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"The reading was a partnership between the two of us; she did not simply recite planetary signs and meanings, but had a conversation with me, continually asking what I made of what she saw, and what I thought I could do to change the things I want to change.

When the names of other people in my life came up, she quickly looked up their charts on her computer and commented on their roles in my life -- painting a fuller picture of where I was, where I wanted to go, and how I could get there.

What was impressive was that Elisabeth took all the planets, people, and situations that made up my life and created a context for them all that was positive, hopeful, and exciting!

She has a lovely personality, a sharp wit, and a gift for astrological interpretation."

--Bill W.
New York

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Monday 4/1/2019: Sneak Peek at the Week; Devin Nunes’ Cow, Right on Schedule

…and off to the races we go.

After a potential twist or slow start to your morning routine, the Moon left Aquarius and entered Pisces at 10:48 AM ET. There it will swim until late Wednesday, seeking to identify with intangibles, impressions and the suffering of all humanity. Pisces refers to compassion, empathy, the dissolution of borders, along with the knowledge that We Are All One. Life may be a cabaret, old chum — but according to Pisces, it may also be an illusion.

Heightened sensitivity, dreams, delusions and vision are echoed by the third meet-up of Mercury (how we think and communicate) with Neptune (rose-colored fog, shimmering ideals and gaslighting). This reflects the bewildering spin of the past week, and the final hit happens TUESDAY at 5:38 AM ET. We’ll get a double dose of vision and spin by EOD Tuesday, suggested by the Pisces Moon meeting up with that Mercury-Neptune surreal tango.

The rest of the week goes like this:

  • WEDNESDAY — the Pisces Moon goes void at  11:36 AM ET — on an exuberant square to Jupiter. What is big then, may become even bigger during the potential Moon void snowball. Go with the intuitive flow and do not make a mountain out of a molehill. Moon won’t enter the next sign — Aries — until 10:56 PM ET.
  • THURSDAY — In Aries, the Moon puts a priority on me-me-me and falling down stairs because it is faster than walking. There are no exact aspects among the planets after 4:16 AM ET, so the day may flow easily enough. However, the direction of the flow may not be entirely clear. We are in the dark side of the Moon — the days before the next New Moon. So we sense that something new is on the horizon, but we are not sure what. Restlessness or listlessness are not uncommon sensations. On the other hand, if the proactive drive of the Aries Moon inspires your quest for world domination, the dark of the Moon is the time to hold that secret meeting. Just know that while you may fly under the radar now, your carefully crafted plans may eventually come to light.
  • FRIDAYNew Moon begins at 4:50 AM ET — in Aries. After the drunken fog of Mercury with Neptune, we see a potential path to sobriety as Mercury makes a cooperative connection with Saturn, exact on SUNDAY, but a notable pattern in the New Moon chart. Another argument for a reality check or a big April shower on someone’s parade: Moon squares Saturn on Friday at 2:02 PM ET; the Sun follows suit next Wednesday. Moon’s weekly clash with Pluto happens at 7:50 PM ET — watch the headlines for a power play or emotional catharsis. Moon goes void on a harmony with Jupiter at 10:15 PM ET….
  • SATURDAY — …and enters Taurus at 9:06 AM ET. Oh, you know how I love a weekend with a Taurus Moon! After the surprising twist of the Moon’s weekly clash with rebel Uranus at 12:09 PM ET, you are free to indulge your senses and efforts to preserve and maintain the status quo.
  • SUNDAY — more of the same same same same Moon in Taurus same!

Will post more on Friday’s New Moon later this week. Time now for…

…the news, in a special April Fool’s Day edition, though I assure you that this story is for real:

You know that Taurus is the sign of the bull (and of course, the cow), right? You also know that Uranus refers to rebels, humor, technology and eccentrics, yes? And of course you know that Uranus entered Taurus on March 6th, a day after Mercury turned retrograde, under the influence of wiggy Neptune. How astrologically apt, then, that the hottest account on Twitter last month was Devin Nunes’ Cow.

