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"The reading was a partnership between the two of us; she did not simply recite planetary signs and meanings, but had a conversation with me, continually asking what I made of what she saw, and what I thought I could do to change the things I want to change.

When the names of other people in my life came up, she quickly looked up their charts on her computer and commented on their roles in my life -- painting a fuller picture of where I was, where I wanted to go, and how I could get there.

What was impressive was that Elisabeth took all the planets, people, and situations that made up my life and created a context for them all that was positive, hopeful, and exciting!

She has a lovely personality, a sharp wit, and a gift for astrological interpretation."

--Bill W.
New York

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Astro-logical Forecast for Monday-Tuesday 12/12-13/2016: Full Moon in Gemini; Sneak Peek at the Week

Good Morning!

Monday’s buzz is brought to you by the Moon in info junkie Gemini as of 7:41AM ET, looking to yak it up with facts and figures. It travels without interference throughout the business day. At 10:31PM, clarity may be challenged by a hit from rose-colored Neptune. Trust, but verify, as it were.

Guess what kind of week this is? A week with no exact aspects among the planets except to the Moon, other than a harmonious flow between the high-flying Sagittarius Sun and innovative technogeek Uranus, exact at earlier today — 1:56AM ET. It’s already behind us.  In fact we’ll have to wait until Christmas Eve for any planet to make a major contact with another planet other than the Moon.

You know when the last time this happened? The week of the November 8th election, for which I wrote:

There are no major aspects between planets this week — except to the Moon. I’ve found that these apparent lulls are often deceptive. To me it’s like looking at a giant ice shelf on the most sparkling sunny day ever…and then, for no apparent reason, half the shelf crumbles into the ocean.

Verrrry interesting.

Also interesting: the Full Moon at 22 Gemini opposing the 22 Sagittarius Sun. That happens at 7:05PM ET. Full Moon suggest illumination. You know who has key planets at those degrees? Donald Trump, with his 22 Gemini Sun opposing his opinionated, boundary-pushing, desperately seeking respect Moon at 21 degrees of Sagittarius.  Fun fact: we had a Full Moon on this axis the day before Trump’s birthday in 2014 — so that would have been an important time of potential illumination for him personally. Wonder what he had on his calendar?

Gemini refers to a individual’s need to think and communicate. Language is a Gemini thing — the practical mechanics of communication. Sagittarius refers to how we think as a collective — which may be a boundary-pushing opinion. What is our collective philosophy, religion, laws, etc.? A Gemini-Sagittarius Full Moon may be seen as a opposition between how the individual thinks vs. the collective. Which is truly the smartest in the room?

Summer Brennan has posted a must-read article: “Notes From the Resistance: A Column on Language and Power.” Words speak volumes. Those in power choose them carefully.

Orwell wrote that freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two equals four. He wrote that he who controls the past controls the future, and that he who controls the present controls the past. If you can colonize the minds of a population with untruths and confusion, you forcibly re-write reality. This is done with stories. It’s done with language. How we speak about the world is a reflection of how we see it.


It is interesting to note two midpoint pictures demanding prominence this week — they are at the Aries Point. One is between disruptive/weird Uranus and nebulous Neptune; the other is between Jupiter (publishing) and Neptune. Both suggest strong prominence of the surreal and faith-based facts, a.k.a. lies.

The Sabian Symbols for this Full Moon are — first, for the 22 Gemini Moon: “three fledglings in a nest high in a tree.” Now remember, this also is the Sabian Symbol for Trump’s 22 Gemini Sun — his life force — what he brings to the table. Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee says of this Symbol: “Little birds sing the tune of their family of species. Having voracious appetites, they sing for their supper with competitive insistence: ‘Me first!’…Fledglings are impatient to leave the nest…they’ve yet to stretch their wings in flight in the open air…a bird’s song expresses identity and a kind of bravado: ‘This is who we are, our clan, our family, and we are safe high in our tree!'” Or high in a penthouse in a tall tower.

