Generally speaking, Moon in Sagittarius…where it moved last night at 9:39PM ET (after a loooong 13 hour void)…tends to lift the spirits, even when its fueled by philosophical debates that can get a wee bit rowdy (Sagittarius is not the most perfectly groomed sign of the zodiac…and you wouldn’t be either if you were half-human and half-beast, as all Centaur-Archers are). Today, however, the opinions that need to be expressed may ruffle a few feathers, suggested by a challenge to Moon from aggressive Mars in hypercritical Virgo at 8:18AM ET. The emotional outburst that may follow could be over the top, suggested by an obsessive connection between ruthless Pluto and Venus. Put your Big Girl Panties on and use a bit of charm and objective strategy to acquire the resources you need. We’ve got one more day of mental Mercury in impulsive, quick-tempered Aries; by Wednesday cooler heads will likely prevail (though they may not be nearly as inspiring or exciting).
As the day progresses, any storm clouds in your world are likely to dissipate. Take advantage of opportunities to broaden your mind and sense of physical space — or just enjoy a gambol/gamble or two.
Moon voids this week (to help you plan your agenda): Tuesday 9:34 – 10PM ET; Thursday 3:11PM – 1:03AM Friday ET.
Coming up later this week: what to expect when Venus turns retrograde at 10:33AM ET on the 15th. If you’re thinking of redecorating your home, I hope you’ve picked your colors out already….
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