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Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 11/11/11: the November 2011 Elections

As I type, a group of colleagues are enjoying an impromptu pizza lunch, sponsored by one of the department’s Designated Authority Figures. All was quiet initially, but now, nearly an hour after the lunch began at 12:30PM ET,  they are still in the conference room, chilling out and going with the flow. All this after Moon in Taurus was challenged by nebulous Neptune at 11:27AM ET and then went void of course…not to enter chatty Gemini until 3:10PM ET. Sounds like a long lunch hour to me!

With the Moon in Gemini from 3:10PM ET today until 10:43PM ET on Sunday, you may find your weekend driven by a need for diversion, communication and information. No Moon voids suggest it is not an unfavorable time for making purchases, and the Gemini Moon suggests your purchasing decisions will be informed ones. In fact, making major purchases now, especially electronics, is not a bad idea, given that MERCURY WILL BE TURNING RETROGRADE  on NOVEMBER 24TH. That should put an interesting spin on holiday travel plans. Be prepared for delays and other snafus.

Finally, about the recent election, as promised. If you’ve been reading this forecast for over a year, you know that in the weeks leading up to last year’s election, Mercury was retrograde, suggesting that the information we got about the candidates during the campaign might be incomplete and/or just plain misleading or wrong. As we got closer to Election Day, Venus was retrograde, suggesting the strong possibility that we’d fall for a partner — or a political candidate — that was wholly unsuitable. As soon as Venus turned direct and got back to where it was when it turned retrograde, we’d have a serious case of Coyote Date Syndrome on our hands  We got to that point last year, about the time that Scott Walker, then newly-elected governor of Wisconsin, revealed his agenda and set off a then-unprecedented round of protests at the State Capitol.

So where are we now?  Across the country, voters pushed back against the agenda that seemed to be so popular a year ago. We’ve seen the rise of protests groups around the world, beginning with Occupy Wall Street. As suggested by the planetary patterns, especially the approaching challenge between disruptive, freedom-loving Uranus and ruthless, corruption-exposing, transformational Pluto, the masses are beginning to wake up from their collective trance, exactly when it was anticipated they would.  This is just the  beginning…

Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 11/10/2011: Rick Perry’s Perfect Timing

With apologies for the delay and thanks to those who shared their take on yesterday’s potential without the astro-logical 411. Here’s what you just lived through:

Wednesday at 2:45AM, Moon left zippy Aries for the security-seeking, consolidating, generally peaceful and patient (and sometimes really stubborn) sign of Taurus. If you woke up feeling rather buoyant, you were likely tuning in to the expansive, optimistic influence of Jupiter, the cosmic sugardaddy, exact at 10:20AM ET. A supportive trine from transformational Pluto at 2:08PM ET likely gave depth and power to whatever you were constructing…and after that….no exact aspects to any planet at all until the Full Moon is exact TODAY at 3:16PM ET.  Since Moon in Taurus likes to keep things as they are, a long period — even several hours’ worth –without exact aspects can feel like we’re in holding pattern…

So what happened to Governor Rick Perry at last night’s debate? Newswires are all abuzz with this priceless gaffe, in which Perry can’t remember the third of three “government agencies (sic)” he’d eliminate if he ran the zoo  Well, would you believe that nebulous Neptune, which tends to dissolve whatever it touches, changed direction yesterday at 1:55PM ET. And that Neptune, which rules Perry’s Pisces Sun is currently squaring his Ascendant, suggesting 1) things may not be as they seem; 2) a confusing perspective or appearance. I’m also noting the Sun in Scorpio squaring his Pluto, which rules one of the house related to public outreach, and that Mercury (mind, communication) and Venus (social expression) are hooked up in Perry’s 7th house, in the “foot-in-mouth” sign of Sagittarius. It’s not surprising at all that Perry would pull focus for something he said, and that something would be confusing or bewildering.

Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 11/8/2011: The Soul of Wit

More of the same from yesterday, so please re-read yesterday’s forecast and note the potential serious focus suggested around lunchtime on the East Coast. We are building to a Full Moon on Thursday at 3:16PM — FYI, if you happen to feel a correlating build in emotional intensity over the next two days. That’s it for now. Sometimes it’s that simple.  Try it, you’ll like it.

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 11/7/2011: Sunshine & Fog

Happy Monday, a day in which we find the Sun running wild in the regenerative, resourceful sign of Scorpio, demanding our attention. Is that why Paul Krugman’s latest op-ed on the front page of the New York Times is about the real possibility that solar energy will be lighting our way sooner rather than later?

That zippy shift in energy you may have noticed yesterday at 2PM ET continues today with the Moon barreling through me-me-me Aries, no doubt seeking to take the initiative on all sorts of idealistic and potentially magical ways of thinking. The path is likely as clear as it can be after the potential Neptune-induced fog suggested by  the nebulous planet’s exact challenge to assertive Mars early this morning. No major aspects hit until around 1PM ET tomorrow, when that soulful charge may have to get real, serious or cope with a “wet blanket” thrown on it by a challenge from restrictive Saturn.  Until then, make the very best of a potentially dizzying day.

