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Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 3/7/2016: Under the Influence of Mars; Catching Up on the News

Alll-righty then!

So happy to finally have time to catch up on the news in synch with planetary patterns. What a dynamic week we had, especially those of us with planets at 29 degrees of Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo and Taurus — and that would include me. On the upside, ’twas excellent for pushing through blocks and taking action on behalf of Worthy Causes.

We are in the dark side of the Moon — the balsamic phase of the lunar cycle — sensing that something new is just around the corner, but we don’t know what. That new something arrives in the aftermath of Tuesday’s New Moon in Pisces, which is also a total solar eclipse. It happens at 8:54PM ET. Until then, use this “dead” Moon to fly under the radar and advance your plan for world domination. If you are not a dastardly type, you can also wrap up loose ends and start working on your expansive vision for the next 30 days…and maybe for even longer. This is a pretty big visionary configuration we have brewing…

Since 11:02AM ET on Saturday, the Moon has been in Aquarius, sign of the wonky/wacky humanitarian. It’s excellent for pondering innovative ideas that benefit the greater good and/or actually being helpful. Aquarius is a networking sign, so hanging with your favorite friends and/or support group is also favored.

On Sunday, the aftermath of a heavy Sun-Saturn square at 1:04AM ET colored the day. A loss, perhaps — or an ambitious advance — felt more personally if you have a planet or angle around 16-19 degrees of Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini or Virgo. Depth, perspective, power, transformation and regeneration are emphasized by a cooperative connection between the intuitive Pisces Sun and Pluto, exact at 7:18PM ET. Countering the potential cuts and focus is an expansive face-off between the idealistic Pisces Sun and Jupiter, exact on Monday at 5:57AM ET – again felt more personally by people with planets or points at 16-19 degrees of Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini and Virgo.

Certainly I’ve seen some heavy headlines today. Nancy Reagan passed away at 94. Her horoscope has been under considerable pressure from transiting Uranus and Pluto over the years. She has Jupiter and Saturn at 14 and 19 Virgo, respectively. Transiting Mars just opposed her Venus, ruler of her (unconfirmed) Libra Ascendant. Did  you know that Nancy Reagan had a consulting astrologer for seven of the eight years that she lived in the White House. Mrs. Reagan was no slouch; Smith College was her alma mater. Joan Quigley was Mrs. Reagan’s astrologer. Here is her book.

Meanwhile, Broncos QB Peyton Manning is calling it quits. Elsewhere,  an oil tycoon was sentenced to death in Iraq after being convicted of corruption (he can appeal). Wow. Another oil & gas executive was dealt a heavy blow last week, as you’ll read in a minute. In other news, China issued a ginormous list of subjects that can no longer be depicted on TV, including gays, witches, reincarnation and “luxurious lifestyles”. Double wow.

On Monday the Aquarius Moon goes void at 3:46AM ET, not to enter Pisces until 2:08PM ET. There’s your excuse for sleeping through the alarm or pouring hot water over coffee beans you neglected to grind (because the Moon void facilitated your wandering mindset, reflected by a twist in your usual routine). At 3:11PM ET be advised that the sensitive Pisces Moon will be challenged by a boundary-pushing, opinionated Mars in Sagittarius. A urge to talk or confess all is suggested by a meet-up between the Moon and Mercury at 9:29PM ET, though it can be argued that Mercury in Pisces communicates more effectively through intuition and empathy, as opposed to words.

Other than contacts from the Moon, the only exact planetary pattern happening after Tuesday this week is a rose-colored meet-up between Mercury and Neptune on Friday at 1:01AM ET. Let the stories of dreams, music, healing, drugs, spirits of all kind and every other Pisces/Neptune keyword begin.  Moon voids — a time to focus on routine concerns and roll with twists that derail your efforts to move forward in a straight line — are as follows: Tuesday 8:54PM ET until 2:40PM ET on WEDNESDAY; Friday 1:24PM – 2:44PM ET.

Will cover more specifics on the New Moon in Tuesday’s forecast. Meanwhile, I’ve got a truckload of news to write about, as in…

…and now, the news.

Most of it reflects the energy reflected by Mars, ruthlessly asserting macho/warrior energy at the verrrrry end of Scorpio. A planet at the end of a sign — 29 degrees — carries extra special potency. If you have a planet at 29 degrees in your horoscope, you can be sure that you have much to learn about whatever that planet represents. Mars at 29 Scorpio was challenged by Mercury (mindset/communication/transportation) at 29 Aquarius on Friday, suggesting strong potential for a war of words. Well?

