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"Last night’s session was a delightful time for me. IT WAS ALL ABOUT ME!!! You are so articulate and caring, and I thoroughly enjoyed the time, all the nu- ances you brought to it and your obviously experienced, long- time expertise."
- Bill R.
Los Angeles

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Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 8/17/2012 & the Weekend: New Moon in Leo; the Rainbow Connection

What an emotional roller coaster for so many of us this week…TGIF! And hooray for today’s New Moon — a chance to re-set your intentions for the next four weeks. Make a list and light a candle at 11:54AM ET, when the Sun and Moon meet up at 26 degrees of Leo, the sign that rules the heart.

Remember the Sabian Symbol for last month’s New Moon forecast — 27 Cancer  — “a violent storm in a canyon filled with expensive homes?” This month’s is a sweet relief: “a rainbow” — a divine message of reassurance after a troubling time. Did you know that Iris, the Greek goddess of the rainbow, was a “messenger for Hera and associated with being at everyone’s beck and call…and that she is depicted as a beautiful golden-winged goddess with long hair flowing in all the colors of the light spectrum?” Me neither, and I thank Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee for pointing that out. Did you know that “no two people see the same rainbow, unless it is frozen in a photograph; no two people have identical irises of eyes?” I knew the latter; didn’t know the former — let’s all go buy Bovee’s book right now; mine is on my Kindle.

With this week’s challenging planetary patterns on the wane, a new pattern of support moves in. This New Moon — symbolized by the rainbow — is aided and abetted by constructive connections from energetic Mars and disciplined Saturn. Yes, you really can take something out of thin air and give it earthly form. Take full advantage of this practical vibe! Mental Mercury (mind, communication) is equally supported by innovative Uranus (exact on Saturday at 7:30PM ET), suggesting the time is ripe for fresh ideas: yours! With expansive Jupiter adding a ton of  creative drive to this mix —  and running wild in talktalktalk Gemini, trust your brainstorms. Write that pitch or draft,  send that email, pick up the phone, set up that meeting — and forge ahead with all your heart. Need a special boost? Here’s your rainbow connection.

Planetary patterns will be intense for many in September’s lunar cycle. We’ll have the second exact square between rebel Uranus and ruthless Pluto on the 19th, with the Sun and Moon engaged with this Mother of All Squares at the Full Moon on September 29th. You’ll be in the hot seat if you were born around the 29th of March, June, September and December…or if you have planets or angles around 6 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Consult your local astrologer for details.

As for the rest of the weekend: Moon goes void of course on Friday at 1:55PM ET, not to enter discerning Virgo until 8:33PM ET. Perhaps you can cut out of work early. An inspirational lunar connection to nebulous Neptune at 11:57PM ET is your Friday night highlight. One cocktail or two?

Saturday’s Moon in Virgo is lovely for hammering out the inventive details of your next creative venture. Moon goes void at 7:26PM ET on an expansive challenge from jolly Jupiter. There is a potential here for big plans — or simple self-indulgence. Go with the flow and adjust to any surprise twists that foil your efforts to move forward in a straight line. The Moon void continues all day Sunday (avoid yard sales and impulse purchases)…not to enter Libra until 12:45AM ET on Monday.

If you are new to these forecasts — welcome! If you aren’t familiar with Moon voids, click here.




Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 8/16/2012: Paul Ryan & Mitt Romney’s Perfect Match

Will the dust have finally settled after the emotional storms many have noted over the past few days? Probably, although the Moon is still in royal Leo, which may encourage the continued reign of a few drama queens for a day or two. For those not wrapped up in their own pomp and circumstances, this day offers an innovative and optimistic approach to whatever crosses your path. You can even make time to play — perhaps with the weird but refreshing friend you encountered under the influence of unconventional Uranus challenging Venus (exact at 2:49AM ET).

