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"Last night’s session was a delightful time for me. IT WAS ALL ABOUT ME!!! You are so articulate and caring, and I thoroughly enjoyed the time, all the nu- ances you brought to it and your obviously experienced, long- time expertise."
- Bill R.
Los Angeles

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Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 9/10/2010 and the Weekend

William Shatner is getting a lot of press these days. A story about him appeared in the New York Times Magazine last week — and he’s starring in a provocative new sitcom, “$#!@ My Dad Says”. And on March 22, he’ll be 80 years old! With all this activity happening for him this year, do you think he might be personally affected by the empowering, life-altering Big T-Square Party (see forecast for 7/27/10 for details)? I had to investigate — and yes, in fact, he is. Shatner’s Sun is at 0 degrees of Aries; transiting Uranus (intensification, individuation) and expansive Jupiter are right on top of that Sun and making a supportive connection to his ruling planet, Mars. An astrologer counseling Mr. Shatner a year or so ago would have told him to be on the lookout for “breakout” roles that enabled him to shine in ways that might be seen as quirky or shocking….or just being himself. Break a leg, Mr. Shatner!

The Neptune-Mars connection (spirituality, saviors, fanatics), dominating the headlines this week continues to hold sway on Friday, apparently softening harsh edges enough to mollify even that aforementioned (see yesterday’s forecast) would-be book-burning Florida resident. How beautiful can life possibly be? Allow yourself to explore that question this evening — with a partner, even better.

You can continue to explore the depth of a beautiful connection over the weekend. Moon moves into Scorpio Saturday AM, demanding substance along with the sweetness of Friday’s dreamy seduction, augmented by a connection from loving Venus (in Scorpio) to transformational Pluto (ruler of Scorpio). It’s just all so potentially…juicy.

Mercury turns direct on Sunday at 7:09PM NY — be careful on the roads — be patient with yourself and others as we get used to our brains moving fully forward again, which will take until September 27th.  If you’ve been thinking about scheduling an appointment to review your horoscope and chart your course for the next six – twelve months, this is an excellent time to do it.