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"The reading was a partnership between the two of us; she did not simply recite planetary signs and meanings, but had a conversation with me, continually asking what I made of what she saw, and what I thought I could do to change the things I want to change.

When the names of other people in my life came up, she quickly looked up their charts on her computer and commented on their roles in my life -- painting a fuller picture of where I was, where I wanted to go, and how I could get there.

What was impressive was that Elisabeth took all the planets, people, and situations that made up my life and created a context for them all that was positive, hopeful, and exciting!

She has a lovely personality, a sharp wit, and a gift for astrological interpretation."

--Bill W.
New York

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Monday 10/28/2019: Sneak Peek at the Week; Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide

The start of the work week is driven by the Moon in Scorpio, working efficiently today and most of tomorrow to organize and consolidate deep knowledge for the sake of power and control. The buzz in the air is reflecting the ripple effect of the 4:14 AM ET opposition between the Sun and Uranus, suggesting more than the usual shocks in the morning headlines.

Mercury is the main focus this week. It is part of the week’s only other exact aspect among planets (other than the Moon). That aspect is a meet-up on Wednesday with Venus in Scorpio, suggesting idealism expressed in a potent or witchy-bitchy manner — involving women, publishing, art, money and how and whom we love.

Mercury is literally IN FOCUS this week, now at 27 degrees of Scorpio and slowing to a virtual standstill (from our perspective on Spaceship Earth). It turns retrograde at 11:42 AM ET on THURSDAY….not to turn direct until November 21st. BACK UP YOUR COMPUTERS NOW…and NO WHINING! As Avid Readers will recall this Really Useful Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide:

Even if you know nothing else about astrology, you may have heard this term before. Often it’s accompanied by curses and groans, and that’s a shame. Yes, all of the flights on American Airlines might be grounded because of a computer glitch. Or the entire country of Finland might be offline because there’s a transportation strike (actual Mercury Rx events). But there’s much good that can be accomplished when the Messenger Planet appears to be retracing its steps.

Mercury—which in the language of astrology refers to mindset, travel and communication—will appear to move backward through the sky from October 31st until November 21st. It’s not really moving backward, but that is how it looks from our perspective here on Spaceship Earth. Mercury goes retrograde 3-4 times each year, for a period of 22 days.

Contrary to popular belief, Mercury retrogrades are no reason to freak out. Mercury retrograde gets a bad rap because we are geared, in this crazy modern age, to always be thinking, doing, moving FORWARD. You know what that gets you? BURN OUT. We need our down times, and Mercury retrograde is a perfect time to give our minds a rest. Why else would your computer, phone and/or car choose THIS time to malfunction? Because you are supposed to be slowing down. And as you slow down, it is vitally important that you FOCUS.

When Mercury is retrograde, be prepared for travel delays, scheduling screw-ups, mechanical breakdowns, computer crashes, having to repeat what you’ve just said, misunderstandings, the past coming back for a second look, surprise reunions and having to repeat what you just said. Use your FOCUS and double check important details, like whether the restaurant you’ve chosen for a meet-up is still in business. Or whether it is booked for a commercial shoot or a private party — all of which has happened to me during Mercury retrogrades.

If you are looking for a job, Mercury retrogrades are a perfect time to reach out to people from your past. Mine your address book and trust that your contacts will be happy to hear from you. However, do not be frustrated if your target is away on vacation or keeps rescheduling meetings. Also, triple check your emails and resumes before you hit “send,” as there is a higher probability of typos and other sloppy snafus.

In your business, you’ll need to make sure all communications have been received and are clearly understood. Be mindful of the higher potential for communications equipment to go on the fritz. MAKE SURE YOUR FILES ARE BACKED UP. Also be aware of a higher than average probability for delays in shipping and travel arrangements. For this you will need an extra dose of patience.

You may also find it profitable to REview a project from the past. Maybe you shelved it then, but now is the time to REconsider. However, be advised that a spontaneously, “out-of-the-blue” idea for advancement may not be so sound when Mercury turns direct. This is why the conventional wisdom advises against finalizing and/or signing contracts on deals during Mercury retrograde. An exception might be supported if you are REnegotiating or RElocating. If you absolutely must close a deal, triple check everything. The key is not to RUSH.

This is a good time to schedule a corporate REtreat. Any activity that affords the opportunity to REview past performance is encouraged. REsearch on a new strategy is also favored.

