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“I can't thank you enough for the incredible adventure in astrology. You have that rare gift that certainly all who call themselves astrologers don't possess... you're the real deal!! It seriously blew me away that you were able to not only nail so much from my past (exact times/years certain events took place, along with situations with family, relationships and beyond) but you've already helped with my present! The answers you gave to the specific questions I asked pertaining to important career-related happenings this week have already proven true. I will look forward to an update in a year or so.”
– S.L.
New York, NY

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Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 4/28/2011: Obama Birth Certificate Drama

From the sublime to the ridiculous. That’s how this day may swing, with Moon wandering aimlessly through Pisces…all day, with no other exact planetary aspects. If your day involves driving on the road, or operating any form of heavy machinery, put your grounding cord down and pay extra special careful attention. Otherwise, go with the flow — and be prepared to adjust your agenda to any twists that come your way. Keep in mind that crises that spring up during Moon voids are often “much ado about nothing.” Don’t panic!

Wasn’t yesterday a trip? Might it be apt to label the Obama birth certificate drama a case of “emotional overkill,” as suggested by the challenge between obsessive Pluto and loving Venus? Donald Trump, whose chart I’ve discussed in prior forecasts, is apparently living his horoscope to infinity and beyond. Trump is a mercurial Gemini, driven by Moon in outrageous, opinionated Sagittarius. This gentleman needs to tell the world what he thinks, likely in the hopes in will attract the love he is terribly anxious about receiving. He has Leo rising, which conveys an image of regal confidence; some might find it pompous. His Mars, which refers to how he needs to get things done, sits simmering in his 12th house, near the rising sign (likely anger issues), also in the sign of Leo, a placement that astrologer Grant Lewi notes “gets away with murder.”  Right now nebulous Neptune is opposing Trump’s Ascendant (Leo rising), suggesting the potential for confusion, sacrifice and/or utter fantasy in areas of self-image and public image. And Neptune will be hanging over that point in Trump’s horoscope until 2012. Don’t go away folks; the show is just starting…

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