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Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 11/4/2015: Jon Stewart, Right on Schedule & a “Shocking” Health Statistic

The applause-seeking Leo Moon went void at 8:46PM ET on Tuesday, not to enter Virgo until 9:22PM ET on Wednesday. What fine, festive mess will be left to tidy up on Thursday, hmmm? During the void, stick to routine tasks, and see  if you notice any odd twists or flakes in your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Roll with whatever crisis crops up and reserve judgement and/or freak outs until the Moon is back in gear. With a Leo Moon void, I could imagine a spontaneous party — even during business hours. I could also see a creative project taking an imaginative turn, with unexpected results. I could also see a fiery drama king or queen running wild.

And now, the news.

Social media was buzzing during Monday morning’s Moon void, when a data dump claiming to be posted by Anonymous outed a number of politicians as members of the Ku Klux Klan. Not so fast, said Anonymous, denying responsibility for the dump. Scuttlebutt has it that the real Anonymous list will be released on Thursday, when the Moon is in detail-conscious Virgo. Accordingly, Anonymous has promised to dot all i’s and cross all t’s.

I was intrigued by Beth Owlsdaughter’s Tarot Card of Week, also posted Monday. It was a rare pull of the card most associated with the “shock to the system” potential of the Uranus-Pluto square. While the seven exact hits of that never-ending square are now in the rear view mirror, the two planets will move to within one degree of each other between now and December 26th, building tension.

So perhaps whatever Anonymous has to share on Thursday will be a bombshell, but already there have been other disruptions to the status quo. On August 11th, I wrote:

I’m interested to see what will hit the headlines when Jupiter is at 17-18 degrees of Virgo this November and next March and July. These were the degrees of the game-changing Uranus-Pluto conjunctions of 1965 and 1966. I expect we’ll see expanded progress on the seeds planted at that time, including, but not limited to: awareness of climate change and other ways human behavior is impacting ecological systems; awareness of subatomic particles, e.g. the Higgs boson; health care systems such as Medicare (which was created in the mid-60s). Read your history books and fill in the rest of the possibilities.

So what hit the wires on Monday, with Jupiter at 17 Virgo? “Shocking” statistics that the mortality rate for white, middle-aged (45-54) Americans has been increasing since 1998. So we’re talking about people born in the mid-60s, on the Uranus-Pluto conjunction. The causes of death: cirrhosis of the liver (from alcohol; note that Jupiter rules the liver), prescription drug abuse (painkillers) and suicide. This group was born with Neptune (potential escape, drugs, spirits) in Scorpio (potential self-destruction). Those born between 1964 and 1967 also have Saturn (limit, control) in Pisces (suffering, empathy, dreams — and all other Neptune keywords). These are challenging horoscopes!

The death toll so far — half a million — may exceed the number of Americans who have died from AIDS (650,000). But scientists who study these things are being challenged to come up with an explanation for why this group of people: white Americans of a certain age — are dying of these diseases at an increased rate, whereas middle-aged Americans who are Black or Hispanic are not. And neither are middle-aged people in other countries. What makes this group of white folks so vulnerable — compared to those in the six other industrialized nations studied?

It seems they are not just middle-aged White Americans; they are UNEDUCATED middle-aged White Americans who are financially stressed and escaping the pain through drugs, drink and suicide  — a hardcore reality check for those who believe in the American Dream (Mars square Neptune in the US horoscope). I find this fascinating in light of this month’s square between Saturn (reality check) in Sagittarius (higher education!) and Neptune (dreams, drugs, alcohol, endings) in Pisces (ditto, as Neptune is the ruler of Pisces).  

What else makes this group or middle-aged, uneducated Americans unique? Hmm…well…all the other countries provide healthcare (Virgo) to their citizens. Their healthcare systems are not driven by the pharmaceutical industry (Neptune).  They work (Virgo) less than their American counterparts. Their diets (Virgo) are healthier — what they eat, as well as the quality of what they eat. Have you read The China Study yet?

It’s interesting that mortality rates for Black Americans in this age demographic are apparently still declining. Apparently there is a “pronounced racial difference in the prescription of opioid drugs”, perhaps a silver lining for those not handed scripts for painkillers like so much Halloween candy.

