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"The reading was a partnership between the two of us; she did not simply recite planetary signs and meanings, but had a conversation with me, continually asking what I made of what she saw, and what I thought I could do to change the things I want to change.
When the names of other people in my life came up, she quickly looked up their charts on her computer and commented on their roles in my life -- painting a fuller picture of where I was, where I wanted to go, and how I could get there.
What was impressive was that Elisabeth took all the planets, people, and situations that made up my life and created a context for them all that was positive, hopeful, and exciting!
She has a lovely personality, a sharp wit, and a gift for astrological interpretation."
--Bill W. New York I CAN'T WRITE THIS WITHOUT YOU : ) PLEASE support my time and efforts. CONTRIBUTE to my COSMIC TIP JAR using the gold button below. THANK YOU.
Get it done early today. The Virgo Moon waxes to fullness at 1:05PM ET, then goes void with a long, deep sigh as it makes an easy connection to potent Pluto at 1:36PM ET. The Virgo faculties of organizing, sorting and perfecting may feel as if they are running wild over the next 24+ hours…or they may take you off on a wandering adventure as you uncover the unexpected. Go with the flow and take some time to chill if you can.
Depth, perspective, power, transformation and regeneration are emphasized by a cooperative connection between the intuitive Pisces Sun and Pluto, exact at 7:18PM ET. There are no exact planetary patterns tomorrow, though the Moon will engage in the next sign — Libra — at 7:52PM ET. That’ll give some focus and intention to your Friday night date.
The Full Moon sheds light on the New Moon projects launched two weeks ago. The Sabian Symbol for that lunation at the last degree of Aquarius suggested a focus on “ancient civilizations”. How interesting on this Full Moon to see in the headlines that a jawbone found two years ago has now been analyzed and now “pushes human evolution back 400,000 years”. With Uranus and Pluto so prominent this month, watch for plenty more “news from underground,” literally and figuratively.
The Sabian Symbols for this Full Moon are — for the Sun: “an officer preparing to drill his men”; and for the Moon: “an ornamental handkerchief”. Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee writes that the latter is “an image of power and rank embellished by beauty and refinement”. He reminds us of the chivalric code of the Knights of the Round Table, where a fearsome knight might earn the handkerchief of a noble lady, which he would prominently display. His fighting energies would thus be sworn to serve her presumably gentler, kinder and more refined qualities. It is an interesting symbol for this lunation, given the current potency of macho Mars in equally macho Aries, about to shake things up as it makes contact with Uranus and Pluto next week. Both symbols suggest a discipline, courtesy and more refined expression of raw physical power. Up for the challenge?
As if on cue, the NYT just posted an op-ed on why gender equality is better for men, too. I haven’t read the whole piece yet, but did note this benefit: “have more sex”. Coincidence or conspiracy?
And now, more news.
With the Moon in Virgo yesterday, the Supreme Court heard a case challenging the Affordable Care Act, and it all boiled down to arguments about four little words. It occurs to me to wonder why they can’t just take a poll of every member of Congress who voted for the law and ask them what they thought they were voting for: tax credits only for people enrolled in state-run health exchanges, or tax credits for state-run and federal-run. Yeah, I know: because the Justice Branch of our government is charged with interpreting the law, as I recall from my elementary school civics classes. And this is what happens when legislators vote for bills they haven’t actually read.
Anyway, the NYT thought Justice Kennedy said something telling. Mother Jones was intrigued by what Ruth Bader Ginsburg had to say. And the New York Post quoted Justice Scalia. In the end, the dress was ruled to be either white/gold or black/blue, depending upon how your eyes are physically equipped to perceive it.
Elsewhere in the world of excruciating Virgo detail, the federal investigation of the Ferguson police department released its findings, and they are an absolute page-turner — a “damning report” on racial bias and abuse. I encourage you to read it.
Another stark reality exposed in the report is this (as you can read on page 9):
City officials have consistently set maximizing revenue as the priority for Ferguson’s law enforcement activity. Ferguson generates a significant and increasing amount of revenue from the enforcement of code provisions. The City has budgeted for, and achieved, significant increases in revenue from municipal code enforcement over the last several years, and these increases are projected to continue…
In other words, with Venus — money issues — becoming supercharged by Uranus and Pluto yesterday, we are invited to realize that cities are cash-strapped. Tax revenues are not enough to fund municipal services. Instead of raising taxes, cities then plan to cover expenses by directing law enforcement departments to make up the difference by collecting fines from its citizens. Law enforcement complies….ruthlessly. It becomes THE priority. In a related story, six police officers in Whittier, California are suing that city, saying they were forced to meet certain quotas that would generate revenue.
The opposite of Virgo is Pisces, which is intuitive, sensitive and compassionate. “Their Dying Wishes” is an NYT op-ed written by a woman who volunteers in hospice centers and seeks to fulfill the last wishes of people in their final days. These wishes may seem mundane in their simplicity; the stories are tender and kind. Pisces also refers to endings.
