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"The reading was a partnership between the two of us; she did not simply recite planetary signs and meanings, but had a conversation with me, continually asking what I made of what she saw, and what I thought I could do to change the things I want to change.
When the names of other people in my life came up, she quickly looked up their charts on her computer and commented on their roles in my life -- painting a fuller picture of where I was, where I wanted to go, and how I could get there.
What was impressive was that Elisabeth took all the planets, people, and situations that made up my life and created a context for them all that was positive, hopeful, and exciting!
She has a lovely personality, a sharp wit, and a gift for astrological interpretation."
--Bill W. New York I CAN'T WRITE THIS WITHOUT YOU : ) PLEASE support my time and efforts. CONTRIBUTE to my COSMIC TIP JAR using the gold button below. THANK YOU.
Alll-righty then!
I’ve been writing this forecast since Thursday. It started like this:
Sometimes you just have to drop everything and tend to your own personal garden. More on that in a minute.
Today (Thursday) is driven by the Moon in Cancer, a sign focused on building and maintaining emotional/family/home security. It went void at 7:20 AM ET, not to enter the next sign — Leo — until 12:18 AM ET on FRIDAY. Note your dreams and the potential for an emotionally intense start to the morning, as the Moon was opposed by power broker Pluto when it went void. At 9:34 PM ET, Venus will be squared by Saturn, suggesting an opportunity to structure values (financial and aesthetic). Will the structure be felt as an advance or a cut? Saturn can go either way. Past Venus-Saturn contacts have featured no-nonsense stories of women, art, money and social expression. Remember the “resting bitch face”? It jumped into the news a few years ago on a hard aspect between Venus and Saturn. Coincidence or conspiracy?
On FRIDAY, the Leo Moon facilitates a need to party on, dude. Moon squares Uranus at 4:21 AM ET, suggesting a disruptive flash to the start of the day. Big ideas — regally pronounced and possibly half-baked — may infest the headlines, as Mercury (how we need to think) and Jupiter (expansion) square off at 2:32 AM ET. This is the second of a series of three Mercury-Jupiter squares. The first was on July 9th; the third happens on August 28th, when Mercury will be direct and likely demanding a rethink.
We are in the balsamic phase of the Moon, an apt time for wrapping up projects started at the beginning of the cycle. This would also be a time to fly under the radar, if it suits your purpose. During these “dead Moons” we may feel listless or restless, sensing that something new is around the corner, but we don’t know what it will be.
At 5:58 AM ET on SATURDAY we’ll have a New Moon in Leo, along with a partial solar eclipse — the final one of the summer eclipse season. This happens at 18 degrees of Leo, which happens to fall exactly on Barack Obama‘s Descendant, activating significant others and his relationship with the public. I expect we’ll see him pull focus in the headlines soon, especially when transiting Mars hits his 18 Aquarius Ascendant around October 26th. Other famous people whose horoscopes are affected: Demi Moore, Ashton Kutcher, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Beth Henley, Billy Joel, Candice Bergen, Mark Knopfler. You are personally affected if you have a planet or angle around 18 degrees of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus or Scorpio. Consult your local astrologer for details.
The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon is “a houseboat party.” It’s fascinating to note that its opposing Symbol is “a forest fire quenched” — which would be a true relief in many parts of the world. Sabian Symbol guru Blaine Bovee has written that we are wise to consider the opposition when considering a particular Symbol. So mote be….and so mote was on the Full Moon of August 2014.
Bovee observes that a houseboat is a place for social gatherings. It does not have a keel and is thus challenging to navigate in turbulent waters. “Forest,” he notes, is “derived from the word ‘foreign’ — meaning outside one’s own country; a forest fire is a wild, uncontrollable conflagration…imagine a flaming left-wing liberal finding himself at a conservative right-wing party on a houseboat. It’s a difficult situation, calling for diplomacy and delicate matters so as not to rock the boat.” Yep, he really wrote that, and this book was published in 2004.
Bovee also wrote that we should apply this pair of Symbols “with a mind to the challenge of controlling the burning passions of belief in light social circumstances divided along party lines; stewarding combustible situations; keeping an even keel in potentially interesting times.” Here is the link to his wonderful book.
So far, so good. Right?
This New Moon is more potent because it is also an eclipse. What does that mean?