A brief pause while I consider whether to write about Friday’s New Moon or Paul Ryan, as I promised earlier this week — and look what just popped up on my Facebook feed — so Paul Ryan it is. I have been watching his horoscope for well over a year, thanks to his numerous appearances on CNBC. I’d see him on TV and think, “Is he for real?” And this was before astrologers had a birth time for the horoscope (reportedly 2:37AM on Jan 29 1970 in Janesville, WI), and we could see nebulous Neptune sitting exactly on Ryan’s Ascendant, shrouding personal projection in a rose-colored fog, made all the more dazzling by a charismatic support from Mars in pioneering Aries. He is perceived as either a visionary or delusional — as you can see in this Esquire commentary — (which also contains quotes from those who believe he may be a visionary, so as to present both perceptions). Isn’t it interesting that “vision” and “delusion” are both potential manifestations of a strongly placed Neptune? So if someone you meet strikes you as expressing one or the other, one thing to look for in their horoscope is a strong Neptune. You can decide for yourself how Mr. Ryan brings Neptune energy to life.

Ryan is an Aquarius with Moon in Libra, suggesting a need to be cerebral and scientific with a romantic bent. With only one planet (Jupiter) in a Water sign, it is likely more comfortable for him to think than to feel.  It makes perfect sense that he would be very interested in managing finances, especially the finances of other people.  In his horoscope, the Libra Moon rules the 8th house of collective resources/values, and it is unaspected, which strongly suggests that it runs away with the horoscope.   He needs to help manage resources. What else does that Libra Moon running wild need It desperately needs appreciation — and will do whatever it takes to get it.  Also running wild are ruthless, power-seeking Pluto, ruling the 12th house of government institutions…and mental Mercury in earthy Capricorn. Hmmm…there’s that theme of ideas being easier to process than feelings again. Ryan likely has an overwhelming need to express his thoughts to the public. And such serious thoughts!  His Mercury is anchored by a midpoint between Saturn and Pluto that suggests (as defined by astrologer Noel Tyl) “morbid thoughts; depression; deep thoughts; stark realism” — and isn’t it interesting that Ryan’s proposed budget reflects those qualities? You can believe he has thought it all through in great detail.  With Sun and Venus happily rushing into the area of the horoscope related to writing and communications, supported by the innovative — or eccentric — energy of Uranus, disruptor of the status quo, he needs to sell it to you persuasively.

His needs for reward — and his mission in life  — are BIG, as we see with expansive Jupiter in deep, deep Scorpio challenging that idealistic Sun-Venus hookup (Jupiter in hard contact with the Sun needs to inflate the ego).  This horoscope seeks its reward in applause for being of depth and substance. The ambition is to preserve material security “the way things should be” (Saturn, which refers to ambition, is in possessive Taurus). Realizing that ambition is at the core of his creative self-expression. With Sun and Venus in Aquarius, he’d like to come across as everyone’s best friend (and he can — beautifully), but action-oriented Mars in me-me-me Aries needs to be obsessed with the glory of individual achievement and self-expression. This persuasive drive has served Ryan well so far in his career, and it has been especially empowered and daring during the past two years, as first  ruthless Pluto — and now rebel Uranus — have made contact with his Mars (at 3 degrees of Aries). The magnetism and charm of the Sun-Venus hook-up are currently being supercharged by Pluto, too. This horoscope is hot! Finally, it is not surprising to see ambitious Saturn (and Mars) hooked up with the Moon on the day Ryan was officially tapped to be Romney’s running mate, especially since he was elected to Congress on a similar contact in 1998.

Looking at the synastry between Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, it is easy to see why Romney can’t help but love the guy:

  • Romney’s Venus in Aquarius (“Corporations are people, my FRIEND” — see what I mean about Aquarius and friendship?)  sits on top of Ryan’s Sun-Venus conjunction, suggesting an instant rapport.
  • Ryan’s Sun-Venus sits on top of Romney’s Aquarius Midheaven, helping Romney shine.
  • Romney’s Uranus challenges Ryan’s Midheaven, changing Ryan’s public status — suddenly(!) — why, almost overnight, as Uranus aspects can do.
  • Romney’s Saturn is square to Ryan’s Ascendant and Neptune, suggesting Romney may be a limiting authority figure to Ryan — or the best mentor Ryan ever had.
  • There’s a feeling of being intellectual soulmates, suggested by Romney’s Mercury (mindset, communication) conjunct Ryan’s North Node in Pisces; however, this karmic connection of the minds may become a drain on Romney.
  • Romney’s optimistic Moon-Jupiter conjunction is right on the cusp of Ryan’s 7th house (partnerships) — another sign of rapport. And Ryan’s equally optimistic Jupiter can’t cheer loudly enough for his partner as it squares Romney’s Venus and Midheaven, expanding Romney’s public status.

What’s really intriguing to me is that Mitt Romney’s Gemini Ascendant has been challenged (squared) by nebulous Neptune for many months, suggesting a period in life where personal projection is confusing to the public. Romney’s recent gaffe-ridden visit to London is one manifestation of this Neptune phase. And who does Romney pick for a running mate? Someone who apparently was born with nebulous Neptune on the Ascendant. Well, some do say “if you want to know where you’re at, look at who you’re with.” Coincidence or conspiracy?





Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 8/15/2012: Juicy!

If you’re just tuning in to the forecasts posted this week, take a look — or a second look — at the posts for Monday and Tuesday. Those will get you up to speed on the major planetary patterns  — and you’ll be able to put any emotional stresses you are experiencing in perspective. On my Facebook newsfeed, I have seen a few posts by people announcing they finally told someone off…or have resolved to cut their losses in a relationship matter. None of this is surprising to hear.

The Cancer Moon goes void-of-course at 4:21AM ET…not to enter Leo until 2:05PM ET. Sleeping late, missing meetings, detours or surprises in your normal routine — these are not uncommon during voids. Be especially aware of “crises” that crop up, as such crises are often much ado about nothing. If you can roll with them with detachment, you can save yourself a lot of grief. Keep calm and carry on.

Also keep in mind that we are now in the “dark side of the moon”. The New Moon won’t show up until Friday at 11:54AM ET. What we often feel in the last days of the lunar cycle is restlessness or listlessness, sensing that something new is around the corner, but not sure what. This is a time to begin clearing your desk of projects that were started a few weeks ago, and start thinking of goals for the next cycle. This New Moon will be in sunny, regal Leo. Hooray! You’ll get a whiff of the new energy when Moon enters Leo at 2:05PM. An after-work social gathering might bring something electric, with Venus squared by eccentric Uranus at 2:49AM ET.

And now, the news. After seeing the stories posted in yesterday’s forecast, a reader wanted to share another one reflecting the emancipation/empowerment of women theme suggested by this week’s Venus-Uranus-Pluto alignment: “in taiwan, the first same-gender couple got married!” She continues, “a lesbian wedding blessed by buddhist monastics…this is ground-breaking, brave, and made me (and many other diasporic taiwanese queer people) cry today”.  Thanks for sending that in! Two years ago, when Saturn (structure, judgement) first entered Libra (relationship, fairness, justice), I predicted that by the time Saturn got to the end of the sign of the Scales, “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” would be history, and same-sex marriage would become legal in many more states.  I was only thinking of the United States, and I am delighted to see the evolution in consciousness suggested by planetary patterns reflected in other countries, too. Saturn leaves Libra for Scorpio on October 5th.

The juicier, steamier themes of Venus-Uranus (unconventional attractions) and Venus-Pluto (juicy, steamy) were noted — again on Facebook — in scathing — and hilarious — reviews of the book that for some reason is proudly displayed at the cash register of the bookstore in the Delta Airlines terminal at New York’s LaGuardia airport. And here I would be talking about Fifty Shades of Grey, a national bestseller. I haven’t read the book, but after reading this hysterical trashing by blogger Cassandra Parkin, you could not pay me to read such a poorly written piece of prose. Frankly, Anastasia Steele is no Isadora Wing. I’m holding out for “The Richard Burton Diaries” detailing the chemistry with wife Elizabeth Taylor, due out on — oh would you believe — October 6th, the day serious Saturn moves into sexy Scorpio. Coincidence or conspiracy?

