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"All I know is that you... Miss Elisabeth Grace are AMAZING! The reading you gave me was so accurate that it still blows my mind 6 months later!!! I also love your daily astrology information!"
--Tim R.
Los Angeles

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Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 10/14/2013: Sneak Peek at the Week

Greetings from New York!

If you’re working today you have no excuse for sleeping in. For those not working, Happy Columbus Day — and to readers in Canada, Happy Thanksgiving! What do Canadians have at their Thanksgiving dinners, I wonder….?

A friendly, networking and cerebral Moon in Aquarius starts off the work week, nicely balanced by the equally friendly and cerebral Libra Sun. However, a volatile connection to the Moon from aggressive Mars around 4:30PM ET suggests a potential clash or drama queen scene. If anyone around you seems like she’s looking for a fight, I encourage you not to engage simply for the sake of argument.

At 5:06PM ET, after a 30 minute Moon void, Moon enters Pisces, shifting the day’s vibe from the cerebral to the emotional. Go with the flow; follow your intuition and maybe indulge in a dreamy escape this evening, courtesy of the Moon’s hook-up with rose-colored Neptune at 9:56PM ET.

Planetary action is relatively light this week. Mars changes signs — from Leo to Virgo — tomorrow. As the weekend draws near, the action-oriented energy of Mars will become increasingly diffused by an approaching contact with nebulous Neptune. Mars-Neptune contact suggest nebulous actions, for better or for worse. For better: spectacular fantasy seemingly come to life, like the best Hollywood film you ever saw. For worse: lies, lies and more lies. Illusions can be wonderfully entertaining,  but that’s usually when you know what’s on the screen isn’t real. Watch the headlines for stories of con artists and other deceptive, but oh-so-seductive types. In your own personal world, measure twice and cut once.

In other news, we’ve got a Full Moon on Friday, which is also an eclipse. Stay tuned for details on that, as well as the significance of Mars in Virgo…and if you haven’t done so already, BACK UP YOUR COMPUTERS. Mercury turns retrograde next Monday.








Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 10/11/2013: Big

Yea, verily, your blueprint for Friday was delivered in yesterday’s forecast — second paragraph, if you please. Get up and make things happen. That “grandiose” potential I mention comes courtesy of an expansive  and/or expensive square between the airy Libra Sun and Jupiter in watery Cancer, exact on Saturday at 11:08AM ET. How interesting to note a ginormous storm brewing in the Bay of Bengal, and expected to make landfall that afternoon or evening. What other huff and puffery might we see before the weekend is out?

Moon goes void at 8:04PM ET Friday with a sigh…not to enter the next sign, Aquarius, until 2PM ET on Saturday. You know what that means. It’s a fine time sleep in, chill and avoid yard sales. Whatever treasure you think you’ve found is likely to prove useless. Trust me on this, or break the rules and see for yourself. How else will you learn?After 2PM, a jolly good time can be had with friends, the more unconventional, the better.

Meanwhile, Edward Snowden is back in the news again, as I suspected he would be right about now…with  more potential serious headlines perhaps by the month’s end…


Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 10/10/2013: Dream A Little; Do A Lot

A void-of-course Moon between 6:11AM and 11:17AM ET offers an opportunity for extra dream or snuggle time…and/or some odd twists and delays in your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Said dreams may be especially rosy and sublime, courtesy of a bewildering and/or rapturous connection between loving Venus (women, beauty, money, social expression) and nebulous Neptune, noted in yesterday’s forecast & exact at 5:06AM ET. See if your dreams have any messages for you this morning.

Once the Moon gets into gear at 11:17AM ET, it’ll be in the sign of Capricorn, an earthy, enterprising energy that needs to make things happen. There’s relatively smooth sailing on actions taken today, as the Moon makes its way through the cosmos with little interference. Only another dreamy connection to the Moon from nebulous Neptune at 4:10PM ET tosses its two cents into the day. Tomorrow is when things may be shaken up as the Moon makes its weekly contact to the volatile Uranus-Pluto square in the wee hours,  followed by the First Quarter Moon in the evening (ET). That’s when you’re likely to experience a challenge to the New Moon agenda you set last week. Could be supercharged and grandiose…

Meanwhile, in honor of the Venus-Neptune square which suggests a certain feminine mystique, here are a few beguiling women making headlines this week. First, Diana Nyad, whom we mentioned yesterday. She’s almost done with her New York swimming marathon (Neptune rules most things aquatic), raising at least $72,000 for charity (Neptune refers to charity, too). Then there’s the awe-inspiring Malala Yousafzai, who floored Jon Stewart this week when he asked her how she might treat the gunman who shot her in the head because she is an advocate for girls’ education. Talk about grace and higher levels of consciousness (more potential Neptune).

