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I have been sitting with the incredible experience of your gift and knowledge and letting it sift down into my understanding and psyche. It was a powerful time for me. I told a friend, "she is the real deal." I don't say that very often!
--Diana S. New York I CAN'T WRITE THIS WITHOUT YOU : ) PLEASE support my time and efforts. CONTRIBUTE to my COSMIC TIP JAR using the gold button below. THANK YOU.
Happy, happy August!
Here’s a recap of planetary patterns driving the day — as you may recall from Monday’s Sneak Peek at the Week:
- THURSDAY — the day begins with an optimistic harmony between the Leo Moon and Jupiter, planet of expansion. Ease on down the road — but not full speed ahead, as our minds need time to adjust to Mercury’s change of direction. A regal outburst or executive action may manifest around 4:48 PM ET, when the Moon meets up with Mars in Leo, a placement more likely to get away with murder than any other. Moon goes void after the Mars meet-up, so take time to chill and do not make mountains out of molehills.
If you are new to this forecast and unfamiliar with the term “Moon void,” know that during these natural rest periods, we have a higher than average probability of twists and flakes that disrupt efforts to move forward in a straight line. If you’re the one that flakes, do not worry. Stick to routine tasks, as initiatives launched during voids are likely to be of little consequence. Crises which crop up during Moon voids are usually much ado about nothing — a theory that was proven consistently when I worked in news. A hot project would land on my desk that had to get done not now, but RIGHT NOW — and invariably the crisis would fade into a classic Emily Litella “Never mind.” For more on Moon voids, here is a detailed primer.
The Moon enters the next sign — Virgo –at 9:20 AM ET on Friday, determined to restore order in the aftermath of the Leo Moon’s party.
Now about yesterday’s New Moon in Leo. It was exact at 11:12 PM ET, when the Sun and Moon met up at 8 degrees of Leo. There’s still time to make a list and light a candle today. A New Moon offers us an opportunity to set intentions and goals for the lunar cycle. Around August 7th, on the First Quarter Moon, we can expect a challenge to those goals, with appropriate adjustments made. At the time of the Full Moon on August 15th, we may have illumination on the success or failure of our goals for the cycle. If we succeeded, we can consciously release our success into our reality; if we failed, we let go of whatever did not work. After the Third Quarter Moon on the 23rd, we can review our achievements, tie up loose ends and get ready to begin anew, with the New Moon in Virgo on August 30th.
Here is the New Moon chart set in Washington DC:

Leo refers to the heart. A Leo Sun comes to the table with the energy to be recognized; a Leo Moon needs, needs, needs to be loved, honored and respected. Here, the Sun and Moon are separating from Venus and on their way to Mars. Thus we see a need for ginormous love, applause and creative self-expression, with a dramatic dose of idealism and possible regal entitlement. How are we going to manifest the creativity that gives us the recognition and love we need? Those are our marching orders for this lunar cycle.
The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is “glass blowers.” I have found that these New Moon Sabian Symbols have an uncanny way of working their way into the headlines. The Sabian Symbol for the last New Moon was “a clown making grimaces.” Exhibit A:
How will this New Moon’s Sabian Symbol be reflected in the news? I don’t know, but it will be. Sabian Symbol sage Blaine Bovee notes that glass blowers are challenged to craft their work “without blowing it out of proportion or shattering [it].” He observes that a skilled application of temperature is key to a glass blower’s success. When is it apt to heat something up, cool it down or break it and start over? We are advised to apply this Symbol with “a mind to the art of animating a base material into a living thing” (italics are mine — I suspect those words will crop up in the news). Bovee has more to say here. We’ll probably see plenty of headlines about temperatures, like this one from today.
Wherever 8-9 Leo falls in your horoscope is the area of your life in which you may experience a crafting and/or re-crafting of a heart-centered creative ideal. If you have a planet or angle at 8-9 degrees of Aquarius, Taurus, Scorpio and especially Leo, you are even more affected by this creative challenge. Aiding and abetting your creative spark — as reflected in the New Moon chart — is the courage to innovate. Venus — which represents what, whom and how we love — is squared by Uranus (exact on Friday). Venus-Uranus patterns suggest unconventional attractions, gender-benders, free-spirited women and disruption in matters of money, value and art. As Susan Sontag told my Wellesley class at our commencement, “Be bold, be bold, be bold.”
