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" of the most illuminating readers I've come across. She is quick, perceptive and is very fluent with weaving in what she sees in your chart into what's happening and likely to happen and has happened in your life. I plan to keep Elisabeth as one of my periodic life counselors."
New York, NY

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Wednesday 9/18/2019: Late Sneak Peek at the Week; Saturn Turns Direct; Jupiter Squares Neptune

It’s Wednesday and the Moon is in Taurus, driving the day with a need to build and maintain material comfort and security. It was in Taurus all day yesterday, starting at 6:31 AM ET. Barring planetary action in your own personal horoscope (consult your astrologer for details), much can be accomplished this week. Today’s Taurus Moon harmonizes with Saturn, Mars and Pluto in another one of those rare Earth Grand Trine formations (imagine an equilateral triangle). Whether it’s true or not, the need is to project an image of material self-sufficiency, as the Federal Reserve of New York did last night when it covered $53 billion in the overnight lending market. Yeah, sure — no problem — we got this.  So why the sudden squeeze?

You might have been feeling a squeeze — or an urge to make an ambitious advance — if you have a planet around 13-14 degrees of Capricorn, Cancer, Aries or Libra. Saturn — planet of structure, ambition and control — has been at 13-14 Capricorn since mid-August. This week it was at a virtual standstill, preparing to end its retrograde period and turn direct. When a planet nears its station (a.k.a. its turning point), it demands focus, not unlike the way a car horn demands focus when a driver leans on it. So when did Saturn’s retrograde period end? Today!! At 4:47 AM ET, in fact. And, as Avid Readers will recall, the U.S. horoscope has its Cancer Sun and Libra Saturn at 13 and 14 degrees, respectively. The last time transiting Saturn made a tough connection to the U.S. Sun-Saturn square was in 2011 — and one squeeze that occurred was the downgrade of the U.S. credit rating.   In the horoscope most commonly used for the U.S., Saturn rules the Second House: our finances, values and self-worth. The Sun rules the Ninth House: foreign affairs, publishing, collective beliefs. How are we feeling on the world stage these days? Squeezed? Diminshed? Controlling?

When Saturn turns direct after being retrograde (since April 29th), projects that have been delayed may now move forward, especially in Capricorn matters such as government/corporate structure and authority. You may find it interesting to read this post from June 2012, when Saturn turned direct in a week with a Jupiter-Neptune square (pushing boundaries in matters of faith and other Neptune concerns). Jupiter will square Neptune on Saturday.  Meanwhile, the Sabian Symbol for Saturn turning direct is 14 Capricorn (“an ancient bas-relief carved in granite). Blain Bovee’s insights on how to apply this symbol can be found here.  Here’s a breakdown for the rest of the week:

  • THURSDAY — the Taurus Moon trines the Virgo Sun and goes void at 9:57 AM ET — not to enter Gemini until 4:58 PM ET. Roll with the flakes and twists and do not freak out over a crisis that may crop up. Specifically, do not lose your head over it — and I say this because the Moon will go void in conjunction with the fixed star Algol. Avid Readers will recall that Algol is associated with losing one’s head — figuratively and literally. It is also associated with women who have been scorned, and as you know, Hell hath no fury, etc. The horoscopes of P45, Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell will be activated. Let’s see how they make headlines tomorrow. Whatever does demand our attention tomorrow will be riding the surge of perfect and correcting action, backed by awesome power and resources. Mars (in perfecting Virgo) will trine Pluto (in Capricorn). Of course we are seeing awesome physical feats in the news, like Sarah Thomas, who just swam the English Channel four times — NON-STOP. And of COURSE this is a BIG story about a WATER sport, because Jupiter square Neptune on Saturday. Astrology is amazing.
  • FRIDAYMoon in Gemini drives the day with a need for news, entertainment and diversity. Boundaries of belief and faith may be pushed around midnight, as the Moon
  • SATURDAY — …opposes Jupiter and squares Neptune, within minutes of 1 AM ET. Anger or assertion crops up around 10 AM ET, as Moon squares Mars. The biggest fish in the planetary pond is the third Jupiter-Neptune square, exact at 12:47 PM ET. Are you marching in the We the People March? Taking a stand for climate change? Otherwise trying to save the world? Moon squares the Sun at 10:41 PM ET –– time to wrap up projects from your New Moon agenda. Moon goes void at 10:41 PM ET and enters Cancer on…
  • SUNDAY — at 12:50 AM ET. Thoughts turn to emotional and home security needs — sobering and disciplined. Why? Because at 12:19 PM ET, Mercury (how we need to think) squares Saturn (controls, authority). But hey — with no Moon void, you can indulge in practical purchases to secure your home and country. Today is the last day of summer — the Autumnal Equinox is on Monday.