A Solar Eclipse can act like a “bottleneck” of energy. Light flowing from the Sun is temporarily interrupted, focusing attention on that interrupted point, allowing something new and possibly fragile to enter the picture and grow. And here I would be thinking of Michael, the kindhearted policeman in the storybook Make Way for Ducklings, who stopped the flow of traffic on Beacon Street so Mr. and Mrs. Mallard and their brood of eight could safely make their way to the Boston Public Garden. Got that?
Sometimes what is brought into focus is a secret suddenly brought to light. Once out, there’s no going back. In this eclipse set in Washington DC, Mercury retrograde in Leo and right on the Ascendant, squared by bigly Jupiter. I expect a lot of big news to erupt in this lunar cycle, and the fact checkers should have a field day. Some of the fog and magical thinking will reflect the last of three trines (a harmonious pattern) between Jupiter and Neptune, exact on August 19th.
Jupiter-Neptune contacts suggest: blood, charity, empathy, film, photography, suffering, oceans. refugees, drugs, oil, scandal, spirits of all kinds, faith. The contact with Jupiter suggests expansion. Have you heard about Tallequah, the grieving killer whale, who has been carrying her stillborn calf through the waters off the coast of Washington state for the past EIGHTEEN DAYS? Big. Ocean. Empathy. Suffering. When we will ever learn? The first Jupiter-Neptune trine happened in December 2017; the second was on May 25th. You’re affected if you have a planet or angle around 14 degrees of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus or Scorpio.
Bringing us up to today….
…where the Leo Moon goes void immediately after the eclipse…not to enter Virgo until 11:59 PM ET. No impulse shopping during the void! On SUNDAY, the urge to sort and prune sails free and clear…taking on an even more earthy, “get down to business” drive at 10:13 PM ET, when Mars moves back into Capricorn. More of the same is scheduled for Monday — no sleeping in.
Meanwhile, here are the patterns that made the past week extra special:
Venus entered Libra on Monday evening, at the exact same moment as a big, bold outburst between the Leo Sun and expansive Jupiter. Venus functions with great efficiency in Libra, sign of sweetness, balance, diplomacy and partnership. On Tuesday Venus was trine Mars, offering an opportunity to soften the cranky edginess of Mars being retrograde (i.e., frustrating desires and delaying action), and arrive at an accord. Also on Tuesday, Uranus turned retrograde, suggesting we tune in and connect with our inner rebel. Are the chains that bind you self-created? How can you set yourself free? Idealism — or being blinded by the light — was suggested by Wednesday’s meet-up between the Leo Sun and retrograde Mercury.
And now, the news…reflecting the patterns above:
As predicted, airplanes are making big news (with added confusion/changes of course courtesy of Mars/Mercury retrograde):
In other news:
Because this post is so jam-packed, I will wait until the next forecast to tell you about my “garden adventure.” As Beth Owl’s Daughter observed when I posted about it on my personal Facebook page , it’s an apt microcosm of our current macrocosm, with many teachable moments I hope you will find helpful and inspiring.
Meanwhile, I would love to provide you with insights about your own personal horoscope. Here is the 411 on consultations.
Thank you for reading this forecast.
The Gemini Moon is void between 4:01 PM ET on TUESDAY and 1:59 PM ET on WEDNESDAY. That’s a time to chill and roll with whatever twists and flakes may derail your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Rolling with the twists may take you far off the beaten track in ways that are innovative and unconventional, courtesy of a harmony between Venus and Uranus, exact at 11:26 PM ET.
After the Moon void, Moon enters Cancer, where it happily engages with Venus and Uranus around 5 PM ET. Note the potential for a wet blanket or an ambitious advance around 9:38 PM ET, when the Moon is opposed by Saturn.
THURSDAY begins with that potent opposition between the Sun and Pluto (discussed further in a moment). The work day suggests vision and optimism on the table, with a catharsis or further power play scheduled at 9:43 PM ET, as the Moon follows in the Sun’s footsteps. The New Moon in officially begins at 10:48 PM ET, offering us an opportunity to re-set intentions and goals for the next lunar cycle.
