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"Last night’s session was a delightful time for me. IT WAS ALL ABOUT ME!!! You are so articulate and caring, and I thoroughly enjoyed the time, all the nu- ances you brought to it and your obviously experienced, long- time expertise."
- Bill R.
Los Angeles

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Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 3/18/2016 & the Weekend: Cosmic Channels; Sun in Aries


Party on and color it rose for the next few days. The Moon entered Leo at 3:54AM ET, looking for love in sublime places, if Sunday’s meet-up between Venus and Neptune in soulful, compassionate Pisces takes the high road. Otherwise that beautiful dream may be just that…a dream.

Planetary patterns are light on Friday and Saturday. The Leo search for love and ego recognition may incorporate old guard and avant garde on Saturday,  before going void with a sigh at 4:43PM ET. Your rip roarin’ evening adventures may be of little consequence, but still enable you to shine, shine, shine! Moon enters Virgo (to clean up the confetti at 1:39PM ET on Sunday. Sleep in, why don’t you?

Meanwhile, at 12:31AM ET on Sunday, the Sun enters Aries and the New Year officially begins. Happy Vernal Equinox! Happy Astrology Day, too!

Courage, self-reliance, inspiration and a pioneering spirit are keywords for the Sun in Aries, sign of the ram — and the lamb.  That’s on a good day. Otherwise, Aries falls down stairs because it’s faster than walking. They can be impatient, reckless and fierce in their belief in impossible things.  Aries is the baby of the zodiac. In the Northern hemisphere (the birthplace of Western astrology),  the Sun’s ingress into Aries  is a time of renewal and rebirth.

In astrology, the first day of each season (Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter) corresponds with the first day (or first DEGREE) of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, respectively. Got that? Good. These four signs are called CARDINAL signs of the zodiac, with “cardinal” here suggesting (from the Latin root of the word), “that on which something turns or depends.”  Cardinal signs take ACTION. They INITIATE. Nothing happens without ACTION. And action leads to  NECESSARY CHANGE. As in a change of seasons — suggested by solstices and equinoxes. Clear?

The first day of a  season is prominent in our culture, right? We make a big deal over it — yes? So can you see that in astrology, we observe that PLANETS that are at the first degree of a cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn), tend to pack a more powerful, prominent punch. They suggest ACTION which leads to CHANGE — prominently! The first degree of the cardinal signs is known as the ARIES POINT. Got that?

On Monday, Mercury will enter Aries and thus be at the Aries Point,  bringing pioneering communication to the forefront. Watch the headlines. If your personal  horoscope has a  planet or angle at the Aries Point, you can expect that the energy of that planet will demand prominent expression in your life. Your friends and family — and perhaps the entire free world — will notice it. Consult your local astrologer for details.

No sleeping in on Monday. It’s a busy day and we’ll be warming up for a Full Moon and Eclipse early Wednesday morning. There’s a lot to sort through that no longer serves between now and then. How else are you going to make that fresh start?

And now, the news.

Not much, because I’m tired of writing about Donald Trump. Except for this bit about a prescient “Simpsons” episode which aired on March 19, 2000 — on the last day of Pisces, natch — perfect for a doomsday scenario. It imagines an America “gone insane” — and electing Donald Trump for president. Things are pretty bewildering in Brazil, too. And elsewhere. Sign of the times.

Dreams, endings and chaos are themes in the latest message from The Hathors.   As many Avid Readers know, they are my favorite disembodied entities, channeled by sound healer Tom Kenyon. Someone turned me on to them over a decade ago, and they always seem to send a message right before a particularly intense period of planetary action. Coincidence or conspiracy?

I wish this one wasn’t quite so dire, but we are at the end of the astrological year…with Uranus and Pluto running full speed ahead in the back half of Aries and Capricorn for the next few years…along with this year’s bewildering righteous tension between the other outer planets: Jupiter in Virgo, Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces. And then some. We live in interesting times — similar to what we experienced in the 30s and 60s — as you’ve known for years — and as certain media types are now finally starting to realize.

How to stay centered?

Many have written about the benefits of gratitude, but I especially appreciate the Hathors’ view that gratitude — and joy — are empowering. If you are grateful, you are a Have, not a Have-Not. And out of that gratitude and empowerment, you can be joyful. We really need more of this practice in the world — and the Hathors offer tools you may find intriguing. If all else fails — if you’re not a meditative type — there is music and dance — as in this piece about “sober raves” — a latest craze. Sounds like fun — and how fitting for a weekend with Moon in love play love Leo.

