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"Thank you SO much for the reading on Wednesday. It's really helped me get back on the road to moving along. You prep so well and are so damn thorough. And moreover, you've got great sensitivity to the material and the patience to listen."
-- Michael D.
Editor, NY

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Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 2/11/2011 and the Weekend

“Stubborn” and “digging in their heels” — see the forecast for 2/10 and 2/9 — as I wrote those words last night and the night before, thoughts of the situation in Egypt did cross my mind. Fascinating to see this headline on AOL:  “Mubarak Isn’t Stepping Down and Protesters Are Furious”|aim|dl1|sec1_lnk2|43299  I took a quick glance at Mubarak’s horoscope, and wouldn’t you know it, he is a Taurus (stubbornness personified) — with apparently Moon in “need to control” Scorpio. Stubborn as he may be, his horoscope suggests tremendous pressure from forces beyond his control. Stay tuned…

Friday may bring a challenge or charge to your New Moon agenda, thanks to the First Quarter Moon at 2:18AM EST. A possibly strange blend of dreamy inspiration and eccentric innovation may come in handy this afternoon on both coasts….with fine print and details to be hashed out later. Moon goes void at 2:27PM EST, suggesting a three-hour break to chill, daydream, brainstorm, take care of routine business until Moon enters chatty, flexible Gemini at 5:20PM EST.  If you have important business already scheduled during the void, don’t freak out. Just be aware that the flake factor is higher than usual, roll with any twists that may occur. A “twist” may be as benign as your waitress cheerfully saying, “Good Morning!”, even though it’s 3:30 in the afternoon.

The next Moon void doesn’t occur until 10:19PM EST on Sunday — shop away, if that’s on your agenda. Saturday is quiet; Sunday is looking balanced and quite productive, if you have to work. It’s a good weekend for ideas, conversation, entertainment and information — have fun exercising your brain.

Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 2/10/2011

I confess I would have been disappointed if Wednesday’s exact hook-up between loving Venus and ruthless Pluto at 8:51PM EST had not coincided with at least one scandal revealed as a result of an encounter with a witchy-bitchy woman. And here it is:  “New York Congressman Resigns Over Emails”   What do we see active in Chris Lee’s horoscope — April 1, 1964 in Kenmore NY (time unknown)? Yes, there it is: nebulous Neptune currently in a challenging aspect to Lee’s natal Venus — suggesting a potential need for fantasy and/or escape in romance — and perhaps a possible deception or idealism. Note to elected officials: when this transit is active in your horoscope, better to pursue an artistic hobby, like cooking or watercolor painting.  Much less damaging to your career, not to mention your marriage.

Nebulous Neptune is influential in the horoscope of Glenn Beck, too, and today is his birthday. In Beck’s chart, we see a challenging aspect to the Sun, suggesting a difficulty seeing himself clearly, and that others may not see him clearly, either. President Obama also has this aspect in his natal chart. But Beck’s Neptune influence runs even deeper: it squares Mars, which suggests charisma, perfectly suited for an intangible medium like television. It can also manifest as a certain escapism or fanaticism. Beck’s Mars is also aligned with Saturn and Sun, suggesting a toughness, a discipline, an applied focus of energy possibly bordering on the militaristic. A rare connection between Mercury (mind) and Venus (social expression) suggests idealism, and his Moon in Capricorn works overtime to make things happen. And here’s a fun fact: Beck is just one day older than Sarah Palin. Coincidence or conspiracy?

Moon is still in steady, stable Taurus, with few aspects to color the day, save for a challenge to Moon from Mars (possible clashes of will or charged feelings) – but even that doesn’t occur until 11:13PM EST. The First Quarter Moon is exact Friday at 2:18AM EST — thought Thursday may be relatively quiet, a challenge to your New Moon agenda may appear between now and then. “Stubborn” may be its middle name.

Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 2/8/2011

Writing this forecast just as the heaviest thoughts crossed my mind at 10:17PM in Forest Hills, NY….thinking wet blanket Saturn must be involved — and sure enough, there on the chart I’ve just pulled is dour old Saturn, planet of necessary control, sitting smack on the Ascendant, in opposition to the Moon in feisty Aries. Wet blanket, indeed! Wonder how others in New York are feeling this moment — which fortunately, will soon pass…definitely by the time you wake up in the AM.