And now, the news…

…brought to you by the following:

  • Mars (anger, guns, action, desire) opposing Neptune (fog, glamour, viruses, ideals, oil oceans, drugs, magic, film), square Jupiter (big, horses, pancreas, liver, publishing, education, collective beliefs)
  • Mercury and Venus at the Aries Point — suggesting prominence in publishing and women, money, art, values
  • Sun-Mars trine Pluto — easy application of power and prowess; resources
  • Saturn stationing direct

The New York Times was right on schedule. Much as it publicly dismisses astrology because it is not “scientific,” it sure has served astrology well by consistently publishing stories in synch with planetary patterns. I just loved the cover of the NYT Sunday Magazine: a white rabbit being pulled out of hat (magic!) The hat was a mortarboard (worn by academics at graduation ceremonies — education!) The background color was rose (idealism!) What’s on the cover?  “The Hocus-Pocus of College Admissions.”    Gail Bichler, the design director of the cover photo says, “This week’s cover is a comment on the impossible challenge college admissions officials face in trying to achieve diversity and meet the university’s financial needs. The casting of the rabbit, for which we considered everything from fur color to ear shape, was crucial to the end product, a composite several images designed to look like the rabbit is being pulled from the graduation cap.” Dear NYT, you may not believe in astrology, but it clearly believes in you.  Keep up the great work!


Finally…although there is so much else we could report…an UPDATE on Israel. Back in May, we wrote:

UPDATE: on exciting news from Israel. You may recall that Israel’s horoscope is ripe for an upset this summer — and we were alerted to this potential before its most recent election. Thus it was disappointing to see the status quo preserved, and Netanyahu re-elected. Ohhhh — but wait! The fat lady has not yet sung in this opera, as Netanyahu has failed to form a government. That means there will be a new election on September 17, and we’re finding this out just a few days after the first disruptive square from Uranus to Israel’s stability-seeking Leo Moon. After September 17, whoever wins will have 42 days to form a government…and on November 3rd, Israel will have the second hit of Uranus square its Moon. Hmmm. Things get even more interesting in January 2020.

Israel’s election was held yesterday…and as of righthisminute, Benny Gantz has a closerthanthis lead over Netanyahu.   Stay tuned, as the fat lady is still waiting for her cue.

Thank you for reading this forecast.

To subscribe to the most excellent NYT, click here.

Concept by Pablo Delcan. Photo illustration by Jamie Chung.

Prop styling by Anna Surbatovich. Astro-logical commentary by Elisabeth Grace.

Monday 3/12/2018: Sneak Peek at the Week; Hard-Headed Women and Other Mercury-Venus-Saturn Reflections

Good Morning! Or perhaps afternoon, by the time this is posted. It takes a few hours to gather these stories and make sense of them through the lens of astrology, especially since I do not write every day. Yet the astonishing synchronicity of planetary patterns and headline news continues to enthrall, so gather and analyze I shall. Gratitude to Avid Readers for your continued support — fan email,  shares, contributions to the Cosmic Tip Jar and of course, requests for personal consultations. As of next month, I will have been writing this forecast for nine years. Here’s to another nine more!

The Capricorn Moon goes void today on its weekly clash with rebel Uranus at 11:36 AM ET suggesting an upset to the status quo. Roll with whatever twists, flakes and/or crises may disrupt your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Stick to routine matters and chill until the Moon enters Aquarius at 6:44 PM ET. Other Moon voids this week are THURSDAY 3:32 AM ET until 6:12 AM ET, and SATURDAY at 9:12 AM ET until 2:57 PM ET. On Saturday we will have the next New Moon — in Pisces — at 9:12 AM ET.

Meanwhile, we’ve got a boatload of action to talk about.  On TUESDAY at 8:39 AM ET, Venus in warrior Aries is squared by patriarchal Saturn. Venus refers to social expression, money, women and aesthetics; Saturn refers to control, structure and discipline. Hardheartedness  would be one potential, as in streamlining in all matters related to Venus. Downside: budget cuts and other financial controls, with empathy tossed out the window. Upside: women of steel making themselves known.  We had a whole month of Saturn square Venus last April. Here’s what was going on then.   If you were born around the 29th of March, June, September and December or have a planet around 8 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Capricorn or Libra, you are likely feeling a squeeze — for better or for worse. This is not always “bad;” often Saturn reflects just the discipline we need to move a plan forward!

