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Los Angeles

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Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 10/21/2015: Opportunity Knocks in a Horoscope

Allll-righty then!

Wednesday’s drive is brought to you by the Moon in humanitarian Aquarius, looking for a way to be appreciated for being such a good buddy to so many people, especially those on the fringe. It travels without much interference, boosted by an easy connection to mental Mercury at 6:11PM ET. You wanna talk about it rationally, with emotional detachment? Go for it. Because on Thursday at 5:20PM ET, Mercury will be challenged by ruthless Pluto, adding a mental catharsis or investigative power play to the mix. What news from underground will be added to what has already been uncovered this week?

And now, the news.

Monday’s election in Canada did result in a surprise upset, unless you’ve been reading this forecast regularly. If so, you were not surprised at all that Stephen Harper’s Conservative Party was soundly defeated by the opposition, and that Justin Trudeau will be Canada’s new prime minister. Astrology is amazing. And Mr. Harper’s lean, mean thinking machine of Mercury (mindset)-Saturn in Capricorn (conservative; authority)-Mars in Cancer (assertive homeland security needs) in a unsettling T-square pattern is out of a job. And Canada is out of Syria and Iraq.

Comedian John Oliver must be delighted, because he was hoping for an upset, too. It’s against the law in Canada for an outsider to tell a Canadian how to vote, but Mr. Oliver did it anyway. I wish I’d seen his informative and highly entertaining take on the three — (yes, there were three major contenders in the Canadian election), before I emailed Monday’s forecast to subscribers, but here it is now — just for them.  Watch and laugh uproariously…and experience the bewildering fog so notable in Canada’s horoscope (Neptune conjunct Ascendant), Stephen Harper’s(Sun opposite Neptune) and Justin Trudeau’s (Neptune opposing Saturn  — both square Ascendant). What a weird (Neptune), wacky (Canada’s Sun is conjunct Uranus). fiercely independent country it is, astro-logically speaking…

UPDATE: A few days ago I noted that we could expect supercharged action (and now, apparently disrupted ambition) from former Democratic presidential candidate Jim Webb, given patterns of stress in his horoscope. Today he bowed out as a Democratic contender…but hasn’t given up the idea of running as an Independent.

UPDATE: Paul Ryan’s horoscope has assertive and potentially expansive patterns involving his career for the next several days (not unlike VP Joe Biden). He reportedly took a meeting Tuesday to discuss running for House Speaker. No surprise, even if he did so reluctantly. Meanwhile, Harry Reid (D-NV) just endorsed him. And right this minute — 8:13PM ET — the NYT reports breaking news that yes, Mr. Ryan is willing to run for Speaker, if his party can get its act together. This comes less than two days before we see transiting Mars (action!) hitting his Midheaven (public status; career). Jeb Bush announced his campaign launch on a similar transit. Joe Biden will have this same transit exact on October 27th. You’re not surprised about any of this, either, being Avid Readers.

UPDATE:  My  world-famous 2016 Really Useful Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide Bookmarks are still available, and the number of times this link has been clicked compared to the number of actual requests received has me all confused. But perhaps you are confused by the ordering process. Please let me know if that is the case! Here’s what you do: just click this link.   It will take you to a lovely page with a gold DONATE button. Click on that gold button. It will take you to a PayPal page, which is how I am able to receive funds — unless you’d like to send me a check.

To help cover postage, lovely card stock for handwritten thank you notes and printing costs, I am asking $2.88 for one bookmark or $4.99 for three. Trust that they are beautifully designed. Really — would I send you anything that wasn’t? On the bookmark you’ll find the dates of 2016’s Mercury retrograde periods — there are FOUR of ’em. You’ll also find helpful reminders of how to handle the retrograde so you do not lose your mind. I am thrilled that many of you have ordered bookmarks for others, including Avid Reader Jane:

I would like to find out how much it would cost to get 10 Mercury retrograde bookmarks – I am so tired of my idiot friends who don’t get it, they just know something is off. To have your bookmark on hand to give them is the best idea ever.

My thoughts exactly. Make sure you include your snail mail address when you make your bookmark donation, as opposed to relying on telepathy.

OK, more news.

The lingering artsy idealism of Venus opposing Neptune! The enormous physical effort and optimism of last week’s Mars-Jupiter trine Pluto! A make-it-happen empire-friendly Moon in Capricorn during Monday Night Football….and why not air the trailer for STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS? The movie opens on Christmas Day. It will be a HUGE ENTERPRISE.

And while we’re on such a sci-fi bent, here’s a story about Back to the Future II, in which hero Marty McFly travels forward in time to October 21, 2015 — that’s today! What did the filmmakers get right when they imagined how things might be now back in 1989?

Finally, a healthcare PSA because helpful Aquarius Moon. If you’re a woman, the American Cancer Society now thinks you should have mammograms less often.

But wait! Don’t forget to grab a few bookmarks! Or if you’d really like to be thoroughly informed, consider booking a personal consultation. Just think how much easier it could be for Paul Ryan to make his career decisions if he was aware of the cycles of timing in his horoscope. He’d be far less stressed, I’m sure…

Thank you for reading this forecast.

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