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"Last night’s session was a delightful time for me. IT WAS ALL ABOUT ME!!! You are so articulate and caring, and I thoroughly enjoyed the time, all the nu- ances you brought to it and your obviously experienced, long- time expertise."
- Bill R.
Los Angeles

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Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 9/10/2015: Terry Gilliam, RIP — Coincidence or Conspiracy?

Another day of the drama queen Leo Moon, getting deader by the hour. We are at the end of the lunar cycle, a time to wrap up projects and contemplate the new agenda you can initiate on the next New Moon, which happens Sunday at 2:41AM ET.  Yes, it’s an eclipse. No, there is no reason to panic. Just take note — and find out how that eclipse might highlight a particular area of your horoscope. That is what astrologers are here to do, along with serving as clear-headed crisis counselors offering a grounding perspective when you call them because life has dumped so many challenges on your plate that you’re starting wonder if the whole world is conspiring against you.

Come to find out, your life events are simply reflecting the challenges we’d expect you to have in a particular planetary cycle. Yes, a CYCLE…meaning that you’ve been here before and may well be here again, so let’s look at how you navigated those rapids in the past — with apparent success, since you’re still here to talk about it, right? And now you feel so much better, because in a matter of minutes, the astrologer has validated your reality and helped you plan a strategy to navigate the rapids this time.

Where was I?

Ah yes, the Moon. At 1:20PM ET it makes an easy connection with Uranus, ruler of astrology, putting a potentially innovative, humanitarian spin on your approach to problem-solving this morning. Tensions may build to dramatic action or outburst around 3:59PM, when the Moon meets up with action hero Mars, “getting away with murder” in Leo.  After that and into the night, find some fun, a party or a stage. Leo Moons are grand for that, as well as grandstanding.

And now, the news.

Words as weaponry — with slice and dice edges. That’s was the potential of yesterday’s square between mental Mercury and Pluto, planet of annihilation. Donald Trump was only too happy to serve as poster child for this pattern, making headlines by trashing Carly Fiorina’s face. Yes, this is actually headline news. As you will read, Mr. Trump (and all other political types who routinely trash the copyright laws protecting songwriters), was subsequently eviscerated in a Tweet from R.E.M’s Michael Stipe for using “It’s the End of the World As We Know It” without permission.

Oh, this next one is absolutely fantastic. This astrological correlation deserves to be published in every newspaper in the world. Where is my Pulitzer Prize for investigative reporting? My star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame? How’s that for Moon in Leo grandstanding?  Do you have a clearer understanding of Moon in Leo needs — and its dramatic expression — now? Good. Have fun with it!

As you know, Saturn is now at the very end of Scorpio — at 29 degrees. Saturn refers to time, limits, control. Scorpio refers to those nitty-gritty matters of life — and death. If you have planets at 29 degrees of Scorpio, Taurus, Leo and Aquarius, my money says you may be feeling that certain areas of your life are being mightily squeezed right now. Meanwhile, Neptune is at 8 degrees of Pisces. Whereas Saturn refers to the tangible and material world, Neptune refers to the intangible and the immaterial. Neptune dissolves whatever it touches, leaving those under a Neptune transit often feeling bewildered or wiped out. So if your horoscope has any planet at 8 degrees of Pisces, Virgo, Gemini or Sagittarius, that planet is under the spell of a rose-colored fog, and is bound to be reflected in your life according to what that planet —  its house, its rulership, etc. — symbolizes.

Take Monty Python’s  Terry Gilliam. At 6:27PM PT on Sep 8, 2015, Variety published his obituary. Awful news. Except — guess what — he is absolutely, positively not dead. Cue classic “Bring Out Your Dead” Monty Python bit now, please.

How could this howling error happen? Why would it happen to Terry Gilliam? Was it a totally random, freak occurrence? My money says it is being viewed as such. But where is the investigative reporter to look a little deeper? To determine if there might be a coherent pattern that could answer the question, “Why?” Not in the lamestream media, that’s for sure. And it’s really too bad — because guess what? How this freaky thing could happen is SCREAMINGLY OBVIOUS!!!!!!! in Mr. Gilliam’s HOROSCOPE and in the event chart for the moment the obituary was published!!!

Mr. Gilliam’s Sun is at 29 degrees 49 minutes of Scorpio. Transiting Saturn is at 29 degrees 30 minutes of Scorpio! Mr. Gilliam’s Midheaven is 8 degrees 19 minutes of Gemini. The Midheaven (MC) refers to career and public status. Transiting Neptune is at 8 degrees 8 minutes of Pisces, in an almost EXACT TO THE MINUTE SQUARE (90 degree relationship) to that MC!! So we have two HUGE patterns that do not happen every day, suggesting: squeeze, limits, end of time — and also: wipe out, fog and ILLUSION. Mr. Gilliam is decidedly not dead!

Looking at the event chart for the time the obit was published, we see Neptune rising in the First House, conjunct the Ascendant and square the Midheaven. This moment in time suggests the potential for conspicuous bewilderment, illusion and/or wipe out! The Ascendant is 1 degree of Pisces, suggesting it may be happening “too soon” (!!!).  Saturn is in the Ninth House, which refers to publishing and it is square the Ascendant!  Fascinatingly, the Moon is at 29 degrees of Cancer, exactly trine Saturn, just about to go void (one minute later) until 7:36PM PT. One can imagine the crisis that occurred when this obit hit the wires, which then turned out to be much ado about nothing.

There is much more to say about this event chart, but you get the idea. Suffice it to say that if Mr. Gilliam does not consult with an astrologer, he may marvel and wonder for the rest of his life as to why this surreal experience happened to him at this time. Or he could shrug it off as mere coincidence, missing a valuable learning opportunity!  However, if he does have a consulting astrologer on the payroll, he could benefit from the clarity of perspective and validation that astrology can provide. He could have a meaningful discussion about a need for vision — spiritually and/or creatively — or a feeling of wipe-out and/or bedazzlement in relationship and career that his current Neptune transit suggests.

We would also discuss the pressure he may also be feeling about a need to focus on core family and home  concerns. He’d be able to plan for a move along those lines in the last two months of this year and through February of 2016, when transiting Saturn and Neptune will exactly hit the Midheaven of his horoscope. We’d look ahead even further to June of 2016, when transiting Neptune will exactly oppose his Ascendant for the first of three passes going into 2017. No, I do not know how those needs are specifically manifesting in Mr. Gilliam’s life right now. I am not a psychic. I am an astrologer.

My best astrology teacher ever has a habit, after presenting a particularly compelling astrological case study, of summing it all up with, “I just can’t do any better than that”. He has Moon in Leo (so does Terry Gilliam), and has quite a dramatic stage presence. But on this Moon in Leo day, I can appreciate the sentiments behind my teacher’s closing statement, his grand finale.

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