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"The reading was a partnership between the two of us; she did not simply recite planetary signs and meanings, but had a conversation with me, continually asking what I made of what she saw, and what I thought I could do to change the things I want to change.

When the names of other people in my life came up, she quickly looked up their charts on her computer and commented on their roles in my life -- painting a fuller picture of where I was, where I wanted to go, and how I could get there.

What was impressive was that Elisabeth took all the planets, people, and situations that made up my life and created a context for them all that was positive, hopeful, and exciting!

She has a lovely personality, a sharp wit, and a gift for astrological interpretation."

--Bill W.
New York

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Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 2/2/2011: New Moon in Aquarius

Another intriguing aspect in effect yesterday and today — and setting the tone for the New Moon in Aquarius is erratic, freedom-loving, unconventional Uranus challenging Venus, planet of love, beauty and money…while whispering cooperatively in the ear of Mercury, planet of mind and communication. Add to that mix nebulous Neptune also caressing Venus…(is this prose the right shade of purple yet?)…and we have a perfect scenario for a few surprising social encounters, ranging from the refreshingly sublime to the simply ridiculous. Any sudden breaks, free spirits or weirdos in your life today? How about a New Best Friend? Wait a day or so before starting anything with any of these characters — we’re still in the dark side of the Moon — and you’ve got the entire work day to continue wrapping up old projects and start contemplating your agenda for the next cycle.

The New Moon — the moment we’ve all been waiting for — is exact at 9:31PM NY/6:31PM LA at 14 degrees of Aquarius. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is “A train entering a tunnel”. Astrologer Blain Bovee offers these keywords and phrases for possible manifestations of this New Moon energy (I’m listing a few; his book on Sabian Symbols is a most worthy addition to your shelf): “an efficient means of pressing forward through an opening or a passageway; having tunnel vision; the light at the end of the tunnel; a determined focus; an inadvertent disregard for others; following in the train of a powerful natural force; entering into a breakthrough situation”.

Remember when we were kids, how we — or at least some of us —  tried to dig a hole to China? That would have been some shortcut, wouldn’t it? What quantum leaps of consciousness and/or efficiency are within your potential this month? What other “great leaps forward” will we see in the headlines? Think humanitarian, socially significant, rebellion, freedom, technology and whatever else disrupts the status quo. Dare to be boring (the word “boring” has been corrupted; it means to pierce through), with your New Moon agenda, and push through to the light on the other side. Some of your best friends — old and new — may even want to come along.

If you’re not quite sure what to put on your New Moon agenda, but you really do want to further your evolution, you could do worse than rent the movie Groundhog Day, which suggests that in order to attract your one true love, you need to become that which you hope to attract. It’s also a top-notch romantic comedy, in addition to being spiritually profound. Take notes and enjoy the laughs.

Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 1/26/2011: Saturn Retrograde in Libra

More sobering serious thoughts and/or discourse are likely to be up for review today, continuing from yesterday. Perhaps a battle for control, too (thanks, Moon in Scorpio!) — who will win? It makes sense that we might see headlines reflecting such themes after last night’s SOTU; the whole morning is ripe for potential challenges, especially to the agenda set on the New Moon of the 4th. On the plus side, you may find your mind more disciplined and focused than usual, even if what you need to focus on isn’t as entertaining as you might prefer.

Meanwhile, Saturn, planet of ambition and control/structure turns retrograde at 18 degrees of Libra at 1:11AM NY time until June 12th. The Sabian Symbol for 18 Libra is “two men under arrest” — suggesting, writes Blain Bovee, the Sabian Symbol Specialist I’ve often cited in this forecast, “a manifestation of irreconcilable differences”….hmmm…such as three Supreme Court Justices recusing themselves from SOTU? Bovee has these additional thoughts on Saturn at 18 Libra (Google Blain — buy his book — a must-have for any astrology aficionado): “When Saturn is in 18 Libra, there is a tendency to dig in rather than to negotiate. negotiation may seem impossible, plus the ‘other side’ is just as intractable in their beliefs.” Coincidence or conspiracy?