Also exact on TUESDAY (but reflected in the headlines a few days before): a harmony between the Pisces Sun and Jupiter in Scorpio. This suggests expansion — for better or for worse —  if you have a planet around 23 degrees of Scorpio, Pisces or Cancer. It’s the silver lining after the squeeze of Saturn. I see this reflected in Beth Owls Daughter’s Tarot card for this week — the Five of Cups — check it out.

As we get closer to the weekend, we are likely to see stories of action, aggression and courage pushing boundaries with prominence. Why? Because Mars (action, courage, aggression) is at the end of Sagittarius, which means it will hit the prominent Aries Point when it enters Capricorn on SATURDAY at 12:41 PM ET. You are affected by this more personally if you have a planet or angle around 0 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn. Count to 10 before you lash out and be mindful of your surroundings.  If you’re running a marathon or need a boost of energy to apply to a constructive task, a hit from Mars may serve you well. Familiar newsmakers  off the top of my head whose horoscopes are affected include Hope Hicks, Paul Ryan, Jeff Sessions, Rafael “Ted” Cruz, William Shatner,  Orrin Hatch,  Barack Obama, Harvey Weinstein, Meryl Streep, Elizabeth Warren,  Michael Moore, Gary Oldman, Bill Murray, Steve Mnuchin, Louise Linton.  Watch the headlines between this weekend and next.

And now, the news.

How many times in November and December did we say that the rush to pass a tax reform bill with Mercury retrograde in sloppy Sagittarius  (not mention the muddle-headed influence of transiting Neptune) would result in a mess? Too many to mention, but here’s one for reference.  Meanwhile, from the Sunday front page of  the NYT: “GOP Rushed to Pass Tax Overhaul. Now It May Need to Be Altered.” Ya THINK?!?

Remember that Sunday’s aspects included a hard-headed square between Mercury and Saturn; an innovative/risky harmony between Mars and Uranus; and a potent harmony between the Sun and Pluto (power and resources; news from underground). “In Britain, Learning to Accept Risk, and the Occasional ‘Owie'” is about a new initiative to expose school children to “the element of risk in everyday environment” out of fears that the children are too soft. Another front-page story: “Targeting Rules ‘Written in Human Blood'”  is about the innovative ways the oil industry is lobbying to change (Pluto) the restrictions (Mercury-Saturn) on drilling (Pluto) imposed during the Obama years.

The front page of the NYT Sunday Styles section includes two Mercury square Saturn mind control experiments (Mars-Uranus). The Man Who Knew Too Little. is  about a man under a self-imposed news blackout since the November 2016 election. He has no idea what’s going on in the world, and he’s quite happy. He also has the resources to be completely self-sufficient, unlike the rest of us. The second story is about the newly-rigorous disciplined life in an Arizona “rehab” for...Harvey Weinstein.

Need an innovative control on your phone conversation? Time for a revamped perspective.  In the NYT Business section: “Dial ‘P’ for Privacy: the Phonebooth is Back”.  Meanwhile, on the Sunday Review front page, we see a screaming Venus-Saturn squareMoney is Power. And Women Need More of Both. 

Mercury refers to the lungs. Saturn refers to teeth.  This was apt and odd from WaPo:  “Dentists Keep Dying From This Deadly Lung Disease. The CDC Can’t Figure Out Why.”

I wanted to share this last week, when Jupiter turned retrograde and Venus was at the Aries Point: “15 Remarkable Women We Overlooked in Our Obituaries.” Better late than never, odd pun intended.

In other news…

It is fascinating to see  one of the stories that was hot under last April’s Saturn-Venus square back for an update at this time. Remember Robert Berinstain, the undocumented Mexican immigrant — married with children to a U.S. citizen (who voted for P45)? He was the  beloved owner of a restaurant in Granger, Indiana — suddenly deported. Outrage ensued. Where is he now? What happened to his successful restaurant? Where are his wife and children? Meanwhile, a policy of separating children from their immigrant/refugee parents has only gotten harsher, as this Sunday’s WaPo editorial laments (on a Saturn-Venus square, naturally).

