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Wednesday 3/28/2018 & a Few Days: Catching Up on the News; an Extraordinary Eclipse


All-righty then!

At 10:30 AM ET the Moon entered Virgo, driving most of the next three days with a need to make things right in exacting detail. How is your Mercury retrograde REorganizing going? What are you throwing out? A lot, potentially, using the streamlined, proactive focus of the soon-t0-be exact meet-up between Mars and Saturn on April 2nd.  Not to mention THURSDAY’s 10:16 AM ET square between Saturn and the Aries Sun. In the language of astrology, Saturn refers to necessary control, ambition and discipline. The Sun refers to ego, leaders, vitality.

Headlines that happened in the aftermath of Sun-Saturn squares can be found here and here.  Search the archives and you’ll find more. You are more personally affected by the potential for a streamlined squeeze or advance if you were born around the 28th of March, June, September and December…or if you have a planet or angle around 4-9 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn. Now would be an excellent time to book a personal consultation — and I know this because the horoscopes of most of my recent clients fall into this category. Join them!

You can also be proactive about REconnecting with people from your past. I spent yesterday morning catching up with college classmates whom I had not spoken with in years. Found out that one had triplets — what a surprise! And that surprise was an apt reflection of this evening’s meet-up between Venus (women) and Uranus (did I mention surprise?).  Who or what has suddenly returned in your life  since Mercury turned retrograde on March 22nd? You have until April 15th to RE-establish ties. Go for it! And especially GO FOR IT this week, where there are few bumps impeding the flow of the Virgo Moon.  It doesn’t get choppy until Saturday….

And now, the news.

Streamlining is all over the news – militantly so:

Serious Saturn-Sun news involving heads of state:

  • Kim Jong-un visits China’s Xi Jinping 
  • P45 has been officially summoned in a lawsuit alleging he is violating the emoluments clause of the U.S. Constitution. Maryland and D.C. are the plaintiffs.
  • P45 loses in his company’s arbitration efforts to regain control of its Panama hotel.
  • Add in the disruption of status quo involving money and aesthetics (suggested by today’s meet-up between Venus and Uranus):  no more public funding of portraits of federal agency heads and politicians.

Meanwhile, Helen Gurley Brown’s horoscope is also under tension. Her 28 Aquarius Sun was impacted by last August’s Big Fat Total Eclipse, as well as the eclipse at 27 Aquarius in February. Transiting Saturn (control, cuts) is squaring her natal Saturn and her Libra Midheaven (public status). Saturn rules her 2nd House — referring to money and self-worth. On today’s disruptive Venus-Uranus meet-up at 27 Aries, Walmart removed Cosmopolitan  from its checkout aisles. Does Ms. Brown have a tense aspect between Venus and Uranus in her horoscope? Of course she does.

Did you know that Cosmopolitan was founded in 1886 — as a “family magazine?” It was also once a “literary magazine.” It was in 1965 — the first hit of the revolutionary Uranus-Pluto conjunction — that Helen Gurley Brown became Cosmo’s editor. She turned that magazine upside down! In the aftermath of the 2011-2016 Uranus-Pluto square, perhaps another transformation is in order.

UPDATE: House Speaker Paul Ryan, whose horoscope has been discussed here many times. This week it was rumored that the Speaker would be resigning “within 60 days.” Speaker Ryan denied it — with Mercury retrograde, one is always advised to refrain from believing everything one reads in the papers. What does his horoscope suggest? Certainly there are tensions now — with a critical period happening at the end of June and early July, as transiting Mars stations and turns retrograde on his natal Sun. Feels like a battle requiring physical/assertive energy. This fall, after Election Day, transiting Jupiter meets up with Neptune and his Ascendant — that’ll happen at 0 degrees Sagittarius.  This suggests an expanded idealism — and possibly an expanded personal projection. I wonder where he will be a year from now, when transiting Neptune hits the bottom of his horoscope. In my experience, this transit may be experienced as if one is suddenly standing in quicksand, unclear about how one fits into one’s home/foundation. A windfall opportunity may present itself later in 2019, followed by a break for independence in 2020.

In other news, Avid Readers may remember these guys from a forecast posted last August called “The Wiggy Uranus-Neptune Semi-Square”

That’s a picture of Uranus and Neptune when they met up in Capricorn in the early 90s. Their mission: to dissolve boundaries, and connect everyone together into one big spooky, ooky family…with the Capricorn part of the picture suggesting a potential corporate backing. That meet-up (technically called a conjunction) planted the seeds for the cycle. The semi-square is the first challenge to the seeds planted. Do we like what we planted? Now that we’re all connected via Facebook and Google, perhaps you’d like to know what they now know about you. Look here.   Is it spooky, ooky — or something even….(insert your adjective here).