And while I’m raving about the great work of other astrologers:

If you’re a serious student of astrology, you might consider these recently-released DVDs from Noel Tyl, whose Masters Course for astrologers has really turned my head around — just as advertised! If you don’t have 1000 hours of time to devote to a two-year course of study with Mr. Tyl, you can still learn much in the four and a half hours it will take to watch the first three DVDs in the Masterwork Series And more will be produced in February…

Back to our regularly scheduled program:

Wherever 11-18 degrees of Libra falls in your horoscope will be an area that’s up for focus and review over the next five months. The challenge is to bring this area of your life into balance (Libra) with a mature, constructive perspective (Saturn) that will realize your ambition. Relationships in this area of your life may also be up for review, renewal or release.

More anon….

Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 1/19/2011

A reader from Japan recently shared an intriguing observation re: the media frenzy over the alleged “13th Sign”. Apparently this same story made headlines in Japan…(ready for this)…at the time of the last meeting of expansive Jupiter and Uranus (which rules astrology) in 1997. You may recall this story broke in the U.S. on Jan 4th, when Jupiter and Uranus were similarly aligned (and you may recall I anticipated “startling news from the cosmos” to make headlines).  Coincidence or conspiracy?  The end result in Japan was an increased interest in  — and serious study of — astrology. Looking forward to a similar manifestation in America. Fascinating!

Today brings the fourth of five Full Moons in a row happening at the last degree of a sign. What will the light illuminate? What will draw to a close? The Sabian Symbols for the Sun at 29 Capricorn and Moon at 29 Cancer are provocative:  “A secret business conference” and “A daughter of the American Revolution”. Turning to Blain Bovee’s book, The Sabian Symbols in Astrological Analysis we can anticipate: “inherited issues decided behind closed doors” What will our fearless corporate and government leaders — and/or rebels — do next?

In your own personal sphere, what illumination have you gained as you work toward your goals set at the New Year? Maybe it’s time to take a meeting — or make that great leap forward.

Moon goes void on the Full Moon at 4:26PM NY until 5:16PM, when Moon enters playful, regal, adore me Leo. That suggests more than one dramatic scene in the Full Moon’s aftermath this evening.  It seems like only yesterday that I was writing about people born with Moon in Leo — but it was a month ago. My, how time flies.  Seize the day!

Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 12/21/2010

“What I do foresee in the coming year, though, is a battle for who controls the internet — and those in power are going to find ways to clamp down and not make it so easy for all of us to share with each other so freely.?”  Thus wrote Michael Moore in a post I read an hour ago  shortly after reading a piece on HuffPo opining that the FCC would “cave” on the issue of net neutrality. That article vanished into the ether, but here’s a piece by Sen. Al Franken on the same issue.

Fascinating to note the above pieces appearing the day of the total lunar eclipse at 29 Gemini/29 Sagittarius, as anticipated (quote from yesterday’s forecast): “Globally the focus is likely to shift to letting go of old patterns in Gemini/Sagittarius issues: communication, mindsets, “big picture” thinking (law, religion. education), foreign relations, information (and information control)“. Coincidence or conspiracy?

Today an imaginative, soulful and potentially idealistic connection between Mercury (mind) and nebulous Neptune is exact just after midnight, NY time. Note your dreams upon waking. Any wild rides? After the eclipse at 3:13AM NY time, Moon moves into Cancer, a sign that needs to establish emotional security and has been known to cling tenaciously to home, mother and apple pie. There may well be some impassioned power struggles around these issues around lunch time in NY, whereas Angelenos could get a dose of that reality over their morning joe. That drama may well continue into the evening, possibly blowing out a few circuit boards, including mental ones. Another possibility is a big, boisterous, loony exchange of information with no power struggles at all, in which case have a ball!

The other big news today is the Sun’s move into the earthy, ambitious, “make it happen” sign of Capricorn. This is the Winter Solstice  — the time when light begins to push back against darkness — and prevail. Unless you live in South Africa or anywhere else south of the equator, where they are celebrating the first day of summer. What’s it like having a serious sign like Capricorn associated with bikini weather, I wonder???? In any case, with Capricorn, we move from ideas (Sagittarius) to practical application. What will we build?