Meanwhile, Mercury — how we need to think and communication — is also strong in this New Moon chart, as it turned direct minutes after the New Moon. Avid Readers will recall that a planet at its stationary point is demanding focus, the way an insistent driver demands focus when he/she leans on the horn. Mercury turned direct at 23 Cancer; its Sabian Symbol is “a woman and two men on a bit of sunlit land facing south.” In other words (advises Bovee), this is an image of a classic love triangle, suggesting that a choice between two perhaps worthy but different options must be made. The “sunlit land” is the issue highlighted that must be decided. The last time this Sabian Symbol demanded our focus was…on the New Moon in July 2015.
And now, the news.
Round #2 of the Democratic candidate debates happened over the past two nights, and everyone declared CNN’s format the loser. The Moon was dead’ Mercury was stationary; some were declared listless and/or confused — reflecting the potential of those planetary patterns. Meanwhile, the candidates with the hottest horoscopes got a ton of attention for being hot, to no skilled astrologer’s surprise.
- MARIANNE WILLIAMSON — is having a banner week. I’ve been writing about her horoscope since 2012 — here and here. After her debate on Tuesday, she was the most Google-searched of all the candidates in every state but Montana. She scored the most new Twitter followers, too. No one who has seen her horoscope is surprised by her straightforward address of challenging questions such as racism in America and how that needs to be dealt with before we can move forward with a wonky action plan. Marianne Williamson is driven by a Capricorn Moon; taking care of business and making things happen is her top priority. This week, she’s reaping the potential success of transiting North Node on her rebellious/fiercely unique Sun-Uranus conjunction in Cancer. Her revolutionary prescription for establishing emotional and homeland security is likely to connect with the masses at this time. Meanwhile transiting Mars will be exactly on her Pluto this week, supporting a forceful and empowered application of energy. Also facilitating a successful expansive public outreach: transiting Jupiter opposing her clever Gemini Ascendant three times in 2019. While I am not convinced she will become the Democratic nominee, patterns in her horoscope are ripe for continued expansion into early 2020. Part of her success is the timing of her message, as it reflects the needs of planetary patterns impacting us all. And those would be the need to address matters of faith (symbolized by the ongoing Jupiter-Neptune square) and the need to have a solid and authoritative action plan (Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn).
- STEVE BULLOCK — he’s the governor of Montana, and thus was the most-Googled candidate in his home state. I told you he would be a notable contender back in May, when he announced his candidacy. Did it matter that he didn’t qualify for the the first debate in May? Hell, no. Born on April 11, 1966 — time unknown — he is a pioneering Aries driven by a Capricorn Moon. His 21 Aries Sun is being supercharged by transiting Pluto, just as AOC’s horoscope was when she “came out of nowhere” and trounced her incumbent opponent. Resistance is futile. Also, Bullock’s exact Uranus-Pluto conjunction in Virgo gives him revolutionary potential, which was activated this year by Mars (solar arc — another way of measuring time) and by transiting Jupiter. In July 2020, he will have transiting Jupiter square his Aries Sun, another suggestion of expansion and recognition. His big campaign issue: getting “dark money’ out of politics.
- JOHN DELANEY — another Aries with Moon in Capricorn — April 16, 1963, no birthtime. His 26 Aries Sun is not reaping the full empowerment potential of transiting Pluto (waiting until 2021), but it’s possible that Pluto may be on his Moon, reflecting exceptional zeal. Or perhaps his Moon is closer to transiting Saturn right now, as after Elizabeth Warren zinged him for being a wet blanket, his Wikipedia biography was hacked and he was declared dead. Saturn refers to ending and limitations, doncha’ know. As for why John Delaney has suddenly burst upon the scene…well…think about this. What planet is associated with “sudden?” And if you’re thinking “Uranus”, congratulations — because Uranus is all over John Delaney’s Sun (by solar arc), so we can see the lightning bolt potential happening right now, for better or for worse.
None of the above candidates have qualified for the third Democratic debates, which are scheduled for September 12 and 13th. Here are the seven who have — all have been discussed in this forecast — search the archives. Meanwhile, reflecting the tech innovations of Venus and Uranus with respect to relationships, the NYT has just posted a wacky op-ed that presents the candidates as if they were prospects on Tinder. Will you swipe left or swipe right?