More Saturn square Venus headlines:

  • Venus refers to sugar. Saturn refers to reality. Big Sugar vs. Your Body — is a reality check.
  • Lean, mean Betsy de Vos was interviewed on 60 Minutes. The interviewe aired with transiting Mars exactly on her Mercury in Sagittarius. As expected, the interview generated outrage. Her Mercury (in Sagittarius) is also conjunct Saturn — no surprise there — just another example of headliners in sync with planetary patterns. One provocative question asked was how she felt about being the most hated person in P45’s Cabinet — which was unfair. According to a recent poll commissioned by the mostly-cheerful NYT columnist Gail Collins, EPA head Scott Pruitt is the most hated — or at least, perceived as the very worst. With transiting Saturn  now opposing Pruitt’s Libra Moon, this is no surprise, either. Plus, he’s destroying the planet.
  • Venus refers to fashion. Saturn refers to endings. This just in: fashion icon Hubert de Givenchy has passed away.  It’s fascinating to see how even the obituaries reflect planetary patterns. I just learned that Givenchy was all over the “little black dress” — the color of Saturn in Capricorn. Wow.

OK, time for some fun stuff — before these heavy Saturn transits (some of which are impacting your faithful astrologer’s horoscope) take over the world. Although I must say, even the sketches on SNL had the sobering stamp of Saturn. Did you catch the cold open spoof of  last week’s trainwreck finale of The Bachelor, where Robert Mueller (played by Kate McKinnon) confesses to Becca Kufrin (played by Cecily Strong) that he just doesn’t have the goods?

Meanwhile, Uranus and Mercury refer to astrology. With those planets pulling focus over the weekend, combined with the transforming potential for a Sun-Pluto harmony, it was empowering and refreshing to see a positive, thoughtful take on why Millennials are so into astrology. Thanks to The Guardian!

UPDATE: on Michelle Obama, whose horoscope was discussed back in 2016.  On the last of three hits to her 26 Capricorn Sun (suggesting a need for freedom of self-expression), a truly unique portrait was unveiled in the National Portrait Gallery and her memoir will be published this fall. Not only that, but a photo of a two-year-old girl staring in awe at the painting went viral, which led to an adorable video of Mrs. Obama dancing with the little girl.

Writing about P45 can be exhausting. Are you exhausted by the continuing astrological updates? Let me know — and I  will consider your opinion when choosing what to write about in future forecasts. I kept it to a bare minimum today, though the continued chaos in DC is happening as we would anticipate, given his horoscope, the horoscope of the US and the horoscope of his inauguration. I’d also like to know if you enjoyed this forecast more when I wrote it every day.

Until next time, here’s to the positive potential of Venus under the influence of Saturn. Cue Cat Stevens now, please…

Thank you for reading this forecast.


Monday 3/5/2018: Sneak Peek at the Week; Post-Oscar Neptune Bliss; the Aries Point Strikes

Happy Monday — what little is left of it….

The Moon entered Scorpio at 8:23 AM ET, driving the start of the work week with a need for depth, substance and control. Get it done today and tomorrow. On WEDNESDAY the Moon will be void of course between 3:55 AM and 5:03 PM ET. A Moon void does not mean “turn into a slug and do nothing.” It suggests that routine projects are most likely to succeed, even if you might need an extra push to get them started. It suggests rolling with whatever twists and flakes might disrupt your efforts to move forward in a straight line. It suggests not making a mountain out of a molehill, as crises which crop up during voids are often much ado about nothing. They often fade away once the Moon is focused in the next sign. No impulse shopping during the void.

We will have another long void on FRIDAY at 9:27 PM ET — ending on SATURDAY at 4:52 AM ET. Happy yard sale shopping over the weekend.

Meanwhile, we have three shifts this week. First, on TUESDAY Mercury and Venus both ditch Pisces and enter Aries. Mercury refers to how we need to think. Venus refers to how and what we need to love. So what’s the difference between Mercury and Venus in Pisces vs. Aries? Speed, for one. Pisces needs to feel its way through thoughts — and it takes longer to move through water. Aries falls down stairs because it’s faster than walking. So watch for snippier, snappier communication in your own personal world and in the headlines. When do we want it? Not now, but RIGHT NOW!

Second, while Pisces is all about “All for One and One for All,” Aries is all about me-me-me. Watch as the compassion and empathy expressed via Pisces is transformed into a pioneering Aries crusade for the underdog. That would be the upside potential.  The downside is that Venus in Aries can be quite the harpy. Combative, too. Same for Mercury in Aries, which is not inclined to care much about how others feel about what it needs to think and say.

