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"All I know is that you... Miss Elisabeth Grace are AMAZING! The reading you gave me was so accurate that it still blows my mind 6 months later!!! I also love your daily astrology information!"
--Tim R.
Los Angeles

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Monday 11/25/2019: Sneak Peek at the Week; New Moon in Sagittarius; Neptune Direct; Les Grandes Dames of Venus-Jupiter at the Aries Point

Good Afternoon!

It’s a holiday week in these United States, but if you are working anyway, there is much that can be accomplished — starting with this morning. Moon is in Scorpio, driving the day with a need to dig deep for knowledge – -all for the sake of power and control. That’s where it was yesterday, and headlines were flooded with stories of dirt dug up. It is a dead Moon — the end of the lunar cycle. This accounts for any restlessness or listlessness you may feel, sensing that there is something new around the corner, but you don’t know what. A dead Moon is apt for projects and meetings you hope will fly under the radar, hidden by the lack of light from the Moon. Today’s Scorpio Moon goes void at 12:30 PM ET — for the rest of the business day. Stick to routine projects during the void; roll with any twists or flakes that disrupt your efforts to move forward in a straight line. CHILL OUT if a crisis erupts; it will likely dissipate once the Moon enters the next sign — Sagittarius — at 3:11 AM on TUESDAY.

Meanwhile, Venus changes signs today, leaving boundary-pushing Sagittarius for hard-nosed Capricorn. “How can we make this work?” is a Capricorn concern — and Venus in Capricorn can be quite the social climber, strategically considering how to best use assets — including people — for status and accomplishment. Issues involving women, money, art and social expression are likely to be prominent today through Wednesday, as Venus will be at the Aries Point, which includes the very start of Capricorn.  Here’s the rest of the week:

  • TUESDAYNew Moon begins at 10:06 AM ET — in Sagittarius. Light a candle and make a list of intentions for the next cycle. You are more personally affected if you have a planet around 4 degrees of Sagittarius, Gemini. Virgo and Pisces. This New Moon isn’t connected to any other planets in the chart; it’s functioning as a focused island of righteous opinion and ideals — making a lot of noise as it seeks attention. Two planets that are making plenty of helpful connections are 1) Mercury, which is in a cooperative connection with Saturn (sobering structure) and Pluto (dirt-digging; power and resources); and 2) Venus, which is a similar connection with a high-functioning Mars (action) and trine to Uranus (freedom, intensity, technology, astrology). There is a message to be effectively channeled during this lunar cycle, free and clear from other influences. It stands alone — marching to its own beat, as it were.
  • TUESDAY — The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is “an owl up a tree.” The seeds planted during this lunar cycle relate to wisdom; seeing the big picture from all angles. Wherever this New Moon falls in your horoscope is an area of life that may be ripe for a radical new perspective, based on a lofty mindset.  Also of interest in this New Moon chart: Jupiter is at the end of Sagittarius — getting close to the Aries Point. For the next two weeks, watch for significant news involving publishing, travel, courts, legal opinions, liver, horses, sports — all matters ruled by Jupiter. Equally interesting: Neptune is at a virtual standstill, about to turn direct on…
  • WEDNESDAY…at 7:33 AM ET. Pay attention to your dreams all week. A planet at a standstill is another pattern that demands attention and focus — so here we see why matters involving vision, healing, drugs, spirits, scandal, oil, refugees, oceans, etc (all things ruled by Neptune) will be hot in the headlines.  If you’re a Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius or Gemini born halfway through your sign, you’re feeling the influence more than most. Same if you have a planet or angle around 15 degrees of those signs. Upside potential: profound spiritual or creative inspiration. Downside potential: feeling lost, victimized or wiped out. Consult your astrologer for details.
  • THURSDAY — The Sag Moon will be void between 5:50 AM ET and 7:33 AM ET. Then it enters Capricorn for your Thanksgiving Day feast with family and friends. Remember the Capricorn mantra: “How can we make this work (so we can get something done!)” Reaching across the aisle is highly favored, reflected by 1) a harmony between Mercury and Neptune (idealized thinking/vision) and 2) Venus in harmony (trine) Uranus, which favors unconventional attraction and friendship. There are no speed bumps involving the Moon all day; in fact, the goal-oriented drive of the Capricorn Moon is supported today and tomorrow by easy connections to Mercury-Neptune and Venus-Uranus. Count your blessings!
  • FRIDAYMoon in Capricorn remains focused on taking care of business. Part of its goal includes getting the word out, so as to inspire the troops, suggested by those helpful connections among the Moon, Mercury and Neptune — exact at 12:40 PM ET and 3:30 PM ET. The rest of the day is heavier, as the Moon meets up with sobering Saturn at 4:17 PM ET, followed by Pluto at 10:57 PM ET — there’s your weekly power play or emotional catharsis, upon which the Moon goes void until 3:13 PM ET on...
  • SATURDAY — Chill, chill, chill! A Moon void is not favored for impulsive purchases, as what is purchased may not fulfill expectations. Strategic thinking and investigative reporting mark the next few days, as Mercury makes the third of a series of sextiles (cooperative connections) between Saturn and Pluto. What’s your plan? The harmony between Mercury and Saturn is at 1:12 AM ET; the sextile to Pluto is exact on Tuesday. Once the Moon enters Aquarius at 3:13 PM ET, the need is to network among friends and associations, seeking to be socially significant within the context of a group. A surprise or shock may disrupt the flow around 9:38 PM ET, as Moon squares rebel Uranus.
  • SUNDAY — If you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, get to the gym. Moon squares Mars at 6:43 AM ET, looking for an assertive outlet. The rest of the day flows easily. This is the last full day of Jupiter in Sagittarius, its home sign. Jupiter enters Capricorn on MONDAY, ushering in new criteria for reward and expansion. If you’re Adam Schiff, Ted Cruz, Elizabeth Warren or Meryl Streep, you’re personally affected.