Another beguiling woman: Chelsea Manning. She sent a provocative letter to The Guardian stating that her motive for releasing all those documents to Wikileaks was in the interest of transparency. Frankly, her letter is more reflective of yesterday’s hard-core Mercury-Saturn hook-up, which would favor tangibility and transparency over the alternative.  And then there is Janet Yellen, who’s just been nominated to be the first woman Chair of the Federal Reserve. Why is that beguiling?  I am fascinated by planetary patterns on the day she was born — August 13, 1946 in New York, NY. That’s only a few days before a notorious and effective razzle-dazzler, Bill Clinton.  But the driving force behind Clinton’s oh-so-charismatic personal projection is an earthy, practical Moon in Taurus that needs material comfort and security. I do not know what Ms. Yellen’s Ascendant is — it could be an Earth sign — but there are definitely no planets in Earth in her horoscope. Her Moon is in either Aquarius or Pisces (Air and Water, respectively). And if memory serves, there are no planets in Earth signs in outgoing Fed Chair Ben Bernanke’s horoscope, either. Isn’t that interesting?

Sometimes a lack of Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) suggests a lack of practicality in one’s philosophical ideals. Sometimes it suggests an overcompensating focus on material concerns. Sometimes it suggests an aptitude for or belief in creating material worth out of thin air. Now there’s an intriguing thought. What is the intrinsic value of a C-note, anyway? Who decides what it can buy? With the Moon still in Sagittarius as I type, forgive me if I wax philosophical.

One last salute — not to a beguiling woman, but to an idealistic and artistic man who imagined a more beautiful world. Happy birthday to John Lennon — a day late, but no less sincere. Imagine…


Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 10/9/2013: A Dreamy Plan, Man

It never fails to amaze me when life events reflect planetary patterns…and vice versa. I’ll consult with a client and see the potential for a promotion, or a serious new relationship heading their way…and sure enough, the promotion and/or relationship materializes, exactly as anticipated. Still, I’m amazed. I do not claim to know why astrology works. I just know that it does, and I’m thrilled that I understand it well enough to help people live their lives better.

So yesterday I’m having a conversation with someone — not a client, mind you — and  he’s telling me about a colleague whose email signature includes a particular quote. And he just loves this quote — and I am amazed by this quote because it so perfectly reflects yesterday’s planetary patterns. It’s a sobering thought that I hope will inspire you to make good use of the rest of the week, if you haven’t done so already. Ready?

A goal without a plan is just a wish.

Do something productive about this, won’t you? You’ll have plenty of fuel for high-flying dreams, courtesy of the Moon’s continued sojourn in optimistic, big-picture oriented Sagittarius. A need to express it all in some rose-colored ideal is suggested by a curious challenge to Venus (love, beauty, women) from foggy, dreamy Neptune — this connection is exact early Thursday morning, but definitely in effect now. Why else would Diana Nyad (Venus) be doing a 48-hour swim (Neptune) in New York as I type?

Venus-Neptune aspects are great for wishes — and artists, lovers, healers, creative types and spiritual escapes. Now ground those wishes with the substance-demanding fallout of yesterday’s Mercury-Saturn hook-up. We’re talking blueprints and other building blocks. Aspects are light today — favoring cooperation and innovation. Tomorrow, when the Moon enters “make it happen” Capricorn, you can get even more earthy and practical.

Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 10/8/2013: Serious Highs

A bit of a twist or slow start to your morning routine if you live on the East Coast, courtesy of the void-of-course Moon. But the wandering drift gets into gear by 8:21AM ET, with the Moon’s entry into high-flying Sagittarius, where it hooks up with Venus shortly thereafter (9:21AM ET). Seeking aesthetic pleasures and social expression that broaden horizons? Feeling compelled to wax philosophical over some “big picture” construct? Dreaming of travel in foreign lands?