In Cancer, the Moon seeks to fulfill a need for emotional/homeland security; this month we can expect that need to be experienced with exceptional intensity. Here is the chart set in Washington DC., suggesting what this lunar cycle will bring for the US as a nation:
The most visible planet in the chart is Neptune in the 1st House, in contact with Midheaven and (loosely) the Ascendant. What is Neptune if not fog, vision, idealism, scandal, faith and deception? Operating behind the scenes – and running wild – is Mars (aggression, action, anger) in the 12th House (of self-undoing), about to meet up with the South Node for the second time in weeks. The South Node is a point of destruction, suggesting potentially toxic patterns that ought to be released. With Mars in Aquarius, perhaps the path of self-doing is related to rebellious assertion masquerading as freedom.
There are two Grand Trines in the chart. One is separating – among Jupiter, Neptune and the Cancer Moon -Sun – all in Water signs. A Water Grand Trine suggests a need for emotional self-sufficiency; it also suggests being able to write your own rules and regulations, while everyone else marvels at how easily the world acquiesces. Neptune refers to faith; Jupiter refers to expansion, and also optimism, a.k.a. Hope. I am not the only astrologer to see this “belief in miracles” pattern reflected in the heroic success of the “mission impossible” to rescue the Thai boys from that underground (!) cave.
The other Grand Trine is in Earth signs and involves Saturn, Uranus and Venus. To me, this suggests a need for material self-sufficiency, using innovation as a means for preserving authority – possibly to a fault – in matters related to women, money, values and aesthetics. This pattern of “haves” is reflected by a midpoint involving Jupiter and Pluto (the Powers That Be) and the Midheaven (public status/institutions) in this New Moon chart.
This New Moon is also a partial solar eclipse. It will be visible mostly over water off the southern coast of Australia. A Solar Eclipse can act like a “bottleneck” of energy. Light flowing from the Sun is temporarily interrupted, focusing attention on that interrupted point, allowing something new and possibly fragile to enter the picture and grow. And here I would be thinking of Michael, the kindhearted policeman in the storybook Make Way for Ducklings, who stopped the flow of traffic on Beacon Street so Mr. and Mrs. Mallard and their brood of eight could safely make their way to the Boston Public Garden. Got that?
Sometimes what is brought into focus is a secret suddenly brought to light. Once out, there’s no going back. In this eclipse , we have an opposition of the Sun and Moon to Pluto, ruler of the underworld. Plus, Jupiter has just turned direct in Scorpio, the sign that brought you #MeToo and other “resistance is futile” instances of abused power. My money says this month will bring even more to light.
The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is “a prima donna singing,” and here is what Sabian Symbol Guru Blain Bovee has to say about it. Is this when the fat lady finally sings? For further insight, I consulted Wikipedia:
It ain’t over till (or until) the fat lady sings is a colloquialism which is often used as a proverb. It means that one should not presume to know the outcome of an event which is still in progress. More specifically, the phrase is used when a situation is (or appears to be) nearing its conclusion. It cautions against assuming that the current state of an event is irreversible and clearly determines how or when the event will end. The phrase is most commonly used in association with organized competitions, particularly sports.
Hmmm. I find that hopeful. Astrologer Lynda Hill is another Sabian Symbol Guru. She suggests we see this prima donna image as an opportunity to use the voice to captivate an audience…with a caveat against hogging the stage. In the news, I will watching for prima donnas to take the stage and sing, supported by a group effort.
And now, the news.
Thanks to Avid Reader Esmeralda, who sent in several stories reflecting the “news from underground” potential of the Sun’s opposition with Pluto, observing that “underground infrastructure articles seem very on-topic for Pluto in Capricorn, as is the tension between public/private in the Capricorn/Cancer opposition.”
UPDATE: British PM Theresa May, whose horoscope was last discussed here, is rearranging her Cabinet after the sudden departure of three who did not support the way she is handling Brexit. Ms. May is likely feeling the squeeze of three hits of transiting Saturn to her 8 Libra Sun. The last one happens on December 4th. Meanwhile, a measurement between her Sun and Uranus suggests she is more inclined to continue on her own path, regardless of the party-poopers. This measurement will be exact on October 2nd.