Mercury retrogrades are not favored for launching a new website or a new communications systems. There is a higher than average probability of technical glitches and confusion.

In general, adopt a playful attitude of flexibility to whatever twists you encounter. Avoid making major purchases (especially electronic ones). Don’t believe everything you hear or read in the papers. Rumors have a higher probability of spreading during Mercury retrogrades. Avoid losing patience — that’s a big one.

When in doubt, be silent!

Do plan on RElaxing, REviewing, REsearching, REorganizing, REgenerating, REconnecting and REcreating….and REviewing your life with your astrologer.

Wherever 11 – 27 degrees of Scorpio falls in your horoscope is the area of your life that is subject to REview and REorganization. If you’d like personal insights on how this is likely to manifest in your own horoscope, toss $44 into my Cosmic Tip Jar (the link is at the bottom of this email), and send me your birth date, time and place using this contact form. I will email you a copy of your horoscope and a few paragraphs of observations.

At 27 Scorpio, this week of Mercury’s FOCUS on that degree may recall (in the news) stories that were brought to light in the aftermath of the May 18th  Full Moon in Scorpio — here’s the post about that, including the Sabian Symbol for 27 Scorpio: “the king of the fairies approaching his domain.” A king, eh? More to come on the world’s fearless leaders in this Mercury Rx, it would seem.

The week goes like this:

  • TUESDAY: Scorpio Moon will be void between 1:34 PM ET and 5:58 PM ET. Roll with the twists and flakes that may disrupt efforts to walk forward in a straight line. Remember that crises that crop up are likely much ado about nothing. Chill! Once the Moon soars into Sagittarius at 5:58 PM ET, you are free to push boundaries with enthusiasm (double checking travel schedules because Mercury retrograde on Thursday), take a walk in nature or a see a foreign film; engage in a spirited debate (but triple checking emails before hitting “send”).
  • WEDNESDAY:   More Moon in Sag. Mercury meets up with Venus in Scorpio at 6:04 PM ET, looking for a romantic or artsy ideal. The Moon’s square to wiggy Neptune at 9:50 PM ET reinforces those rose-colored glasses.
  • THURSDAY:  Happy Halloween! Sag Moon will be void between 10:29 AM ET and 10:38 PM ET. Chill, chill, chill! Mercury turns retrograde at 11:42 AM ET — how will the expected twist/snafu be seen in the headlines (because it will!).  The Moon goes void on a meet-up with Jupiter, starting the day with a lift…and apparently (this just in), a vote on the House floor to “formalize procedures for the next phase of the impeachment process to ensure clarity and transparency.”
  • FRIDAY: Moon gets down to business in Capricorn, supported by easy aspects from planets suggesting friends and leaders. At 4;25 PM ET, Venus is released from her Scorpio prison and enters Sagittarius, bouncing through the Hundred Acres Woods like Tigger. Fun fact: that Wikipedia article I just linked says: “Tigger‘s birthday is believed to be in October 1928, the year The House at Pooh Corner was first published. However, on Tigger-related merchandise, Disney often indicates Tigger’s birthyear is in December 1968, a reference to the first year Tigger appeared in a Disney production, Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day.””  Perhaps Disney is right. In any event, Venus in Sagittarius suggests fiery opinions will be all the rage until November 26th. The Sagittarius need for blunt honesty combined with its improvisational nature has resulted in many a case of foot-in-mouth disease. Combined with Mercury’s retrograde, November may be exceptionally entertaining — at someone else’s expense.
  • SATURDAY: Moon in Capricorn favors practical enterprises and chores. It begins with a sobering focus reflecting the Moon’s meet-up with authoritative Saturn at 3:29 AM ET, with the silver lining being that Saturn’s focus may structure the visionary potential suggested by a harmony between Moon and Neptune at 4:35 AM ET. Any night owls working in these wee hours? Take note! The next several hours are supercharged by a clash involving the Moon and Mars at 10:11 AM ET, followed by the Moon’s weekly clash with Pluto at 1:39 PM ET. Humming in the background and suggesting strong potential for a powerful release of energy in matters involving men, sports, guns and other brutal efforts is a square (tension) between Mars and Pluto, exact next  TUESDAY.
  • SUNDAY: Moon goes void at 1:46 AM ET and enters Aquarius at 6:19 AM ET. Aquarius is seeking to be appreciated for its uniqueness and social significance in a group dynamic. Hang with your friends and note the potential for a surprise around 2:50 PM ET, when Moon squares rebel Uranus.

