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Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 11/6/2015 & the Weekend


Today continues to be driven by a service-oriented, detail-focused Moon in Virgo. This is perfect energy for sorting, organizing and making things right. You may feel especially inspired by a optimistic dream of perfection, courtesy of 1) an expansive meet up between the Moon and Jupiter at 9:04AM ET, preceded by an easy flow between Mercury and Neptune. Let it carry you through the day.

There’s a brief Moon void on Saturday between 7:47AM ET and 10:14AM ET. No big deal — maybe sleep in on the East Coast and avoid the early morning yard sales. Generally speaking, what you impulsively purchase during a Moon void will more than likely prove to be of little use. But don’t take it from me; please feel free to learn from your own experience.

After the void, the Moon enters people-pleasing Libra and cruises without interference into the evening. If there’s going to be a howl of resentment over something that just isn’t fair (a typical Libra peeve), watch the action around 1:39PM ET and 9:42PM ET, when the Moon makes its weekly clash to Pluto and Uranus. Emotional intensity and a disruption of the status quo are suggested. Watch the headlines.

Also on Sunday — at 10:31AM ET — Venus enters Libra, one of the signs it rules. From now  until December 4th, matters related to aesthetics are generally well supported. We can expect a greater need for manners and other social graces in relationship. Between now and the 10th, Venus will be at the Aries Point – suggesting prominent news involving women, art, money and other keywords related to Libra.

At 9:42PM ET on Sunday, the Libra Moon goes void until 11:02PM ET on MONDAY. This suggests a higher probability of twists and flakes in your efforts to move forward in a straight line. If you sleep through your alarm, chill. Take care of routine matters and roll with whatever crises may crop up. Yea verily, during Moon voids these crises are often much ado about nothing.

The news is in progress. Stay tuned, and while you are waiting, consider treating yourself to a most excellent discussion about how these planetary patterns are operating in your own horoscope, and how awareness of said patterns can aid you in your quest for world domination. Here’s the 411 on consultations; FYI, rates will rise on November 29th — but not for those Really Useful Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide Bookmarks.

Thank you for reading this forecast.

And now, the news.

Remember how it was noted that in the chart for the CNBC debate, the Moon was conjunct Algol? Remember that Algol is a fixed star whose presence in a horoscope suggests the potential for “losing one’s head”? Would it be fair to argue that the candidates  lost their heads in their howls of protest about the questions they were asked, etc., etc, etc….going so far as to severe ties with NBC News (which has no control over the news directors at CNBC) in retaliation?  In other news, let the record show that Chris Christie and Mike Huckabee just lost their heads today, as the host for the next debate — Fox Business Network — banished them to the kids’ table. And former kids’ table candidates Lyndsey Graham and someone else — off the top of my head, I can’t remember his name — were voted off the entire debate island. The tribe has spoken.

So much else…where to start? How about with Uranus? If you had transiting Uranus making contact with key planets in your horoscope, you might need a little excitement or flash of insight that ends up disrupting the status quo. That’s what’s going on in the horoscope of George H.W. Bush, whose latest memoir “rattled the extended Bush political world” with its “sharp indictment” of Messrs. Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld.

Next up, Ben Carson — mentioned briefly here in September — continues to say amazing things as his poll numbers rise. Adding to what was noted about Mr. Carson previously, let the record show that we see Mercury (mindset and communication) currently under heavy fire from both Neptune (vision, delusion) and Saturn (ambition, gravitas). Yesterday he shared his views on why the pyramids in Egypt were built. He has a bewildering theory on why the U.S. was able to put a man on the Moon  (because the words “in God we trust” are printed on our money. Or something). Today we see reports that Mr. Carson’s self-proclaimed violent past (e.g., trying to stab someone with a knife), conflicts with the memories of those who knew him when.  His Mars-Pluto conjunction in Leo does suggest the potential for “getting away with murder” — or at least a need for regal drama when it comes to taking action (Hillary Clinton has this pattern, too). His Venus retrograde in Virgo has its own relationship challenges, which I can’t go into in detail or else I’ll never get this forecast out the door.

It is fascinating to see how patterns involving Saturn and Neptune in Mr. Carson’s chart. They mirror the fast-approaching square between Saturn and Neptune (exact on November 26th). We can appreciate the potential for what is faith-based, visionary or delusional to be given serious airtime or to be hit with a serious reality check.