No Moon voids during business hours this week, except from 11:27AM-3:10PM ET on Friday. Onward!

Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 11/4/2011 and the Weekend: Go With the Flow

Moon enters dreamy Pisces at 3:18AM ET. Sensitive types may wince at the potentially buffoonish communiques we may witness in the early morning hours, as the emotional Moon collides with Mercury (mind) and Venus (social expression) in rowdy, opinionated Sagittarius. Move through it and see if you can glide effortlessly throughout  the rest of the day. As was suggested yesterday, do your due diligence on things that seem too good to be true, and enjoy the bliss of obvious escapes (film, music, spirit, healing, peace, love and granola)

If you’ve been dying for a break after a busy week, Saturday through 2PM ET Sunday is your time to chill. Moon goes void at 4:05AM ET Saturday. Sleep in and go with the flow, but try to resist indulging yourself in big impulse purchases during the void, unless you feel like testing the astrological rule for yourself. And frankly, it’s not a bad idea to test the rules every now and then. How else will you learn if not through your own experience? For those just tuning in, the astrological rule on Moon voids is that actions initiated often prove to be of no consequence. Therefore, that nifty pair of shoes you bought — even if they were on sale — often has a strange way of being of little use. More on voids is posted in the ESSAYS AND SUCH section of my website.

Sunday at 2:02PM ET, Moon enters the fiery, headstrong sign of Aries and hooks up with rebel Uranus at 4:15PM ET. A shock, a flash of insight or some other jolt is likely. Watch out for the weirdos, especially the ones thinking only of themselves…

And speaking of things not being what they seem or just too good to be true, keep an eye on this developing story:

Meanwhile, here’s my favorite innovation seen in yesterday’s headlines, as anticipated in yesterday’s forecast:  check out Slide #19

Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 11/3/2011: From the Sublime to the Ridiculous

This could be a great day for innovation of all kinds. It’s a great day for laughs, too! Moon continues thru the sign of Aquarius, ruling scientists, including mad ones, and other creatively wacky, genius types. Mercury and Venus, now both in an idealistic embrace (as of 12:54PM ET yesterday) in “sky’s the limit” Sagittarius are making a easy connection to rebel Uranus, which happens to rule Aquarius. Seriously take note of what flashes of insight occur to you today and tomorrow. A practical connection between Moon and disciplined Saturn at 1:06PM ET can help ground your inspiration in reality (a practical joke?)… with one caveat….and that would be nebulous Neptune.

For the past couple of days we’ve seen — especially in the headlines — Neptune challenging minds and communication (Mercury), and desires for love, beauty, art and money (Venus) — see forecasts for the rest of the week for a few examples. But wait — there’s more! Neptune challenges Mars, planet of action on Monday morning — but the influence is now in effect and getting stronger. Issues of (blind) faith, great charisma (upside), razzle-dazzle and snake oil (downside), glamor, magnetism, fantasy and other intangibles will likely pull focus. Enjoy the glorious ride with a grain of salt or your favorite Hollywood escape. It might be real; then again, it might not.

Moon goes void tonight at 11:41PM ET and enters soulful Pisces at 3:19AM Friday.West Coasters, take note.

Back to Herman Cain, as promised yesterday, for those wondering what planetary patterns are up for him right now, with all these allegations and denials and stuff of tabloid magazines. Did I mention Neptune also refers to scandal? Cain was born December 13, 1945 in Memphis TN — time unknown. He is a Sagittarius with Moon in me-me-me Aries and has the same idealistic, opinionated hook-up between Mercury and Venus we’ve got going on today. He NEEDS to tell the world what he thinks, with his own particular idealistic spin. Other patterns suggest a strong need for independence and the unusual in relationships, along with a likely defense mechanism that insists on self-sufficiency. There’s a militancy suggested here — stemming from an experience of harshness for (I suspect), a sensitive soul. Faith — real and unreal — likely play a huge part in his life.

Right now, he has transits that suggest:   1) “Criticism with a passion; knowing just what’s wrong with the world; big arguments (this has been going on for a year; 2) “dreaminess about love potential; overindulgences of all kinds for ego gratification or defense;self-deception” (going on for some months, but exact Nov 17); and finally, exact on Nov 25, “powerful sex drive; the conquest”.  And there you have it.



Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 11/2/11: Herman Cain & Other World Events

Let the friendly, sometimes quirky, often innovative and humanitarian Moon in Aquarius carry you through a day of advancing your agenda. There’s a buzz in the air as we sort through and organize whatever divine inspiration (upside) or wtf?? (downside) event or communication may have been received in the past two days.  In the financial markets, efforts will surely be made to organize and process the wtf??? shock of Greece’s prime minister announcing EOD Monday that a deal to deal with its massive debt, which appeared to be a done deal last week (in line with the richly resourceful trine between Pluto and Jupiter), is now to be put to another vote, and the uncertainty and the wtf???-ness of it all has sent the markets downward — in Europe and the United States. Yesterday a CNBC anchor had this to say about the Greek PM, “Is he delusional”?  Which is an apt reflection of events suggested by Neptune in combination with Mercury. Coincidence or conspiracy?

If you haven’t been following the European debt crisis, what’s especially interesting about it is the unavoidable fact that we are all connected. What’s going on in Europe is immediately impacting what’s going on in financial markets around the world. And the speculation is that Europe is close to a crisis of the level that the US experienced in September of 2008 (and anticipated by many astrologers, thank you very much).

A meditation on your connections — or lack thereof — would also be appropriate for a day with Moon in Aquarius.

Meanwhile, we have two wobbles over the next 24 hours that require a bit of adjustment. Venus has left moody bastard Scorpio for the sign of opinionated Sagittarius, the philosopher clown, and Mercury will follow tomorrow. Whatever has been simmering or brooding over the past few weeks is sure to be expressed — perhaps outrageously, and maybe even idealistically.  Sagittarius just can’t keep its opinions to itself.

Take Herman Cain, for example — he has Mercury and Venus conjunct in Sag and both are in contact with nebulous Neptune. Does he have fiery opinions to share? Are they inspirational?  Is he wearing rose-colored glasses most of the time? Keep in mind that his stint at Godfather’s Pizza is so very 90s; for the past 15 years he’s worked in media as a columnist and radio show host. Cain is a Sun Sign Sagittarius with Moon in Aries, suggests a need to be Number One — or at least President of the United States. I am intrigued by a signature in the horoscope that suggests the influence of the mother — or women — may run away with the persona. Check back later when I will have time to post a few current transits — right now, I gotta fly.

Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 11/1/2011: The Curious Case of Jon Corzine & MF Global

An interesting mix of practical, proactive, get-down-to-business strategies, contrasted with an intangible vibe that suggests visionary inspiration, on the one hand, or muddled mental and/or mechanical states, on the other. Why? Moon in Capricorn needs to make things happen, and nebulous Neptune challenging Mercury (mind, communication, machines) can make that Kool-Aid look awfully good.  With Neptune, one must always be aware that things may not be what they appear to be. So far my Neptune-Mercury muddled experience has been limited to an edit session in which we had to feed a spot four times before we got the tech settings right. And everyone in the room was a trained professional. Go figure.

At 5PM ET, Moon goes void for an hour, then heads into the humanitarian sign of Aquarius, where it needs to be socially significant and network. So if your evening or late afternoon includes those kinds of activities, you should be well-supported. At a time when nebulous Neptune energy is pulling major focus in the heavens — to Venus (which refers to money), as well as Mercury,  I am intrigued to note the story of Jon Corzine’s company, MF Global, dominating the headlines — at least in the financial sector.,   Briefly, word on the street is that Corzine, who used to run Goldman Sachs and was Governor of New Jersey (he was defeated in his bid for re-election last year), made a big bet on the European sovereign debt — and it hasn’t gone well. The company was leveraged for much more capital that it actually had on hand; the stock plummeted last week and yesterday, the company filed for bankruptcy after a deal to save it fell apart…and one reason was that  hundreds of millions of dollars of customer money could not be accounted for. Now you see it — now you don’t — poof! What was apparently a beautiful illusion is now a quagmire of confusion.

Looking at the horoscope of Jon Corzine — 1/1/1947 in Taylorville, IL (time unknown), we find an intriguing mix of practicality and vision/illusion, very similar to the energies of the day. Sun and Mars are hooked up in make-it-happen Capricorn, exactly challenged by — (cue “Shock Horror Riff #5”) — nebulous Neptune. Wow! That can be pretty visionary or just plain fantastic. Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck have similar patterns. Newt Gingrich has the Neptune-Mars square; Barack Obama has the Neptune-Sun square.

Corzine’s Moon in Aries suggests a need to be Number One — and that sure fits. I suspect that controlling Saturn has recently thrown a wet blanket on that driving need for self-importance (Saturn is now in Libra, probably opposing that Aries Moon).  Also of interest is — again! — nebulous Neptune, currently challenging Corzine’s Venus, which is arguably a wonderfully inspiring, visionary transit for an artist, healer or spiritual type — but also arguably a red flag for someone who works with MONEY, where faith in the intangible may not be so wise. I will be interested to see where Corzine is at this time next year, when status quo-disrupting Uranus and ruthless, transformational Pluto exactly challenge Corzine’s Sun, Mars and Neptune. It would appears that the drama is just beginning…