One final note about the eclipse — well, actually two notes. First, an old wives’ tale suggests eating potatoes to stay grounded. Second, the Sabian symbols (one for the Sun; one for the Moon) are: “The Pope” and “Bathing Beauties”. Distilling  Blain Bovee’s fab analysis of this pair in “The Sabian Symbols and Astrological Analysis” down to its most positive manifestation suggests that this eclipse, however intense and emotional, offers an opportunity to receive — or bestow — a blessing. In the best possible world, we would create a space where all can be seen, heard and appreciated for his or her own natural beauty. Well? Can we do this? Imagine what a “battle” over net neutrality would look like if we all came from this exalted perspective? Can we “see God in each other” and honor that divine spark each of us has within?  Or will we sink to the lowest common denominator of these symbols — into rigid dogma and pompous display?  Your mission is to find ways to express appreciation for the beauty around you. Blessings! And much gratitude to Blain for his amazing book of insights.

Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 12/8/2010: Sabian Symbols, Julian Assange

Thrilling news in the astrological community yesterday: a reliable source revealed the allegedly accurate birth time of Julian Assange, which gives him a Ascendant of 18 Scorpio, to go along with his Scorpio Moon. I thought this would be a perfect case to talk a bit more about Sabian Symbols, since readers of this forecast may have noticed that I mention them at every New and Full Moon, and you might be wondering what they are.

The Sabian Symbols were divined in 1925 by astrologer Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler, a medium.  One day in San Diego, the story goes, Jones held up a note card for each of the 360 degrees of the zodiac (the zodiac is a circle of 12 signs of 30 degrees each = 360 degrees). Wheeler channeled a picture — a symbol for each degree of the zodiac, et voila — yet another level of depth in the language of astrology emerged. Because a picture is worth a thousand words, n’est-ce pas?

OK, so now what. Well, what might the Sabian Symbol for 18 Scorpio tell us about Julian Assange and how he connects to the world and how the world perceives him?  The picture is “a wood rich in autumn coloring”. For more, we turn again to Blain Bovee’s really groovy book, Sabian Symbols & Astrological Analysis: “…the colors are rich and there is a special air about the season…autumn leaves also announce an impending time with the trees will be stripped bare, fully exposed….watch of enhancement skills; a knack for showing something or someone up for who or what they really are. Consider a nose for story; a tell-all nature; expose; the bare facts; an attitude of “que sera, sera”.

Isn’t that interesting? Aren’t you curious about what the Sabian Symbols might suggest in your horoscope? (the Sabian Symbol for my Sun at 9 Aries is “a crystal gazer” — big surprise there, huh?). Any questions about Sabian Symbols, drop me a line — I’m happy to clarify!

As for the daily forecast: Moon is still in Capricorn. Make it happen! You’ve got until 8:07PM NY time before the Moon goes void of course for the evening, giving you a chance to rest. A supportive connection between loving Venus and transformational Pluto can help you make a persuasive case for your bright idea — put it out there! It could lead to some constructive change. It can also make a night with your sweetie magically delicious.

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 12/6/2010 & the New Moon in Sagittarius

Happy New Moon in Sagittarius, which was exact yesterday at 12:36PM NY time. The meeting of Sun and Moon happened in my 12th house, suggesting I might have been more inclined to retreat from the world in contemplation. That’s my excuse for this delayed forecast. What’s yours?  Frankly, with all planets moving forward in the sky as of 8:51 PM NY time yesterday, there are no excuses for not moving forward, at least for the next three days, when Mercury goes retrograde.  Until then, go!

Sagittarius is the Archer, aiming his bow toward the sky. Ruled by expansive, usually optimistic Jupiter, Sagittarius is all about  “big picture” ideas, especially ones we share collectively: our philosophy, our religion, our laws, as well as ideas shared in publishing and broadcasting.  Sag is also interested in higher education and travel that broadens our horizons, as opposed to elementary school and local travel that gets us from here to the grocery store (that’s the domain of Gemini, the opposite sign to Sag).

Last month I wrote we would likely see themes of laying down lines of communication that could take us in to the unknown, out of our comfort zone. Examples of how this manifested in the headlines included the new TSA alleged security procedures and the latest batch of Wikileaks revelations. The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon at 14 degrees of Sagittarius is “the Pyramids and the Sphinx: an enigma, a hidden mystery that is inscrutable, defying close examination; a riddle, the answer to which cannot be spoken.”  Hmmm. Mystery…and yet I also note in the New Moon chart a close connection between Mercury (mind, travel, communication) and ruthless Pluto, which suggests an intense focus on the investigation of mystery and bringing hidden agendas to light. OK…so how do we apply this to our lives over the next 30 days?