Last but not least, a Julian Assange alert: it was rumored that Ecuador would be announcing its decision on Assange’s request for asylum “by the end of the week”. Let the astro-logical record show that in contrast to utterly bewildering patterns currently active in his horoscope, on August 28th there will be an exact measurement involving the Sun and the Midheaven (public status) that usually accompanies major success and recognition. That measurement would be in effect a few months before and after August 28th.


Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 8/14/2012: RIP HGB

More of the same from yesterday — re-read yesterday’s forecast for a brief on the cardinal (proactive)  T-square among Venus, Pluto and Uranus (women, empowerment & emancipation OR emotional overkill) and the hook-up between and Mars and Saturn (military or militant precision) in Libra (fairness in relationships; the law). There are no exact aspects among the planets today so it may feel a bit on the slow side, but as the day progresses the sensitive Cancer Moon will get closerandcloser to an exact challenge from Mars and Saturn (at 4:15 and 4:21AM ET Wednesday). Could be volatile, intense and/or harsh, especially with the exact opposition to Venus by ruthless Pluto at 5:09AM ET (Wednesday), and the exact Mars-Saturn conjunction at 6:37AM ET (Wed.). Could also be a huge push forward to realize an ambition.

You are more affected than others if you have planets or angles around 6-10 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn…or if you were born around the 30th of March, June, September or December. You are feeling the Mars-Saturn conjunction more than most if you have a planet or angle at 24 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn…or if you were born around the 14th of April, July, October or January.

Given these aspects to Venus (women) from rebel Uranus and provocative Pluto, the death of Helen Gurley Brown at 90 may be perfectly timed. Ms. Brown turned the world upside down (at least in America) when her book, Sex and the Single Girl, was published in 1962. According to her NYT obituary, the big shocking news was that yes, indeed, unmarried women in America were having sex — and they were enjoying it. Let the astro-logical record show that when Ms. Brown became the editor of Cosmopolitan in 1965, rebel Uranus and provocative Pluto were conjunct — and, as we would expect, the status quo was disrupted — big time. Emancipation! Empowerment! Yes, and all part of the huge “resistance is futile” push  for civil rights in America at that time. And as we might expect, now that Uranus and Pluto are connecting again (nearly 50 years later), we have been seeing all sorts of apparently unfinished civil rights issues in the news, including women’s issues, e.g. Planned Parenthood, Roe v. Wade, etc. And this “War on Women” will likely continue for the next three years, until the Uranus-Pluto square is behind us. In astrology, we observe planetary patterns which repeat themselves. The status quo disruptors of the 1960s (when Uranus and Pluto were in last in contact) are back for another look now. Got that?

Helen Gurley Brown was born February 18, 1922 at 3AM in Green Forest AR. Sun in happily offbeat Aquarius in an idealistic and appealing hook up with Venus…challenged by Moon in super-deep Scorpio in a passionate hook up with Mars, also in Scorpio. Sex appeal? You bet, and Ms. Brown’s opinionated Sagittarius Ascendant was happy to discuss it, without caring who might be shocked by it (her Uranus is in the third house of communications). Her Midheaven is 9 Libra, directly impacted by the Uranus-Pluto square (review last Tuesday’s discussion of horoscope angles under pressure), as was Saturn at 6 Libra;  just yesterday disruptive Uranus was exactly square to Ms. Brown’s Pluto at 8 Cancer.

Other headlines of note, relating to the Venus-Uranus-Pluto and Mars-Saturn themes: “Pixar’s Brave, featuring the company’s first female protagonist after 10 boy-centric features, has quietly racked up more than $220 million at the domestic box office” (source: NYT); Tammy S. Smith has become the Army’s first openly gay brigadier general and thousands are rallying for women’s rights in Tunisia.

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 8/13/2012: Venus in the Hot Seat

Monday begins dreamily enough, with the Moon in sensitive Cancer in an easy connection with nebulous Neptune at 8:30AM ET. Did you note your dreams upon waking? Could have been quite a trip.