What is this  DevinCow and what is at steak? Surely you must have herd that not even two weeks after Uranus entered the sign of the cow, Libra Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) “had a cow”  over the parody account with its roughly 1000 (fol)lowers.  But around March 18th, Rep. Nunes sued it (and other parody accounts) for allegedly being really really mean — asking for $250 million. From an astrological point of view, you’d think that someone born with Moon and Ascendant in righteously opinionated Sagittarius might have a thicker skin, but we must consider that Nunes’ Moon and Ascendant are conjunct Neptune, a strong suggestion of exceptional sensitivity. And of course as a Libra, he would be concerned about fairness, balance and social decorum in relationship. Plus, his natal Saturn is square to his Sun and Pluto, suggesting a need to take things verrrrry seriously.  We can understand why he would have co-sponsored a legislation called the “Discouraging Frivolous Lawsuits Act.” Here is his  horoscope.

Over the weekend, inspired no doubt by the musical and surreal potential of Mercury conjunct Neptune, a band of humans dressed as cows serenaded passers-by in front of the White House. All agreed it was a mooooooving performance, udderly entertaining — and the op-eds and articles on this subjects keep on being written, with WaPo‘s Max Boot adding his two cents today

Yup, that story is dead serious and it has legs — four of ’em. But here is The Guardian with some of today’s notable April Fools’ Day charades.

Thank you for reading this forecast. To find on what all these patterns mean in your own personal world, here’s the 411 on personal consultations.

Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 8/3/2012 and the Weekend: A Meditation on Pisces

A slow start or twist in your usual routine for people on the East Coast — and across the Pond. Moon goes void-of-course at 3:24AM and enters Pisces at 9:58AM ET. In a perfect world, I’ll be able to sleep in late because the workers who have been doing construction work on my building at godforsaken early morning hours will have been abducted by space aliens. Hey, Moon is in Aquarius, sign of space aliens. It could happen ; )

This could be a dreamy Friday at the office, ruled by intangibles: music, spirit, escape, fantasy, illusion. The Pisces Moon hooks up with nebulous Neptune at 2:04PM ET — ’nuff said. Except that if you want to be perfectly clear, you may have to say it more than once, especially with Mercury (mind, communication, travel) still retrograde for the next five days. Other than that, go with the flow, as a dreamy fish is wont to do.

It occurred to me on Tuesday, when I was writing the forecast for the Full Moon in Aquarius — opposed by the Sun in Leo — that the problem of resolving the conflict of the Leo-Aquarius opposition is that neither sign is Pisces. You’ve got the push-pull between the personal needs of the individual (Leo) and the impersonal needs of the collective (Aquarius). It’s not until we get to Pisces, the last sign of the Zodiac, that we may begin to appreciate that the individual and the collective are one and the same; that the illusion that we are separated from one another is just that: an illusion. Pisces suggests that it really is “all for one and one for all”.

Imagine my surprise a few hours later, as I was reading yet another metaphysical book that had fallen into my lap — this one called Happier Than God by Neale Donald Walsch. At the end of Chapter 15, Walsch talks about his quest to find the answer to these questions: 1) What does it take to make life work? and 2) Why does my life have to be such a continuing struggle? Walsch credits a conversation with God with this answer:

“Your life does not have to be such a continuing struggle. The problem is simple. You think your life is about you. Your life is not about you.”

“It isn’t?” I asked.

“No,” God answered.

“Well, then, who in the world is it about?”

Everyone in the world.”

The book then expounds on a simple, yet profound concept that “All Things are One Thing. There is only One Thing, and All Things are part of the One Thing That Is.”  Walsch makes the case that when you can apply this concept in day-to-day living, you will have mastered the key to success. Sounds pretty Piscean to me.

There are no heavy planetary aspects over the next few days, which makes for another perfectly lovely weekend of potential optimism and good times. Moon goes void of course on Sunday at 1:56PM ET and enters feisty Aries at 4:59PM ET. No impulse shopping sprees during the Moon void, if you please — and note the potential for surprise upsets in sports matches is higher when the Moon is void.

Meanwhile, today you can wish US Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte a happy 28th birthday. Lochte’s horoscope caught my attention when his mother announced to the entire Free World that her son only had time for “one night stands.” I knew Lochte’s horoscope would reveal typical patterns consistent with a dominant maternal influence in the early home life, and sure enough, it does, starting with the lunar nodes  completely unaspected, suggesting that “maternal influence” is out of control.

Tomorrow, you can wish Barack Obama a happy 51st birthday. His lunar nodes suggest a strong maternal influence, too.