Meanwhile, this week’s Sun-Venus square to Uranus suggests unconventional attractions and technology. Cue convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, whose personal horoscope suggests he’s in for more than a year of freakshow scandals, to the extreme. Still, even I wasn’t prepared for the extreme freakshow reported yesterday: “Epstein reportedly hoped to establish super-race of humans with his DNA.” Oh, and…“Jeffrey Epstein wanted to freeze his head and penis after dying.” This is going to get weirder and weirder — and I’ve written more about Epstein for the next Mountain Astrologer. But while we’re on the subject, here’s a WaPo article about the 2004 real estate deal that happened just before Epstein and P45 apparently severed ties. How does this saga reflect planetary patterns, you may be wondering? It reflects the likely healing focus on toxic masculinity that Chiron’s March ingress into Aries offers — and here’s the podcast.
In other news…
Venus square Uranus nearly always coincides with an unconventional item in the world of art. It’s just been announced that “Portraits of Courage” will be the first exhibit at a new space at the Kennedy Center. The artist is George W. Bush, who created this series of 66 paintings to honor the armed services. The exhibition at the Kennedy Center opens October 7, exactly when transiting Jupiter opposes his natal Uranus. Jupiter rules his 5th house (of creative self-expression); Uranus rules his 7th House (public outreach). Jupiter in contact with Uranus can reflect a windfall opportunity. The timing of this announcement happened with the Leo New Moon on his Leo Ascending Mercury and Pluto. Of course it did! Astrology is amazing!!
And now that I’m looking at Dubya’s horoscope, 2020-2021 has change written all over it. A fresh start, a geographic relocation, a declaration of independence or other upset to the status quo, coupled with a transformational empowerment involving home and homeland is on the horizon.
Thank you for reading this forecast — and for sharing it with friends.

Good Morning!
And how was your Full Moon in Scorpio weekend? Powerful, cathartic and/or intense? If you have a planet or angle around 27 degrees of Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius or Leo, you may have been personally affected by the Scorpio Moon’s need for emotional depth (for the sake of power and control), challenged by the Taurus Sun’s need for material comfort and security. What should have the greater priority: what is mine or what is ours?
The Scorpio Full Moon was exact at 5:11 PM ET on Saturday. Supporting its quest for depth was a daring and disruptive meet-up of Venus and Uranus in Taurus, exact at 12:16 PM ET on Saturday. Earlier that day, a harmony between Mercury (mindset, communication) and Pluto (news from underground) facilitated revelations. If you watched the SNL season finale, you would have noticed a focus on sensual concerns presented in exceptionally earthy, daring, provocative and definitely unconventional ways. With Sun, Mercury, Venus and Uranus in Taurus, how could we not? Plus, by the time SNL aired at 11:30 PM ET, the Moon was in Sagittarius, pushing boundaries of opinion to the max. It was a welcome relief — and release — from an intense week.
The Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon are “the king of the fairies approaching his domain” (for the Moon), and “a woman pursued by mature romance” (for the Sun). Sabian Symbol sage Blain Bovee suggests we apply these Symbols with a mind for “…attempting to maintain a mature center while being called to a deep longing; trying not to lose one’s head in love and romance…personal creativity blooming late in life; attentions that seem to come out of another realm; a strange sense of security in never quite returning home; staying with a rigid routine out of fear of mystery.” For more insights from Bovee, look at the preceding links.
As for “trying not to lose one’s head in love and romance,” note that the 26-27 degree Taurus Sun was conjunct Algol, a fixed star associated with decapitation, demons and the destructive fury of women scorned. Still, there is a positive potential to Algol, which you can read about here. Meanwhile, one of the sketches on SNL involved a Ouija board and a female demon. Coincidence or conspiracy?
As for today and the rest of the week…
- MONDAY — the Sagittarius Moon squared Neptune at 6:32 AM ET; perhaps your dreams were especially escapist or insightful. Moon meets up with Jupiter at 1:05 PM ET, inflating everyone’s righteous opinion about recent happenings, including not one, but TWO water bottles spotted in the series finale of Game of Thrones. Seriously! But with the weekend’s meet-up between Venus and Uranus against that Sag Moon, we were due for more than one shock involving aesthetics, values, women, money and faraway places. Moon goes void at 1:05 PM ET and won’t enter Capricorn until early Tuesday morning. Give yourself permission to wander this afternoon and evening. Get out in nature; take in a foreign film; think outside the box. Don’t get carried away by a crisis that may turn out to be much ado about nothing.