UPDATE: Brett Kavanaugh won Tuesday’s SCOTUS nomination sweepstakes. Judge Kavanaugh has been called “the Forrest Gump of the Republican Party.” Where do we see that potential in his horoscope? He’s an Aquarius driven by a Cancer Moon, suggesting a potential humanitarian who needs to establish homeland/family/emotional security. We don’t have a birth time, but it is possible that his Moon is being opposed by either transiting Saturn or Pluto. The former suggests streamlined focus; the latter suggests empowerment/transformation. That mythical/magical Forrest Gump-ness is suggested by a tense pattern (a T-square) in involving his Sun and his wonky Mercury-in-Aquarius mindset, squaring an opposition between Jupiter (hope/expansion/bombast) and Neptune (faith/fog/intuition/fantasy). That T-square is being activated by transiting Jupiter in Scorpio — now and several months ago — with a third pass to come this fall. So are two of the horoscopes of the other judges who were under consideration. Transiting Mars is also active in Kavanaugh’s horoscope (as well as two of those other contenders — do you see a pattern here?)
What’s going on in your horoscope? Do patterns suggest a promotion for you anytime soon? If you have not checked in with with your astrologer in over a year, you are due for a consultation. Astrologers are like dentists, doncha know. Here is the 411 on consultations and reports. Yes, I am still offering the Mars retrograde special for $48.88.
Thank you for reading this forecast and for sharing it with the rest of the Free World.
Writing this in the middle of an almost 24-hour Moon void in Leo that began Wednesday at 5:10PM ET. It won’t engage fully in the next sign — Virgo — until 3:50PM ET today. Sleep through the alarm? Put your underwear on backwards? Greeted by a Starbucks barrista with a cheerful “Good afternoon!” at 8:30 in the morning? Roll through the twists and flakes; stick to routine; avoid the malls and chill, chill, chill.
At 1:30PM ET Venus — which refers to social expression, arts, women and money — leaves luxurious, regal, drama queen Leo for the pristine, detail-oriented, potentially hypercritical sign of Virgo. This is significant because Venus stationed retrograde at 0 degrees of Virgo on July 25th. By Saturday, Venus will finally be out of the shadow phase of its retrogradation, suggesting our aesthetic senses have finally returned to normal. Did your summer fling survive the summer? How attractive are they now?
A drive for perfection in social expression may be felt as Venus and the Moon meet up at 4:01PM ET. An ambitious advance or a wet blanket may land on your plate around 7:18PM ET, as the Moon is challenged by controlling Saturn. You could use the late afternoon’s Virgo need for order, combined with the last full day of Mercury retrograde to tackle that REorganization project you vowed to complete.
The drive to put things right continues through the weekend. I have a closet filled with summer clothes that need to be swapped out for fall. What have you got planned for the rest of the year, with most of the planets moving forward again? Would you like to talk about it? An astro-logical perspective can be oh-so validating and inspiring…or clarifying if you haven’t got a clue. Here’s how to contact me for a personal consultation.
Look up in the sky tonight and you may see a few of the Draconids meteors — here’s the 411.
I don’t know how this day has flown by so quickly, but I’ve had a lot on my mind and plate — too much to post a forecast. The Moon is now in Virgo, driven by a need for correctness, preferably delivered in the spirit of humble service, as opposed to neurotic nit-picking. It is the end of the lunar cycle, suggesting we may be feeling restless or listless, as we intuitively sense that a new cycle is about to begin, but we don’t know what it is. Plus, the New Moon is an eclipse. Plus, Mercury is slowing down — about to turn retrograde on the 17th. Plus, Jupiter (expansion) and Neptune (spirit, vision, blood, healing, fantasy, illusion, delusion, empathy, etc.), are almost exactly opposed — and this amplifies the potential for dreamy spacey wigginess, IMHO. See? Humble.
Today and Saturday are good for wrapping up old projects and contemplating what you want to REVIEW during the next lunar cycle. The review is brought to you by Mercury retrograde. So clear your desk, organize your files, clean up your diet and your house.
Meanwhile, it being September 11th, there are posts all over the web and images flooding the airwaves. Some posts are questioning the wisdom of approaching this day with a mindset of “Never Forget”. So I decided to re-post my forecast from September 12, 2012:
So yesterday was September 11th, and it was the 11th anniversary of an act of violence that stunned the world and resulted in the loss of thousands of lives. I couldn’t bring myself to acknowledge this in yesterday’s forecast because, frankly, I was living in New York on That Day. Then I noted someone on Facebook opining that on every September 11th since, all of America gets very patriotic, while New Yorkers just get somber and quiet. So I thought, “OK, I’ll post something.” After all, the Moon was in Cancer (needing to focus on homeland/emotional security; America is a Cancer nation, etc.), and it was slowly approaching a square to serious Saturn, suggesting a need for gravitas.