Dreaming and other ideals may well be on your agenda by lunchtime, courtesy of nebulous Neptune challenging that opinionated Moon. That aspect makes an interesting counterpoint to the sobering hook-up between mental Mercury and stern Saturn mentioned in earlier forecasts, and which is exact at 3:39PM ET. Watch the headlines for some heavy stuff to hit. In your own personal world, use this penetrating energy to get real about one of those dreams. You will feel the weight of this Mercury-Saturn hook-up more personally if you were born around the 2nd of November, February, May or August…or if you have a planet or angle at 11 degrees of Scorpio, Taurus, Leo or Aquarius.

Later tonight you can indulge the Sagittarius Moon by looking up at the night sky for the annual Draconids meteor showers. High-flying, indeed. And now, a song for a day with Moon conjunct Venus in Sagittarius (purple) and Mercury conjunct Saturn in Scorpio (heavy). Take it away, Kate Bush

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 10/7/2013: Gravity & Venusian Escapes

Rise and shine! The work week begins with an awesome potential for profound realization and gravitas, suggested by the sobering, disciplined, reality check between serious Saturn (Father Time) and mental Mercury, exact in penetrating Scorpio on Tuesday at 3:39PM ET. Deep thoughts coupled with controlling passion are also suggested by today’s Scorpio Moon. Not a bad day for planning strategy, organizing resources and going way beneath the surface for the knowledge you seek. Get your New Moon agenda off the ground.

The emotional intensity could be softened by an easy connection between the Moon and expansive Jupiter around lunchtime on the East Coast, but the real lift arrives at 1:54PM ET. That’s when Venus (social expression) breathes a huge sigh of relief and leaves the moody, controlling clutches of Scorpio for a rowdy roll in the hay in high-flying, fiery Sagittarius. Wheeee! You may notice this immediately, as those around you suddenly have no trouble letting you know exactly how they feel — and if a few feet end up in a few mouths, well — what’s life without a few gambles or gambols. Really, ask any Sagittarius.

Your Moon void periods for the week — not a time to ship or sign anything you wish to be of consequence — won’t interfere too much with regular business hours in the Americas. Here they are: Tuesday 12:54AM – 8:21AM ET; Thursday 6:11AM ET – 11:17AM ET; Friday 8:04PM ET – Saturday 2PM ET. Use those periods to take a break from the usual Type A determination to move forward in a straight line. This does NOT mean you should do nothing, though that can be productive. It simply suggests that Type A efforts are more likely than usual to experience twists and delays — so just roll with them.

And now, the news.  Last week’s New Moon suggested considerable volatility, and the weather has certainly been accommodating. Blizzards in the Midwest, typhoons in China; hail expected perhaps in the Northeast. I’m sure I’m leaving stuff out.  Also as anticipated, some major dirt — about the current U. S. government shutdown — was dumped on the front page of Sunday’s New York Times:A Federal Budget Crisis Months in the Planning”  Yes, that’s right — planning. And this inspired me to look back to January’s forecasts for what we could expect in Obama’s second term — check out the fourth and fifth paragraphs in this prior post.  How are we doing? Meanwhile, as we would also expect to see, given current planetary patterns (disruptive Uranus-Pluto square; Saturn and Mercury conjunct in Scorpio), there’s nothing but “deep” on the docket of the Supreme Court — check out what they’ll be ruling on as the new term begins. And how cool was it that a movie called “Gravity” is number one at the box office this weekend?

Back to planetary patterns suggesting major dirt:  this perfectly-timed NYT op-ed discusses the impact the sudden exposure of closely-guarded facts may have in your own personal world. It may come in handy by the end of next week, when a potentially bewildering face-off between aggressive Mars and nebulous Neptune is added to the mix of a Full Moon and lunar eclipse. However surreal the headlines may be, I’d like to believe that if you’re reading this post, you’re one of the souls who signed up to be a beacon of light in the chaos. So rise and shine — and be helpful, as creatively as you can. Those little acts of random kindness and senseless beauty really add up — let’s get a lot of them going!

Thank you for reading and sharing this forecast.



Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 10/4/2013 & the Weekend: New Moon in Libra; the U.S. in 2014, Briefly

Light a candle and make a wish. The New Moon in  Libra officially begins on October 4th  at 8:34PM ET, offering us an opportunity to re-set  intentions and goals for the next lunar cycle.  Around the 11th, on the First Quarter Moon, we can expect a challenge to those goals, with appropriate adjustments made. At the time of the Full Moon on the 18th, we can expect illumination on the success or failure of our goals for the cycle. If we succeeded, we can consciously release our success into our reality; if we failed, we let go of whatever did not work. After the Third Quarter Moon on the 26th, we can review our achievements, tie up loose ends and get ready to begin anew on November 3rd.