What’s really surprising is the surprise expressed by the researchers in the study:

“It knocked us off our chairs,” said Anne Case, an economics professor at Princeton University who worked on the study. Since discovering the trend, Case and her colleague Angus Deaton, also an economics professor at Princeton, have shared the findings with healthcare professionals. “We wanted to make sure we weren’t missing something,” Case said. “Everyone’s been stunned.”

Dear Ms. Case: if you understood anything about astrology, you would see in five seconds that the people born in the mid-60s have planetary patterns suggesting certain specific needs. The potential strengths and weaknesses are clear.  For example, with the Uranus-Pluto conjunction in Virgo, many have digestive and allergy issues. This is one of plenty of other expectations we might have about those born with these planetary pattern. Add Saturn in Pisces to the mix and we see a potential for anguish and a need for escape. Compared to the other countries in the study, the United States could well be a precarious place for them to live. I could go on about the patterns in the U.S. horoscope which would be particularly challenging, but that is a subject for another day. In any case, Ms. Case — knowing a little about astrology might keep you from falling onto the floor.

In other news, there were plenty of upsets in yesterday’s elections. It’s a good year to be running for office if you are a maverick, as seen in Kentucky. Fear of co-ed bathrooms overcame voters in Houston, and an anti-discrimination bill was repealed.  Let the record show that decades ago, opponents to the Equal Rights Amendment warned that if it passed, co-ed bathrooms would be everywhere. The Amendment was not ratified.  We now have co-ed bathrooms, but women still make only 74 cents for every dollar a man makes. Go figure.

The third installment in the NYT’s series about forced arbitration is a doozy. It also speaks well to the surreal square between Saturn in Sagittarius (law, belief systems, dogma) and Neptune in Pisces. “In Religious Arbitration, Scripture is the Rule of Law”.  Separation of church and state — and tort law? Surely we will see more on this issue as Saturn moves through Sagittarius for the next two years.

UPDATE on Jon Stewart, starting with a bit from my forecast on March 11, 2015:

Meanwhile, for anyone who has a planet or angle at 4 degrees of Gemini, Pisces, Virgo and especially Sagittarius, you may have been feeling pressured to make an ambitious reach or streamline in the weeks leading up to the beginning of February. Saturn hit 4 Sagittarius on February 9th and has been sitting there since then. Well, guess what? Your squeeze continues through mid-April, as this weekend Saturn will turn retrograde on that degree, giving you an opportunity to rethink and retool your strategy (Saturn will continue appearing to move backwards into the end of Scorpio before turning direct on August 2nd). The results of your hard work should be apparent around the first week of November, which is when Saturn will hit 4 Sagittarius again.  Jon Stewart, if you’re reading this, it applies to you.

It should be no surprise to learn that yesterday it was announced that Jon Stewart has signed a four-year deal with HBO. Last week, he announced that he and his wife were opening an animal sanctuary in New Jersey. No charge for that tip in March, Mr. Stewart.  Not that you asked. Disclaimer: Mr. Stewart was once asked about his birth time at a taping of “The Daily Show”. He could not imagine why that piece of information might be significant. Take a look.

Not that anyone should believe in astrology. As a wise astrologer once said, “I don’t believe in astrology!” And then, after a dramatic and stunned (on the part of the interviewer), pause, he continued, “Astrology is something to know about”.

What’s going on in your horoscope? Here’s the 411 on personal consultations. We will have an excellent discussion together. FYI, your astrologer is giving herself a well-deserved raise on November 29th.

Thank you for reading this forecast.

Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 7/16/2015: Shine On, Leo Moon!

East Coasters, your day starts with an easy flow between stabilizing Saturn and the intuitive Cancer Moon at 7:24AM ET.  It launches a brief Moon void (yes, there really IS one this morning) for a few hours, until 10:15AM ET. From then on, Moon will be in sunny Leo, cruising with no contact from other planets until early SATURDAY morning. Then it does make contact with a planet before going void. This does not happen very often. In fact, I can’t remember if it’s ever happened since I started writing this forecast over six years ago.

