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Saturday & Sunday 2/23/2019: Oscar Musings; More on Chiron in Aries

As anticipated, Friday was a busy news day. The quest for fairness and balance in relationships  — reflected by the Libra Moon — had to juggle multiple heavy hits — into the late evening.  If last night was your date night, emotions were likely to be exceptionally intense, for better or for worse.

On SATURDAY, the intensity continues as the Moon plunges into Scorpio, ending the chatter and replacing it with a need for depth and control. The morning may begin with a jolt, as the Moon opposes rebel Uranus. Investigative dirt and/or persuasive talk is likely to be on the agenda, given the first of three sextiles between Mercury and corruption-exposing Pluto, exact at 12:15 PM ET. A clash between the Moon and Mars at 10:12 PM ET heightens the potential for a notable outburst of expression.

SUNDAY‘s patterns are not as jarring. A harmony between the Moon and Neptune facilitates artsy expression. A sextile between the Moon and Saturn at 5:21 PM ET is the last exact aspect of the day, and it’s arguably subdued.

This is the backdrop for the Oscars — and it’s nowhere near as glitzy as the planetary backdrop of Oscars past. There won’t even be a host. I anticipate that the Oscar will go to whichever films and players best express the energy of Scorpio, combined with wounded healer Chiron.  Spike Lee may be a Pisces with Moon in Scorpio (we do not have an exact birth time); Glenn Close has the Sun at the end of Pisces; Ruth Bader Ginsberg is a Pisces with Moon in Scorpio (a documentary about her is up for an Oscar).  I will be surprised if there are tons of big laughs or gaffes, other than the wry/self-deprecating humor we might expect from a trio of planets in Capricorn: Venus, Saturn and Pluto. These are the cosmic times in which we live. The famous Vanity Fair party, once the hottest and glitziest Oscar soiree, is now described as “a week-long corporate branding palooza.” Yeah, that’s that trio of planets in corporate Capricorn, too.  And if there was any doubt about the zeitgeist of these next couple of days, this morning when I returned to the draft of this forecast, I saw this: Stanley Donen, Director of Mirthful Musicals, Dead at 94.

I will watch the Oscars and I will miss Billy Crystal. You? Here’s how he opened the show in 1998. How times change. As they will change and change again.  Fortunately, we can use astrology as a guide.

Whatever happens on Sunday, the Scorpio Moon goes void on MONDAY at 7:14 AM ET, getting the work week off to a wandering start and a possible twist, flake or a “much ado about nothing” crisis. We can all heave a sigh of relief at 4:19 PM ET, when the Moon vaults into high-flying Sagittarius.

And now, the news.

What did I say about Friday?

Mental Mercury in spacey/intuitive Pisces makes its first of three squares to a high-functioning Jupiter in Sagittarius. Watch the news for potential boondoggles in courts, publishing, academia, opinions. At 10:49 PM ET, Venus meets up with Pluto in Capricorn; the suggestion is power plays and catharses in matters of women, money, aesthetics and values. I expect a sobering hit around lunchtime, as Moon squares Saturn, followed by the intensity of the Moon’s weekly clash with Pluto at 9:51 PM ET…watch the late afternoon news dump.

Right. Boondoggles. And add “sports” to the keywords associated with Jupiter in Sagittarius.


All week I’ve been thinking about what I wrote in the last post about Chiron entering Aries: “It’s time to focus on healing toxic aggression, masculinity and leaders — all associated with Aries.” The day after that was posted, Barack Obama made news when he advised men “to avoid toxic masculine behavior.” His horoscope was triggered by Chiron entering Aries, as it made contact with his Venus (values and social expression; how and what we love) at 0 Cancer, a cardinal sign. Coincidence or conspiracy?

In other news, and on a similar theme:

And while we’re on the subject: “The deadly truth about a world built for men — from car crashes to stab vests.” Thank the good folks at The Guardian for publishing this provocative thought:

When broadcaster Sandi Toksvig was studying anthropology at university, one of her female professors held up a photograph of an antler bone with 28 markings on it. “This,” said the professor, “is alleged to be man’s first attempt at a calendar.” Toksvig and her fellow students looked at the bone in admiration. “Tell me,” the professor continued, “what man needs to know when 28 days have passed? I suspect that this is woman’s first attempt at a calendar.”

How intriguing to consider that first markers of time may have been female.

In other news…

This is a story some have said should really be front and center, cutting through the clutter of salacious headlines. Pluto refers to power (nuclear and otherwise); Mercury in touch with Pluto, combined with other patterns, suggests corruption exposed. Did you know that The Donald’s administration has been secretly negotiating to sell nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia? The proposed deal may well be illegal.

