The Gemini Moon is void between 4:01 PM ET on TUESDAY and 1:59 PM ET on WEDNESDAY. That’s a time to chill and roll with whatever twists and flakes may derail your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Rolling with the twists may take you far off the beaten track in ways that are innovative and unconventional, courtesy of a harmony between Venus and Uranus, exact at 11:26 PM ET.
After the Moon void, Moon enters Cancer, where it happily engages with Venus and Uranus around 5 PM ET. Note the potential for a wet blanket or an ambitious advance around 9:38 PM ET, when the Moon is opposed by Saturn.
THURSDAY begins with that potent opposition between the Sun and Pluto (discussed further in a moment). The work day suggests vision and optimism on the table, with a catharsis or further power play scheduled at 9:43 PM ET, as the Moon follows in the Sun’s footsteps. The New Moon in officially begins at 10:48 PM ET, offering us an opportunity to re-set intentions and goals for the next lunar cycle.
In Cancer, the Moon seeks to fulfill a need for emotional/homeland security; this month we can expect that need to be experienced with exceptional intensity. Here is the chart set in Washington DC., suggesting what this lunar cycle will bring for the US as a nation:
The most visible planet in the chart is Neptune in the 1st House, in contact with Midheaven and (loosely) the Ascendant. What is Neptune if not fog, vision, idealism, scandal, faith and deception? Operating behind the scenes – and running wild – is Mars (aggression, action, anger) in the 12th House (of self-undoing), about to meet up with the South Node for the second time in weeks. The South Node is a point of destruction, suggesting potentially toxic patterns that ought to be released. With Mars in Aquarius, perhaps the path of self-doing is related to rebellious assertion masquerading as freedom.
There are two Grand Trines in the chart. One is separating – among Jupiter, Neptune and the Cancer Moon -Sun – all in Water signs. A Water Grand Trine suggests a need for emotional self-sufficiency; it also suggests being able to write your own rules and regulations, while everyone else marvels at how easily the world acquiesces. Neptune refers to faith; Jupiter refers to expansion, and also optimism, a.k.a. Hope. I am not the only astrologer to see this “belief in miracles” pattern reflected in the heroic success of the “mission impossible” to rescue the Thai boys from that underground (!) cave.
The other Grand Trine is in Earth signs and involves Saturn, Uranus and Venus. To me, this suggests a need for material self-sufficiency, using innovation as a means for preserving authority – possibly to a fault – in matters related to women, money, values and aesthetics. This pattern of “haves” is reflected by a midpoint involving Jupiter and Pluto (the Powers That Be) and the Midheaven (public status/institutions) in this New Moon chart.
This New Moon is also a partial solar eclipse. It will be visible mostly over water off the southern coast of Australia. A Solar Eclipse can act like a “bottleneck” of energy. Light flowing from the Sun is temporarily interrupted, focusing attention on that interrupted point, allowing something new and possibly fragile to enter the picture and grow. And here I would be thinking of Michael, the kindhearted policeman in the storybook Make Way for Ducklings, who stopped the flow of traffic on Beacon Street so Mr. and Mrs. Mallard and their brood of eight could safely make their way to the Boston Public Garden. Got that?
Sometimes what is brought into focus is a secret suddenly brought to light. Once out, there’s no going back. In this eclipse , we have an opposition of the Sun and Moon to Pluto, ruler of the underworld. Plus, Jupiter has just turned direct in Scorpio, the sign that brought you #MeToo and other “resistance is futile” instances of abused power. My money says this month will bring even more to light.
The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is “a prima donna singing,” and here is what Sabian Symbol Guru Blain Bovee has to say about it. Is this when the fat lady finally sings? For further insight, I consulted Wikipedia:
Amalie Materna as the valkyrieBrünnhilde (1876)
It ain’t over till (or until) the fat lady sings is a colloquialism which is often used as a proverb. It means that one should not presume to know the outcome of an event which is still in progress. More specifically, the phrase is used when a situation is (or appears to be) nearing its conclusion. It cautions against assuming that the current state of an event is irreversible and clearly determines how or when the event will end. The phrase is most commonly used in association with organized competitions, particularly sports.
Hmmm. I find that hopeful. Astrologer Lynda Hill is another Sabian Symbol Guru. She suggests we see this prima donna image as an opportunity to use the voice to captivate an audience…with a caveat against hogging the stage. In the news, I will watching for prima donnas to take the stage and sing, supported by a group effort.
And now, the news.
Thanks to Avid Reader Esmeralda, who sent in several stories reflecting the “news from underground” potential of the Sun’s opposition with Pluto, observing that “underground infrastructure articles seem very on-topic for Pluto in Capricorn, as is the tension between public/private in the Capricorn/Cancer opposition.”
- “Who owns the space under cities? The attempt to map the ground beneath our feet” (‘structure, and the tension between private infrastructure and public knowledge/access/good for underground systems,” says Esmeralda);
- “Can Andy Byford Save the Subways?” (An “amazing, entertaining article from the New Yorker — all about being the public face of the very secretive subway bureaucracy”)
- Monsanto Hid Weedkiller Cancer Risk; Bullied Scientists, says lawyer to court. If memory serves, the horoscope of Monsanto is being hit by a Saturn squeeze to its Mars…
UPDATE: British PM Theresa May, whose horoscope was last discussed here, is rearranging her Cabinet after the sudden departure of three who did not support the way she is handling Brexit. Ms. May is likely feeling the squeeze of three hits of transiting Saturn to her 8 Libra Sun. The last one happens on December 4th. Meanwhile, a measurement between her Sun and Uranus suggests she is more inclined to continue on her own path, regardless of the party-poopers. This measurement will be exact on October 2nd.
UPDATE: Brett Kavanaugh won Tuesday’s SCOTUS nomination sweepstakes. Judge Kavanaugh has been called “the Forrest Gump of the Republican Party.” Where do we see that potential in his horoscope? He’s an Aquarius driven by a Cancer Moon, suggesting a potential humanitarian who needs to establish homeland/family/emotional security. We don’t have a birth time, but it is possible that his Moon is being opposed by either transiting Saturn or Pluto. The former suggests streamlined focus; the latter suggests empowerment/transformation. That mythical/magical Forrest Gump-ness is suggested by a tense pattern (a T-square) in involving his Sun and his wonky Mercury-in-Aquarius mindset, squaring an opposition between Jupiter (hope/expansion/bombast) and Neptune (faith/fog/intuition/fantasy). That T-square is being activated by transiting Jupiter in Scorpio — now and several months ago — with a third pass to come this fall. So are two of the horoscopes of the other judges who were under consideration. Transiting Mars is also active in Kavanaugh’s horoscope (as well as two of those other contenders — do you see a pattern here?)
What’s going on in your horoscope? Do patterns suggest a promotion for you anytime soon? If you have not checked in with with your astrologer in over a year, you are due for a consultation. Astrologers are like dentists, doncha know. Here is the 411 on consultations and reports. Yes, I am still offering the Mars retrograde special for $48.88.
Thank you for reading this forecast and for sharing it with the rest of the Free World.