You can use these Sabian Symbols to gain a deeper perspective on the potential of every planet and angle in your horoscope. They are fascinating.

Speaking of being high in a tall tree, did you know that Hitler’s retreat was called Eagle’s Nest? And that the Third Reich ran on  crystal meth? “High Hitler: How Nazi Drug Abuse Fueled the Course of History.“Amazing how these Sabian Symbols crop up. Looking at Hitler’s  horoscope, with transiting Uranus hitting his Mercury and his Ascendant next year, we can see the potential for electrifying thought and a fresh start. The horoscope lives forever, doncha know — and if you want to read more, Astrodienst selected my article about this amazing phenomenon as its complimentary offering from The Mountain Astrologer. Here it is — although frankly, if writers and their words have any value to you at all, I believe you should pay for them.

Back to the Symbols for tomorrow’s Full Moon in Gemini, opposed by the Sag Sun.

For the Sagittarius Sun we have: “immigrants entering.” So immediately we see a polarity between fledglings who are not quite ready to leave home (but must, eventually),  and the immigrants who have left their homes and just arrived in a whole new world. Bovee suggests we apply these symbols with a mind to “…a passage to a new life, a new level of maturity, the moment before a new independent life takes off…conflicting emotions about what lies just ahead but is still out of reach…songs of home and nationality…trembling in the face of being received.” Bovee has a lot more to say, and if you enjoy the Sabian Symbols, why not buy his book.

How interesting to have these Symbols activated one week before the Electoral College meets to presumably elect our next president.  Last month I noted that we could expect a battle. I can’t bring myself to speculate which way it will go right now, but I am convinced that if you believe you have a stake in the outcome, it is useless to act as if you are a spectator in someone else’s drama.

In your own personal world, if you have a planet or angle at 22 Gemini or Sagittarius — and to a lesser extent 22 Virgo or Pisces, you may receive illumination or a release on a “let’s get down to business” new stage in life. As I’ve noted before, many people making headlines now have planets and angles at these degrees — off the top of my head: Trump, President Obama (Virgo Mars), Hillary Clinton (Pisces Moon), Mitt Romney (Pisces Sun), the United States (Mars and Neptune), James Comey (Sun, Pluto), Mike Pence (Gemini Mercury and possibly Gemini Moon), Stephen Bannon (Gemini Jupiter). Everyone noted here will be experiencing the first of three sobering hits from transiting Saturn at 22 Sagittarius, starting in January.

Your Moon voids for the week: Wednesday 12:57AM ET until 7:09AM ET; Thursday 4:37PM ET until 8:15AM ET FRIDAY — so in the Americas it’s mostly a full speed ahead work week, with few voids during business hours that may throw a wrench into your efforts to move forward in a straight line.


MERCURY is slowing down, getting ready to turn RETROGRADE at 5:55AM ET on MONDAY 12/19. Now is the time to BACK UP YOUR COMPUTERS.  Mercury will be retrograde until January 8th, giving us a chance to review our progress over the past few months.

Now is also the time to get your 2017 Really Useful Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide Bookmark (which includes this upcoming retrograde).   They are $3.88 for one and $5.99 for three — cross my palm with silver via my Cosmic Tip Jar and I’ll send them off to you pronto — and I’ll need your snail mail address.

And now, the news.

You may recall my forecast for Friday, posted on Thursday:

Watch the headlines for whatever shocker they are hoping you won’t notice as you’re heading out to do some holiday shopping or join a holiday party on a Friday evening.

The “shocker,” courtesy of the Washington Post late Friday night — hours before the Sun (leader; life force) and Saturn (heavy; control) met up early Saturday morning — was that:

The CIA has concluded in a secret assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency, rather than just to undermine confidence in the U.S. electoral system, according to officials briefed on the matter.

The article reports that there was a “secret meeting” in September in which these allegations were presented to Democratic and Republican congressional leaders by intelligence officials, asking for a bipartisan agreement, i.e.,

a “show of solidarity and bipartisan unity” against Russian interference in the election, according to a senior administration official.