The need of the first part of this week  is emotional and/or homeland security — all the way until Wednesday at 2:05PM. For some, that need may be a challenge. Do you remember the week of July 16th? Aggressive Mars was actively engaged with the disruptive Uranus-Pluto square. That was a tough week for many, especially those whose horoscopes are directly impacted by this powerful pattern. James E. Holmes, the man who took out his aggression in a movie theater in Colorado, is an example of a “worst-case scenario” of a horoscope triggered by a challenging Mars transit.

This week we have loving Venus — women, money, art, beauty — actively engaged with Uranus and Pluto. Pay attention to events happening now, as we will see this pattern repeated the week before the US election on November 6th, and it may feel oddly familiar. At its best, ruthless Pluto challenging Venus can empower one’s social position and/or artistry. Just ask Paul Ryan, the presumptive Republican nominee for Vice-President, who is experiencing a Pluto-Venus empowerment in his own horoscope. At its worst, this aspect can bring out emotional overkill and witchy-bitchy women as in “If I be waspish, best beware my sting.” Or the witchy-bitchiness may be taken out ON women. I’ll give you an example of emotional overkill in a minute.

Add to this mix eccentric Uranus. When engaged with Venus, Uranus suggests a taste for the unusual and unconventional. Sudden attractions that end as quickly as they begin. It also suggests the needs of the collective taking precedence over the needs of the individual. Got that? Now we add another aspect: aggressive Mars hooking up with disciplined Saturn in Libra (exact at 6:37AM ET on Wednesday). At its best, we think “military precision”, as in the military precision already noted in the exquisitely-executed landing of Curiosity on Mars. At its worst, we think of the military — or militant — precision of a police officers in Times Square who executed (with Venus-Pluto overkill, some argue) a knife-wielding man (bizarre, sudden Venus-Uranus encounter) on Saturday. That was the promised example of emotional overkill.

Those are the highlights of the week: Pluto opposing Venus and Mars conjunct Saturn on Wednesday; Uranus square Venus on Thursday. Now that you are aware of them, you can temper your responses to any provocative situations you encounter this week by consciously choosing not to add fuel to a fire. See if you can be more like the Mars Curiosity landing; less like the incident in Times Square. And yes, we will talk more about Paul Ryan, and why Mitt Romney can’t help but love the guy later this week.

Moon voids, so you can plan ahead:  Wednesday 4:21AM ET – 2:05PM ET; Friday 1:55PM ET – 8:33PM ET.


Astro-logical Forecast for Saturday & Sunday 8/11-12/2012: Don’t Forget to Look Up

Optimism is one likely manifestation of planetary patterns on Saturday, courtesy of a hook-up between Moon in chatterbox Gemini and expansive Jupiter, exact at 4:32PM ET. Big talk about big plans, perhaps? Or will you just wallow in Too Much Information?  Gemini can gather information until the cows come home — all the better to avoid making one choice over another. Ask a Gemini Moon how it’s feeling and you may well hear, “Let me think about it”. Gemini likes to keep its options open.

Sunday is more proactive than Saturday. From big talk we may actually take action. There’s a lovely balance between the Leo Sun and the Gemini Moon to start off the day (9:01AM ET), followed by a dynamic flow of energy from assertive Mars at 2:55PM ET and needed focus from disciplined Saturn at 5:49PM ET. You can chill from that point on, as Moon will be void of course until 4:28AM ET on Monday.

Don’t forget to look up in the sky over the weekend. The Perseid meteor shower is back — and it should be quite a show.


Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 8/9/2012: Mercury Direct Fallout

OMG…not only did I write yesterday’s forecast about the need to adjust to mental Mercury’s move forward  (because of the lack of focus and communication snafus that often manifest), but I lived it…over and over again. How about you? Good thing I’m an astrologer and can appreciate why these things are more likely to happen with certain planetary patterns. August 21st is when Mercury will be back where it started its retrograde adventure (at 12 Leo on July 15th); that’s when we will really feel the push to move forward with what may have stalled since then. That’s when I’d buy that new computer or other mechanical gizmo you’ve been contemplating — give or take a day.