The news will return in the next forecast. There’s so much to write about that happened last week as anticipated — Israel’s  Netanyahu was indicted; Benny Gantz — who ran against him in the last election — failed to form a government. No surprise to anyone who’s been following this forecast — or read my take on Israel’s horoscope in the last Mountain Astrologer. We were expecting another upset for Israel at this time.

Meanwhile, in the wake of the weekend’s two big patterns — the shockingly aggressive innovation of Mars opposing Uranus, coupled with BIG news of valuable objects (Jupiter and Venus at the Aries Point), wipe-out and scandal (Neptune at a standstill) during a dead Moon (favoring covert operations):

Elsewhere, billionaire Michael Bloomberg, representing the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn Coalition has officially tossed his hat into the Democratic presidential campaign — here’s his horoscope — will update it soon, I hope. And — oh! — Fiona Hill testified before Congress last week — did you see her declare the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?  She was born in October 1965 — no birthday known as of yet. She’s either a Libra having a sobering and authoritative experience with transiting Saturn, or a Scorpio being catalyzed by transiting Uranus. She might even be a double Scorpio, like Marie Yovanovitch. You can see why that speculation is plausible when you learn how she responded to a bullying classmate who set her pigtails on fire when she was just 11 years old. What do you think?

I would love to keep writing, but I must stop and focus my efforts on the new website that will be launched on Wednesday — at the appropriate astrological time. It’s been an tremendous effort over the past few weeks — I can’t wait for you to see it!

Until then, I leave you with Tarot Diva Beth Owlsdaughter’s Card of the Week — totally in synch with the mystic focus of Neptune turning direct…and Venus (women) demanding serious focus in Capricorn, at the prominent Aries Point.  Brava, Beth!

Thank you for reading this forecast. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!



Monday 2/6/2017: Sneak Peek at the Week; Aries is for Action

Good morning!

The pixie chatterbox buzz of the Moon in Gemini drives the day, questing for information, wit and entertainment. It all goes swimmingly — with a potential wet blanket or executive reach at 5:53 PM ET, when the Moon is opposed by controlling Saturn. Moon then goes void until 2:03 AM ET TUESDAY; stick to routine in the evening and avoid making mountains out of molehills.