Third, Avid Readers will remember that any planet at the beginning of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn is at the Aries Point. That gives communication and social expression an extra dose of prominence.  Did  you happen to notice Meryl Streep at the Oscars last night? Of course you did — how could you not see her? She was sitting in the front row wearing a bright red dress. Ms. Streep has the two planets at the Aries Point in her horoscope: Sun and Uranus. Impossible to miss!

Thus in the news, watch for matters of communication and aesthetics to be especially attention-grabbing over the next few days. If you have planets in your horoscope around the Aries Point, you’ll be impacted by Mercury and Venus transiting that Aries Point. I’d be surprised if your dance card wasn’t booked this week. Keep me posted, will ya?

The other pattern of note is Jupiter, planet of reward, expansion and indulgence. It turns retrograde on THURSDAY at 11:46 PM ET at 23 degrees of Scorpio. If you have a planet around 23 degrees of Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus or Leo, you are especially affected. Why? Because Jupiter has been sitting on that degree since last month, and will continue to sit on it until March 20th.  What’s expanding in your life this month?

Jupiter retrograde suggests that whatever was expanding may now be subject to a review and/or delay. With Jupiter in Scorpio, the sign of secrets, sex, death and other people’s money, I expect we’ll see delays in the headlines involving those matters.  Scorpio also refers  to honor and integrity, and I am fascinated to see those words specifically called out in Tarot Diva Beth Owls Daughter’s always-in-sync Card for the Week.

Jupiter turns direct on June 11th — at 13 degrees of Scorpio. It returns to 23 Scorpio in early October. That’s when projects put on hold now are likely to move forward again. You can read what I wrote about Jupiter in Scorpio right here. How are we doing so far?

Perhaps you’d like to know what the placement of Jupiter in your horoscope suggests for you. Jupiter transits often coincide with opportunities for honors and promotion. I have plenty of cases in my files of clients whom I encouraged to expand during a Jupiter transit — with success! Astrology is a very good thing to know about. Here’s the 411 on consultations.

And now, the news.

I am still basking in the rose-colored afterglow of the weekend’s dreamy meet-up between the Sun and Neptune, exact at 8:55 AM ET on Sunday. It was followed by another rose-colored meet-up of Mercury and Venus in Pisces at 1:06 PM ET.  Mercury and Venus were still getting over the expansive indulgence of empathy and compassion we might expect after their respective harmonies with Jupiter last Thursday and Friday. You know where I noticed this dramatically? In my Facebook feed. I swear every post captured it to the max — in the form of beyond cute videos of animals. My fave: yoga with goats — OMG.  My second fave — not involving animals, but apt for a Sun-Neptune meet-up: drunk yoga. Cheers!

With Neptune pulling so much focus again last week,  I expected a truckload of stories involving fish, water, oil, drugs, glamour, fanatics, scandal, film, illusion, spirits, victims, pacifists, lies — to name a few — same as last week. The NYT hit it right out of the park with its Sunday front page story: “A Bright Light, Dimmed in the Shadow of Homelessness.”  This is a poignant investigative story about a homeless (Neptune) woman in NYC who passed away a couple of years ago. Her name was Nakesha Williams. She really was a bright light — a dancer  (Neptune) on a scholarship at Williams College. How did she end up on the streets? Way to go, NYT, for brilliant journalism in sync with planetary patterns!

UPDATE: P45, because he did what we expected last week, so let’s call it out.  With Mars on his Moon and opposing his blah blah blah Gemini Sun, we expected action. He announced he’s running again in 2020. He praised China’s president, who appears to be making a power grab to become president for life. “Maybe we should give that a shot,” said P45.  Meanwhile in Panama, he lost — and there is video. In other news, he announced tariffs on steel and aluminum, adding that “trade wars are good.” Mars rules steel, and as you may recall, that Mars transit also hit the US Mars, too (by opposition).  Guess who else was affected by transiting Mars at 20 Sagittarius? Carl Icahn, a longtime pal of P45.  He has Jupiter (reward) at 20 Sagittarius. He must be psychic, because he dumped tons of stock in steel-related companies only a few days before the tariffs were announced. Coincidence or conspiracy?