And now, the news.

Fascinating example of the potential for shocks involving disruptions and unconventional leaders (Sun opposing Uranus), with a layer of witchy-bitchy social expression suggested by Mercury and Venus meeting up in deep, dark Scorpio. Freshman Congresswoman Katie Hill (D-CA) resigned over the weekend, after a foreign tabloid paper published intimate photos of Ms. Hill with a staff aide (who was apparently in a a “throuple” relationship with Hill and her soon-to-be ex-husband). Ms. Hill is the first openly bisexual person to be elected to Congress; her ex’s actions are being called “revenge porn,” which is illegal in California. We don’t have a birth time for Ms. Hill, but patterns in her horoscope (birthdate is August 25, 1987 in Abilene, TX) show that Jupiter (expansion) is activating her natal Uranus (shocks, unconventional expressions, freedom).

In other news…

I slept through my alarm on Sunday — not unusual for a day with a 12-hour long Moon void. Therefore I missed P45’s 9:17 AM ET announcement of the very big something that happened after he got back from the golf course that afternoon, but it turned out that many journalists got the word out hours before 9 AM ET.  Not surprisingly, given how we were looking at planetary patterns for the last week of October months and months ago, the “big something” involved the military, warfare and a disruption involving a head of state. It was also a big something that P45 was no doubt hoping would be seen as a big positive to anyone looking at him (see last post discussion P45’s horoscope for this time). However, the success of the “big something” — which turned out to be a clandestine (dead Moon!) U.S. military raid in Syria (resulting in the reported suicide of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi) — reportedly happened in spite of P45’s efforts, not because of him.

UPDATE: on California, whose rectified horoscope appears to be functioning as designed. “Rectified” means that the time of California’s “birth” is uncertain, but an astrologer has made an effort to determine it. You can see and read about the California horoscope here. Note that a pattern suggesting “surefire
intense effort in the face of potential destruction” will be exact in December. Now and through November, combustible Mars is activating several planets California’s chart, as is disruptive Uranus (as it opposes California’s rectified Scorpio Moon and Ascendant). Headlines were ablaze this morning with news of more fires, evacuations and power outages affecting heavily-populated areas in Northern and Southern California. Dear Avid Readers in the Golden State, may you stay safe and sound during these challenging times. Praying for rain!

This just in…the S & P 500 just hit a new record high — surprise, surprise . It’s interesting to see such expansion and optimism, now that the contraction suggested by the squeeze of transiting Saturn squaring the U.S. Saturn is in the rear view mirror. Are there any signs of expansion in the U.S. horoscope? Yes! On the 26th, transiting Jupiter (expansion) met up with the U.S. Neptune (faith, illusion, intangibles) for the third time. Believe, believe, believe! I wonder if we will see another boost in December, when transiting Jupiter opposes the U.S. Venus and Jupiter. We’ll have to wait and see.

What’s going on in your horoscope? Are you scheduled for a boost or a contraction? Here’s the 411 on consultations.

Thank you for reading this forecast – -and sharing it with other interested parties. I love referrals.

Thanks to Beth Owldaughter for the witty Mercury Rx mash-up!




Monday 5/20/2019: Sneak Peek at the Week: Full Moon in Scorpio Fallout

Good Morning!

And how was your Full Moon in Scorpio weekend? Powerful, cathartic and/or intense? If you have a planet or angle around 27 degrees of Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius or Leo, you may have been personally affected by the Scorpio Moon’s need for emotional depth (for the sake of power and control), challenged by the Taurus Sun’s need for material comfort and security. What should have the greater priority: what is mine or what is ours?

The Scorpio Full Moon was exact at 5:11 PM ET on Saturday. Supporting its quest for depth was a daring and disruptive meet-up of Venus and Uranus in Taurus, exact at 12:16 PM ET on Saturday. Earlier that day, a harmony between Mercury (mindset, communication) and Pluto (news from underground) facilitated revelations.  If you watched the SNL season finale, you would have noticed a focus on sensual concerns presented in exceptionally earthy, daring, provocative and definitely unconventional ways. With Sun, Mercury, Venus and Uranus in Taurus, how could we not? Plus, by the time SNL aired at 11:30 PM ET, the Moon was in Sagittarius, pushing boundaries of opinion to the max. It was a welcome relief — and release — from an intense week.

The Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon are “the king of the fairies approaching his domain” (for the Moon), and “a woman pursued by mature romance” (for the Sun). Sabian Symbol sage Blain Bovee suggests we apply these Symbols with a mind for “…attempting to maintain a mature center while being called to a deep longing; trying not to lose one’s head in love and romance…personal creativity blooming late in life; attentions that seem to come out of another realm; a strange sense of security in never quite returning home; staying with a rigid routine out of fear of mystery.”  For more insights from Bovee, look at the preceding links.

As for “trying not to lose one’s head in love and romance,” note that the 26-27 degree Taurus Sun was conjunct Algol, a fixed star associated with decapitation, demons and the destructive fury of women scorned. Still, there is a positive potential to Algol, which you can read about here. Meanwhile, one of the sketches on SNL involved a Ouija board and a female demon. Coincidence or conspiracy?

As for today and the rest of the week…

  • MONDAY — the Sagittarius Moon squared Neptune at 6:32 AM ET; perhaps your dreams were especially escapist or insightful. Moon meets up with Jupiter at 1:05 PM ET, inflating everyone’s righteous opinion about recent happenings, including not one, but TWO water bottles spotted in the series finale of Game of Thrones. Seriously! But with the weekend’s meet-up between Venus and Uranus against that Sag Moon, we were due for more than one shock involving aesthetics, values, women, money and faraway places. Moon goes void at 1:05 PM ET and won’t enter Capricorn until early Tuesday morning. Give yourself permission to wander this afternoon and evening. Get out in nature; take in a foreign film; think outside the box. Don’t get carried away by a crisis that may turn out to be much ado about nothing.
  • TUESDAYMoon enters Capricorn at 3:56 AM ET, facilitating a hard-nosed need to take care of business. Both the Sun and Mercury leave Taurus for Gemini, facilitating an ability to get the word out in clever, diverse and entertaining ways. And by “getting the word out,” I’m referring to all of the seeds that were planted when the Sun was in Aries that then took form when the Sun was in Taurus. It’s time for the world to hear about your fabulous creation. Caveat: though Mercury (how we need to think) functions brilliantly in Gemini (one of the signs it rules), its proximity to the Sun for the next few days increases potential for idealism; i.e., being blinded by one’s own light.  So you could wait a few days for some perspective (reflected by Mercury’s distance from the Sun) before blindly following that charming cavalier off that cliff. Meanwhile, a face-off between the Moon and Mars at 10:35 AM ET suggests a potential conflict/assertive action, especially if you have a planet or angle around 4 degrees of Capricorn, Cancer, Aries or Libra. The rest of the day and evening offers less resistance, as the proactive drive of the Capricorn Moon is supported by Venus and Uranus.
  • WEDNESDAY — innovative action and technological genius is a strong potential all week, suggested by a cooperative connection (a sextile) between Mars and Uranus exact at 10:46 AM ET. Another sextile between the Moon and Neptune at 3:14 AM ET encourages vision and peaceful resolutions; I can’t say that the evening offers a similar potential. Moon meets up with Saturn and the toxic South Node at 6:22 PM ET, followed by its weekly clash with Pluto at 11:57 PM ET, suggesting an emotional catharsis or power play. Fun Fact: 7 PM ET is the time my co-op board chose for the start of our Annual Shareholders Meeting. The chart is ruled by a cranky Mars in Cancer, sitting in the 8th house (of death). For the first time in decades, two challengers are running against the incumbent board. Clearly the co-op board did not consult with an astrologer before choosing that date and time.
  • THURSDAY — Take it slow in the morning; roll with the twists and flakes. The Capricorn Moon went void right after its clash with Pluto and won’t enter Aquarius until 1:49 PM ET. Around 10:17 PM ET, note the potential for an upset to the status quo, as rebel Uranus challenges the Moon.
  • FRIDAY — the Aquarius Moon sails relatively free and clear. A square from Venus at 12:17 PM ET likely reflects your need to be indulgent and get out of town early for the long Memorial Day weekend.
  • SATURDAY — chill chill chill during the all-day Moon void.
  • SUNDAYMoon enters Pisces at 2:08 AM ET, encouraging us to go with the intuitive flow. If that includes an appointment with your local astrologer, I do have appointments available on Sunday, but not Monday. The Pisces Moon continues through…
  • MONDAY — and goes void on
  • TUESDAY.…at 12:21 AM ET. So if you extend your holiday weekend through Tuesday, you’re likely to get away with it, as the Pisces Moon will be void until 2:32 PM ET.