A Libra Moon suggests a focus on fairness, balance, justice and relationship, with a strong need for appreciation on both sides. And looking at planetary patterns in this New Moon chart, it is remarkable to see how unengaged most of the planets are with one another. And what connections are being made are quite challenging. So getting that appreciation and consideration may be difficult. Sign of the times?

What’s easy: an approaching aspect between mental Mercury in ruthless, stubborn, depth-demanding Scorpio and potent Pluto that is excellent for investigation and perspicacity. Add another aspect between Mercury and stern Saturn, and you’ve got the potential for depression (the downside) or serious talk and focus on sobering subjects, as well as excellent restorative work by one of the world’s greatest dentists (Saturn rules teeth; Angelenos, take note).

What’s challenging: the fallout from the Libra Sun’s recent engagement with the never-ending continuing drama of rebel Uranus squaring “resistance is futile” Pluto, suggesting disruptive shocks to the system and power plays, with the high-road potential for revelation that leads to quantum-leap action. And isn’t it fascinating that “seeing the light” is one of the themes suggested in the Sabian Symbol for this New Moon: “Miners emerge from a mine”. What could that mean?

Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee notes a certain amount of risk for miners making their way to the surface from deep underground, where they have presumably been laboring to extract valuable gems and minerals. Airways may become blocked; exit routes may collapse. A successful exit from a mine requires group consciousness and cooperation and working to get everyone in the group back to the surface —  alive. Meditating on this image, Bovee suggests we consider “egoless leadership issues or issues about being first” as we move from dark to light. Hmmm. Shall we alert the good folks allegedly running the U.S. Congress? More on that in a minute.

With the New Moon in Libra, a change in perspective (“seeing the light”) in relationship is suggested. You will be more personally affected by this lunation if you have a significant planet or angle at 12 degrees of Libra, Capricorn, Aries and Cancer…or if you were born around the 1st – 3rd of April, July, October and January. Overall, this month is likely to be volatile, as we navigate the waters stirred up by turbulent planetary patterns. Hey — that’s great news for people who love Halloween! :)

First, the next 30 days will bring us two eclipses — one on the Full Moon; the other on the next New Moon. Second, we’re fast approaching another exact hit between Uranus and Pluto — that happens on November 2nd. Third, mental Mercury turns retrograde on October 21st — at 18 degrees of Scorpio — not to turn direct until November 10th. So everything that’s on the table now will be hashed over and re-hashed over until November 26th, which is when Mercury will be back where it started on Oct 21st. It’s not too soon to BACK UP YOUR COMPUTERS NOW. Got that? Please write and tell me if you do not understand; I am always happy to answer general forecast questions. For insight on how these patterns are affecting your unique horoscope, please make an appointment for a personal consultation. You’ll be so glad you did.

And now, the weekend forecast. As you know, the Moon is in Libra, where it does its best to be diplomatic and ever so negotiable, while seeking appreciation for its efforts. Late afternoon and early evening on the East Coast, efforts to keep the peace may be jarred, as the Moon engages with Uranus and Pluto. Before you snap someone’s head off, see if that urge isn’t coming from a sense of restlessness or listlessness, as in — not really knowing what else to do, since the time to act on a fresh agenda won’t arrive until after 8:34PM ET (the New Moon).

Saturday begins on an exuberant connection between the Libra Moon and jolly Jupiter. The downside: wretched excess in areas of homeland security and a credit card bill you may regret. Upside: just jolly, jolly good. Take care of your shopping sprees (with caution) until 6:28PM ET, when the Moon goes void with a sigh until 4:33AM ET on Sunday. You know the drill: when the Moon is void, chill, baby, chill.