Specifically, the White House wanted congressional leaders to sign off on a bipartisan statement urging state and local officials to take federal help in protecting their voting-registration and balloting machines from Russian cyber-intrusions.

The article reports that the Democrats were all for it; but:

According to several officials, (Senate Majority Leader Mitch) McConnell raised doubts about the underlying intelligence and made clear to the administration that he would consider any effort by the White House to challenge the Russians publicly an act of partisan politics.

Some of the Republicans in the briefing also seemed opposed to the idea of going public with such explosive allegations in the final stages of an election, a move that they argued would only rattle public confidence and play into Moscow’s hands.

McConnell’s office did not respond to a request for comment. After the election, Trump chose McConnell’s wife, Elaine Chao, as his nominee for transportation secretary.

Meanwhile, over at the Washington Times, the lead story on the home page quotes Donald Trump denouncing intelligence claims that the Russians hacked the election in his favor as “ridiculous.” Another story on the home page reports that U.S. senators have said America should be “alarmed” by the report, accompanied by a photo of Senator John McCain (R-AZ). Nowhere in the Washington Times will you read  a current  Washington Post home page story quoting Trump saying that “nobody really knows” if climate change is real.  Who are you going to believe? Where do you get your news?

There are less reindeer in the Arctic now, reports today’s edition of The Guardian, because of climate change.

In other news…

The president of South Korea is going to be impeached. The NYT published a photo essay documenting “57 homicides in 35 days” in the Philippines — casualties of President Rodrigo Duterte’s “antidrug program.” In other words, the United States is not the only country that seems to be going berserk. While the New York Times wondered in a headline posted over the weekend (that I can no longer find), “Why Are So Many Governments Falling Apart” (or something to that effect), Avid Readers of this forecast know that this potential was anticipated years ago, as a reflection of the release of the Never-Ending Uranus-Pluto Square that happened seven times between 2012 and 2015. Such a shame that mainstream media outlets have so little respect for practical insights astrology can provide.

Last but not least — Madonna’s second Saturn return was exact this weekend. She gave a speech about women, sexism and ageism. People are still talking about it.

Thank you for reading this forecast. Please support my efforts to keep you informed by gifting yourself with Mercury Rx bookmarks, reports and consultations — details are here. Random acts of kindness are also appreciated, as the Cosmic Tip Jar never closes.

Happy holy-days!


Astro-logical Forecast for Monday & Tuesday 7/11-12/2016: Sneak Peek at the Week; Rudy, Newt & Meanwhile, Across the Pond…

Good Morning!

The work week begins with the Moon in Libra, where it has been since Sunday at 4:32AM ET. Its need for social graces, harmony and balance in relationship flowed without interference yesterday, save perhaps for a mental buzz or startling revelation suggested by Mercury in a supercharged connection with innovative Uranus and energetic Mars, exact Sunday night at 10PM ET and Monday at 3:29AM ET. What was the big brainstorm?

On Monday, the Libra Moon’s need to keep the peace is challenged by Pluto at 12:46PM ET and by the Sun at 8:52PM ET. The former suggests emotional intensity and power plays. The latter is the First Quarter Moon — suggesting a challenge to the New Moon agenda you set last Monday.  Another upset is suggested on Tuesday at 5:30AM ET, when Moon opposes Uranus. But you’re used to these weekly clashes among the Pluto, Uranus and the Moon, right?

Moon goes void on Tuesday at 11:01AM ET, on a charged connection with Mercury, suggesting  communications that may result in a much ado about nothing crisis during the long void. At 11AM ET tomorrow, Bernie Sanders is scheduled to formally endorse Hillary Clinton. Moon enters the next sign — Scorpio — at 4:52PM ET, seeking depth, substance, control and perhaps a bit of self-indulgent moodiness.