Meanwhile, one of my favorite embodied entities is the gifted intuitive (and Avid Reader) Peri Lyons. It’s her birthday today. Happy fabulous solar return!

Finally, news from the cosmos. First,  “what we’ve learned about Pluto” in the past eight months — posted the day after Pluto pulled focus in the astrological world with its trine to expansive Jupiter. So of course we should expand on Pluto. Even more expansive: “meet the BOSS — the largest structure in the Universe discovered (so far) — a wall of galaxies one billion light years across”.

There must be a bunch of beginnings in that big ginormous wall. I wonder how we fit in to the grand scheme of things. It’s hard to believe there are no other life forms out there pondering the same question…

Thank you for reading this forecast.



Special Bonus News Analysis Just Because


Compelled to share a few news items I found delightfully in synch with planetary patterns — a bonus for the holiday weekend — huzzah!

The first one refers to the Sabian Symbol for Monday’s New Moon. Here are excerpts from Monday’s forecast:

The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon — at 20  degrees of Aquarius — is “a big white dove, a message bearer”. As usual we turn to Sabian Symbol guru Blaine Bovee for additional insight, who notes this image is “one of communication borne by a creature of the sky; a peaceful message from a heavenly source.” Interestingly, he also notes that that “white” is seen when light is reflected “without sensible impression of the visible rays of the color spectrum”….

How are we to apply this Symbol? What might we see reflected in the headlines? On the upside, Bovee suggests “genius that finds the sacred everywhere…listening for unique language; messages of relief precipitated by intense, burning reverence…”

How interesting that one of yesterday’s meaningful headlines was the confirmation that gravitational waves have absolutely, positively been detected — and heard!  Listen to their “unique language” — it’s like a heartbeat. Consider how cool it is

that scientists have finally tapped into the deepest register of physical reality, where the weirdest and wildest implications of Einstein’s universe become manifest.

Here is a wonderful NYT op-ed explaining why this confirmation (it was hinted at a few weeks ago; I almost linked it) is so significant. Here’s a fun piece in which several scientists attempt to explain gravitational waves in terms a five-year-old can understand. If you’ve been reading this forecast for at least two years, you’re no stranger to gravitational waves. I linked an aptly-timed piece about primordial gravitational waves here in March 2014.

Meanwhile, remember when I wrote that people with planets around 16-19 degrees of Scorpio, Taurus, Leo & Aquarius and/or 16-18 degrees of Aries, Libra, Capricorn and Cancer were more likely to be affected by last weekend’s heavy patterns among Venus, Mars, Uranus and Pluto? Filmmaker Michael Moore falls into that category. When I glanced at his horoscope last month, here’s what I wrote:

Toxins in the water came to a head last week in Flint, Michigan. Gov. Rick Snyder declared a state of emergency nearly two years after an apparent cost-cutting measure poisoned the city’s water. Flint native Michael Moore penned a sharp letter outlining the situation, calling for Governor Snyder’s arrest. How interesting to note that in Mr. Moore’s horoscope, his Jupiter is being squared by transiting Jupiter right now — like Sean Penn. Transiting Uranus and Pluto are supercharging his natal Mercury-Uranus square. We’d expect an intense buzz in mindset and communication all last fall and into the spring, suggested by other patterns — helpful if you’re promoting a new film (which he is).

I wrote about Mr. Moore’s horoscope in 2012, focusing on the time he was elected to the local school board at age eighteen. Looking at his horoscope now, 2013 and 2014 looked like challenging years for him personally, starting with his second Saturn return.  There were other challenging measurements, too — and for Mr. Moore, the outcome was a divorce.

Michael Moore has his Mercury at 17 Aries, squaring Uranus at 19 Cancer and the Nodal Axis at 18 Cancer. He needs to be a provocative thinker who leads an innovative crusade. His mindset needs to be ahead of its time! Mercury-Uranus contacts suggest a quirky sense of humor. Ted Cruz has Mercury square Uranus, too — but those not in those signs. Isn’t that interesting? Cruz is known for his sharp mind and disruptive communication style, as well as a need for quirky humor, as his  latest campaign ads might suggest. Cruz has Venus at 17 Scorpio and Saturn at 16 Taurus — also influenced by last week’s provocative Mars transits. What could happen? Turns out that a soft-core porn actress (transiting Mars to Venus in sexy Scorpio) had been cast in that ad, and once that became known, the ad had to be pulled. So frustrating (transiting Mars to Saturn)!