In other news, there will be no more elephant acts at Ringling Brothers’ Circus as of 2018. And in Southern California, stricter emission controls aimed at reducing smog has resulted in healthier lungs for SoCal children. Finally, a man who tried to end it all by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge two years ago says his life was saved — by (an empathic?) sea lion. The man now works as a mental health advocate. Good news.
What’s going on your horoscope? Find out in a personal astro-logical consultation. We will have an excellent discussion together.
Trick or treat!
If you’re looking for something scary this Halloween, be advised that planetary patterns favor the weird and wacky over ghouls and goblins. The Moon is still in Aquarius, which favors the unconventional. If you haven’t figured out what costume to wear, a helpful boost to the Moon from Uranus may spark your imagination before you head for the office. Oh go ahead, wear something fun to work — you know you want to. I’m wearing my native costume.
Whatever you’re wearing, keep putting the Aquarian networking potential to good use, aided and abetted by three cooperative connections that will be exact on Saturday: between Mercury and Jupiter; Venus and Pluto; Mars and Neptune. These suggest inspired communication and thought processes, some of which may be quite magical. A sexy spin, perhaps, or something equally spellbinding. Let’s hope you’re the one casting and not the other way around.
The Moon goes void on a bit of a bump at 2:22AM ET Saturday, on a challenge from “wet blanket Saturn”. Moon doesn’t enter Pisces until 12:37PM ET, so feel free to sleep in and chill. Avoid impulse purchases during the void.
Don’t forget to set your clocks back before you go to sleep on Saturday; Daylight Savings Time ends Sunday morning. The Pisces Moon favors the soulful, the artsy and compassionate; plan your day accordingly. A cooperative connection between the Sun and Pluto favors power and regeneration, which can be a good thing, depending on one’s agenda. Power can be used for good and not-so-good, doncha’ know. The planets have no say in these matters, but people do.
You can drift into the office on Monday, as the Moon will be void from 4:05AM to 1:53PM ET. The mood should shift noticeably when the Moon enters Aries in the afternoon.
And now, the news.
Apple CEO Tim Cook has a birthday on Saturday. And yesterday he published an essay yesterday acknowledging that he is gay and very proud of it, thank you very much. Mr. Cook is a Scorpio with Moon in pioneering Aries. Without an exact birthtime, we don’t have the exact degree of the Moon, but given the timing of the announcement, it could be between 11 and 14 degrees of Aries, and thus being supercharged by the Uranus-Pluto square, suggesting an upset and/or empowerment. This Moon is part of a tense T-Square pattern in his horoscope — between Saturn at 13 Capricorn and Mars at 16 Cancer, suggesting, among other things, the potential for extraordinary drive and discipline. Mars and Saturn have also been under high tension, suggested by contact with Uranus and Pluto — and this will continue into next year.
Interesting to note that Mr. Cook’s Scorpio Sun is tightly conjunct nebulous Neptune, suggesting among other things, a visionary potential, empathy, and also that ego identity issues may be rather bewildering. You can’t tell from a horoscope if someone is male or female, but you can tell if that person may struggle with issues of self-determination, including sexual expression. I once worked with a client who was transitioning from male to female, and the timing of her public declaration of her gender identity, name change, projected hormone treatments, etc., were perfectly in synch with patterns in her horoscope. It made perfect sense, and my client found it very reassuring to learn how planetary patterns validated her struggle and decision to change.
In other news, a drama perfectly reflecting the determination of one individual (Uranus in Aries) to defy the Established Order (Pluto in Capricorn) is going on way up in Maine, as nurse Kaci Hickox rebels against the state’s efforts to enforce a 21-day quarantine since she returned from West Africa. Meanwhile, in the NYT Sunday Magazine you’ll find a harrowing and poignant account penned by journalist Theo Padnos about being kidnapped and held captive in Syria.
Planetary patterns are relatively quiet now, but as we get closer to November 10th, headlines are sure to become volatile, as Mars comes into contact with Uranus and Pluto. Not only that, but on December 15th, we’ll have the sixth of the seven exact squares between Uranus and Pluto. So it made sense that another missive from The Hathors was delivered via sound healer Tom Kenyon yesterday, giving us a heads up. When was the last missive sent? On March 26th, a few weeks before the fifth exact square. I am fascinated by their consistent sense of timing, as noted in this forecast from last December.
Whoever or whatever The Hathors are, what they have to say about climate change, government/institutional breakdowns & breakthroughs — and especially the crisis in spiritual evolution and consciousness that we face collectively on Planet Earth — is mirrored by the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square and other significant alignments, etc., etc. What they als0 offer (via Kenyon) is a number of practical meditation techniques to keep you grounded and clear in these challenging times. That is why I find their posts relevant and helpful.
On a housekeeping note, if you are interested in booking a personal astro-logical consultation for yourself or for a friend, I am extending my Mercury retrograde incentive for new clients through November 12th, as we are still in the “shadow period” of the last Mercury retrograde. At some point in the not too distant future, I do intend to raise my rates, to reflect the two years of study and knowledge accumulated since the last modest increase. And I wanted to give you plenty of notice in advance, with much gratitude for your continued support.
Thank you for reading this forecast. Have a fabulous weekend!