Planetary patterns of note this week include Venus (social expression) and Mercury (thought and communication) both leaving nurturing Cancer for drama queen Leo. For the next few weeks, it’s showtime! Venus enters Leo at 1:34AM ET on Tuesday; Mercury follows at 8:47PM ET on Wednesday. They both meet up with a rose-colored opinionated roar on Saturday at 6PM ET.

At 9:30AM ET on Saturday, the Cancer Sun will be challenged by rebel Uranus, possibly reflecting the other shoe dropping after the intense power plays of last Thursday’s opposition between the Sun and Pluto. Also on Saturday just before midnight ET (11:45PM), we’ll have an easy flow between the Sun and Mars, operating efficiently in Scorpio. May it be used for better, not for worse.

Your Moon voids for the week — natural breaks in the action when efforts to move forward in a straight line may be impacted by curious twists and flakes — are as follows: Tuesday 11:01AM ET – 4:52PM ET; Thursday 6:22PM ET – 5:14AM ET; Sunday 4:57AM ET – 3:33PM ET. Remember that crises that crop up during voids are often much ado about nothing. Stick to routine concerns and chill!

And now, the news.

Since I’m writing this under the influence of Monday’s erratic Mercury-Uranus square, these items will be suitably provocative, brilliant and in no particular order.

Speaking of erratic, Rudy Giuliani. Why is he all over my newsfeed, where he hasn’t been since March of 2015, when he hijacked my forecast? Back then it was transiting Mars at the Aries Point, putting pressure on his Aries Point Midheaven and Ascendant. Yesterday it was transiting Mars again — at an exact square to his regal Leo Moon, prompting a blah blah blah about #BlackLivesMatter being “inherently racist” and that we really need “boots on the ground” to fight ISIS — presumably so long as those boots are not his own. Wow, that  was so helpful, Mr. Giuliani. Thank you!

With his natal Mars in Leo (where it may well get away with murder, as astrologer Grant Lewi  once observed, placed  so close to Pluto, we can appreciate his penchant for forceful, imperious action. Hillary Clinton also has Mars conjunct Pluto in Leo (and even more intricately involved in her persona). Oh, but there is more with Mr. Giuliani. His bewildering 2015 Neptune-Sun transit is behind him, and now he has Solar Arc Midheaven and Ascendant in nearly exact contact with his natal rebel Uranus all year. This suggests opportunities and needs for taking the stage, shining in the spotlight and perhaps a dramatic new direction in his career/public status. Let’s watch.

UPDATE: On July 14th it was announced that Mr. Giuliani will be one of the speakers at next week’s Republican Convention.

I am kicking myself for not posting this next one last night, when I started drafting it. You’d be kicking yourself too, if you were experiencing transiting Saturn square Pluto, but that’s another story. THIS story is about the fact that in the aftermath of last Thursday’s Sun-Mercury-Pluto power play, combined with the chick-friendly upset of Venus, challenged by rebel Uranus and give-me-a-place-at-the-table-or-I-will-tear-your-head-off Eris, Britain is absolutely, positively going to have a woman running the show as prime minister. Which one of two possible contenders was to be decided on in September….but

With all of last week’s intensity, I stepped away from the headlines for a few days. Finally got around to following up on the birth data for the two women — Andrea Leadsom and Theresa May — last night. Didn’t read a single story about them — just looked at the charts, birth times unknown. First thought: wow, they are both so  conservative…with Ms. Leadsom’s horoscope striking me as a bit more militant. And this confused me, because I momentarily forgot that the UK has a parliamentary system of government, which means the political party that is in power elects the prime minister. It’s not like in America, where candidates from different parties compete for the top slot in a general election. The party in power in the UK right now is the Conservative Party; ergo, we’d expect its members to have horoscopes reflecting this potential.