On February 19th, I tossed out several horoscopes that would be affected by transiting Mars (and Mercury) over the next couple of weeks. I’ve reprinted what I said back then; the italics are what happened since:

  1. Donald Trump — Mars at 26 Leo; Ascendant at 29 Leo. We can expect his regal self-projection to be even more revved up over the next two weeks. He seemed to refer to the size of his penis in the last Republican debate (which I did not watch). He encouraged supporters at a rally to raise their right hands in a salute that recalls supporters of Hitler in Nazi Germany. More and more pundits are seeing a similarity to Mr. Trump and Hitler. Again I tip my hat to astrologer Bill Herbst, who wrote ten years ago that the Uranus-Pluto square of the 30s and the Uranus-Pluto square of 2011-2016 suggested the potential for fascism to rear its ugly head. Back then, I couldn’t imagine how that could happen. But now, after reading Herbst’s work and studying patterns and events on my own, I do.
  2. Michael Bloomberg — Sun at 25 Aquarius; rebel Uranus at 26 Taurus. There’s talk of him launching his own run for president, and Mars now at 23 Scorpio is about to hit his fiercely daring Sun-Uranus square next week…and again in mid-June. What will happen? Haven’t seen much action in the news about Mr. Bloomberg, other than this item about him moving his personal website to an independent server. Let’s see where he’s at with initiatives in mid-June and the end of July, when Mars will hit his Sun-Uranus square for a second and third time.
  3. Ted Cruz — wish we had an exact birth time, but we do see Jupiter (expansion) at 25 Scorpio, triggered by transiting Mars over the next several days. We expect a surge of energy, and in fact, he is getting a boost in the polls. He has Neptune at 1 Sagittarius, which Mars will hit around March 10th — this suggests pixie dust and/or snake oil. He beat Trump in a couple of states like Oklahoma and Kansas, where voters may have been  offended by the Trump campaign’s poor spelling. Exhibit A: Oaklahoma City. Exhibit B: Witchita, Kansasas.  If I were Ted Cruz I’d figure out a way to make sure the Trump campaign misspells every state that hasn’t already had its primary or caucus. Maybe he already  has. 
  4. Governor Paul Le Page (R-ME). Mars at 24 Scorpio. He should be feeling quite feisty this week, especially with transiting Pluto supercharging his 16 Libra Sun, just as it is supercharging George W. Bush’s 16 Libra Moon (noted on Monday). Declared “America’s Craziest Governor” by Politico a few years ago, LePage is supercharging ahead. “Before there was Trump, there was LePage,” notes a piece in the NY Times, along with every other paper in the Free World (Google it and you’ll see). Earlier this week, LePage endorsed Trump, after his top choice — Chris Christie — dropped out (and also endorsed Trump). Mainers expressed their appreciation for Governor LePage’s recommendation by throwing their support behind Ted Cruz in the Maine Republican Caucus — in a record turnout. Hmmm.
  5. Bernie Sanders — reportedly born with 25 Scorpio rising; Saturn at 28 Taurus; Uranus at 1 Gemini. Senator Sanders continues to do better than anyone expected in the primaries and caucuses.
  6. Hillary Clinton — South Node at 24 Scorpio; Jupiter at 1 Sagittarius. Scorpio Ascendant has been proposed, but is not confirmed. Hillary Clinton is not winning in a landslide yet, but she is still ahead of Sanders.
  7. House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) — Neptune at 0 Sagittarius; Ascendant at 0 Sagittarius. Let’s keep an eye on him the first week of March. On February 24, an NYT headline read, “Donald Trump and Paul Ryan on a Collision Course”. Last week, some members of his party formed a group to draft him for a presidential run. Speaker Ryan said on the 4th that he wasn’t interested. Let’s see what else he has to say and do this week, when Mars continues to hang at 0 Sagittarius. Here’s a piece I wrote about Ryan back in 2012.

You know who else was motivated by Mars last week? MITT ROMNEY. Isn’t that wonderful? Mr. Romney was the talk of the town last week when he denounced Donald Trump as a “fraud” and other unflattering things.  Mars made contact with Mitt’s 27 Scorpio Moon-Jupiter conjunction AND squared his opinionated Sagittarius Ascendant in the last few days!! Mr. Romney’s horoscope has responded to transiting Mars before. Back in 2012, he was “memorizing zingers” in preparation for a debate with Barack Obama. With Neptune hitting Mr. Romney’s horoscope at that time (and diffusing that Martian impulse), things didn’t quite go as planned.

Here’s another one: Aubrey McClendon. A pioneering force of nature. When I worked at CNBC, the former CEO of Chesapeake Energy appeared on the network numerous times. Mr. McClendon was indicted on “federal bid-rigging charges” on Tuesday. Hours later, around 9AM on Wednesday in Oklahoma City, Mr. McClendon crashed his car into a bridge.  He wasn’t wearing a seat belt — and was known for his reckless, “wildcat” behavior.  Birth data: July 14, 1959 — no birth time known — in OK City, OK. Mercury conjunct Uranus in Leo — there’s a marker for a reckless mindset. Likely square to his Scorpio Moon (restless; wildcat), too.  Mars action and other current stress in the horoscope includes a heavy hit to Mars from (solar arc) Saturn; another from (solar arc) Mars to his Cancer Sun. Transiting Mars at 26 Scorpio would have exactly squared his natal Mars at 26 Leo at the end of February. If he had an astrologer, he or she would have warned him to slow down.

Isn’t astrology amazing? Wonder what’s going on in your horoscope? Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.

Tons of other stories to report. Will do my best to cover them in the next edition. Stay tuned to this channel for continuing updates, and thank you for reading this forecast.