Add in the aftermath of the never-ending Uranus-Pluto square — symbolized by the Tower card that was pulled at the start of the week. Consider yesterday’s communicative alignment between the Sun and Pluto, suggesting themes of power, resources and news from underground. Then thank Avid Reader Catherine for making sure I did not neglect to share this disruptive bit: “New York is Investigating Exxon Mobil for Allegedly Misleading the Public About Climate Change”.  Also disruptive: the most powerful person in the world isn’t the President of the United States, according to Forbes. It’s Vladimir Putin, right on schedule as Pluto (empowerment) makes contact with his Sun for the third time.

More on power and resources: the full text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement has finally been released. Bernie Sanders says it is worse than he thought, and here’s why. This just in: the Obama Administration has decided to reject the Keystone XL pipeline, citing climate change.

Meanwhile, on Mars…(for those who like to keep current on what we are learning about the Red Planet)…because sometimes news on Planet Earth is too much to bear.

Let’s end on two optimistic notes: 1) a photo of  Justin Trudeau’s new Canadian cabinet, which is  “the most diverse in the country’s history” ; and 2) a mention of a cherished book I hadn’t read in years — The Phantom TollboothIt’s a wonderful escapist fantasy, laced with biting wit and practical strategies for manifesting your dreams in this material world. There are some things you can control and some things you can’t. Tollbooth offers real wisdom on how to master the former. It’s a fitting reflection for the best a blend of Saturn and Neptune energies can be. May it inspire you to new heights, with your feet firmly planted on the ground. And if that’s not enough motivation and guidance, there’s always a personal consultation with your friendly neighborhood astrologer — here’s how to contact me.




Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 11/4/2015: Jon Stewart, Right on Schedule & a “Shocking” Health Statistic

The applause-seeking Leo Moon went void at 8:46PM ET on Tuesday, not to enter Virgo until 9:22PM ET on Wednesday. What fine, festive mess will be left to tidy up on Thursday, hmmm? During the void, stick to routine tasks, and see  if you notice any odd twists or flakes in your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Roll with whatever crisis crops up and reserve judgement and/or freak outs until the Moon is back in gear. With a Leo Moon void, I could imagine a spontaneous party — even during business hours. I could also see a creative project taking an imaginative turn, with unexpected results. I could also see a fiery drama king or queen running wild.

And now, the news.

Social media was buzzing during Monday morning’s Moon void, when a data dump claiming to be posted by Anonymous outed a number of politicians as members of the Ku Klux Klan. Not so fast, said Anonymous, denying responsibility for the dump. Scuttlebutt has it that the real Anonymous list will be released on Thursday, when the Moon is in detail-conscious Virgo. Accordingly, Anonymous has promised to dot all i’s and cross all t’s.

I was intrigued by Beth Owlsdaughter’s Tarot Card of Week, also posted Monday. It was a rare pull of the card most associated with the “shock to the system” potential of the Uranus-Pluto square. While the seven exact hits of that never-ending square are now in the rear view mirror, the two planets will move to within one degree of each other between now and December 26th, building tension.

So perhaps whatever Anonymous has to share on Thursday will be a bombshell, but already there have been other disruptions to the status quo. On August 11th, I wrote:

I’m interested to see what will hit the headlines when Jupiter is at 17-18 degrees of Virgo this November and next March and July. These were the degrees of the game-changing Uranus-Pluto conjunctions of 1965 and 1966. I expect we’ll see expanded progress on the seeds planted at that time, including, but not limited to: awareness of climate change and other ways human behavior is impacting ecological systems; awareness of subatomic particles, e.g. the Higgs boson; health care systems such as Medicare (which was created in the mid-60s). Read your history books and fill in the rest of the possibilities.

So what hit the wires on Monday, with Jupiter at 17 Virgo? “Shocking” statistics that the mortality rate for white, middle-aged (45-54) Americans has been increasing since 1998. So we’re talking about people born in the mid-60s, on the Uranus-Pluto conjunction. The causes of death: cirrhosis of the liver (from alcohol; note that Jupiter rules the liver), prescription drug abuse (painkillers) and suicide. This group was born with Neptune (potential escape, drugs, spirits) in Scorpio (potential self-destruction). Those born between 1964 and 1967 also have Saturn (limit, control) in Pisces (suffering, empathy, dreams — and all other Neptune keywords). These are challenging horoscopes!

The death toll so far — half a million — may exceed the number of Americans who have died from AIDS (650,000). But scientists who study these things are being challenged to come up with an explanation for why this group of people: white Americans of a certain age — are dying of these diseases at an increased rate, whereas middle-aged Americans who are Black or Hispanic are not. And neither are middle-aged people in other countries. What makes this group of white folks so vulnerable — compared to those in the six other industrialized nations studied?

