Good morning!
There’s plenty of energy for work or play, courtesy of a proactive Aries Moon that’s always up for something new. Let it carry you through the day with gusto, being careful not to butt heads in a petty disagreement when mental Mercury challenges the Moon at 12:16 PM ET. Keep on truckin’, then chill at 7:46PM ET, when Moon goes void until 5:56AM ET.
Tuesday, Wednesday and part of Thursday are driven by a material security-seeking Moon in Taurus. Slow and steady is the pace of Taurus, compared to the impatient Aries charge. Use it to temper and structure the power surge suggested by other patterns that will be exact Thursday and through the weekend, but likely felt now (more on those in a minute). Also note that Taurus is a sensual sign that does adore its creature comforts. A New Year’s Eve celebration with extra helpings of caviar, Champagne and music, too? If not quite so luxurious, perhaps an abundance of whatever comforts are available. Happy, happy!
A Moon void on New Year’s Day between 7:19AM and 12:08PM ET is a perfect excuse to take your time recovering from the prior evening’s indulgence, despite the surge of physicality looking for a release as assertive Mars faces off against expansive Jupiter at 2:49PM ET. You’ll feel that surge more personally if you have a planet or angle around 21 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius…or if you were born around the 13th of February, May, August or November. In the news, watch for headlines that are over-the-top.
After 12:08PM ET on Thursday there should be much to talk about, as the Moon enters information-junkie Gemini through Saturday night. Though exact patterns on Friday are almost non-existent, we’re building to a Full Moon (in Cancer) on Sunday and super-charged contacts on Saturday, as the Capricorn Sun is challenged by rebel Uranus at 3:40AM ET and then meets up with ruthless Pluto at 6:32PM ET.
In the sign of Capricorn, Sun and Pluto suggest power plays related to government, corporate and patriarchal structures. Corruption exposed and other forms of news from underground, including oil and gas, seismic and/or explosive shifts in the natural world are also possibilities. Shake-ups, rebellions, revelations and other “change or die” events are added to the mix, especially by quirky individuals perhaps born ahead of their time. Credit rebel Uranus in Aries for that pioneering spirit, challenging the established Pluto in Capricorn order. These themes can all be found in a lengthy front-page story just posted about “oil, corruption and death” involving the ousted leader of a Native American tribe in North Dakota. For more shake-ups and revelations, consider this story about how a new approach to genetic mutations — random disruptions & thus ruled by unpredictable Uranus — is “turning genetic research on its head”.
If you were born around the 1st of January, April, July and October, you’re feeling the shake-ups more personally, as well as anyone with a planet or angle around 15 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. But wait — there’s more. You’re still in the hot seat on Sunday, as the Full Moon in Cancer at 11:53PM ET also triggers 15 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. More on the Full Moon in the next forecast.
And now, the news.
Saturn has been in Sagittarius for less than a week and already there’s sobering news about publishing, mass communications and other Sag concerns that we’ll be working through over the next few years. Exhibit A: authors annoyed with Amazon over its alleged continued devaluation of their written words. This time it’s authors inspired to self-publish (under the influence of the entrepreneurial spirit of Uranus in Aries), who are Not Happy.
The article notes:
Complaints about literary overproduction are ancient. “To write and have something published is less and less something special,” the French critic Sainte-Beuve wrote in 1839. “Why not me, too? everyone asks.”
I read that and thought, “I bet Sainte-Beuve wrote that when Saturn was in Sagittarius.” I looked it up. He did. Yes, we have all been here before. Planetary patterns run in cycles. Good to know about them, especially how they run in your own personal horoscope.
Also making headlines: a list of media companies (and executives) in the hot seat in 2015 — so keep an eye on them. In other news, Gmail accounts have been blocked in China. North Korea’s internet service was disrupted over the weekend, as well as Sony’s PlayStation service. Speaking of Sony, it changed course and released its controversial film, The Interview, online and in some theaters.
Elsewhere, on Meet the Press, host Chuck Todd copped to a hardcore reality (Saturn) about why mainstream media shows like his (Sagittarius) are so soft on their guests. I see Saturn in Sagittarius in this headline, too: “In Battle to Defang ISIS, U.S. Targets Its Psychology“. Limitation and/or restructuring (Saturn) through collective beliefs (Sagittarius)?
Meanwhile, the departure chart for AirAsia flight 8501 (5:27AM 12/28/2014 in Surabaya, Indonesia), now presumed to be “at the bottom of the sea” does have a few notable similarities to the departure chart of MH370, which disappeared on March 8th. Coincidence or conspiracy?
And finally, Pope Francis is taking full advantage of his potential for supercharged action and communication now and over the next few years, as Uranus and Pluto make contact with his natal Mars and Mercury. Having facilitated a breakthrough in US-Cuba relations, he’s now focused on saving the rest of the world from climate change with a host of super-amazing initiatives. Look for more daring actions for the sake of world peace, balance and harmony from Pope Francis in 2015. What have you got planned?
What does your horoscope suggest for you in 2015? A personal astro-logical consultation would be a brilliant way to start the New Year.
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