Your other Moon voids for the week: WEDNESDAY 5 PM ET until 4:41 AM ET on THURSDAY; SATURDAY 12:52 AM until 8:52 AM ET. In other words — no real Moon void flakes and twists to disrupt your efforts to move forward in a straight line for those of us in the Eastern Time Zone — so it’s onward, onward, onward!

Planetary patterns of note this week. On TUESDAY, Mercury finally leaves Capricorn, where it’s been for most of the past two months. At 4:36 AM ET it enters Aquarius, seeking to organize thinking and communication into a cerebral and  socially significant form. On THURSDAY, the Aquarius Sun is in harmony with Uranus — look for headlines involving technology, aviation and humanitarian concerns — the more idealistic, the better, given that on FRIDAY, Mercury and Venus will also be in harmony. On SATURDAY the Sun will be in harmony with expansive Jupiter — how potentially nice for you if you have a planet or angle around 23 degrees of Aquarius, Gemini or Libra.

So — no tough patterns — except brief ones to the Moon.  Don’t squander this easy flow — do something! Wednesday is the most volatile day, as the Moon makes its weekly contacts to Uranus and Pluto. Note that emotions are building to a crest this week. On Friday the Moon will be full at 7:33 PM ET — in love-love-me-do Leo. This Full Moon is also an eclipse — and we’ll write more about that later this week.

And now, the news.

Hard to believe that the last time I wrote about Alec Baldwin’s horoscope — almost three years ago — he was announcing his retirement from public life. How things change! Like….a  series of Jupiter transits to his Aries Sun, the first of which happened on November 12th, suggesting opportunities for ego expansion that are likely to continue through the first half of the year. If you didn’t see Mr. Baldwin’s latest star turn on SNL, here it is.  And here is another show-stopper: Melissa McCarthy as White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer — a Moon-in-Gemini newsy buzz yesterday morning.  As one of my writing teachers used to say, “Comedy is a coping strategy for pain.” Enjoy!

On Friday, a federal appeals judges upheld the stay on P45’s efforts to ban Muslims from seven select countries, reflecting the stubborn “keep things as they are” resolve of Friday’s First Quarter Moon in Taurus. Meanwhile, art and women continued to pull focus, as we would expect with Venus at the Aries Point. In New York, MoMA made headlines when it replaced some of its permanent collection with works created by artists from those seven targeted countries. That night, “art” made national news again when riders in a Manhattan subway car worked together to remove deplorable graffiti that was scrawled all over the interior. Did you know that hand sanitizer removes Sharpie ink? I didn’t, and am now resolved to carry a little bottle with me at all times, along with a pack of tissues.

In other news, half a million Romanians are protesting its newly-installed prime minister, who has been in office for barely a month. See? It’s not just us. The patterns we are experiencing now — similar to what we had in the mid-60s and early 30s — have a global reach.

Here are the alleged best and worst ads from the Super Bowl. As written here two years ago, the “Deflategate” scandal proved to be of no consequence. The Patriots won. Here, a psychologist explains how fans could be A-OK with their  team’s questionable behavior .

Two things in closing. First, we’ve got Venus and Mars in Aries and we’re working with New Moon energy. This is a week that screams action — but some may hesitate. Why? Do you need some inspiration and motivation? Let me introduce you to one of my former bosses — Bill Hartnett — who has learned a lot since his horoscope was hit by Uranus and Pluto simultaneously a few years ago. As you will see from his blog, he’s a changed man. Here is the post that can help you get out of your rut. Consider the proactive needs of  Aries as the wind at your back. Do it!

Other posts on Bill’s site are well worth the read, especially if you are feeling frustrated by your search for the Next Big Thing.

Second, Beth Owlsdaughter has posted her Tarot Card for the Week — and as always, it is in tune with planetary patterns. Beth is a wise and wonderful writer.

You may remember that I mentioned back in August that Beth was diagnosed with breast cancer. She’s been doing an extremely harsh series of chemo since then. She hasn’t been able to work, but she has written her Card of the Week without fail — she a fighter with a generous heart. Tomorrow Beth  is scheduled for surgery — a  double mastectomy, to be followed by a series of radiation treatments. I would not wish this experience on anyone.