It seems they are not just middle-aged White Americans; they are UNEDUCATED middle-aged White Americans who are financially stressed and escaping the pain through drugs, drink and suicide  — a hardcore reality check for those who believe in the American Dream (Mars square Neptune in the US horoscope). I find this fascinating in light of this month’s square between Saturn (reality check) in Sagittarius (higher education!) and Neptune (dreams, drugs, alcohol, endings) in Pisces (ditto, as Neptune is the ruler of Pisces).  

What else makes this group or middle-aged, uneducated Americans unique? Hmm…well…all the other countries provide healthcare (Virgo) to their citizens. Their healthcare systems are not driven by the pharmaceutical industry (Neptune).  They work (Virgo) less than their American counterparts. Their diets (Virgo) are healthier — what they eat, as well as the quality of what they eat. Have you read The China Study yet?

It’s interesting that mortality rates for Black Americans in this age demographic are apparently still declining. Apparently there is a “pronounced racial difference in the prescription of opioid drugs”, perhaps a silver lining for those not handed scripts for painkillers like so much Halloween candy.

What’s really surprising is the surprise expressed by the researchers in the study:

“It knocked us off our chairs,” said Anne Case, an economics professor at Princeton University who worked on the study. Since discovering the trend, Case and her colleague Angus Deaton, also an economics professor at Princeton, have shared the findings with healthcare professionals. “We wanted to make sure we weren’t missing something,” Case said. “Everyone’s been stunned.”

Dear Ms. Case: if you understood anything about astrology, you would see in five seconds that the people born in the mid-60s have planetary patterns suggesting certain specific needs. The potential strengths and weaknesses are clear.  For example, with the Uranus-Pluto conjunction in Virgo, many have digestive and allergy issues. This is one of plenty of other expectations we might have about those born with these planetary pattern. Add Saturn in Pisces to the mix and we see a potential for anguish and a need for escape. Compared to the other countries in the study, the United States could well be a precarious place for them to live. I could go on about the patterns in the U.S. horoscope which would be particularly challenging, but that is a subject for another day. In any case, Ms. Case — knowing a little about astrology might keep you from falling onto the floor.

In other news, there were plenty of upsets in yesterday’s elections. It’s a good year to be running for office if you are a maverick, as seen in Kentucky. Fear of co-ed bathrooms overcame voters in Houston, and an anti-discrimination bill was repealed.  Let the record show that decades ago, opponents to the Equal Rights Amendment warned that if it passed, co-ed bathrooms would be everywhere. The Amendment was not ratified.  We now have co-ed bathrooms, but women still make only 74 cents for every dollar a man makes. Go figure.

The third installment in the NYT’s series about forced arbitration is a doozy. It also speaks well to the surreal square between Saturn in Sagittarius (law, belief systems, dogma) and Neptune in Pisces. “In Religious Arbitration, Scripture is the Rule of Law”.  Separation of church and state — and tort law? Surely we will see more on this issue as Saturn moves through Sagittarius for the next two years.

UPDATE on Jon Stewart, starting with a bit from my forecast on March 11, 2015:

Meanwhile, for anyone who has a planet or angle at 4 degrees of Gemini, Pisces, Virgo and especially Sagittarius, you may have been feeling pressured to make an ambitious reach or streamline in the weeks leading up to the beginning of February. Saturn hit 4 Sagittarius on February 9th and has been sitting there since then. Well, guess what? Your squeeze continues through mid-April, as this weekend Saturn will turn retrograde on that degree, giving you an opportunity to rethink and retool your strategy (Saturn will continue appearing to move backwards into the end of Scorpio before turning direct on August 2nd). The results of your hard work should be apparent around the first week of November, which is when Saturn will hit 4 Sagittarius again.  Jon Stewart, if you’re reading this, it applies to you.

It should be no surprise to learn that yesterday it was announced that Jon Stewart has signed a four-year deal with HBO. Last week, he announced that he and his wife were opening an animal sanctuary in New Jersey. No charge for that tip in March, Mr. Stewart.  Not that you asked. Disclaimer: Mr. Stewart was once asked about his birth time at a taping of “The Daily Show”. He could not imagine why that piece of information might be significant. Take a look.

Not that anyone should believe in astrology. As a wise astrologer once said, “I don’t believe in astrology!” And then, after a dramatic and stunned (on the part of the interviewer), pause, he continued, “Astrology is something to know about”.

What’s going on in your horoscope? Here’s the 411 on personal consultations. We will have an excellent discussion together. FYI, your astrologer is giving herself a well-deserved raise on November 29th.

Thank you for reading this forecast.

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday & Tuesday 11/2-3/2015: Sneak Peek at the Week; Jimmy Fallon & Others

Allll-righty then!