No exact planetary aspects until 2:55PM ET, when the quietly stubborn Taurus Moon squares the proudly Leo Sun before going void-of-course. That’s your last challenge to this lunar cycle, as we then begin the task of wrapping up the lunar agenda. Except that this challenge is followed by an almost day-long Moon void. Eh…challenges, schmallenges. Why make a mountain out of a molehill? See if you can soften your resistance enough to enjoy the ethereal sweetness of the easy trine between loving Venus in nurturing Cancer and Neptune in soulful Pisces, exact at 6:36PM ET– suggesting a sublime night for wine, women, song and what dreams may come.

If you’re on the East Coast and you can take Friday off, how lucky for you. The Moon doesn’t get into gear until 4:11PM ET, when it moves into Gemini. And that may be all I have to say about Friday, which will explain why you may not get another forecast until Saturday*

Last but not least, lovely to “emeet” so many dedicated readers over the past couple of days — those of you who were curious to find out more about your Ascendant and Midheaven, and how they might be affected by the potent Mother of All Squares between rebel Uranus and ruthless Pluto. I am delighted by your interest in astrology and these forecasts. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

*instead, I offer the third installment of Henri the Existentialist Cat — despite my dismay that the filmmaker, old WhatsHisName, once again has failed to credit the composer or artist who created the music.


Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 8/8/2012: Slow and Steady

Writing this with the Moon void-of-course in Aries, looking for some good headlines to illustrate the confusion that often accompanies a day when Mercury (mind, communication) is at a standstill…about to turn direct (at 1:40AM ET). Here’s a fun one about miscommunication: would you hire this guy? Take it slow and steady, as our brains adjust to Mercury’s forward motion. As with yesterday, pay extra special attention in all areas of travel and communication.

Once the Moon enters Taurus at 3:28AM ET, the need of the day is to establish and/or preserve material security…probably in a dreamy-stuck-spacey kind of way. I say this because loving Venus, which rules Taurus is making an ethereal connection to nebulous Neptune, which will be exact on Thursday at 6:36PM ET. Get out your rose-colored glasses again, and you could enjoy a cotton candy-colored escape. This can be a productive few days for artists and healers…or anyone seeking seeking a sweet soulful connection (Venus -Neptune) you can actually wrap your arms around (Moon in sensual, material Taurus). An easy connection to Moon from “resistance is futile” Pluto adds emotional depth to the mix.



Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 8/7/2012: Mercury Turns Direct; Venus in Cancer

Another burst of energy to get you out of bed on the East Coast — but hopefully not the wrong side of the bed! Why? Rambunctious Moon in Aries is opposed by feisty Mars at 7:27AM ET. This brief — but sometimes brash connection could be expressed as a clash of wills. A more productive expression might be an impassioned pitch, or something physical, like a run around the block.

You can keep running until late afternoon — 4:04PM ET to be exact, when the me-me-me Aries Moon is opposed by restrictive Saturn and then goes void-of-course until 3:28AM ET. Whatever crises that appear toward the end of the day may well be much ado about nothing. Be flexible and go with the flow of any twists in your efforts to move purposefully in a straight line. Said twists may well involve mechanical, transportation and communication snafus, as Mercury turns direct at 1:40AM ET on Wednesday  — not Tuesday, as I reported yesterday. Sorry for the confusion and let’s hope that’s all the Mercury stationary direct weirdness you encounter.  Be especially mindful on the roads!

Venus leaves flirty Gemini and moves into Cancer at 9:43AM ET. Finally, we can discuss feelings and our need for emotional security in relationship — at least for the next few weeks. Swoon!