Theresa May (Oct 1, 1956 in Eastbourne UK), is having a Jupiter return, so I thought that gave her an edge over Andrea Leadsom (May 13, 1963 in Aylesbury UK) who true to her name, did have a lead as of last week. True,  the make-it-happen needs of Ms. Leadsom’s Capricorn Moon might be supercharged by transiting Uranus or Pluto…or fired up by solar arcs from the Sun and Mars. Can’t tell without an exact time.  Transiting Uranus has been intensifying Ms. Leadsom’s pioneering Venus at 23 Aries — and that will continue through the rest of the year.  But Theresa May’s Jupiter return is happening right now at 17 Virgo…and transiting Jupiter will meet up with her Libra Sun in October. That looks good for expansion, don’t you think?

So this morning it was reported that Ms. Leadsom has suddenly (translation: transiting Uranus likely hit something in her horoscope) withdrawn her candidacy,  and there was a kerfuffle over the weekend about Ms. Leadsom saying she was more qualified to serve as PM because she was a mother. Ms. Leadsom was against Brexit; then she supported it (more erratic rebel Uranus at play in the horoscope, likely). Ms. May, in contrast,  favored staying in the EU. Ms. May, with her solar arc Neptune at the Aries Point, could be poised to blossom as a visionary over the next year or so. That would be a high-octave manifestation of the potential of Neptune.

UPDATE: There was no waiting until September. The third hit of Ms. May’s Jupiter return was July 6th. On July 13th, she was invited by the Queen to become Prime Minister and form a government. As expected, Theresa May accepted. Here is the photo of the new Prime Minister and the Queen.

Meanwhile, over the weekend the Moon was in Virgo — as noted in the last forecast — encouraging you to clean up your act at least through Saturday. The NYT facilitated your organizing efforts with a lengthy piece about Marie Kondo, whose Kon-Mari system of decluttering continues to take the world by storm.

Elsewhere, I’m delighted to report that Isabella Rossellini has been rehired by Lancome. Ms. Rossellini was fired twenty years ago because at 43, she was declared to be too old and thus of no monetary value — and that’s when I stopped buying Lancome products. Plenty of women between 45 and 60 are likely to treated as if they’re worthless in the workforce, says Ms. Rossellini. Her re-hire by Lancome is happening just as Jupiter (ruling her outspoken Sagittarius Ascendant) is meeting up with Uranus by solar arc.  Here is her horoscope. We could expect a lucky break for her right about now. Welcome back, Ms. Rossellini!

A solar arc, for Avid Readers who are new to astrology, is one way astrologers use to measure the timing of opportunity and events in a horoscope. So whenever you see the words “solar arc,” just think, “Ah! An opportunity presents itself.” Got that? Same thing with the word “transit” or “transiting.” It means “this is an opportunity to work with the potential of whatever planets are making contact/transiting one another.” Clear?

Continuing to reflect last week’s powerful, dirt-exposing potential, especially on behalf of women who are mad as hell  and aren’t going to take it any more (last week’s Venus square Uranus-Eris):  after Gretchen Carlson filed a lawsuit accusing Fox News head Roger Ailes of sexual harassment, six more women told similar stories — going back decades — with more presumably to follow. In the NYT, a former trader weighed in with this expose, “How Wall Street Bro Talk Keeps Women Down.”   In other news, Bill Cosby was informed that a lawsuit charging him with sexual assault will go forward, true to patterns in his horoscope continually noted in this forecast, and despite multiple efforts on his part to delay the inevitable.

Meanwhile, Newt Gingrich is getting a lot of press for being a potential Republican VP nominee. I’ve written about Mr. Gingrich several times in the past — way back in 2012 when he announced his run for president. Even back then I noted how much he and Donald Trump have in common: they are both Geminis with Moon in righteously opinionated Sagittarius, with no small amount of visionary or simply fantastic pixie-dust to sell. This year, Mr. Gingrich’s horoscope — with its unconfirmed 11:45PM birthtime — is poised for zealous and formidable action, regardless of the time.  How so?