So now we are seeing these big tangled webs of connection being challenged — the timing is perfect.  Mark Zuckerberg is being called to testify before Congress (after apparently dissing requests to appear before Parliament). And we are finding out more about the good folks who worked with Cambridge Analytica to come up with those fun “what kind of pasta/flower/horror movie creature/superhero are you?” personality quizzes that plagued Facebook in the early stages of the U.S. presidential campaign.

We do not have a confirmed birth time for Mark Zuckerberg, but we can see that his Mercury (how he needs to think and communicate) at roughly 29 Aries is under the influence of this Uranus-Neptune semi-square. The next exact hit — the third of five — happens on June 16th.  Patterns in the chart for the launch of Facebook (Feb 4, 2004 in Cambridge, MA) are also impacted by the Uranus-Neptune semi-square. Let’s see what happens.

Meanwhile, WaPo’s James Hohmann is on the case. In today’s Daily 202, he wants you to know about historian Niall Ferguson’s new book:

The Square and the Tower” is a cautionary tale that challenges the conventional wisdom that growing interconnectedness is inherently good for society…

To understand the current eraFerguson believes we need to look more at what happened after Johannes Gutenberg developed the printing press. Like the Web, the use of these presses was difficult to centrally control. “At the beginning of the Reformation 501 years ago, Martin Luther thought naively that if everybody could read the Bible in the vernacular, they’d have a direct relationship with God, it would create ‘the priesthood of all believers’ and everything would be awesome,” said Ferguson.

From an astrological perspective, we see Gutenberg using new technology (Uranus) to advance a spiritual connection (Neptune). Now — Uranus and Neptune hadn’t even been discovered in 1439-40, but guess what pattern they were in back then? Uranus was squaring Neptune! Coincidence or conspiracy?

Finally, thanks to Avid Reader Jennifer who sent in an apt reflection of how Mercury retrograde often coincides with secrets from the past revealed. “After 51 years, police recover remains believed to be of missing Cutchogue woman”   The woman was Louise Pietrewicz, who disappeared at age 38. Investigative reporter that I am, I dug further and found her birth date: August 22, 1928 — in Sagaponack, NY. Her Sun is at 29 Leo, conjunct Neptune at 28 Leo. Avid Readers will instantly realize that her Sun and Neptune would have been totally eclipsed back in August — and again in February. It is fascinating to note that her “cold case” was reopened last fall! And that her remains were finally uncovered after the eclipse in February. Eclipses — like Mercury retrogrades — have an odd way of coinciding with bringing what was hidden to light.

So. To all of you Avid Readers whose horoscopes were affected by last August’s eclipse — how have you seen that manifest in your life?

Thank you for reading this forecast. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations. 





Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 5/16/2014 & the Weekend: Upsets and Power Plays at the New York Times

Allll-riiighty then!

As of 3:43AM ET, the Moon in high-flying Sagittarius is void of course — not to enter the next sign — Capricorn — until 4:12AM ET on Saturday. This suggests a day of opinionated, righteous optimism, all dressed up with no particular place to go. Or optimistic, righteous opinions to fuel a philosophical debate.

Moon in Sag is always up for a gamble or a gambol — and in the void, there’s likely little consequence for indulging in either. Use the energy — or lack thereof — for Sagittarian pursuits including, but not limited to broadening your mind, wandering a bit, getting out in nature or mulling over your travel plans for next month, when Mercury retrograde on June 7th suggests an opportunity for escape.

On Saturday  & Sunday, make good use of an enterprising and practical Moon in Capricorn to take care of projects around the house. There’s no Moon void to deter you from finding thrifty bargains at yard sales or hitting other retail stores. The “thrift” is the Moon in Capricorn. On the other hand, an indulgent connection between loving Venus and expansive Jupiter on Sunday at 11:31AM ET counters that thrift with an inclination to consume three instead of just one. “But it was such a good price!”. Yeah, OK, enjoy.

Be mindful of a challenging connection between the make-it-happen Moon and willful Mars around 7:14PM ET on Saturday; this suggests the potential for outbursts on the roads and in the house. Find a positive channel for all that energy and you’ll be fine.  The wee hours between Saturday and Sunday are colored by the usual upsets and power plays we’ve come to expect once a week, as the Moon engages with the disruptive Uranus-Pluto square. Could be interesting if you happen to work in an ER.

On Monday there’s a brief Moon void between 3:02AM and 5:58AM ET — and then it’s off to work — no sleeping in.

And now, the news.