And now, the news.

Random observation on Game of Thrones: it was THE television series coinciding and reflecting the seven-year series of Uranus-Pluto squares in Aries (which rules iron) and Capricorn (executive authority). At the end of the day, the Iron Throne was destroyed, along with nearly everyone in the cast. But after the apocalypse, the survivors then focused on creating a variety of new democratic systems of governing. We can see how that trend could develop in real life, as in December 2020 Jupiter and Saturn (collective beliefs and structure) will meet up at 0 Aquarius (the people). Looking even further ahead, we see Pluto leaving Capricorn and entering Aquarius in 2023. Power to the people!

In Wednesday’s forecast,  with macho Mars at the Aries Point and leaving Gemini for Cancer (family, women), we anticipated a significant attack in the current war on women. Alabama happily obliged, as 25 white male Republicans voted to ban abortion, with no exception for rape or incest. A doctor who performs an abortion could be imprisoned for 99 years. The vote was 25 – 6, and signed into law by Alabama’s female governor. If you find that news distressing, you’ll find comic relief in Stephen Colbert’s take, as well as SNL’s Leslie Jones.

What’s going on in Alabama’s horoscope?  Here is an awesome write-up, posted in November 2017, when Doug Jones was running against accused sexual predator Roy Moore. Back then, transiting Saturn put the squeeze on Alabama’s renegade Sun-Uranus conjunction in the 8th house (of sex, death and money). Now Alabama’s Sag Sun is feeling the expansive influence of transiting Jupiter, as well as the potential for reckless initiative suggested by transiting Uranus squaring Alabama’s regally entitled Leo Mars. These patterns will continue into early 2020, but that’s not all. Transiting Saturn and Pluto will be sitting right on top of Alabama’s 24 Capricorn Midheaven, which will be eclipsed this July. So when Saturn and Pluto do arrive at 24 Capricorn next year, we may see a rush of action that forever changes Alabama’s status. Adding to the potential for upsets and change: transiting Uranus will cross Alabama’s 8 degree Taurus Ascendant through 2020. Meanwhile, as you would have seen in the 2017 awesome write-up, Alabama was ranked #31 among all states in the category of infrastructure. Two years later, it has slipped to #38. One thing hasn’t changed: Alabama is still rated #50 in the category of education.

In other news, when Venus is in a charged pattern with disruptive Uranus, we often see a record broken in the world of art. Last week that record went to U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s father, who paid $91 million for a sculpture by Jeff Koons. As The Root irreverently reports, this is the highest amount ever paid for the work of a living artist.  Of course Steven Mnuchin would be in the news last week, as transiting Mars opposed his Aries Point Sun.  And of course Barack Obama would be making news too, as Mars was conjunct his Aries Point Venus. Last week he announced the formation of a DNC  “Unity Fund” to back the party nominee.

Speaking of party nominees, at least two new Democratic challengers joined the race: New York Mayor Bill deBlasio and Governor Steve Bullock of Montana. As a New York City resident, I couldn’t be bothered to even look at deBlasio’s horoscope, but Bullock intrigued me. Even without a birth time, patterns in his horoscope (4/11/66 in Missoula, MT) are heating up. His Aries Sun is feeling the empowerment of transiting Pluto through 2019, suggesting he is likely to receive serious attention (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez enjoyed a similar power surge when she won her seat in Congress last year — check out this post from 2018)  I can’t tell you how delighted I am to read — just moments ago — WaPo’s Jennifer Rubin’s latest op-ed:  ‘Steve Bullock might be the best-kept secret in the Democratic race.”   Astrology is amazing.

Also amazing: what’s happening in the Nevada State Legislature, the first and only state legislature where women outnumber the men. How cool and progressive is Nevada? When I googled “Nevada horoscope,” I found three articles written on the subject that were not posted on academic astrology sites. Here is one — a fine analysis — and astrology students can look and appreciate why Nevada will continue to make disruptive headlines into 2020.

Are you due for a disruptive streak any time soon? Find out in a personal consultation. Here’s the 411. And here’s a rave from an Avid Reader that made my day last week:

“Thanks for being phenomenally good at your profession, and also for being a fun and comforting friend and confidante.”

I am delighted to be of service. Thank you for reading this forecast.