First, consider a solar arc between Mr. Gingrich’s Sun and Uranus, exact at the end of June. This suggests an opportunity to shine as himself and be accepted. Second, consider  patterns between Mars (action!) and Pluto (empowerment), as well as the Sun and Mars,  suggesting the zealous and formidable action  — needing to seek a broad public reach — noted above. These are patterns in effect through the rest of 2016. In 2017, if  the 11:45PM birth time is correct — and this is a BIG if — we see a potential for recognition and reward that comes along rarely in a lifetime (solar arc Sun = Midheaven), combined with a definite windfall/big break potential suggested by transiting Uranus to his natal Jupiter. Definitely one to watch over the next year. Sun refers to life force/ego identity; Midheaven refers to career/status.

Much more to report, but after four hours of indulging my passion for astrology and my need to be of service with this careful research and writing, it’s time to wrap. If this forecast adds value to your life — in more ways than, say — the $7.99 you’ve been giving to Hulu every month for a subscription you never use, I invite you to cancel that Hulu subscription and invest that energy into something that brings you joy and a helpful perspective. I will thank you from the bottom of my heart. The big gold DONATE button is on the left-hand side of this page. Thank you for letting me know that this forecast is worthwhile.

Meanwhile, if you’d like to find out what’s going on in your own personal horoscope, I invite you to schedule a consultation. Here’s the 411 on my updated services page.

Thank you for reading this forecast and for sharing it with your friends.


Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 5/23/2016: Sneak Peek at the Week; Full Moon Fallout

Good Morning!

In honor of Mercury turning direct on Sunday, this forecast will reflect the potential for confusion and chaos in communication! Not that the rest of your day has to be a reflection of that potential, so long as you maintain your FOCUS.  Ready? Here goes.

Let’s start with Saturday’s Full Moon, for those who would like some perspective on what the heck you experienced over the weekend. I wrote it on Friday — and meant to post it then — apologies for the delay. I’ve indented this text to make it easier for you to scroll down if you prefer to skip to the forecast for Monday and the rest of the week.

On Saturday, after a Moon void from 7:40AM – 2:48AM ET, the Moon enters rowdy, randy Sagittarius. This Full Moon — exact at 5:14PM ET — may be especially provocative, as action hero/warrior Mars is heavily involved, conjoining the opinionated Sagittarius Moon and opposing the blah blah blah Gemini Sun.  I would not touch an argument about politics with a ten-foot pole. Find a more constructive way to push a boundary — perhaps one you’ve erected around your trapped inner knowing and  divinely creative child. Take that little kid for a walk in the park, already. Have a heart-to-heart with your Big Picture vision and belief system. What’s true? What’s not?

With Mercury at a standstill — about to move forward on Sunday, the potential for flat out wrong facts and miscommunication is high. So is the potential to turn thought into tangible form, suggested by Mercury’s participation in an ongoing Earth Grand Trine, noted in prior forecasts. If you’re an exalted being capable of steady focus without misdirected anger, much illumination and realization is possible during this Full Moon.  It will be exact at 5:14PM ET at 2 degrees of Sagittarius, opposed by the Sun at 2 degrees of Gemini. If you have planets or angles around those degrees, you are more personally affected.

Here is what was going on yesterday (Sunday)…

…in which Mercury turned direct at 9:20AM ET, shortly after action hero Mars opposed the Sun at 7:17AM ET.  This suggests an afternoon of emotions ranging from surreal…to expansive…to a brick wall of hard-nosed opinion. Why? Because the Moon connected with a tense T-Square pattern among Neptune, Jupiter and Saturn. Patience — as our minds make the adjustment over the next few days to Mercury’s change of direction.

Re-reading that bit above helped me appreciate why I was banging my head against the wall for much of Sunday afternoon as I was working on another writing project, which is still not done! Let’s move on to….

…today!! Monday the Sagittarius Moon makes an easy connection with Uranus, facilitating innovation and unconventional connections. Huzzah! It goes void with a sigh at 11:37AM ET…not to enter Capricorn until 1:34AM ET on TUESDAY. Focus on routine concerns and chill this afternoon. Or let the drifting energy of a Moon void in Sagittarius carry you off on an mind-expanding adventure. Do remember that crises which crop up during Moon voids are often much ado about nothing.