- TUESDAY — Moon enters Capricorn at 3:56 AM ET, facilitating a hard-nosed need to take care of business. Both the Sun and Mercury leave Taurus for Gemini, facilitating an ability to get the word out in clever, diverse and entertaining ways. And by “getting the word out,” I’m referring to all of the seeds that were planted when the Sun was in Aries that then took form when the Sun was in Taurus. It’s time for the world to hear about your fabulous creation. Caveat: though Mercury (how we need to think) functions brilliantly in Gemini (one of the signs it rules), its proximity to the Sun for the next few days increases potential for idealism; i.e., being blinded by one’s own light. So you could wait a few days for some perspective (reflected by Mercury’s distance from the Sun) before blindly following that charming cavalier off that cliff. Meanwhile, a face-off between the Moon and Mars at 10:35 AM ET suggests a potential conflict/assertive action, especially if you have a planet or angle around 4 degrees of Capricorn, Cancer, Aries or Libra. The rest of the day and evening offers less resistance, as the proactive drive of the Capricorn Moon is supported by Venus and Uranus.
- WEDNESDAY — innovative action and technological genius is a strong potential all week, suggested by a cooperative connection (a sextile) between Mars and Uranus exact at 10:46 AM ET. Another sextile between the Moon and Neptune at 3:14 AM ET encourages vision and peaceful resolutions; I can’t say that the evening offers a similar potential. Moon meets up with Saturn and the toxic South Node at 6:22 PM ET, followed by its weekly clash with Pluto at 11:57 PM ET, suggesting an emotional catharsis or power play. Fun Fact: 7 PM ET is the time my co-op board chose for the start of our Annual Shareholders Meeting. The chart is ruled by a cranky Mars in Cancer, sitting in the 8th house (of death). For the first time in decades, two challengers are running against the incumbent board. Clearly the co-op board did not consult with an astrologer before choosing that date and time.
- THURSDAY — Take it slow in the morning; roll with the twists and flakes. The Capricorn Moon went void right after its clash with Pluto and won’t enter Aquarius until 1:49 PM ET. Around 10:17 PM ET, note the potential for an upset to the status quo, as rebel Uranus challenges the Moon.
- FRIDAY — the Aquarius Moon sails relatively free and clear. A square from Venus at 12:17 PM ET likely reflects your need to be indulgent and get out of town early for the long Memorial Day weekend.
- SATURDAY — chill chill chill during the all-day Moon void.
- SUNDAY — Moon enters Pisces at 2:08 AM ET, encouraging us to go with the intuitive flow. If that includes an appointment with your local astrologer, I do have appointments available on Sunday, but not Monday. The Pisces Moon continues through…
- MONDAY — and goes void on
- TUESDAY.…at 12:21 AM ET. So if you extend your holiday weekend through Tuesday, you’re likely to get away with it, as the Pisces Moon will be void until 2:32 PM ET.
And now, the news.
Random observation on Game of Thrones: it was THE television series coinciding and reflecting the seven-year series of Uranus-Pluto squares in Aries (which rules iron) and Capricorn (executive authority). At the end of the day, the Iron Throne was destroyed, along with nearly everyone in the cast. But after the apocalypse, the survivors then focused on creating a variety of new democratic systems of governing. We can see how that trend could develop in real life, as in December 2020 Jupiter and Saturn (collective beliefs and structure) will meet up at 0 Aquarius (the people). Looking even further ahead, we see Pluto leaving Capricorn and entering Aquarius in 2023. Power to the people!
In Wednesday’s forecast, with macho Mars at the Aries Point and leaving Gemini for Cancer (family, women), we anticipated a significant attack in the current war on women. Alabama happily obliged, as 25 white male Republicans voted to ban abortion, with no exception for rape or incest. A doctor who performs an abortion could be imprisoned for 99 years. The vote was 25 – 6, and signed into law by Alabama’s female governor. If you find that news distressing, you’ll find comic relief in Stephen Colbert’s take, as well as SNL’s Leslie Jones.
What’s going on in Alabama’s horoscope? Here is an awesome write-up, posted in November 2017, when Doug Jones was running against accused sexual predator Roy Moore. Back then, transiting Saturn put the squeeze on Alabama’s renegade Sun-Uranus conjunction in the 8th house (of sex, death and money). Now Alabama’s Sag Sun is feeling the expansive influence of transiting Jupiter, as well as the potential for reckless initiative suggested by transiting Uranus squaring Alabama’s regally entitled Leo Mars. These patterns will continue into early 2020, but that’s not all. Transiting Saturn and Pluto will be sitting right on top of Alabama’s 24 Capricorn Midheaven, which will be eclipsed this July. So when Saturn and Pluto do arrive at 24 Capricorn next year, we may see a rush of action that forever changes Alabama’s status. Adding to the potential for upsets and change: transiting Uranus will cross Alabama’s 8 degree Taurus Ascendant through 2020. Meanwhile, as you would have seen in the 2017 awesome write-up, Alabama was ranked #31 among all states in the category of infrastructure. Two years later, it has slipped to #38. One thing hasn’t changed: Alabama is still rated #50 in the category of education.
