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- M.T.
Los Angeles

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Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 4/18/2012: After the Void, Engage!

So how are you enjoying this long void of course Moon in dreamy Pisces? Are you going with the flow? Feeling inspired or especially empathic? I couldn’t get Erik Satie’s romantic music out of my head  (see yesterday’s forecast), and recognizing that Pisces also rules the feet, I wandered off to a ballet class. Better to dance than shop for shoes when Moon is void of course (impulse purchases are not generally favored during voids). It was an incredibly productive use of time…

Speaking of impulses, Moon finally moves into Aries at 11:59AM ET, joining mental Mercury in Aries at 3:28PM ET. What an afternoon for quick thinkers and fast talkers! Don’t forget to write some of those great ideas down, especially since Moon will be hooking up with innovative Uranus at 11:45PM ET, likely accompanied by a surprise, jolt or revelation — especially in the tech sector.

More general notes: first, we are in the balsamic phase of the Moon — a time to wrap up projects begun at the New Moon and start thinking about the next lunar cycle, which begins at 3:18AM ET on Saturday. Second, Jupiter, the cosmic sugar daddy happens to be running wild in sensual, material Taurus, needing to find reward in creature comforts. Venus, which refers to love, beauty, money and women — is also running wild in oh-so-charming Gemini, seeking social expression by being informed, intense and entertaining.

Venus and Jupiter may well be reflected by actions that suggest feeling good, generosity, abundance and/or indulgence. Could this also be reflected in the 200-point surge on the Dow yesterday, along with seemingly-upbeat earnings reports from a few key corporations? Details on the surge are here

In your own personal world, find a few simple joys…..

P.S. Henri the Existential Cat is becoming quite the celebrity — you read it here first

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 4/16/2012: Henri, the Existential Cat as Metaphor…

Happy Monday!

So…in light of Mars (action) moving forward in Virgo (organization) late Friday night, how many of you spent Saturday cleaning out closets and other major housekeeping chores? That query was posted as the Facebook status of an astrologer colleague, and within minutes several people, myself included, ‘fessed up to having enthusiastically cleaned the refrigerator, organized the garage, etc., no doubt aided and abetted by the disciplined potential of Sunday’s opposition between controlling Saturn and the Sun.

Another potential of Sunday’s Saturn-Sun opposition: reports from Europe of an increase in the number of suicides related to despair over austere (Saturn) economic measures — and this one, much more uplifting: the (tongue-in-cheek) depression experienced by Henri, the Existential Cat  which found its way into my emailbox on Saturday.  Perfect timing! Set to music with a track from the sweetly haunting score from Diva, Henri’s dilemma is an apt reflection of one potential of today’s Moon in dreamy Pisces, as it first makes contact with nebulous Neptune at 6:26 AM ET (note your dreams), followed by possibly irritating opposition to hypercritical Mars in Virgo at 8:44AM ET. Either that, or your allergies are acting up. Go with the flow…

…and note the shift in mindset and communication that occurs as mental Mercury marches forward into pioneering, impulsive, fearless, sometimes downright militant Aries at 6:42 PM ET. Militant or not, the ideas that spring forth this week are likely to be fresh and innovative — and may recall big ideas that were percolating on March 5th and 18th. They could be just the thing to get Henri out of his existentialist rut — and you, too —  as demonstrated by the relentlessly creative (and militant) Confuse-A-Cat crew at Monty Python

By evening, a deep emotional connection…followed by sweet indulgence may well transpire.

Your Moon void alerts this week: Tuesday 10:34AM ET until 11:59 AM ET Wednesday; Friday 3:35PM ET until 12:05AM ET Saturday. Don’t know what a void of course Moon is? Read the forecast posted on February 10th, 2012.