Several months ago, a friend of Beth’s created a GoFundMe page — collecting donations to help Beth with deductibles, co-pays, loss of income, etc. The statistics on the GoFundMe page are fascinating. I love quantitative data. Check this out:

  • The campaign goal is $20,000.
  • In six months, 212 kind-hearted people have given a total of  $12,358
  • That averages out to $58.30 per person.
  • This is not the fascinating part.

The fascinating part is that the campaign has been shared on social media by 729 people. 729 — subtract 212 — and that means that at least 517 people were moved enough by the noble goals of the campaign to SHARE the post, but not actually SUPPORT it with energy in a material form. But if those 517 people had each contributed $14.78, the $20,000 goal would have been made!

Why did those 517 people share the fundraising campaign, but not be moved enough to contribute actual dollars to the effort? This is what I want to know. What are the consequences for society as a whole?  I am pondering this deep question, as I ponder the wisdom of Bill Hartnett’s blog post on how he realized that he wasn’t doing what needed to be done to move forward. Perhaps this will inspire you to ponder…and then DO SOMETHING, too.

Thinking of Beth with much love...and much love to each and every one of you, too. What’s that quote?

“Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.”

Maybe that’s the answer to the question.

But still…$14.78…geez….

Thank you for reading this forecast.

To schedule a personal consultation, here’s how to contact me.

We will have an excellent discussion together.

Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday-Sunday 12/17-20/2015: Astrology in the News and Other Big Things

Alll–righty then!

This Thursday is brought to you by the Moon in Pisces, driven by impressions and intangibles. Who can say it isn’t real if it’s what you feel? This whole month has an element of that. And next month, too.

A potentially heavy kick from karma cop Saturn may have gotten you up this morning around 5:13AM ET. It was followed one hour later by a communicative aspect between Venus (in Scorpio) to “resistance is futile” Pluto (in Capricorn).  Venus-Pluto aspects suggest an empowered intensity in matters related to values, money, aesthetics and women. With Mercury on the verge of an exact engagement with Uranus and Pluto on Saturday and Sunday, the potential for shocking or otherwise disruptive communication and information is high. Let the juicy dirt- digging begin!

My vote for today’s planetary poster child has to be Martin Shkreli, whose horoscope I’ve been meaning to revisit all week. Why? Because he made headlines when it was revealed that he paid $2 million for the one and only copy of an album by Wu-Tang Clan — and then taunted the rest of the Free World about his successful bid (for power and control of the album). That, and doing other things denounced by the Free World as totally loathsome. How interesting that the karma cops knocked on Mr. Shkreli’s door early this morning and arrested him for securities fraud. Here is what I wrote about his horoscope back in August.  We do not know his exact birth time. Music, FYI, is another Neptune keyword.

East Coasters, start your Friday early, as the Pisces Moon will go void at 10:14AM, not to enter me-me-me Aries until 4:26PM ET.  Regular readers of this forecast know that Moon voids are best suited for chilling and taking care of routine matters. Go with the flow of whatever twists or flakes you may encounter in your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Know that most crises that crop up during voids turn out to be much ado about nothing. Chill!!

Friday’s Moon void kicks off on the First Quarter Moon, which suggests a potential challenge to the agenda you set on last Friday’s New Moon. Make adjustments as needed to your plan for world domination. With the Moon in Aries over the weekend, we can expect a faster pace (so watch where you’re going), with the potential for an emotional power play or upset to the status quo in the window between 4 and 8PM ET on Saturday night. Why? Because that’s when the Moon makes its weekly clash with Uranus and Pluto. Plus, that intense Mercury-Pluto-Uranus thing.

Hey, here’s an idea. Rather than rush about doing your holiday shopping, battling crowds in the malls, I invite you to consider gifting your loved ones with a personal astro-logical report or consultation.  There’s only one thing I enjoy more than decorating gift certificates for personal astrological consultations, given to Lucky Someones by thoughtful friends and family. And that would be the emails I receive after I meet with that Lucky Someone, e.g., “Thank you so very much for our amazing meeting today. Girls from the office will be calling you already!!! You were 100% on target!!!” I am delighted to be of service.