The day features an efficient synergy for initiating new projects. Pick up the phone, send the email, write the pitch, build the structure. Also in effect today is a waxing connection from ruthless Pluto to loving Venus, suggesting a day or two of revelations in relationships and/or intensely held feelings that now demand release. Relationships with women can be especially edgy — or on the plus side, especially deep. This may be an opportunity to clear the air by addressing the question, “What is our status and what are we trying to make happen?” Kid gloves may come in handy.

In other news, happy birthday to composer John Williams. Of course he wrote the score for STAR WARS; most Aquarians feel perfectly at home in outer space. May the force be with you, Mr. Williams, and thanks again for that great Super Bowl commercial — they couldn’t have done it without your music.

Other items of note: — as anticipated in my Super Bowl forecast — so that feels pretty good! Also noting this item that was published here in NY right after that “heavy influence from Saturn” I mentioned at the top of today’s forecast — how fitting: (the critic declares this musical possibly one of the worst ever made)

Astro-logical Forecast for Sunday & Monday 2/6-7/2011: Super Bowl Edition

Welcome to the Special Super Bowl Edition of the Astro-logical Forecast, where we attempt to answer the question, “Can a gal who knows little about football use a lot of astrology to anticipate the action and outcome of The Big Game”? You may recall I tried this last year, calling a victory for the Colts, assuming the game would end around 9:10PM EST. Oops. Apparently, the Super Bowl goes on for days…

The chart for a 5:25PM CST kick-off today in Dallas shows  great potential for a very exciting game, sure to be talked about, if it hasn’t been talked about enough already. Fox should be pleased with the ratings, which may well exceed last year’s record-breaking numbers. It looks like the Steelers will present a united, driven, rock-solid display of skillfully executed teamwork. It looks like the Packers, who are favored to win this contest, will be inclined to take greater risks (“fearless”, “courageous”) in their drive to make this victory happen. Both teams should come on strong.

Things look good for the Steelers around 6:25 PM CST. I wonder about the possibility for confusion or sacrifice around 6:45PM CST. Perhaps a stunning Hail Mary pass (or other leap of faith), just before 7PM  CST– or maybe the start of an exceptionally dazzling and/or escapist half time show  or commercial. Just after 7PM CST, the Packers are likely favored. Around 8:25PM CST looks good for the Steelers. A possible surprising upset may occur in the minutes just after 9PM CST…and if this game goes on past 9:15PM CST, it looks very good for Green Bay from then until 9:30PM CST. Four hours — that’s enough time for a Super Bowl — yes? Let the game begin!

If you’re not watching the game, but want to know what else the day might bring, we start off with a dreamy, floaty Moon in Pisces morning. Note that there’s a void of course Moon from 2:13PM — 5:45 PM EST, so you’ll want to avoid the malls during that time. Could make for an unusual twist or spacey feel to the pre-game show, especially since the void begins on a disruptive connection from erratic Uranus.  Expansive, feisty, constructive, combative and determined then becomes the shift in tone when Moon enters Aries, the sign that absolutely, positively has to be NUMBER ONE. If you are working on creative project of any kind, use the practical energy at your disposal to constructively temper any indulgent, excessive urges — or just say the heck with it and enjoy a grand old time, with Alka-Seltzer and aspirin at your disposal when you need them tomorrow morning.

Monday morning brings us more of Moon in Aries and few stressful aspects to disrupt your flow, other than the stardust in your eyes likely from nebulous Neptune continuing to run wild (it’s been like this for a few days), encouraging your inner visionary and/or fanatic. Let’s hope you’re a visionary, because it’s go-go-go all week…no Moon Void either, until Friday.

Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 2/4/2011: Is Astrology a Science?