Here’s what I wrote:
What I remember about That Day was how quiet the city became in the aftermath. We gathered at night in public places, needing the support of community. We gave up our defensive edges. We slowed down. Drivers did not honk their horns. With whomever we met in the course of the day, we would take the time to look into each others’ eyes and ask, with heartfelt sincerity, “how are you”?
We approached each other with such loving kindness — back then — perhaps because we were all so conscious of our collective shock and grief. Everyone seemed to know someone who knew someone who had died…or was at Ground Zero and escaped, covered in ash…or was supposed to be there, but Fate intervened, and they missed their train or their appointment in the city was canceled or whatever. Point is, we all had a story to tell…and a connection to this experience that connected us to each other. We were able to see ourselves in each other.
Time passes…it heals wounds…and we forget. And often, we forget the connection. Separation — which is an illusion — creeps back in. It’s us against them. We racing to get here, there, everywhere. We get impatient with each other and start honking our horns again…or worse. And yes, I do have a thing against people who honk their horns and I have a byline to prove it — in the New York Times, no less — how cool is that? Point is, we are still sharing the same human experience — in a Big Picture, yet profoundly simple way. Even though we may forget.
These thoughts led me to decide as my tribute to 9/11, I would pretend to be an exalted human being — and try to act accordingly — during the course of my errands in the city. That meant taking the time to consciously assess whomever I engaged and imagining myself in their position before promoting my own agenda.
The employee behind the counter at Pret A Manger, for example, was a 20-something man with a wonderfully grounded, friendly intelligence. I thought about where he was at in his life — working behind a counter for probably not much more than minimum wage — and I wondered what his dreams might be at this nascent stage of his career. And as we were discussing the comparative merits of the caffeinated beverages offered at this fine establishment, I found myself telling him what a great job he was doing, and that I was certain his attitude and attentive presence would take him very far in life. I put my two dollars on the counter to pay for my coffee (decided not to spring for the cappuccino), and darned if he didn’t say, “It’s on the house”.
What a delightful surprise. What a lovely connection.
And what, pray tell, does this have to do with anything astro-logical? How about this: with today’s Moon in playful, regal, sunny Leo, you are encouraged to let your light shine! Practice senseless acts of beauty and acts of random kindness. Remember, that was the challenge presented at the beginning of this lunar cycle — the New Moon was in Leo on Aug 17th, right? Show the world the results of your intention. Shine! You’ll be aided by lovely connections to the Moon from loving Venus and electric Uranus, ’round about lunchtime on the East Coast. You’ll be helped even more by another lovely connection between Venus and Uranus, suggesting you expand your networks and allow yourself to be open to encounters that are delightfully unconventional and unusual…based on the simple premise that we are all on the same ride in the big scheme of things. That stranger on the bus could be your new best friend, even if it’s just for the few minutes you share until you arrive at your stop.
And look…here’s a song to inspire you…so many versions to choose from. Take your pick of Odetta, the Boss or the Templet Family Band. A tough choice, for sure.OMG, here’s Brenda Lee, too. The Odetta version opens with a passage written by Marianne Williamson that may give you chills….and…oh wow. Apparently Odetta sang this song(with the Harlem Boys Choir) on the first Letterman show after 9/11. I did not know that…until now.
And for now I’ve made a note to act as if I am an exalted human being: kind, considerate, humble and service-oriented in my efforts to make things right — at least through these next couple of days driven by a Virgo Moon.
Thank you for reading this forecast.
Good morning!
A dreamy buzz drives the day, courtesy of the Moon in information-junkie Gemini. Talk, talk and more talk. The dreamy part is the inspiration suggested by an easy connection between mental Mercury and nebulous Neptune, exact at 3:14PM ET. This is wonderful if you’re a poet or some other visionary creative type. It’s also useful if you’re trying to sell someone a bridge in Brooklyn. Mercury-Neptune aspects suggest a tendency to see things through rose-colored glasses.