If you sleep in on Sunday past 5:50AM ET, you’ll miss the face-off between assertive Mars and the Moon.  Sounds good to me; I’m not planning on running a marathon. The fast pace of the Aries Moon, combined with the expansive, high-flying Sagittarius Sun may feel more balanced for the rest of the day, as the two form an easy connection. But there’s still a buzz in the air, suggested by mental Mercury’s exact hit to rebel Uranus at 10:07PM ET. Not only that, but on Monday at 11:49PM ET, we’ll have the Winter Solstice, which always suggests a turning point. Watch for people with planets around 0 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn to be making news.

Moon goes void Sunday at 5PM ET and enters comfort and security-seeking Taurus at 7:13PM ET. Good food, sweet music and a snuggle with your sweetie?

No sleeping in on Monday.

And now, the news…

The week started out BIG, didn’t it? Big premiere of biggest blockbuster ever for sure, right? May the Force be with you — and through the roof when the new Star Wars film opens Friday. Hooray for Monday with its big giant square between Jupiter and the Sun!

There was big news in the fishing industry, suggested by an obsessive connection between Jupiter and Neptune that will be with us through January and beyond. Jupiter is BIG. Neptune is fish, oceans, slavery and suffering. Who packed that shrimp cocktail? Read this and you’ll never eat it again, aided by a dose of reality, too, as Saturn also puts pressure on Neptune.

Other exposes involving horrible human behavior include today’s front-page piece about a cover-up involving Navy SEALS (Neptune) and a death in Afghanistan, as well as last Sunday’s NYT piece about a cover-up involving prison guards and an inmate’s death in upstate New York. It’s all happening in the U.S., as transiting Pluto continues to put anguished pressure on the U.S. Saturn. Once Pluto finally passes the 15 degree mark, we may see a domino effect in efforts to repair the corruption we uncover.

We had a BIG publishing story in which casino magnate and huge political donor Sheldon Adelson paid $140 million for a Las Vegas newspaper. Scandalous, you say? Who owns your favorite news sources? Do you know? The story broke after the last BIG debate of 2015 happened in Vegas on Tuesday. Here’s the NYT’s Gail Collins with her always-cheerful wrap, in case you missed it.

BIG hoax in Los Angeles and New York on Tuesday — which shut down the entire school system in Los Angeles…

BIG news in finance yesterday was Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellin’s announcement that it would raise interest rates — the first hike since June 2006. How interesting that in August of 2006, Saturn and Neptune would be in the first of a series of challenging aspects to each other, as they are now (and have not been since that series completed). Worth more study, I’m sure…

I can’t say I was surprised by Ms. Yellin’s announcement, even as some journalists were on pins and needles, wondering what she would say. On Twitter, financial journalist Pete Spence tweeted:

Peter Spence


With under 60m left until the Fed announces its decision, what do Yellen’s horoscopes say? 

We do not have an exact birth time for Ms. Yellin, Mr. Spence. Could you be an awesome reporter and dig that up? The general Sun Sign horoscopes you posted from the Daily Mail and the Daily Star are just that — general — and thus not reliable. Plus they were written for a different time zone — adjustments must be made. That being said, we can see from patterns on her birth date how Ms. Yellin might be inclined to take a speculative risk now…and we may have a sense of how that is playing out in mid-February. I wrote about patterns on her birth date over two years ago.

Guess how else astrology made news this week? First it appears to have been dissed in a rap video Michelle Obama made with SNL’s Jay Pharoah, encouraging teens to go to college. Boo hiss! Mr. Pharoah, do you have any idea how many years of study and experience it takes to become a skilled astrologer (obviously not)? Second, Hillary Clinton mentioned astrology when answering a question about whether she’d rather be president or Beyonce (thanks, Washington Post):

“Now, if I really had a choice, I’d rather be president because I can’t sing,” she said. “Nobody would pay to see me sing or dance. Even when I was a way lot younger, it just wasn’t in the cards for me. You see her on TV, it’s impressive. You see her in person, you’re just stunned. Thinking like, how does she do that? Really. I mean, she sings, she’s up, she’s down. It’s just amazing. So it’s just not in my astrological reading, I think (she laughs). So I want to be as good a president as Beyoncé is a performer.”