On Tuesday Venus — which refers to women, money, social expression and aesthetics — leaves comfy Taurus for multi-tasking Gemini, where it will seek to be ever-so entertaining as it seduces you with potential double talk. At 10:38PM ET, Venus will be opposed by Mars.  Already you may be feeling a bit of tension — possibly on the juicy/alluring side — in your interpersonal relationships — whomever might be the yin to your yang.  Watch the headlines for gender concerns to pull a polarizing focus.

On Wednesday a Capricorn Moon drives the day with enterprising energy, accompanied by power plays, emotional depth and jolts as it makes its weekly clash with the disruptive Uranus-Pluto square at 10:21AM ET and 9:11PM ET. After that,  the Moon goes void until 10:27AM ET on Thursday, when it enters Aquarius.  East Coasters, that reflects the slow start you may experience on your way to the office.

The biggest planetary news on Thursday is the potentially supercharged shift  in business-as-usual matters, courtesy of a challenge between Jupiter and Saturn, exact at 8:28AM ET.  When these two planets connect, it often involves a need for a sense of purpose and rightness. They also refer to big business and big collective belief systems, such as law, religion and media/publishing. Jupiter is in Virgo, sign of service, health, workers and warm, fuzzy animals. Saturn is in Sagittarius, sign of foreigners and philosopher-clowns, among others. Watch the headlines for important stories. One I noticed last week was a Labor Department initiative raising the salary level for workers eligible for overtime. That’s pretty big…if it sticks.

On Friday, the Moon continues in Aquarius with no void and little other interference. Aquarius is a cerebral sign, ready to help your humanitarian cause or hook you up with a fresh group of contacts, the more unconventional the better. Aquarius can also be quite the stubborn rebel, clinging to an antiquated past or a pushing for a far-out future. Either way, it’s on the fringe.

Most notable on Friday is Mars leaving Sagittarius and backing up into Scorpio. Mars — which refers to the energy we apply when we take action —  is one of the rulers of Scorpio, and thus it is well-placed — for better or for worse. Mars in Scorpio can be passionate and magnetic, simmering with an aura of powerful knowing — and wouldn’t you like to know what’s going on deep down inside. It can also be ruthless and vengeful — and it will be make second hits in the horoscopes of a number of political types who where  hot in early March.

GENERAL NOTE: We are almost halfway through the Mars retrograde period that began on April 17th — six more weeks until Mars turns direct on June 30th. One of the “symptoms” of retrograde Mars is energy — often aggressive — that feels frustrated by a perceived lack of forward motion. The unconscious response is to lash out.  If you focus your energy on mastering your own demons, as opposed to attacking others for theirs, the whole planet will thank you. More on that in a minute.

And now, the news.

The Nevada Democratic Convention. Oh what a joy. It was scheduled to start shortly after a clash between Mars (retrograde) in righteously outraged Sagittarius and the Moon in order-order-order rules-rules-rules Virgo — as the forecast for May 14th said:

Saturday is driven by the organizational excellence of the Moon in Virgo. It’s a perfect weekend for making things right. Clean out your closets and files. A tense aspect between the Moon and Mars at 10:28AM ET can give you a needed push — better than finding fault (Virgo Moon) with someone’s slapdash action (Mars in Sag). Put your own house in order.

With Mercury retrograde, the convention start was delayed and it ran four hours longer than anticipated, but not after making headlines for being a hotbed of righteous outrage and  fault-finding at slapdash action. In this article, a reporter tracks down a few Bernie Sanders supporters who left ugly, boundary-pushing messages for Roberta Lange. Does it sound like they regret it? This is a textbook case of the perils of indulging in angry outbursts when Mercury and Mars are retrograde. Don’t let it happen to you. Here’s another textbook case of the perils of believing everything you read in the papers under these planetary conditions. Many respected news outlets — including the NYT — reported that chairs were thrown. Not according to snopes, but the damage has already been done.