What are we do to with all this Leo lunar energy, flowing without static for almost 48 hours? How about what Leo does best: shine, shine, shine — love, love, love — play, play, play. Which doesn’t mean take the day off…but perhaps incorporate this heart-centered energy into every facet of your routine: work, relationships – and yes, play. Weren’t we just talking about the heart in yesterday’s New Moon forecast? Yes, indeed. Here’s another perspective on the potential of this New Moon and the seeds we can plant now, courtesy of the lovely and talented Tarot diva, Beth Owlsdaughter.

There’s no lack of stimulation to inspire your creativity, as mental Mercury is still buzzing from its encounter with Mars and Pluto yesterday. On Saturday, it buzzes even more when it connects with innovative Uranus — but we’re feeling the build-up now. Genius or just plain nuts? Maybe a little of both.

The downside of Leo is the potential for drama queens and kings to seize the stage. However, many of them can be tamed by a wee bit of applause. OK, a lot of applause. That’s your secret weapon for managing anyone who was born with a Leo Moon.

Here’s a little exercise/meditation I learned from a most excellent teacher with Moon in Leo (many Leo Moons are shine in a classroom as well as on stage). Ready? OK. When was the last time you gave someone a compliment? Why not express appreciation at every opportunity over the next two days? If that’s feels like overkill for you, then try to give at least three compliments each day, especially if you are someone who does not hand them out like Kleenex at a funeral. Note how it feels, as well as the response. See how creative some people can be at deflecting your sincere admiration. Isn’t that interesting? What’s up with that?

And what about you? How well do you receive a compliment? Why do you think this is so? Extra bonus points for giving yourself a big compliment when you look in the mirror each morning. Go ahead, do it now.

What did you come up with? How did it make you feel?

You are awesome. Thank you for reading this forecast.

Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 5/28/2014: New Moon in Gemini; Brainpower Makes Headlines (Mercury at the Aries Point)

Finally the Moon is in gear — as of 12:48AM Wednesday, when it entered Gemini. Alas, too late for the New York Rangers, who were apparently favored to win last night’s match against the Montreal Canadiens. The game took place during yesterday’s long Moon void, when efforts to move forward in a straight line are more likely to experience surprise twists. In sports matches, I’ve observed that when the Moon is wandering aimlessly (void), we often see upsets favoring the underdog.  The NY Rangers lost in a “wild” game. Oh well, there’s another game on Thursday, and today you might as well think positively about it, suggested by a harmonious connection between Mercury and Venus, exact at 9:58AM ET. How passionately witty, charming and entertaining can you be? Very much so, if the rosy glow of today’s exact challenge between the Sun and Neptune can also weigh in.

A New Moon offers us an opportunity to re-set  intentions and goals for the next lunar cycle. Today’s New Moon is exact at 2:40PM ET — at 8 degrees of Gemini. Around June 5th, on the First Quarter Moon, we can expect a challenge to those goals, with appropriate adjustments made. At the time of the Full Moon on June 13th , we can expect illumination on the success or failure of our goals for the cycle. If we succeeded, we can consciously release our success into our reality; if we failed, we let go of whatever did not work. After the Third Quarter Moon on June 19th, we can review our achievements, tie up loose ends and get ready for another round with the New Moon on June 27th.

Gemini is an air sign, ruled by Mercury, which refers to the mindset, information and communication. Gemini is a double-bodied sign (it is represented by the Twins), and is thus capable of going either way — or more than one way simultaneously — in a situation. Gemini invented the phrase “…on the other hand” — and guess what? Gemini also rules the hands. It likes to have its hands in a lot of different pies.

It’s interesting to note how similar patterns are in this year’s New Moon in Gemini compared to last year’s, when we had plenty of pixie-dust potential suggested by a challenge between Mars, planet of action and rose-colored Neptune. This year we have the potential for even more prominent ideas and visions, suggested by a dynamic connection between the Sun-Moon conjunction and Neptune in soulful Pisces. The prominence comes courtesy of mental Mercury close to the Aries Point, which regular readers know is the very beginning of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Planets on these degrees seem to have a knack for attracting attention.  Example: Meryl Streep, born with the Sun and rebel, one-in-a-million Uranus at 0 degrees of Cancer (June 22nd of 1949). There is nobody else like her — and she is known for it. Right?