Mrs. Clinton is correct that the potential for singing and dancing is not strong in her horoscope. Public speaking, absolutely. Can’t speculate on what her cards might say, but I bet Beth Owlsdaughter could. Her weekly Tarot Card offerings are always in synch with planetary patterns…and she’s such a darn good writer…

I know there is much more I could write about, but then I’d have to charge you. Thank you for reading this forecast…and keep those cards and letters coming. Have a wonderful, wonderful  weekend, in this magical holy-day season!


Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 11/25/2014: Heavy, Man

A fleeting upset or power play….or a flash of insight may rattle your morning, as the enterprising Capricorn Moon makes its weekly clash with Pluto and Uranus at 7:54AM and 9:25AM ET, respectively.  Go about your business for the rest of the day, noting the potential for a weighty focus as the evening progresses, courtesy of the annual meet-up of mental Mercury with controlling Saturn in equally controlling Scorpio. If you have a planet or angle around 27 degrees of Scorpio, that’s where you’re feeling the ambitious reach, sobering reality check or gravitas. Consult your local astrologer for details.

As noted yesterday, mind and communication are front and center this week, in ways that may be expansive, heavy and bewildering — possibly all at the same time. Thus it was fun to read Beth Owlsdaughter’s Tarot Card of the Week yesterday and marvel once again at the synchronicity of two symbolic languages: astrology and Tarot.

And speaking of communication, after my effort yesterday to make it absolutely clear how you can receive your very own Really Useful Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide Bookmark (2015 edition), I felt like the Lord of Swamp Castle. If you’d like a bookmark, type your MAILING ADDRESS in the  Message Box, you’ll find by going here. I do not need your birth data in order to send you a bookmark, and that’s the last you’ll hear about bookmarks  for at the next several days.

Thank you for reading this forecast and sharing it with your friends.

Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 11/4/2014: It’s All About You

Moon continues its charge through me-me-me Aries, needing to be an inspiring pioneer. Jangled nerves, a heady buzz or other revelation, as well as intense emotions may be on deck during the morning hours ET, as Moon makes contact with ruthless Pluto and rebel Uranus at 9:07AM and 12:29PM ET. After, we’re free and clear.

Aries can be an inspiring crusader and a passionate champion of the underdog. It can be impulsive, impatient and yet utterly courageous. It’s always up for something new and daring. If you want to motivate an Aries, tell them a task is impossible. They’ll work overtime to prove you wrong.

Aries can be also be self-absorbed. Like this NYT video interview with uninformed slackers who explain why they aren’t going to bother voting today. They can’t possibly see what might be in it for them. Did you know that the biggest political party in the US isn’t Democratic or Republican? It’s the party that does not vote. Which  means that the outcome of today’s midterm election might be decided by about 40% of eligible voters.  Yea verily, those statistics suggest we Americans totally suck at democracy, even as we brag about how great our system is. What’s up with that?

There’s a saying that’s been around for 90 years or so, credited to a number of pastors — and also to actress and activist Irene Dunne. She was a righteous Sagittarius with Moon in Aries, and in 1945 she said in a radio broadcast:

If we don’t stand for something, we’ll fall for anything.

Here’s The Daily Show’s  Jon Stewart, skewering an example of something you can avoid falling for, if you take the time to be informed. If you are not familiar with Koch Industries, check it out, as this organization is very much involved in today’s election.

Your mission today is to not be a self-absorbed slacker. Stand up and be counted, even if the task seems impossible and even if the media outlets have already predicted which way the votes will go.  In the words of the great Yogi (Berra), “It ain’t over ’til it’s over.”  Here’s what’s at stake, suggested by the Uranus-Pluto square, along with this and this, among other things.  Waaaaaaaaaake uppppppppp!