The reality check arrives as we move into the later part of evening and Tuesday, courtesy of a tense aspect between Venus (money, aesthetics, women and social expression) and stern Saturn. This is the aspect that coincided with the first big story I noticed about the so-called “bitchy resting face”. Seriously. Better to be a creditor than a debtor with that aspect in the cosmos. Here’s what hit the news on another tough Venus-Saturn day a couple of years ago (including the bit about the bitchy resting face).
Note that we are in the dark side of the Moon. The new cycle starts on Wednesday at 9:24PM ET when the Sun and Moon meet up in Cancer. Between now and then you may feel a bit listless or restless, sensing that a fresh start is just on the horizon, but you can’t quite see it yet. This is a good time to wrap up projects begun on the last New Moon and think about your intentions for the next cycle. It’s also a good time to negotiate or take action on a matter you’d like to keep fairly under wraps. It’s the dark of the Moon, after all.
And as if on cue, here’s a article that just showed up in my newsfeed about the start of a military exercise in Texas called Jade Helm. Maybe you heard about this operation back in March or early May, when conspiracy theories about its true nature ran amok. Said theories were ridiculed by Jon Stewart. In any event, the exercise is presumably now underway, and media observers are strictly prohibited. Coincidence or conspiracy?
Certainly military/militant themes are favored this week, as warrior Mars in homeland security-focused Cancer joins forces with Mercury and opposes potent Pluto on Wednesday. That configuration suggests action and mindset that is potentially ruthless and/or explosive. It is fascinating to look at the headlines on the NYT home page right now: Japan arms makers want to sell to new markets aboard; a treasure trove of WWII history has been revealed in the form of boxes and boxes of letters written by an army private to his wife in Brooklyn; the firing of a female commander in the Marines is controversial; 23 are dead in the collapse of a military barracks in Russia.
More news…
When I was drafting the forecast last night, I read that Governor Scott Walker was probably going to announce his bid for president today. And in fact, he has. A launch video has been posted — in the dark of the Moon — and the New York Times writes about it thusly:
Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, who built a national conservative following by crippling public employee unions and then defeating a forceful effort to recall him, announced on Monday that he is running for president as a Washington outsider whose taste for big fights would lead to a smaller federal government.
All those words in italics are an apt reflection of the potential of this week’s planetary patterns. They also reflect patterns in Scott Walker’s horoscope, which I first wrote about in early 2011.
Also reflecting this week’s planetary patterns: the announcement that a “deal” has been reached so that Greece can have a bunch of money and still stay in the EEU. It happened in a “breakthrough” negotiating session early this morning. Speaking of breakthroughs, we’ve just had a significant pattern suggesting breakthroughs in the form of last night’s challenge between the Sun and innovative Uranus.
OK, so what kind of deal is it? “Draconian…harsh…vindictive” are some of the words being bandied about. And not only that, notes the linked article above:
In order to get these desperately needed funds, the radical left government of Alexis Tsipras had to submit to draconian economic reforms that the Greek people had rejected in a referendum barely a week before.
Enjoy today’s dreaminess. We’re off to the start of a volatile week.
On a lighter note…
Add the surprising jolt of Sunday’s Sun-Uranus square to this week’s focus on Mars-Pluto (explosive, news from underground), and it’s fun to see this item about scientists who were looking for lobster larvae and instead found “Huge and Ancient Volcanoes Discovered Off the Coast of Sydney”.
For another jolt — but hopefully one that will make you smile — check out this video that first launched on Valentines’ Day, on a Venus- Mars meet-up in boundary-dissolving Pisces. It was making the rounds on the internet again on Sunday. Love, love, love…though my money says Scott Walker would hate it.
Last, but hardly least, if you are enjoying these forecasts and wondering what’s going on in your own unique horoscope, I invite you to wonder no more! Schedule a personal consultation and we will have an enlightening and Really Super Useful conversation about who you are and where you are likely heading. I also invite you to support my efforts to keep you up-to-date on planetary patterns, improve your timing and better understand why things are happening in the world. How? By sharing this forecast with your friends. If you would also like to express your appreciation by making a donation, you would really make my day.
Oh — almost forgot — your Moon voids for the week: Monday 11:31PM ET until Tuesday 2:14AM ET and Thursday 7:24AM until 10:15AM ET. We’re not due for a lengthy Moon void during business hours until the 23rd, which will make some people very happy. If you are new to the forecast (welcome!) and unfamiliar with these natural cosmic rest periods, here’s a full explanation.