Hmm…it seems we should have some guidelines for managing toxicity. Here’s some expert advice for choosing a perfume or cologne that’s just right for you.  Here are the “new household rules” for what needs to be cleaned and how often.  And finally, here is the iconic mirthful scene from the musical Singin’ in the Rain.  Cue Gene Kelly and Debbie Reynolds, directed by Stanley Donen now, please.

And if that’s not enough fun for you, here’s the classic Hollywood musical mash-up, set to Uptown Funk.

Thank you for reading this forecast. To find out what these planetary patterns suggests for you in your own personal world, here’s the 411 on consultations. I am honored to be of service.



Tuesday 2/19/2019: Sneak Peek at a Short Work Week; Chiron in Aries

…and off we go again! I hope those of you who had a day off yesterday enjoyed a lovely long weekend, sponsored by the Moon in party-hearty Leo. The Leo Moon went void this morning at 8:51 AM ET and entered Virgo at 9:47 AM ET. Time to get organized, incorporating whatever illumination is received in the wake of the SuperDuperSuperFullMoon at 0 degrees of Virgo, exact at 10:54 AM ET. What does that suggest?

The Supermoon component of the Full Moon means that the Moon is looming large in the sky. Why? Because it’s the closest it’s gonna get to Earth in 2019. The Sabian Symbols for this Full Moon are “a public market” (for the Sun at 0 Pisces) and “a man’s head” (for the Moon at 0 Virgo). Sabian Sage Blain Bovee suggests we apply this pair with a mind to “the distinguishing marks of individual and public character” …how an individual may leave a mark on the market…or how a market may determine the value of a person or thing.

The notion of character is echoed by the Full Moon’s conjunction with the Fixed Star Regulus, which is all about honor, integrity and the promise of success if vengeance is not taken. Any horoscope that was affected by the Big Fat Total Solar Eclipse of August 2017 may be activated in the wake of this Full Moon. In the chart for the Full Moon, we see Venus (money, women, art, values) about to meet up with Pluto (power, transformation). Venus in contact with Pluto (and next week, Uranus) suggests volatility in the marketplace, so watch for some interesting news later this week. Echoing that potential, please refer to Tarot Diva Beth Owls Daughter’s Card of the Week, in which her bottom line forecast is: “follow the money.”

Our analysis of this Full Moon’s potential would not be complete without noting that it falls within a degree of The Donald’s 29 Leo Ascendant...and within a degree of Michael Cohen‘s 1 degree Virgo Sun. Roger Stone‘s Sun is 4 Virgo. Watch the headlines.

Let’s now talk about what happened over the past couple of days, and then look at the rest of the week.

  • MONDAY: A sobering “women of steel” meet-up of Venus and Saturn in Capricorn, exact at 5:52 AM ET. If you have a planet or angle around 16 degrees of Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn, your horoscope was more affected than most. At 6:04 PM ET, the Sun left Aquarius and entered Pisces. Here’s the 411:

Happy birthday to your favorite fishies! Pisces is a sensitive, intuitive energy that at its best expresses compassion and loving kindness for everyone and everything, in its understanding that we are all One.  Being such a sensitive soul is not always easy. Pisces has been known to wallow in suffering. It can go to extremes of surrender in order to escape life’s hard knocks, drowning its sorrows in the nearest rose-colored glass. Pisces is ruled by Neptune, a dreamy energy that can be challenging to integrate, but oh what sublime creative visions it can bring to life, when effectively channeled.

Pisces folk born 14-19 days into the sign should chat with Fish born a few days earlier about how spacey life seemed in the past two years. Lots of potential for creativity and soulful questing, though. Pisces folk born 14 – 24 days through the sign may enjoy the expansive potential of transiting Jupiter to their natal Sun now and in the coming months.  Famous Pisces include Kurt Cobain, Drew Barrymore, George Harrison, Dr. Seuss and Albert Einstein. All sensitive, soulful and sublime, in their own magical way.

  • TUESDAY:  Did you note your dreams yesterday and this morning? The first of three mystical, magical or simply bewildering meet-ups between Mercury (how we need to think) and Neptune (dreams and illusions) happened at 1:37 AM ET. This pattern will repeat on March 24th and April 2nd, so let’s see how whatever visions are initiated now are revised — and revised again — on those dates. At 9:39 PM ET, a harmony between Mercury and Saturn will be exact, infusing a dream with hardcore reality. This is also the first of three hits; the second and third happen on March 20 and April 7th.
  • WEDNESDAY: A busy day, as the Virgo Moon connects with six planets — before going void at 8:51 PM ET. Chill overnight; don’t make mountains out of molehills.
  • THURSDAY: Moon enters Libra at 9:17 AM ET, driving the day with a need for people-pleasing, diplomacy and harmony. While there are no bumps in the road for that Libra Moon, note that big big ideas, laced with a powerful emotional overkill may command attention. Why? Because on …
  • FRIDAY: Mental Mercury in spacey/intuitive Pisces makes its first of three squares to a high-functioning Jupiter in Sagittarius. Watch the news for potential boondoggles in courts, publishing, academia, opinions. At 10:49 PM ET, Venus meets up with Pluto in Capricorn; the suggestion is power plays and catharses in matters of women, money, aesthetics and values. I expect a sobering hit around lunchtime, as Moon squares Saturn, followed by the intensity of the Moon’s weekly clash with Pluto at 9:51 PM ET…watch the late afternoon news dump.
  • SATURDAY: No big Moon void as Moon leaves Libra at 10:10 AM ET and enters Scorpio 46 minutes later. Investigative dirt and/or persuasive talk is likely to be on the agenda, given the first of three sextiles between Mercury and corruption-exposing Pluto, exact at 9:15 AM ET. The Scorpio need for depth, substance and control continues through SUNDAY.