An election during an Aries Moon does suggest a need for something new, as opposed to Moon in Taurus, which would suggests keeping things as they are. Two years ago, I  looked at the chart for the start of the 114th Congress on January 3rd, 2015. It would seem to be a  body that needs to shake up the system — but with what agenda? I will write more about that chart tomorrow.

Meanwhile, here’s Beth Owlsdaughter’s Tarot Card of the Week, always curiously in synch with planetary patterns. Yesterday’s card pull was “unprecedented” and startling, drawn as it was during a void-of-course Moon. The unexpected twist that turned up is the card I associate with the never-ending Uranus-Pluto square, which will be triggered by aggressive Mars next week and exact for the sixth of seven times on December 15th.

If you’re still not inspired by today’s crusading Moon in Aries drive, here’s a song to inspire you as you make your way to the polls. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. Shine!

What’s going on in your horoscope? That nagging need to make a change will likely be affirmed by planetary patterns, so you can move forward with confidence. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday-Wednesday 8/25-27/2014: New Moon in Virgo; Sneak Peek at the Week

Happy Monday — and Tuesday!

Did anyone else notice the subtle shift in energy around 10:13AM ET, the exact time of today’s New Moon? I was up very early this morning, as I have been in recent days, checking on the comfort of my beloved but ailing 17-year-old kitty. I planned to write this forecast in the dead of the Moon, but as it turns out, I needed more rest. What time did I wake up — without an alarm? 10:13AM ET — to the minute. Coincidence or conspiracy? I offer this an example of how you can use the times provided in this forecast. If something notable happens in your own personal world, see if it’s in synch with an exact planetary pattern. If you know your horoscope well enough to know what degrees your angles and planets are at, you can really have fun with this exercise. If you don’t know where your planets are, there’s a little Astro-Basics Report you can order here that will clue you in.

The New Moon — i.e.,  the monthly meet-up of the Sun and Moon — happened at 2 degrees 19 minutes of Virgo. For those of you who like to look up the Sabian Symbols, read for 3 degrees of Virgo (always round up to the next number when using these Symbols).  A New Moon offers us an opportunity to re-set  intentions and goals for the next lunar cycle.  Sometime today or tomorrow, light a candle and make a list.  Around September 2nd, on the First Quarter Moon, we can expect a challenge to those goals, with appropriate adjustments made. At the time of the Full Moon on the 8th, we can expect illumination on the success or failure of our goals for the cycle. If we succeeded, we can consciously release our success into our reality; if we failed, we let go of whatever did not work. After the Third Quarter Moon on the 15th, we can review our achievements, tie up loose ends and get ready to begin another New Moon on September 24th.

Last month’s New Moon in Leo focused on creative self-expression. How do you express your bliss? Keywords for this month’s Virgo New Moon  include perfection, discernment, work, service, integration, analysis. Whom or what does your creative self-expression serve? How does it function? How have you cooperated with and/or integrated it into your daily routine?

Virgo also rules the digestive tract, where it keeps busy instinctively separating the wheat from the chaff. It keeps elements that provide nourishment and eliminates those which do not. Some digestive systems work more efficiently than others, depending on what they are given to process. What is your process? Is it efficient? What does your gut tell you? Your instincts may well be functioning with laser beam intensity and accuracy in the wake of this New Moon — and I was delighted to see its potency reflected with the usual astonishing synchronicity in Beth Owlsdaughter’s Tarot Card of the Week.

So what’s so potent about this New Moon? First, a potentially ruthless application of penetrating energy, for better or for worse , suggested by today’s hook-up (at 3:30PM ET) between action hero Mars and stern Saturn in take-no-prisoners Scorpio. If you’re in a vengeful mood, you could do some damage. If you want to execute a meticulously detailed plan that might even have a humanitarian purpose, you could create something wonderfully helpful and healing. What will you choose? Aiding and abetting this meticulous plan or a genius germ of an idea is mental Mercury in Virgo, supporting the Mars and Saturn. This suggests exacting efficiency and ease of communication. Not a bad week to make a pitch — just avoid the Moon voids.