Back to Michael Moore:

His horoscope has had exact hits from Uranus, Mercury and Venus in recent days. Transiting Uranus exactly squared his Mercury on Feb 2nd. So his need to be a provocateur has been all fired up. He has a 16 degree regal Leo Ascendant, which was hit by transiting Mars at 16 Scorpio on Feb 4th. Let the record show that the Ascendant is one of the health centers of the horoscope, and that when Mars hits the Ascendant, health concerns are not uncommon. This all happened against the background hum of a pattern called a solar arc between Neptune and Jupiter, exact on February 6th.

A solar arc is a long-term pattern — in effect for a few months before and after its exact hit. Neptune refers to film, healing, water, toxins and….infection! Jupiter refers to…expansion! And we must keep in mind that Jupiter squared Mr. Moore’s natal Jupiter last month, too. He’s been in an expansive mode…and perhaps pushed beyond comfortable limits.

On January 31st, at the end of that month’s supercharged Mercury madness, Mr. Moore was admitted to the ICU of a NY hospital with pneumonia. It is often the case that particularly explosive transits will manifest a couple of days before they are exact. The timing of the illness was especially frustrating, as it forced him to cancel two weeks of interviews and PR work promoting his new film, “Where to Invade Next”. So what did he do? Using supercharged technology (social media), he launched an innovative PR campaign, reaching out to his fan base, asking them to spread the word on his behalf. Here is one of the posts. The film opens today.  I expect we’ll hear more from Mr. Moore over the next couple of days, as transiting Mars is about to make contact with his Venus-Pluto square at 23 Taurus and 22 Leo, respectively. His social expression and values need to have depth of perspective and emotion. And yes, sometimes he might use a sledgehammer when a little mallet might do.

I once had the opportunity to meet Michael Moore — must have been in 2004. An acquaintance invited me to attend an event for Dennis Kucinich, who was then running for president. I did not know much about Mr. Kucinich at that time, but it sounded interesting. The event was at the home of a famous artist.  It was a little overwhelming, as there were a few celebrities among the guests, along with maybe 30 or 40 others. And Mr. Moore.

I can be quite a reserved person in some social situations (thank you, Capricorn Ascendant), and I found myself wrestling with an impulse to walk across the room where Mr. Moore was standing. Finally I summed up my courage. He was surrounded by about eight other people all trying to sell him something. Seriously — and it was an event to support someone else! One person had even brought drawings of whatever great project he was envisioning — what chutzpah, for better or worse. I stood there for several minutes listening, and thinking to myself that there might be definite drawbacks to being a celebrity, especially one who is perceived as Someone Who Has Some Power to Make Things Happen. Of course Michael Moore would need to make things happen, with his Moon and Mars closerthanthis in enterprising Capricorn.

Finally the man with the drawings finished his pitch and Mr. Moore looked at me. “Errm…” I said, not really knowing what I was going to say. “I’m Elisabeth Grace. And I’m not here to tell you about a project or show you drawings or ask for your help”.

A brief pause, as perhaps Mr. Moore wondered, “Well what IS she here to do?”  So I continued, along the lines of, “I saw you here and I’ve always admired your work. And I just had to come over to tell you, because when will I get the chance again….so I just had to come over and say THANK YOU. For doing what you do. And that what you do makes an impact — on all kinds of people, even though you may not realize it. Your work matters.

“For example,”  I pushed on, naming a few examples, including “…that series you did called TV Nation — that was awesome! Like the segment when you went to Washington and tried to get the ambassadors from Serbia and Croatia to MAKE PEACE OVER PIZZA…it was brilliant and so funny — who could forget that?”

“Thank you,” said Mr. Moore.

And then I said (because like Marco Rubio, I’ve been known to repeat myself), “I just needed to say this to you,” not knowing what else to say.

“Thank you,” he said again…and he might have added “That’s very kind”. Then he definitely asked, “What was your name?”

“Elisabeth Grace.”

“Elisabeth Grace,” he said. “Elisabeth Grace.”