My, my, my what a rollicking few days we have had in the aftermath of Wednesday’s Full Moon and Venus (women, money, arts, social expression) hooking up with rebel Uranus in warrior Aries and squaring power-mongering Pluto in Establishment Capricorn (Wednesday & Thursday). First, as I’ve noted before — the Venus-Uranus-Pluto patterns suggest volatility in the markets. How interesting to see record highs in a number of markets on Tuesday…followed by “the worst two-day drop since a swoon in mid-April”.

Second, a truly startling upset involving a woman behind the headlines now making headlines: Jill Abramson, the first female executive editor of the New York Times, was abruptly fired — ten minutes after the potentially nasty and cutting square between Venus and Pluto and one hour before the Full Moon in equally cutting Scorpio. Whoa! How could this happen? Was it because she discovered her pay package was far less than male predecessors? Was it because she was “pushy” (and a woman)? Better to ask, “what’s going on in her horoscope?” Let’s find out, since everyone who knows nothing about astrology is abuzz over this event — at least here in New York.

Ms. Abramson was born March 19, 1954 (time unknown) in New York. She’s a Pisces, with her Sun conjunct the Aries Point, which regular readers know is a suggestion of a need to become prominent. Her Pisces Sun is also conjunct the Fixed Star Scheat, which suggests great intellect, on the one hand. It is also associated with shipwrecks. Yes, really. Yikes. Her Moon is either late-degree Virgo (a need for exacting perfection) or early degree Libra (a need to be appreciated, seen as fair and/or people-pleasing) — and either way, the Moon is also likely on that Aries Point. Her natal Uranus is unaspected (“running wild”), suggesting a bigger than average need for freedom. This could easily manifest in a work situation as a failure to keep others in the loop. Also running wild: her Venus (social expression) at 10 Aries — and this is a tough placement. Venus in Aries can be a champion for the underdog; a pioneering warrior. It also can be brash, self-absorbed and impulsive. Y’know, pushy. Deal with it. Back in June of 2011, when Ms. Abramson became the executive editor, Saturn was at 10 Libra — exactly opposing her Venus. This suggests an opportunity to anchor the “running wild” energies of Venus with practical, diplomatic and gracious ambition. Interesting to note that transiting Uranus had just completed a series of conjunctions to her Sun, suggesting a need for greater freedom of independent expression — and an opportunity to be recognized for her unique talents.  (Also interesting to note that on May 8, 2007 — just three days before ruthless Pluto made a second conjunction to her Sun, she was hit by a truck in Times Square. The story of her recovery — and of other New York Times colleagues hit by reckless drivers in New York — was published earlier this month —  talk about adding insult to injury).

Anyway. Now, just three years later, it is fascinating to see that her dismissal happened with Mars stationary retrograde — sitting at a dead stop at 10 Libra — exactly opposing her Venus. The Scorpio Full Moon at 24 Scorpio exactly squared her Pluto, suggesting an illumination or release involving power and resources. [Note to Arthur Sulzberger, Jr., Ms. Abramson’s former boss: firing and hiring employees when Mars is retrograde is not generally advised, as it is highly probable that such actions are motivated more by impatience, resentment and frustration than by rational thinking. Time will tell.]  Also of interest in Ms. Abramson’s horoscope: 1) her Saturn at 9 Scorpio was eclipsed by the powerful New Moon on April 29th. An eclipse to Saturn in the horoscope often brings career and status into focus. 2) her Neptune at 25 Libra is in alignment with an important midpoint which refers to writing and publishing. Neptune (and the writer/publisher midpoint) was also eclipsed: last month — on the April 15th Full Moon at 25 Aries/Libra, and last year on October 18! Astrologer Celeste Teal notes in her book, Eclipses, that Neptune naturally rules the 12th house — which is the house of self-undoing. On the plus side, Teal notes the potential for increased “inspiration, creativity, spirituality and absolutely blissful times.” Interesting to also note that in 2010, before Ms. Abramson was promoted, three of the year’s four eclipses personally impacted her horoscope.

Looking ahead at prospects for Ms. Abramson, we see the New Moon on August 25th exactly opposing her natal Mercury, suggesting seeds planted in areas related to communication and mindset. Around March of 2015 (give or take a few months — wish I had her exact birth time), a connection between rebel Uranus and expansive Jupiter suggests a windfall opportunity that affords her greater independence and satisfaction.

Other prominent women of arts and letters making headlines: author Mary Stewart passed away at 97. She wrote The Crystal Cave, which retold the legend of King Arthur from Merlin’s point of view. Love that book. RIP. And Barbara Walters is retiring from television today — at 84.

What’s going on in YOUR horoscope? Plan a strategy for maximizing opportunities in a personal astro-logical consultation. Here’s how to contact me.