As for the humanitarian part, this morning at 5:38AM ET we had a lovely alignment between Venus (love, money, social expression) in drama queen Leo and Uranus in pioneering Aries. Venus-Uranus contacts suggests a willingness to go outside the box, and as long as you’re not a cat, that is usually a very good thing. Expressed with passion, this plan may well challenge the established order, suggested by a tense connection between Venus and the Mars-Saturn hook-up. In the past we’ve seen Venus-Saturn challenges reflected in “cutting” or  “chilly” or “reality check” headlines…. and also by stories of “women of steel” (up side). This challenge is exact at 2:22PM ET on Tuesday. An example of an reality check just in:  a report from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. An example of a “woman of steel” — see note on author and pioneer Laura Ingalls Wilder in a few paragraphs.

Venus will challenge Mars on Wednesday at 11:46AM ET. We can expect combustion or fiery passion between the sexes, and the latter can be quite juicy. It seems to me that this Virgo New Moon, together with these challenges to Venus,  is inviting us to consider how we can better integrate feminine archetypical expression (Venus) vs. masculine/patriarchal archetypical expression (Mars-Saturn) — perhaps with a spiritual perspective, suggested by an opposition between Moon and nebulous Neptune, exact today at 6:15PM ET. For those seeking a dreamy escape tonight, there’s your opportunity.

The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon at 3 Virgo is “two guardian angels”. Now this is a very comforting image. But why two? Perhaps one is masculine and the other is feminine — or some other duality? Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee writes that the angels suggest “divine stewardship”, and that we might consider this Symbol as with an eye open for “soft, imperceptible realities that stand guard” in the face of hard or otherwise unyielding structures, or new ways of thinking seeking to penetrate old forms.

You will be more personally influenced this New Moon if you have planets or points around 2 degrees of Virgo, Pisces, Gemini and Sagittarius. And this week, those of you with planets or points at around 16-19 degrees of Leo, Taurus, Scorpio or Aquarius may well experience a release of the conflict or ambitious call to action suggested by the tension among Venus, Mars and Saturn. For example, Barack Obama’s Ascendant is 18 Aquarius. Today he authorized “air surveillance flights of ISIS over Syria,” as a “potential precursor to actual airstrikes”.

In other news, the autobiography of Laura Ingalls Wilder, author of “Little House on the Prairie,” will be published this autumn for the first time. Yup, finally the real story of her life, not the fictionalized — albeit much-loved — version.  Wilder’s horoscope has the Sun at 18 Aquarius and Mercury conjunct Jupiter at 15 Aquarius — a powerhouse combo for a writer.  Also of note: her charismatic Mars-Neptune square has been supercharged by Uranus and Pluto for several months now. And the book publication will coincide with her fifth Saturn return, an event everyone experiences every 28-29 years. A Saturn return is a critical stage in life development, usually offering an opportunity for a new lease on life.  Isn’t astrology amazing?

Keep your organizational focus going on Tuesday, as the Virgo Moon is well-supported during business hours. Get if off your desk if you can, as the Moon goes void at 10:29PM ET… until 5:54PM ET on WEDNESDAY. That should make for some interesting upsets at the U.S. Open. Go with the flow of whatever twists and delays may crop up in your efforts to more forward in a straight line; stick to routine and chill, chill, chill. Your other Moon void this week happens Friday at 12PM ET — until Saturday at 4:53AM ET. Sounds like an early start to the Labor Day weekend….

…which you might as well enjoy to the fullest, given the “bitter, frigid conditions” predicted this winter by the Farmer’s Almanac. This is the same publication that correctly predicted last winter’s polar vortex (modern meteorologists did not). How does the Farmer’s Almanac do it?

The publication, not to be confused with the New Hampshire-based Old Farmer’s Almanac, uses a secret formula based on sunspots, planetary positions and lunar cycles for its long-range weather forecasts.

Of course it does.

Your donations never fail to make my day, with much gratitude to you for  your appreciation. Gratitude also to those of you who share this forecast with friends. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations. Have a wonderful day!