Meanwhile…we need to backtrack to 4:07 AM ET on MONDAY, when Chiron — a.k.a. the Wounded Healer — re-entered Aries. It did this last April — and then retrograded back into Pisces. Now it’s in Aries until 2027, as I wrote back in April:

Chiron, the Wounded Healer is also pulling focus.  It’s changing signs — from Pisces to Aries. This isn’t a casual visit. Chiron will be in Aries until April of 2027, perhaps offering us an opportunity to repair some of the most disruptive effects that happened during rebel Uranus’s seven-year stay in Aries. Uranus in Aries brought you “me-me-me” to its shockingly self-reliant max: the gig economy, selfies, cars without drivers and drones come to mind. But what does it MEAN to be self-reliant in  a world that feels like it’s falling apart? What’s our connection? Who are we, anyway?

Last week I was a guest on Chris Flisher’s podcast, “The Turning of the Wheel.” Topic: Chiron in Aries. In preparing for the podcast, I was intrigued to re-discover that Chiron spends more time in Aries than any other sign: 8 years. The runner-up is Pisces. Compare that to Chiron’s stay in Libra — which averages less than two years. That means there are way more people on Earth struggling to heal the symbolism of Chiron in Pisces and Aries than any other sign.

Chiron in Pisces — where it’s been since a few days before the 2010 Deep Horizon oil rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico — suggests feeling the pain of despair at being separated from Source — whatever one might call the Divine Creator. In Aries, Chiron suggests the pain of self-denial and inaction. The challenge of Chiron in Aries is to heal the “wounded warrior” (a warrior is what Aries needs to be), through acts of courage and positive self-assertion. It’s time for everyone to stand up and be counted; to put themselves back together after disruptive Uranus has arguably shattered the sense of self while in Aries since 2011. The challenge is to do it with positive energy, not destructive. It’s also time to focus on healing toxic aggression, masculinity and leaders — all associated with Aries.

Chiron was last in Aries between 1968 and 1977, just before it was discovered.  Remember the 70s? They called it “the Me Generation.” Now it’s back…which is good news for astrologers, frankly, since more and more people will be looking for ways to heal a wounded sense of self — and astrology is a fabulous tool for understanding who and why they the way they are. Consult your local astrologer for details.

And now, the news.

Did you know that Chiron is associated with ecology? I was delighted to be reminded of this while doing my homework for last week’s podcast, because it helped me understand why we were seeing so many prominent (Chiron is at the Aries Point) and surprising ecological stories in the news:

Menawhile, take the idealized sense of beauty of Venus in harmony with Neptune. Throw in a regal Moon in Leo. Add the sobriety and limits of Venus with Saturn, and we see three notable obituaries:

UPDATE: Colin Kaepernick’s horoscope in 2019 suggests access to considerable power and resources. Last week he and Eric Reid settled their grievances against the NFL. Kaepernick’s horoscope suggests this is just the beginning of potential windfall opportunities his horoscope suggests he’s likely to receive this year. A contract on a team, perhaps?

UPDATE: it should surprise no one who has been reading this forecast for the past few years that Bernie Sanders declared that he is once again running for president as a Democrat. We anticipated as much back in 2017 and before. So why today? Oh..well…the last hit of transiting Neptune opposing his Virgo Sun, reflecting a need to be a visionary. Plus transiting Pluto supercharging his high-functioning Venus in Libra and Mars in Aries now through 2021. He can’t help but strive to make a persuasive case. Other patterns suggest a need to expand his public outreach…so…he’s back.

In closing, I leave you with an apt headline: “23 most unforgettable last sentences in fiction,” put together by the Washington Post. Yup. Famous last words.

Thank you for reading this forecast. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations. We will have an excellent discussion together — ooh — and here’s the link to that podcast about Chiron in Aries, with gratitude to Turning of the Wheel’s Chris Flisher for having me back as a guest.