Also driving visionary thoughts and communication is an easy connection to the New Moon from action-hero Mars, now moving forward in diplomatic, airy Libra. We are building to a super-charged push around the Full Moon on the 14th, courtesy of a challenge between Mars and ruthless Pluto. We also have the “good for business” trine (easy connection) between expansive Jupiter and disciplined Saturn, which facilitates plans that can actually be structured.  And of course we can’t forget the never-ending square between rebel Uranus and ruthless Pluto, a.k.a. The Planetary Pattern Everyone Should Be Talking About, which is determined to disrupt the status quo — for better or for worse — in the name of freedom and all that.

So. Big visionary ideas, channeled with great effort and passion — striving to become real — based on a dream or delusion — ultimately seeking emancipation and empowerment. What might we see in the headlines in this lunar cycle? Let’s look at the Sabian Symbol. The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon at 8 Gemini is “an industrial strike,”  which Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee notes is:

“a situation wherein the locus of industry is surrounded by disgruntled workers. When the work stops, industry grinds to a halt. Energy is directed instead to issues of inequities, of worth, of brewing social awareness being stirred up in the work force…such issues become inflamed as the pressure builds between two distinct strata, moving in different directions.”

Fascinating. We’ve certainly had a ton of disruptive headlines about inequities of worth in recent months, especially in the aftermath of last month’s supercharged Cardinal Grand Cross. And I have not even mentioned that as of June 7th, Mercury will be turning retrograde until July 1st. And that strikes do tend to flare up during Mercury retrograde periods.  And also that ideas and communication — whether visionary or delusional — come up for review during these times.

Bovee also notes that “to strike” is to “deliver a blow with suddenness”.  Often one strikes out of protest. But one can also “strike a balance” — a mutually agreeable compromise. Or  one can  seize an opportunity and “strike while the iron is hot”.  Hmmmm…what kind of strikes will we see in June….

In your own personal world, if you have a planet or angle around 8 degrees of Gemini, Pisces, Sagittarius or Virgo, you’re more likely to be affected by the need for an empowering new vision that allows you to strike in a specific area of your life (consult your local astrologer for details). Same if you were born around the 28th of May, August, November and February.  For an intriguing take on why you might need an empowering new vision, check out Tarot expert Beth Owlsdaughter’s Card of the Week, which always seems to be in synch with planetary patterns.

That being said, the energy for implementing new projects is a bit stop-and-go over the next couple of days. Two planets — Venus and Mercury — will change signs, and our brains may need some time to adjust. With dreamy Neptune’s influence so strong, your creativity and intuition may be going gangbusters (write it all down!), but factual details may be blurry. Plus on Thursday, the Moon will be void of course for nearly 24 hours, starting at 5:59AM ET, which is not a time to launch an initiative you wish to be of consequence. Friday is another story.

And now, the news…because I promised I’d share some stories, even though this New Moon post is long.

You may recall from yesterday’s forecast that Mercury at the Aries Point suggested that ideas and communication — and here, I would be thinking about ideas regarding mindset and actual brainpower — would attract attention. How intriguing to note that the Supreme Court ruled “that Florida’s I.Q. score cutoff was too rigid to decide which mentally disabled individuals must be spared the death penalty,” as reported in the NYT.  In other news, here’s a story about why our metabolism is different from, say, that of a sloth (blame it on the brain). Meanwhile, rocket scientists as young as six years old showed off their stuff at the 4th Annual White House Science Fair.

Across the Pond, the good folks at The Guardian published the first installment of a series about America’s mental health crisis, as the media feasts on yet another mass murder perpetrated by a clearly delusional (transiting Neptune square a horny, perfection-seeking Venus-Mars conjunction) young man — this time in Isla Vista, CA. I’ve written down my thoughts on the event chart and the horoscope of the delusional young man in question — too much to include in this lengthy post — will wait until tomorrow. Last, but not least, Mercury (brainpower) at the Aries Point (prominence) was reflected in this story listing America’s 10 Smartest  — and Dumbest — States. No surprises about the 10 Smartest States…although given the latest dubious accomplishment by certain folks in Wyoming, I’m surprised it did not make the list of the Dumbest. Wyoming, in case you had not heard, became the first state to reject new national science standards that would require students to be informed about the impact humans have on climate change, as well as evolution. Why, oh why, Wyoming?

We’re now in the shadow of Mercury’s next retrograde, which begins on June 7th. Mercury retrogrades are excellent for RE-viewing your life with an astrologer.