Note your dreams upon waking, as nebulous Neptune makes contact with the Gemini Moon at 8:11AM ET. The rose-colored fog lifts after your first cup of caffeine, and you can spend the whole day buzzing around, gathering information and making innovative connections. Moon in Gemini does like to talk — in the most clever and entertaining ways. The innovative potential is exact at 7PM ET, when the Moon makes a supportive connection to rebel Uranus. Sounds like a fun, friendly date night to me — keep it light.
On Saturday there is no Moon void to screw up your yard sale bargain hunting and errand running. There is however, a First Quarter Moon, exact at 8:27AM ET, which likely presents a challenge to the agenda you set on the New Moon last week. What was that agenda? Something about the beginning of a exciting inner journey… and you know what I’m seeing all over Facebook? People taking 85 million quizzes to find out what city they should live in; what famous painting they would be; what their patronus is; what Downton Abbey character they are; what their name would be if John Travolta mangled it at the Oscars…on and on and on. Why? Answer a bunch of random questions and get an answer that purports to be a reflection of who you really are. Is that because people do not really know who they are? Hmmm…exciting inner journey…hmmmm.
With the Moon in information-junkie Gemini you could easily entertain yourself for two days with these quizzes. On Sunday, that Moon goes void of course at 3:53AM ET…and enters homebody Cancer at 9:33AM ET. So if you plan to shop today, do it after 9:33AM ET…and maybe think about buying something wonderful to cook and/or make your home a cozier place…or call Mom.
And now, the news. Earlier this week we talked about two people making dramatic, record-breaking headlines: Ellen DeGeneres and John Travolta. Both of them have planets or an angle at 13 degrees of Aries, Libra, Cancer or Capricorn. Why is that relevant? Well, Pluto — which can bring prominence when it makes contact with a planet in a horoscope — is now at 13 Capricorn. Fascinating! In April, we’ll have the Cardinal Grand Cross among Uranus in Aries, Jupiter in Cancer, Mars in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn exact at 13 degrees of those signs, turning up the volume and the voltage. Keep an eye on anyone you know who has a planet or angle at 13 Cardinal. Their horoscope is hot.
You know who else has a planet at 13 degrees of one of those signs (other than nearly every client who’s contacted me in recent weeks)? Vladimir Putin. Yup, he has the Sun at 13 Libra. He is certainly making headlines. Meanwhile, the United States has its Sun at 13 Cancer…and its Saturn at 14 Libra. Significant events involving themes of empowerment, transformation and/or emancipation will be on deck for the U.S. and Mr. Putin from now into early 2015. For more on how Uranus and Pluto can impact a horoscope, check out this article I wrote a couple of years ago — it’s still relevant.
It’s Friday morning. Do you know where your planets are?
My patronus is an otter — same as Hermione.
Thank you for reading this forecast.
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