Remember last year, when the Democratic candidates were praised for being so civil? With transiting Uranus now conjunct Mars and opposing Venus in Bernie Sanders’ horoscope, we can expect a supercharged intensity in his social expression and action throughout the summer. Transiting Jupiter about to meet up with his Virgo Sun next month (for its third and final time) suggests ego expansion, usually as a reward, but wretched excess is also a potential.

NYT columnist Maureen Dowd penned a column cynically summing up the challenge for the Democratic frontrunner, Hillary Clinton.

She assumed that the fix was in, that she and the D.N.C. had arranged for the coronation that she felt she was robbed of in the tulip craze of 2008.

Everyone just laughed when Sanders, a cranky loner from Vermont with a nondescript Senate record, decided to challenge Queen Hillary…

By “coronation” and “Queen,” Ms. Dowd is of course referring to Mrs. Clinton’s three planets in regal Leo (Mars, Saturn and Pluto). By “cranky loner, “Ms. Dowd is referring to Mr. Sanders’ Moon-Mars conjunction in me-me-me Aries. So who wins? Donald Trump and his stupendously strong horoscope. Divide and conquer. That’s what will happen unless the Democratic candidates can unite their supporters, many of whom now seem indistinguishable from certain Trump supporters, given the slings and arrows they are hurling at each other, in ways that are painful to watch.

Can’t we all get along? See ourselves in each other? If we can do that, it’s a win-win-win.

Deep breath. It’s going to be a long, hot summer.

In other news,  a ton of homepage stories reflecting the fallout of yesterday’s Sun-Mars opposition: a U.S. drone strike in Pakistan appears to have killed a Taliban leader; “Untold Damage: America’s Overlooked Gun Violence”; “It’s No Accident: Advocates Want to Speak of Car ‘Crashes’ Instead” That last one is especially apt for Mars-Mercury retrograde; it’s about REnaming and REthinking — perhaps ultimately changing behavior. How about “Queens Couple Sees the Art in Bulletholes…” — I can’t make this up — it’s all on the NYT right now. This one is PERFECT for a Mars-Mercury retrograde — a plan to REvamp the NYC subway system, including adding a new line called Triboro Rx. “Rx” is the astrological shorthand for “retrograde!”

UPDATE: On Terry Gilliam, subject of one of my favorite posts of all time. With transiting Neptune making the first exact hits to his Ascendant next month, a creative vision or a bewildering quagmire might pull focus. Last week at Cannes he announced he was moving ahead with a film that has been floundering for almost 18 years. What’s it about? Oh you will love this:  Don Quixote! Cue “The Impossible Dream” now, please. The Saturn transit noted in that prior Gilliam post seems to have been reflected in the publishing of an autobiography. That would be an apt product of transiting Saturn at the bottom of the horoscope, needing to focus on home/family concerns.

In other news, much gratitude to Avid Reader Vanessa, who sent me this bit from across the Pond about “astrological food.” What?! Otherwise known as “planting by the Moon,” a practice which you could read about in any Old Farmers’ Almanac or — a few hundred years ago — in Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanack.  But how cool is it for planetary cycles to become hip again in the mainstream! Thank you, Jupiter in Virgo. And Vanessa.

On that “Jupiter in Virgo” link you’ll find a forecast written some months ago about what we can expect during Jupiter’s year long trek through the sign of the Virgin. Virgo refers to animals — usually ones that are smaller than a horse.  Jupiter can be a cosmic sugar daddy. Last week, when all hell seemed to be breaking loose (as reported in the media), a baby otter named Toby was REunited with its family in Singapore…and humans helped. Roll tape…and bask in the warm and fuzzies…

Thank you for reading this forecast and sharing it with others. To find out what’s going on in your own horoscope, consider booking a personal consultation. We will have a fine discussion together!