the people who know how to be selfless, communicative and cooperative that will one day rule the world. Scientific proof that “the meek shall inherit the Earth”? Well, whaddaya know! Here is the Cliff Notes version of the article…and here is the paper written by the actual scientists, complete with charts and mind-boggling mathematical equations. Moon in Gemini NEEDS you to have access to ALL of this information!

Supporting that study is another study arguing that selfless people have stronger immune systems than self-indulgent hedonists…while this study argues that emotional experiences and states are passed down genetically, generation to generation. So now you know where your irrational fears might have come from. Great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandma was simply being carried off by a Hun.

Horoscopes, by the way, can reveal much about one’s parents and grandparents, their personalities and the quality of the relationship you likely had with them. One day those scientists will catch up with us astrologers… ; )

There’s enough food for thought in those studies to carry you into the weekend, when the Moon will be in Cancer, shifting the focus to home, family and other core foundations. There are no Moon voids to deter your weekend shopping sprees . It’s all looking pretty lovely, with the usual caveats for upsets and power plays when the Cancer Moon is provoked by contact with the Pluto-Uranus square. That happens at 7:47PM ET Saturday and 1:37AM ET Sunday, respectively….which is when the emotionally-security focused U.S. will be closing its embassies in parts of the world. Sunday is also President Obama’s birthday.

In your own personal world, a brilliant, liberating,  independent and playful connection between the Leo Sun and rebel Uranus at 11:05AM ET Sunday puts its stamp on the entire weekend. Aim for new heights…including heights of awareness, consciousness and expression.



Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 8/1/2013: Breakouts, Breakthroughs & the Next Few Days

Buzz, buzz, buzz…the information buzz of a stimulated Gemini Moon continues today. A self-indulgent challenge to Venus (women, money, beauty) and a harmonious connection with the proud Leo Sun are two reasons why you could wake up with a big smile on your face. I don’t know about you, but on my morning commute I noted hardly any horn honking and no jams at all. I hope your travels were equally pleasant.

Also adding to the cooperative spirit, especially among normally warring factions, is a lovely connection between Venus (women, social expression) and Mars (men, action/aggression), exact on Friday at 4:35PM ET. How fortunate for those of you with dates and other social engagements this weekend, as making love and peace becomes — for a brief moment — more important than making war. Why, even the warring factions in Congress managed to get something done yesterday, when they voted to reset and cap rates on student loans. Meanwhile, a debate on chivalry and other social graces was posted on the NYT homepage….and not a moment too soon.

We are in the balsamic phase of the lunar cycle. This is a time to wrap up projects from your New Moon agenda; the next New Moon happens Tuesday evening (ET). Ship it if you can by 12:48PM ET, when the Moon goes void-of-course until just after midnight on Saturday. Otherwise, be prepared for a restless lull best suited to chilling out, creative brainstorming and drafting (but not signing or sealing) and contemplating the stunning breakthroughs and breakouts we’ve witnessed in the past several days. You really know what I’m talking about in your own personal world if you have a planet or point around 9-13 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn…or if you have a significant planet or point at around 4-7 degrees of Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo and Taurus. Been busy, have you?

With yesterday’s challenge between action-hero Mars and rebel Uranus, exact last night around 11PM ET, we expected breakouts, breakthroughs and a bit of bad (rash, reckless) behavior. How fascinating to wake up this morning and read that Edward Snowden has been granted temporary asylum in Russia, releasing him from the confines of the Moscow airport transit zone. In a related story, details of the XKeystore program were also released. This is the genius bit of technology that allows an entity such as the NSA to collect “nearly everything a user does on the Internet”. Also in technology: a “milestone” is reached by a company that converts waste matter into fuel — potentially way cool. Another breakout making headlines: convicted felon OJ Simpson was granted partial parole — but he’s not going anywhere anytime soon. Also going “nowhere”, but still making breakout headlines:  in Texas, George Zimmerman was pulled over for speeding — and yes, he had his gun with him (students of astrology will note the position of Saturn and Uranus to the angles of the chart for traffic stop: 12:54PM CT 7/31/13 in Forney, Texas). Reckless behavior headed for a full stop?

Last, but not least — this just in from outer space (also a Mars-Uranus concern) or at least some outer dimension. Sound healer Tom Kenyon posted the latest missive from a group of disembodied entities who call themselves The Hathors. Someone turned me on to Kenyon’s website ten years ago, and what I found fascinating was that whatever the Hathors had to say was always in tune with planetary patterns. What they talk about in terms of climate change, government/institutional breakdowns & breakthroughs — and especially the crisis in spiritual evolution and consciousness that we face collectively on Planet Earth — is mirrored by the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square and other significant alignments, etc., etc.  What they als0 offer (via Kenyon) is a number of practical meditation techniques to keep you grounded and clear in these challenging times. That is why I find their posts relevant and helpful. If you decide to check out the The Hathors, I recommend starting with the first posts on Kenyon’s site. Their recent posts explaining how they see the true nature of physical reality and how human souls are connected energetically to that which we do not ordinarily perceive, may be daunting. However, the latest post is pretty self-contained.  You’ll have plenty of material to explore and maybe try a meditation over the next two days, during this verrrrrry long Moon-void. Enjoy whatever twists and surprises crop up in your journey…