You may recall in Wednesday’s forecast a bit about unconventional Uranus challenging Venus, suggesting sudden social encounters of the strange kind. Actually, one of the keywords for Uranus is “shocking”, but I confess I often soften the tone, focus on the positive, etc., so as not to stoke worry or fear. But I wonder…would you have found it shocking if someone close to you discovered that her boyfriend of some years was a registered sex offender? That’s just one of the Uranian “surprises” that came across my desk…

Uranus, ruler of Aquarius (see yesterday’s forecast for thoughts on the New Moon in Aquarius and potential breakthroughs), also rules astrology. How’s this for a “technological breakthrough”:  a high court in India rules that astrology is a science (frankly, I’d argue that astrology is a symbolic language, and interpreting it is an art that relies on truckloads of quantitative data — kind of like what quantum physicists do when they conclude that subatomic particles exist, even though no one has ever seen one). To the reader who wrote “There is absolutely no scientific method that can be applied to astrology,” all I can say is that…well…gosh…that statement reflects a certain lack of understanding. Discuss your horoscope with a skilled astrologer, be blown away by the accuracy, and then let’s have a chat about the methods used to present those insights. You just might revise that statement.  : )

As for today: Moon in soulful Pisces is inclined to go with the flow, but a willful connection between Sun and Mars suggests that a strong drive and/or desire — maybe yours, maybe not yours — will pull focus today. And it may very well flow…but not in the usual dreamy/floaty Pisces way…more like a strong current. Will it be all for one and one for all? Well, the Sun-Mars connection is in the humanitarian sign of Aquarius…

The drive you experience or encounter may require a physical release. Find a constructive outlet for any (the headlines will likely reflect a number of “not constructive” outlets), even as you advance your big plan for the New Moon cycle. You could work the rest of it out at the gym, on the dance floor or under the covers.

Overall, carpe diem! I’ll write later about the action for Saturday and Sunday.

Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 2/3/2011

Practical, constructive, intense, focused. Dare I say willful, too? Use it to move ahead on your New Moon agenda. Moon is still in Aquarius, suggesting a reigning need (watch the headlines) to be seen as socially significant, independent and free (cue footage from the Middle East now). Look for more breakthroughs in technology, including outer space.

Mercury (mind, communication, travel) joins the planetary party in Aquarius at 5:19PM NY time, suggesting a shift in communication that is more concerned with flashes of brilliance and humanitarian concerns, as opposed to the practical achievement of status. It may take a day or two to adjust to the new thought pattern.

Meanwhile, Happy Chinese New Year! It’s the Year of the Rabbit — also known as the Year of the Cat. Gong hey fat choy!

Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 2/2/2011: New Moon in Aquarius

Another intriguing aspect in effect yesterday and today — and setting the tone for the New Moon in Aquarius is erratic, freedom-loving, unconventional Uranus challenging Venus, planet of love, beauty and money…while whispering cooperatively in the ear of Mercury, planet of mind and communication. Add to that mix nebulous Neptune also caressing Venus…(is this prose the right shade of purple yet?)…and we have a perfect scenario for a few surprising social encounters, ranging from the refreshingly sublime to the simply ridiculous. Any sudden breaks, free spirits or weirdos in your life today? How about a New Best Friend? Wait a day or so before starting anything with any of these characters — we’re still in the dark side of the Moon — and you’ve got the entire work day to continue wrapping up old projects and start contemplating your agenda for the next cycle.

The New Moon — the moment we’ve all been waiting for — is exact at 9:31PM NY/6:31PM LA at 14 degrees of Aquarius. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is “A train entering a tunnel”. Astrologer Blain Bovee offers these keywords and phrases for possible manifestations of this New Moon energy (I’m listing a few; his book on Sabian Symbols is a most worthy addition to your shelf): “an efficient means of pressing forward through an opening or a passageway; having tunnel vision; the light at the end of the tunnel; a determined focus; an inadvertent disregard for others; following in the train of a powerful natural force; entering into a breakthrough situation”.

Remember when we were kids, how we — or at least some of us —  tried to dig a hole to China? That would have been some shortcut, wouldn’t it? What quantum leaps of consciousness and/or efficiency are within your potential this month? What other “great leaps forward” will we see in the headlines? Think humanitarian, socially significant, rebellion, freedom, technology and whatever else disrupts the status quo. Dare to be boring (the word “boring” has been corrupted; it means to pierce through), with your New Moon agenda, and push through to the light on the other side. Some of your best friends — old and new — may even want to come along.

If you’re not quite sure what to put on your New Moon agenda, but you really do want to further your evolution, you could do worse than rent the movie Groundhog Day, which suggests that in order to attract your one true love, you need to become that which you hope to attract. It’s also a top-notch romantic comedy, in addition to being spiritually profound. Take notes and enjoy the laughs.