This is an opportunity to broaden horizons, individually and collectively.  Where is that happening in your life? Here are some possible strategies for navigating new territory: seek to understand this area of expansion with a wisdom that goes beyond words. How do you know what you know? Use words carefully, incisively, sparingly — with a specific target in mind. Consider whether words are even necessary, especially given that Mercury will be retrograde from the 10th to the 29th, when words can easily spin out of control or be misunderstood. Consider how maintaining an aura of mystery might strengthen your position. Notice any tension between mystery and brutal honesty. What is really at stake?

With gratitude to Blain Bovee and his book “The Sabian Symbols and Astrological Analysis,” which helped me articulate a forecast for this inscrutable  New Moon; Julian Assange seems to be its poster boy; if I can find his horoscope, I’ll write about it anon

Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 11/19/2010 and the Weekend

Several readers mentioned feeling a bit wobbly yesterday, which can happen when planets change signs and/or directions. And yesterday it was Jupiter (expansion) and Venus (social expression), moving forward after some months (Jupiter) and some weeks (Venus). Patience is required under these energetic shifts, and frankly, patience wasn’t likely on deck yesterday, with Moon in impulsive, “not now, but RIGHT NOW” Aries.

Today is different. Today we have Moon in “keep things exactly as they are”, poky old stubborn Taurus. The pace may slow down and give you time to dig deep. Sensual experiences — food, music, massages — can be happily placed on your agenda tonight and through Sunday AM.

Saturday you can establish material security to your heart’s content at the mall or around the home — there is no void of course Moon to interfere with your purchasing power. Do note the potential for intense verbal fencing and/or overblown opinions during the day, courtesy of a hook-up between Mercury (mind) and Mars (actions) in enthusiastic, high-flying Sagittarius.

Sunday the Moon waxes full at 29 degrees of Taurus, opposing the last degree of moody bastard Scorpio. Recall your New Moon agenda of laying down or repairing lines of communication. What new light will be shed today? Here are two clues, suggested by the Sabian Symbols (some day I’ll write about where those came from): “A peacock parading on an ancient lawn” and “A Halloween jester” — and now, I’ll just quote from Blain Bovee’s book on Sabian Symbols, for a detailed description because it says it all:  “Consider the genius to work beyond the struggles of power and cooperation; a balance of discriminating intelligence with intangible impressions; the ability to laugh at oneself, the see the divine humor at play in all thing; to see the humor in human folly; a genuine smile; feeling at home; a consummate attitude of ‘there is much to admire and much to smile about'”

There. That’s your Full Moon illumination – may it enable you to lay down lines of communication with confidence into new frontiers.Thanks, Blain!

Anyone in Congress reading this forecast? I didn’t think so. Sigh. But some day…. — please bookmark this page and tell all your friends and relations! besides, the holidays are almost here! : )

Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 9/8/2010

Recall that last month’s New Moon was in Leo and the suggestion was to focus on authentic creative self-expression. This month’s New Moon happens today at 6:30AM NY/3:30 AM LA at 15 degrees of Virgo. Keywords for Virgo include: perfection, discernment, work, service, analysis. Whom or what does your creative self-expression serve? How does it work?

Virgo also rules the digestive tract, where it keeps busy instinctively separating the wheat from the chaff. It keeps elements that provide nourishment and eliminates those which do not. Some digestive systems work more efficiently than others, depending on what they are given to process. What is your process? Is it efficient?

Virgo, an Earth sign, is ruled by airy, mental Mercury…but I suspect that’s only because the true ruler of Virgo has yet to make an appearance. What does a planet that’s airy and mental have to do with “gut instinct”, which sounds so earthy and primal? That was my question when reading about the Sabian Symbol for this Virgo New Moon: “In the zoo, children are brought face to face with an orangutan”. Astrologer Blain Bovee helpfully tells us in his book on Sabian Symbols that “orangutan” means “wild man”, and that one of the origins of the word “orange” is “aur”, which means “gold”. Hmmm….this “wild man” that likely runs on “gut instinct” just might be a treasure…

This month, when faced with goals and other challenges, consider going with your gut. Let it lead to you to work and service that nourishes you….and gives you hints about what needs to be eliminated that’s interfering with your process. Your gut already knows what to do…imagine that!

In other news, today loving Venus moves into Scorpio. Let’s manifest depth and passion in our relationships, instead of the shrewish alternative, “If I be waspish, best beware my sting”.   : )