Slow start or twist to your morning commute? The Cancer Moon was void as of 10:35PM ET on Sunday. It did not fully engage in Leo until 10:48AM ET. Over in Europe, flights were cancelled in a few cities, thanks to heavy fog. A Moon void also suggests upsets favoring the underdog in sports matches. Did the final game of the World Series qualify? The Kansas City Royals “rallied” to win against the home team, in the 147th inning…

With the Moon now fully engaged in Leo, drama, love and a need to shine drives the day. Passion is further fueled by a rare meet-up between Venus (yin) and Mars (yang) in discerning Virgo at 8:10PM ET. If you’re a Virgo born around September 16th, you may be getting noticed, for better or for worse. In the case of the former, I’m thinking about Prince Harry, who’s getting a lot of love for his work on behalf of veterans in the US and the UK. And in the case of the latter, I’m thinking about Jimmy Fallon, whose horoscope reflects tension building to a release this month, as transiting Mars triggers his potent Mars-Pluto conjunction which was eclipsed on September 27th. “He’s a Mess: Insiders Worry Fallon’s Partying is Getting Out of Hand,” reads a recent headline. Book an appointment with your astrologer now, Mr. Fallon. You need to plan a strategy for handling the further tension scheduled in your horoscope in the first half of 2016.

That kind of straight talk reflects the move mental Mercury made while you were sleeping (at 2:06AM ET), from people-pleasing Libra to depth-seeking Scorpio. We can expect investigative intensity in mindset and and communications from now until November 21st.

Patterns for the rest of the week are as follows. On Tuesday at 7:24AM ET, we’ll have the Third Quarter Moon, suggesting another piece of the puzzle solved or appearing regarding projects begun on last month’s relationship-focused New Moon. Aim for an innovative solution that allows everyone an opportunity to shine, until the Moon goes void on Tuesday at 8:46PM ET, energized by an innovative connection from Uranus. Note that the Moon will be void during business hours on Wednesday. It won’t enter Virgo until 9:22PM ET.

As we get closer to the end of the week, patterns among the Sun and Pluto (Thursday) and Mercury and Neptune (Friday), suggest a need for effective communication involving resources and regeneration, mixed with vision (which hopefully will not prove to be delusional). With Neptune it can be one way or the other: sublime or surreal.

And now, the news.

First, reflecting the awful truth suggested by transiting Pluto (corporations; corruption exposed)  squaring the US Saturn in Libra (courts, justice), the NYT brings you a three-part series on how forced arbitration has “privatized the justice system”, favoring corporate defendants over citizen plaintiffs.

Meanwhile, everywhere I looked over the weekend, I saw headlines reflecting keywords of the alignment between the Sun and Neptune, e.g., drugs, compassion, victims, oceans, faith, illusion, redemption. For example: In Heroin Crisis, White Families Seek Gentler War on Drugs; Thousands Start Life Anew With Early Prison Releases; an initiative to Help ex-Prisoners Find Jobs and Housing. Or how about Trafficked Migrant Workers Abused in Irish Fishing Industry.

This obituary caught my eye: “Willis Carto, Far-Right Figure and Holocaust Denier, Dies at 89”.  Denying the Holocaust? That’s pretty delusional. So before I looked up patterns on his birth date — July 17, 1926 in Fort Wayne, IN — I anticipated I would see key planets tied with Neptune (unreal) and Saturn (reality). And guess what? Mr. Carto’s horoscope has a T-square with Saturn squaring an opposition between Mercury-Neptune and Jupiter. Real and unreal. For the added pixie-dust required to sway others to his delusional beliefs, we see an easy flow between Mars and that Mercury-Neptune conjunction. Astrology is amazing.

An uncomfortable tension among Saturn and Neptune is the key pattern in the cosmos this month. We’ll see its exact square on November 26th (Thanksgiving), the day after a Full Moon in Gemini (information illuminated). Yea verily, this suggests a test of faith — or a leap of faith to launch a serious ambition. Let’s hope we all get it right. You’re most affected by this integrity challenge if you have a planet or angle around 7 degrees of Pisces, Virgo, Gemini or Sagittarius.

What’s going on in your horoscope? Don’t be like Jimmy Fallon. Get a heads up on the year ahead, so you can make the most of opportunities. Understand why you are the way you are and why things happen when they happen. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations. FYI,  I’m giving myself a raise on November 29th. It’s been more than a few years, and I’ve earned it.

Finally, of all the days of the year, how fascinating to see a story about “the book about relationships that everyone should read” making news. It’s a “cult feminist classic” Happy Venus conjunct Mars — the feminine and the masculine — in hypercritical, perfection-seeking Virgo. Coincidence or conspiracy?

Thank you for reading this forecast and sharing it with the rest of the Free World.