Regular readers of this forecast know that any planet at the beginning of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn (collectively known as the Aries Point), tends to attract prominence. So we may  see significant news about Venus-related issues including, but not limited to women, beauty, art, social graces, finances and copper. With two personal planets (by  “personal” I mean they are close to the Sun) changing signs and direction, give yourself a day or so to adjust to the shift…

And now, a couple of definitions for those who asked, as a follow up to yesterday’s forecast. I wrote that when rebel Uranus and ruthless Pluto make contact with the angles of the horoscope, especially the Ascendant and Midheaven, we can anticipate significant life changes.  The Ascendant — or rising sign — is the sign and degree of the zodiac that was rising (ascending) on the eastern horizon at moment of your birth. The Ascendant refers to personal projection, self-image — the face we present to the world and the filter through which we perceive it. The Midheaven refers to parental, career and public status issues.

To calculate the Ascendant and Midheaven, you need to know your date, place and time of birth. If you’re curious to know if either of those two angles in your horoscope will soon be in contact with Uranus and Pluto, send me an email and I will tell you.


Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 8/6/2012: A RAM-bunctious Monday

Typing this an hour away from the scheduled landing of Curiosity on Mars! Watching a live feed from Mission Control, a.k.a. the Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena, CA — streaming directly to my iMac with no commercial interruptions. Amazing!

Inspired by Curiosity, you can blast out of bed this morning, driven by the Moon still in pioneering Aries, supercharged by rebel Uranus and ruthless Pluto. Wasn’t last Monday a bit like this? Yes, it was, only with the Moon in “make it happen” Capricorn. Proactive energy still rules the day, only it’s more fiery, not so earthy and practical. So go set the world on fire, but be aware that others may be in the same fiery mode and not as aware of planetary patterns. If you encounter reckless words, actions and/or egos, temper your reactions accordingly. No need to engage, especially with the approaching hook-up between aggressive Mars and stern Saturn, exact on the 15th — but most definitely in effect now.

Moon voids for the week:

Tuesday 4:04PM ET – Wednesday 3:28AM ET

Thursday 2:55PM ET – Friday 4:11PM ET

Mercury turns direct on Wednesday at 1:40AM ET — alert the media.

Back to Curiosity: the chart for the scheduled landing shows Moon and technogeek Uranus together in pioneering Aries. The need to lead and inspire, breaking through boundaries is considerable, especially with both planets on the Aries Ascendant and trine the dramatic Leo Sun. Ruthless Pluto is exactly on the midheaven, a potentially huge statement of empowerment.  Mars, ruler of the chart, is together with disciplined Saturn in Libra, suggesting a projection to the public of military precision. Areas of the horoscope referring to travel and communication (3rd and 9th houses) are well-supported by Jupiter, the cosmic sugar daddy, an especially prominent Venus and Mercury. Yes, Mercury is retrograde — but it is also well-aspected — and remember, Mercury retrograde is a REminder of a need for FOCUS.

A big pause…while I am glued to the feed from Mission Control. Oooh…a dramatic moment of tension in the room at 10:12PM PT — as disruptive Uranus and Pluto make exact contact with the Aries Ascendant….and then…everything’s OK. The landing will be a success! And it was. And there was much rejoicing…

…which means that writing about yesterday’s tragic and distressing shooting at a Sikh temple at around 10:25AM on 8/5/12 in Oak Creek, Wisconsin is..not so joyful. But let’s look at the astrology and learn something. What do we see on the angles of the chart? Why rebel Uranus and ruthless Pluto — same as the chart for the wildly successful Mars landing!! Only in the Wisconsin chart, Uranus opposes the Ascendant, in the 7th house of the public/relationships; Pluto opposes the Midheaven, in the 4th house of family/homeland security concerns.

What’s noteworthy here is that we have two “breaking news” events involving Uranus and Pluto on the angles of the chart for those moments in time.  Experience shows that when Uranus and Pluto are on the angles of a chart, major life-changing events are more likely to happen. Whether they are constructive or destructive is usually up to the humans involved. What does this mean for you? It suggests that if you have an Ascendant or Midheaven between 6 and 13 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, opportunities for major life changes are happening now –and/or will be happening in 2013. Plan accordingly!