Sunday’s vibe is heavier, courtesy of the Moon in down and dirty Scorpio, seeking depth and knowledge for the sake of power and control. If you’re a writer or investigative reporter, it’s a great day for your craft; otherwise, it’s a great day for honest and revealing — if a bit blunt — communication and organizational planning, perhaps involving resources. There’s no Moon void that day or on Monday, so don’t even think about sleeping in…

Finally, as promised, a note on the U.S. horoscope & the big mess otherwise know as the U.S. Congress. Gosh, there are a lot of disruptions going on. Do you think the Uranus-Pluto square might have something to do with it? Yes, yes and yes! In the U.S. horoscope (my preference is the one with Gemini rising),  we see the Sun at 13 Cancer and Saturn at 14 Libra. Earlier this year, Uranus and Pluto got as far as 12 Aries and 12 Capricorn, respectively, before turning retrograde. But that’s close enough to shake things up, as we’ve seen in the news. And all through 2014 and part of 2015, we’ll see Uranus and Pluto make exact hits to the U.S. Sun and Saturn. If you’ve been following this forecast for some months or more, you know that when these two heavies get busy in someone’s horoscope, big changes happen, for better or for worse. Nearly everyone who’s making news these days has this square active in their chart. So next year and into 2015 should be some hot times indeed for the good ol’ U.S. of A.

Stay tuned to this channel for continuing updates…and have a great weekend!


Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 10/2/2013: Digging and Sorting

An excellent day to get organized and sort out the details with depth and authority, especially in the morning hours when the practical Virgo Moon connects with Pluto and Saturn. A newly-empowered perspective, perhaps? For those who are really into the evolution of how we measure time and/or space, check out this recently-opened New York exhibit on Greco-Roman map-making. Oh, how the world has changed.

In other news, health insurance exchanges mandated by the Affordable Care Act — also known as Obamacare — opened on Tuesday. As the Moon was void of course, we could expect delays and glitches…and it wasn’t exactly the biggest opening of all time. In fact, only 1 in 8 Americans are even aware that the program is up and running. And then there are those who think the Affordable Care Act is absolutely, positively better than Obamacare, as this video from the good folks at Jimmy Kimmel reveals. What’s in a name, indeed…

John Boehner, whose horoscope we discussed almost three years ago, is front and center in all this mishegas, and with his Venus about to be super-charged by the Uranus-Pluto square, we can expect his social skills to be in the limelight throughout 2014. What does that mean? On the potential downside, frankly, it suggests emotional overkill. For those of you who are into asteroids, I am fascinated to note that the asteroid Hygeia — which refers to health concerns, is currently configured with points in Boehner’s horoscope that refer to the public — and also to persons of wealth and power.  Astrology is amazing!

And now it’s time to pack up my bikini and leave Hawaii for Los Angeles. I’ll be there between October 3rd – 12th, before heading back to New York. If you live in LA and would like to schedule an in-person consultation, I would be delighted to help you optimize and navigate opportunities and challenges, as suggested by your unique horoscope. Here’s what you need to know about my consultation services.  If you do not live in LA, I’m available by telephone or Skype — and here’s how you can contact me.  Aloha!



Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 10/1/2013: Shake-Ups and Shutdowns, as Anticipated

A void of course Moon in Leo from 12:48AM until 2:52PM ET Tuesday suggests a sizable chunk of time best suited for chilling out, taking care of the routine, and not buying into the potential freak out over the government shutdown delivered to the American people today by its duly-elected representatives. In your own personal world, be advised of the potential for twists in your efforts to move forward in a straight line, and think of how fascinating it is that the upheaval and power plays of the shutdown are consistent with the disruptive and corruption-exposing power of the Sun’s engagement with the Uranus-Pluto square. Really, no surprises here — we’ve been writing about this for days in prior forecasts.

Hashing out details and seeking to make things right will be the mantra of the day after 2:52PM ET, when the Moon moves into perfection-seeking Virgo. Downside of the Moon in Virgo: it can be really, really petty. Ouch.

Other than that, be advised that we are in the dark side of the lunar cycle. This is a time to wrap up projects, clear your desk and contemplate your wish list for the next New Moon on Friday at 8:34PM ET. With so much volatility, the good news is that extraordinary things can happen in your own personal world, not just the maddening chaos we are witnessing in the headlines now. And out of chaos, of course, often comes great opportunity and creative genius. So think about that if if feels like things are falling apart around you. They’re falling apart because they are rotten and/or outdated. Let them go and find freedom and empowerment in the new forms that will soon replace them.

In other news, I’ll be in Los Angeles on October 3rd – 12th. If you live in LA and would like to schedule an in-person consultation, I would be delighted to help you optimize and navigate opportunities and challenges, as suggested by your unique horoscope. If you do not live in LA, I’m available by telephone or Skype — and I look forward to speaking with you soon. Here’s how you can contact me.

Thank you for reading this forecast and sharing it with the entire Free World :)