Then I wandered off, and later that evening, an older woman tapped me on the shoulder and told me how much she appreciated what I had said to Mr. Moore, and that it had meant a lot to him.  Now it was my turn to be surprised. I did not know who the woman was, though I suppose it must have been his wife.

Funny how often “you teach best what you need to learn” — which is one of the pithy sayings in The Messiah’s Handbook from  Richard Bach’s novel, Illusions. Amazing to imagine that our thoughts and actions could continue to ripple through space and time, much like those gravitational waves, even though we are unaware of their reach. I had an uplifting encounter with a fellow human being almost twelve years ago. That human being’s simple appreciation has rippled outward.  Now I’m carrying it further by sharing and inviting you to see his latest movie.

It looks like fun, no matter what your political beliefs may be.

If you want to compare your political beliefs to what the candidates say they believe, check out It’s thorough and cool.

If you want to discuss what’s going in your own personal horoscope, here’s the 411 on consultations.

If you appreciate the time and energy I put into these missives (which I’ve been posting now for almost seven years), and you think it would be fun to make my day with a donation, here is a link to do that via PayPal.

Thank you for reading this forecast.

Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 5/1/2013: Light the Beltane Fires

No break in the action today. The enterprising Capricorn Moon goes void for all of thirteen minutes at 10:07AM ET, on a tense challenge to mental Mercury, suggesting the potential for a brief spat.  That should calm down before noon, with 1) the Moon’s ingress into detached, humanitarian Aquarius and 2) Mercury’s ingress into earthy Taurus, which slows down the impulsive rush-to-judgement thrust brought to you by the past few weeks of Mercury in Aries. Adding depth, potency and the discovery of resources you did not know you had is Pluto’s easy connection to the Sun at 1:33PM ET. It’s a great day for connecting the dots and mingling with your mover and shaker friends, though we may encounter a limitation of some kind when stern Saturn challenges efforts to be socially significant at 11:51PM ET.

So much in the news continuing yesterday’s stubborn opposition between Mars in Taurus and you-better-believe-we-are-going-there Saturn in Scorpio. The morning-after pill is now available without a prescription to girls and women aged 15 and older, just in time for a particularly stubborn and nasty “sex superbug” to make headlines, a bill allowing limited abortion rights is introduced in Ireland and Larry Flynt endorses former South Carolina governor Mark Sanford’s bid for Congress, hailing him as a “great sex pioneer”.

In other news, an ongoing hunger strike — 100 of 166 prisoners held at Gitmo are participating in this militant protest —  has finally drawn the attention of President Obama, who reaffirmed his intention yesterday to close controversial prison. I am overwhelmed by the literal sludge that I’m seeing in the headlines and find my thoughts going across the Pond, where fires were lit in celebration of Beltane. And if it seems as if I’m abruptly ending this forecast because the dynamic energy of this day demands I get moving, it’s a perfect reflection of planetary patterns. Don’t miss a minute of the creative potential this day holds.


Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 5/7/2012: Monday, Monday

Generally speaking, Moon in Sagittarius…where it moved last night at 9:39PM ET (after a loooong 13 hour void)…tends to lift the spirits, even when its fueled by philosophical debates that can get a wee bit rowdy (Sagittarius is not the most perfectly groomed sign of the zodiac…and you wouldn’t be either if you were half-human and half-beast, as all Centaur-Archers are). Today, however, the opinions that need to be expressed may ruffle a few feathers, suggested by a challenge to Moon from aggressive Mars in hypercritical Virgo at 8:18AM ET. The emotional outburst that may follow could be over the top, suggested by an obsessive connection between ruthless Pluto and Venus. Put your Big Girl Panties on and use a bit of charm and objective strategy to acquire the resources you need. We’ve got one more day of mental Mercury in impulsive, quick-tempered Aries; by Wednesday cooler heads will likely prevail (though they may not be nearly as inspiring or exciting).

As the day progresses, any storm clouds in your world are likely to dissipate. Take advantage of opportunities to broaden your mind and sense of physical space — or just enjoy a gambol/gamble or two.

Moon voids this week (to help you plan your agenda): Tuesday 9:34 – 10PM ET; Thursday 3:11PM – 1:03AM Friday ET.

Coming up later this week: what to expect when Venus turns retrograde at 10:33AM ET on the 15th. If you’re thinking of redecorating your home, I hope you’ve picked your colors out already….


Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 3/2/2012 & the Weekend: Keep the Home Fires Burning

After a brief Moon void from 8:14AM – 10:08AM ET (Eastern and Central time zones, see if you notice a twist in your morning commute), Moon moves into Cancer, focusing the energy of the day on meeting emotional security needs. Home sweet home, feeding your tummy and nourishing your soul, my country right or wrong, Mom and other goddesses. Moon in Cancer may inspire you to stay close to home over the weekend, too.

Meanwhile, Mercury (mind, communication) moves into pioneering Aries at 6:41AM ET, where it will foster clear, direct expression of the best ideas you ever heard. It has to be the best; otherwise no planet in Aries would bother doing it. When a planet changes signs, it takes a few days to get used to the shift, so be patient with your brain while it gets up to speed. The rest of the day progresses as follows: practical focus, demanding expression…that evolves into something more ideal by 12:11PM ET — ending with a surprise, a jolt, a flash of inspiration or other minor status quo disruption at 4:29PM ET.

A reminder again about a potentially pugnacious element in effect over the weekend, as Sun is opposed by aggressive Mars in perfectionist Virgo on Saturday at 3:10PM ET.  Count to ten before you pick a fight and resist the urge to return any slings and arrows that may be lobbed your way. On Sunday, relations with women may be testy — or at the very least, serious —  as controlling Saturn opposes loving Venus at 6:18AM ET. In the headlines, that’ll likely translate as birth (women/Venus) control (Saturn). Interested in the legal history of this debate (it goes back about 50 years, in the United States)? Here’s a link to an eye-opening op-ed I was fascinated to learn how much we owe to a small group of professors and students at Yale Law School.

Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 3/1/2012: The 411 on Moon-in-Gemini

A challenge to your New Moon agenda may have been building all through the day yesterday,  reflected by the First Quarter Moon, exact at 8:21PM ET. What was that pressing need for information all about (Moon in Gemini)? Did it cause tension with others who were more moved by silence, intuition and/or the energy to effortlessly go with the flow (Sun in Pisces)?

Case in point: yesterday Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke presented his take on the state of the economy to Congress — and he seemed to feel that things were improving faster than expected. With stock markets hitting highs not seen in years, you’d think that would inspire a buying spree; in fact, just the opposite happened. Markets around the world fell to session lows, as analysts scrambled to figure out why. Their eventual conclusion: “it wasn’t what (Bernanke) said; it was what he didn’t say” that caused traders to take action and sell. Would you believe that Ben Bernanke is an extremely optimistic Sagittarius with Moon in dreamy, go with the flow, intangible Pisces?

A charged buzz remains in the air today as Moon continues in Gemini, needing to inform and be informed. Pick up the phone; write the proposal; take that meeting. Information is key to Moon in Gemini’s sense of emotional security. If you have Moon in Gemini, you know what I mean. Ask  Moon in Gemini how it feels. “Let me think about it”.  If you’re involved with someone with Moon in Gemini, now you understand what they need.

Tomorrow, words and actions are likely to be sharper and more impulsive, with patience at a premium. That’s because mental Mercury moves into Aries Friday at 6:41AM ET and we all move closer to Saturday’s opposition between action-oriented Mars and the Sun.  Today, with Mercury at the very end of Pisces, we have a softer, more intuitive approach to thoughts and communication — if that’s what you need.

Speaking of Mercury — it turns retrograde on March 12 at 3:49AM ET. BACK UP YOUR COMPUTER NOW. And no whining! The week of the 12th also features a Grand Trine — a triangular pattern — among Venus, Jupiter, Mars and Pluto that in traditional astrology is regarded as a sign of great luck and abundance in a horoscope. Certainly the days leading up to this pattern can be wonderfully productive. You’ll feel the potential ease of it more personally if you were born 7 to 12 days into the signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn or Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, as will anyone with a planet or point at 8-10 degrees of any sign.

To be continued…

***P.S. The information the traders allegedly needed to hear was Mr. Bernanke indicating  that the Federal Reserve was ready to pump more money into the system in what is called quantitative easing. Don’t know what that means? There’s a straight explanation contained in this recent CNBC post — or if you prefer a more irreverent, skeptical take, the talking bears at Xtranormal have this to share:

Why does a blog about astrology include links like these? Because we are in a planetary cycle of upheaval and change in government and financial institutions, and it may be helpful to understand what all the fuss and debate will be about over the next few years. And because I have Moon in Gemini, and I need to keep you informed…