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– S.L.
New York, NY

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Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 1/6/2016: Pluto Power Plays & Such

Alll-righty then!

Writing this during Tuesday’s 13-hour Moon void in Scorpio, looking forward to the lift I expect we’ll all feel once the Moon enters Sagittarius at 1:56AM ET on Wednesday. If you are new to this forecast (welcome!) and are not familiar with the term “Moon void” or “void of course Moon,” here’s a lengthy explanation of what it is and why it is helpful to know about them.

A Sagittarius Moon needs to express its righteous opinion. It can be blunt, coarse and brutally honest. It needs to push boundaries and expand horizons with great enthusiasm, and it’s always up for a gamble or a gambol. Fun Moon-in-Sagittarius activities include catching a foreign film, getting out in nature, engaging in a spirited philosophical debate. At 4:40pm ET, when the Moon is squared by fuzzy Neptune, you may find yourself contemplating a dreamy escape. A harmonious aspect between the Moon and Venus at 7:54PM ET bodes well for social enjoyment, rustic as it may be.

A push for empowerment and emancipation may be on your plate, courtesy of late Tuesday night’s meet-up between the Sun and Pluto at 10:26PM ET.  The emancipation or other disruption of the status quo may be experienced as an upset or revelation between now and 7:22AM ET on Thursday, as the Sun squares Uranus. Certainly we’ll see it in the headlines….and oh, look — it’s 9:48PM — and this breaking news just hit the home page of The Guardian: “North Korean Nuclear Test Suspected as ‘Artificial Earthquake’ Detected”.  Amazing how that works. If the Moon weren’t void, I might freak out about it. I think I’ll chill instead.


President Obama was right on schedule Tuesday morning, announcing his efforts to do something — anything — to curb gun deaths. What got noticed? The fact that President Obama spoke through tears, which we would expect. Why? His Venus in emotionally sensitive Cancer — running wild and at the Aries Point. His caring nature needs to be prominent, and with a measurement to Venus from soulful Neptune, we would not be surprised to witness still more prominent displays of compassion and empathy from him this year. Others may be numbed out by the violence, but he can’t be, given what’s going on in his horoscope. We can expect more sweeping initiatives this year, suggested by other patterns noted in Monday’s forecast.

The good folks at the Guardian have put together a useful chart  where you can find out the number of gun deaths in your electoral district in the past year, and how your elected representatives are rated by the NRA. Mine all got an F, with $0 in campaign contributions from the NRA. Yours?

Closing with a quirky fashion piece that reflects the empowered potential of the Sun’s meet-up with Pluto, combined with the aesthetic ideal of Neptune square Venus. What does one wear to a power lunch? The NYT has the story — live from New York’s famous — and soon to close — power lunch spot, The Four Seasons.

And if you do check out the Four Seasons piece, you might see — out of the corner of your eye — this one, from a few months ago:  “Armani and Missoni: In the Shadow of the Supermoon”.  And if you happen to read the first few lines of that story, you will snorf.

MILAN — Milan Fashion Week came to a close just after a total lunar eclipse, the sort that indicates heavenly bodies in perfect alignment. As portents go, it doesn’t get much better than that.

The clothes, however, did not quite live up to the — well, astronomical implications. All that new energy everyone kept talking about during the week? It got a boost from a gently calibrated, Balthus-inspired Arthur Arbesser show, full of youthful (but not naïve) florals and tone-on-tone ghostly cat prints, but mostly felt gone with the blood moon.

Instead, Milan ended in retrograde.

Did you snorf?

I can’t even….

Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.

Thank you for reading this forecast.




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