Also affected by last week’s Mars transit: Hope Hicks, who has an unaspected Venus at 20 Virgo. A need to be perfectly pleasing is suggested, echoed by the Sun in conflict-avoiding Libra and Moon in accommodating Pisces. We don’t have a birth time for Ms. Hicks, but that Pisces Moon has been under some serious spell for at least two of the past several years, courtesy of transiting Neptune. Maybe now the fog is lifting, especially in the aftermath of her first Saturn return all last year. Time to wake up and smell the coffee?

It is fascinating to note that like her former boss, the only aspect to her Mercury (how she needs to think and communicate), is a square from…nebulous Neptune. One can appreciate how a person with that pattern in his or her horoscope might have issues with magical (Neptune) thinking (Mercury). It’s interesting that while her 20 Virgo Venus is not connected to any other planet in her horoscope, it is strongly connected to P45’s  21 Sagittarius Moon, 22 Gemini Sun and the North Node at 20 Gemini. We see the potential potent draw…a fated quality, some might say. We may hear more from Ms. Hicks in the next day or so, as transiting Mercury and Venus move into Aries…right on her natal Mars at 0 Aries. Yes — the Aries Point! Birth data for Ms. Hicks: Oct 21, 1988 in Greenwich, CT.

There may be no Hope in the White House, but there’s plenty of hope in the U.S.  The students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School aren’t going anywhere. They are an apt reflection of the potential suggested in the last New Moon/eclipse at 27 Aquarius — which triggered the Great American Eclipse of last August, remember? When an eclipse is triggered it is not uncommon to witness a rush of energy, as something new is being born. Here’s that New Moon forecast again.

The Sabian Symbol for last week’s Full Moon in Virgo is “a bride with her veil snatched away.” Here’s Blain Bovee’s take on it.  It  certainly was a big week for revelations and exposure…with more to come this week. Honestly I can barely keep up with it.

In other news…lights! Camera! Action!

I dont’ know about you, but I was so happy to escape into the glamour of last night’s Oscars. Host Jimmy Kimmel continues to live out the “driving force” potential of his horoscope, noted here last fall. He’s totally on a roll.

No surprise that The Shape of Water took Best Picture. A romantic fantasy with “water” in its title? What else would win on a night with Neptune in such focus?  And the sparkly dresses and sets! Also Neptune…but also backed by something rock solid. Saturn in Capricorn, perhaps?

I’ll tell you what definitely was a reflection of  Saturn in Capricorn: the appreciation shown to men and women of a Certain Age. Eva-Marie Saint, Rita Moreno, Christopher Plummer, Helen Mirren, Warren Beatty, Faye Dunaway and Jane Fonda — all looking fabulous. Did you know Rita Moreno wore the same dress she wore to the Oscars in 1962?  Saturn refers to what is old. It may be expressed with great dignity in Capricorn. All hail!

We don’t have a birth time for Frances McDormand, but there are bound to be patterns suggesting innovation, charisma and prominence, right?  For innovation and risk, check out her Mars-Uranus conjunction in regal Leo — squared by mystical Neptune. She was born to dazzle — in ways that few would dare. The prominence is suggested by her Cancer Sun at the Aries Point. The energy she has to facilitate emotional security is driven by a rock-solid Taurus Moon. No nonsense, no make-up — but still glamorous in her own quirky style. Right now — and all this year, transiting Pluto will oppose her Venus — also in Cancer. No wonder her social expression is so empowered.  And of course she has “a lot to say,” with Mercury in talk talk talk Gemini made larger than life by a square from expansive Jupiter. If you didn’t see last night’s acceptance speech, check it out and marvel at how the patterns of her horoscope we just called out are all expressed in a few  electrifying moments.  You do know what an “inclusion rider” is, don’t you? It’s the Sun with Neptune in Pisces combined with the idealism of Mercury and Venus in Pisces, driven by a fair and balanced Libra Moon supercharged by rebel Uranus. All for One and One for All!

OMG — just tuning in to the Erin Burnett’s interview with an apparently drunk Sam Nunberg. This is the man who announced today that he will defy a subpoena to appear before a grand jury in Robert Mueller’s ongoing investigation. Guess how many planets this man has at the Aries Point? Sun and Mercury at 0 Cancer — squared by Jupiter and Saturn in Libra. His Venus is at 20 Cancer — same as Frances McDormand — and thus currently empowered by transiting Pluto.  This will get very interesting when transiting Mars hits the Aries Point around March 18th…followed by the Sun on March 20th. Stay tuned….

…and thank you for reading this forecast.