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Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday-Sunday 12/17-20/2015: Astrology in the News and Other Big Things

Alll–righty then!

This Thursday is brought to you by the Moon in Pisces, driven by impressions and intangibles. Who can say it isn’t real if it’s what you feel? This whole month has an element of that. And next month, too.

A potentially heavy kick from karma cop Saturn may have gotten you up this morning around 5:13AM ET. It was followed one hour later by a communicative aspect between Venus (in Scorpio) to “resistance is futile” Pluto (in Capricorn).  Venus-Pluto aspects suggest an empowered intensity in matters related to values, money, aesthetics and women. With Mercury on the verge of an exact engagement with Uranus and Pluto on Saturday and Sunday, the potential for shocking or otherwise disruptive communication and information is high. Let the juicy dirt- digging begin!

My vote for today’s planetary poster child has to be Martin Shkreli, whose horoscope I’ve been meaning to revisit all week. Why? Because he made headlines when it was revealed that he paid $2 million for the one and only copy of an album by Wu-Tang Clan — and then taunted the rest of the Free World about his successful bid (for power and control of the album). That, and doing other things denounced by the Free World as totally loathsome. How interesting that the karma cops knocked on Mr. Shkreli’s door early this morning and arrested him for securities fraud. Here is what I wrote about his horoscope back in August.  We do not know his exact birth time. Music, FYI, is another Neptune keyword.

East Coasters, start your Friday early, as the Pisces Moon will go void at 10:14AM, not to enter me-me-me Aries until 4:26PM ET.  Regular readers of this forecast know that Moon voids are best suited for chilling and taking care of routine matters. Go with the flow of whatever twists or flakes you may encounter in your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Know that most crises that crop up during voids turn out to be much ado about nothing. Chill!!

Friday’s Moon void kicks off on the First Quarter Moon, which suggests a potential challenge to the agenda you set on last Friday’s New Moon. Make adjustments as needed to your plan for world domination. With the Moon in Aries over the weekend, we can expect a faster pace (so watch where you’re going), with the potential for an emotional power play or upset to the status quo in the window between 4 and 8PM ET on Saturday night. Why? Because that’s when the Moon makes its weekly clash with Uranus and Pluto. Plus, that intense Mercury-Pluto-Uranus thing.

Hey, here’s an idea. Rather than rush about doing your holiday shopping, battling crowds in the malls, I invite you to consider gifting your loved ones with a personal astro-logical report or consultation.  There’s only one thing I enjoy more than decorating gift certificates for personal astrological consultations, given to Lucky Someones by thoughtful friends and family. And that would be the emails I receive after I meet with that Lucky Someone, e.g., “Thank you so very much for our amazing meeting today. Girls from the office will be calling you already!!! You were 100% on target!!!” I am delighted to be of service.

If you sleep in on Sunday past 5:50AM ET, you’ll miss the face-off between assertive Mars and the Moon.  Sounds good to me; I’m not planning on running a marathon. The fast pace of the Aries Moon, combined with the expansive, high-flying Sagittarius Sun may feel more balanced for the rest of the day, as the two form an easy connection. But there’s still a buzz in the air, suggested by mental Mercury’s exact hit to rebel Uranus at 10:07PM ET. Not only that, but on Monday at 11:49PM ET, we’ll have the Winter Solstice, which always suggests a turning point. Watch for people with planets around 0 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn to be making news.

Moon goes void Sunday at 5PM ET and enters comfort and security-seeking Taurus at 7:13PM ET. Good food, sweet music and a snuggle with your sweetie?

No sleeping in on Monday.

And now, the news…

The week started out BIG, didn’t it? Big premiere of biggest blockbuster ever for sure, right? May the Force be with you — and through the roof when the new Star Wars film opens Friday. Hooray for Monday with its big giant square between Jupiter and the Sun!

There was big news in the fishing industry, suggested by an obsessive connection between Jupiter and Neptune that will be with us through January and beyond. Jupiter is BIG. Neptune is fish, oceans, slavery and suffering. Who packed that shrimp cocktail? Read this and you’ll never eat it again, aided by a dose of reality, too, as Saturn also puts pressure on Neptune.

Other exposes involving horrible human behavior include today’s front-page piece about a cover-up involving Navy SEALS (Neptune) and a death in Afghanistan, as well as last Sunday’s NYT piece about a cover-up involving prison guards and an inmate’s death in upstate New York. It’s all happening in the U.S., as transiting Pluto continues to put anguished pressure on the U.S. Saturn. Once Pluto finally passes the 15 degree mark, we may see a domino effect in efforts to repair the corruption we uncover.

We had a BIG publishing story in which casino magnate and huge political donor Sheldon Adelson paid $140 million for a Las Vegas newspaper. Scandalous, you say? Who owns your favorite news sources? Do you know? The story broke after the last BIG debate of 2015 happened in Vegas on Tuesday. Here’s the NYT’s Gail Collins with her always-cheerful wrap, in case you missed it.

BIG hoax in Los Angeles and New York on Tuesday — which shut down the entire school system in Los Angeles…

BIG news in finance yesterday was Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellin’s announcement that it would raise interest rates — the first hike since June 2006. How interesting that in August of 2006, Saturn and Neptune would be in the first of a series of challenging aspects to each other, as they are now (and have not been since that series completed). Worth more study, I’m sure…

I can’t say I was surprised by Ms. Yellin’s announcement, even as some journalists were on pins and needles, wondering what she would say. On Twitter, financial journalist Pete Spence tweeted:

Peter Spence


With under 60m left until the Fed announces its decision, what do Yellen’s horoscopes say? 

We do not have an exact birth time for Ms. Yellin, Mr. Spence. Could you be an awesome reporter and dig that up? The general Sun Sign horoscopes you posted from the Daily Mail and the Daily Star are just that — general — and thus not reliable. Plus they were written for a different time zone — adjustments must be made. That being said, we can see from patterns on her birth date how Ms. Yellin might be inclined to take a speculative risk now…and we may have a sense of how that is playing out in mid-February. I wrote about patterns on her birth date over two years ago.

Guess how else astrology made news this week? First it appears to have been dissed in a rap video Michelle Obama made with SNL’s Jay Pharoah, encouraging teens to go to college. Boo hiss! Mr. Pharoah, do you have any idea how many years of study and experience it takes to become a skilled astrologer (obviously not)? Second, Hillary Clinton mentioned astrology when answering a question about whether she’d rather be president or Beyonce (thanks, Washington Post):

“Now, if I really had a choice, I’d rather be president because I can’t sing,” she said. “Nobody would pay to see me sing or dance. Even when I was a way lot younger, it just wasn’t in the cards for me. You see her on TV, it’s impressive. You see her in person, you’re just stunned. Thinking like, how does she do that? Really. I mean, she sings, she’s up, she’s down. It’s just amazing. So it’s just not in my astrological reading, I think (she laughs). So I want to be as good a president as Beyoncé is a performer.”

Mrs. Clinton is correct that the potential for singing and dancing is not strong in her horoscope. Public speaking, absolutely. Can’t speculate on what her cards might say, but I bet Beth Owlsdaughter could. Her weekly Tarot Card offerings are always in synch with planetary patterns…and she’s such a darn good writer…

I know there is much more I could write about, but then I’d have to charge you. Thank you for reading this forecast…and keep those cards and letters coming. Have a wonderful, wonderful  weekend, in this magical holy-day season!


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