In other news, when Venus is in a charged pattern with disruptive Uranus, we often see a record broken in the world of art. Last week that record went to U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s father, who paid $91 million for a sculpture by Jeff Koons. As The Root irreverently reports, this is the highest amount ever paid for the work of a living artist. Of course Steven Mnuchin would be in the news last week, as transiting Mars opposed his Aries Point Sun. And of course Barack Obama would be making news too, as Mars was conjunct his Aries Point Venus. Last week he announced the formation of a DNC “Unity Fund” to back the party nominee.
Speaking of party nominees, at least two new Democratic challengers joined the race: New York Mayor Bill deBlasio and Governor Steve Bullock of Montana. As a New York City resident, I couldn’t be bothered to even look at deBlasio’s horoscope, but Bullock intrigued me. Even without a birth time, patterns in his horoscope (4/11/66 in Missoula, MT) are heating up. His Aries Sun is feeling the empowerment of transiting Pluto through 2019, suggesting he is likely to receive serious attention (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez enjoyed a similar power surge when she won her seat in Congress last year — check out this post from 2018) I can’t tell you how delighted I am to read — just moments ago — WaPo’s Jennifer Rubin’s latest op-ed: ‘Steve Bullock might be the best-kept secret in the Democratic race.” Astrology is amazing.
Also amazing: what’s happening in the Nevada State Legislature, the first and only state legislature where women outnumber the men. How cool and progressive is Nevada? When I googled “Nevada horoscope,” I found three articles written on the subject that were not posted on academic astrology sites. Here is one — a fine analysis — and astrology students can look and appreciate why Nevada will continue to make disruptive headlines into 2020.
Are you due for a disruptive streak any time soon? Find out in a personal consultation. Here’s the 411. And here’s a rave from an Avid Reader that made my day last week:
“Thanks for being phenomenally good at your profession, and also for being a fun and comforting friend and confidante.”
I am delighted to be of service. Thank you for reading this forecast.

With the Moon now in Virgo, it’s time to clean up and/or sort things out in excruciating detail. Think innovation; think expansion; think power surge; think ruthlessness in social expression and values (including money). Think bomb cyclone!
Tonight you can think about wearing rose-colored glasses, carried away in dreams and possible scandal, courtesy of a face-off between Neptune (fog) and the Virgo Moon at 11:37 PM ET.
Earlier posts informed you about the energy surge we’re in now — with two exact aspects happening tomorrow night between Mercury and Uranus; Mars and Jupiter. Do something productive with that physical potential. You are more affected by the surge if you have a planet or angle around 17 degrees of any sign — or if you were born halfway through any sign, but especially Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius, Leo, Capricorn, Aries, Libra, Cancer.
Moon goes void Saturday night — chill until 7:14 AM ET on SUNDAY, when the Moon enters Libra, seeking fairness and balance. Deal with the wet blanket or other authoritarian advance that hits at 11:09 AM ET, then continue on your productive streak.
Absolutely no sleeping in on MONDAY. It’s power and resources to the max — have you looked at the stock markets lately? Record highs — with the Dow hitting 25,000. Here are the potent patterns: Sun and Venus in harmony with Jupiter; conjunct Pluto. Mars in harmony with Venus, Sun and Pluto. The symbols of desire, action, power, ego and expansion all in focus and flow. Wow!
Meanwhile, two planets in the U.S. horoscope — Venus and Jupiter — will soon be feeling a streamlining focus, as transiting Saturn in early Capricorn opposes them next week and next month, respectively. Next year, Saturn will oppose our Cancer Sun and square the U.S. Saturn. Maybe the markets won’t feel the squeeze initially, but a more miserly approach in spending is likely to make headlines, along with a diminishing reach.
And now, the news.
First, from Fox: the average monthly jobs gain in 2017 was 171,000. This is the lowest it’s been since 2010, as you can see from the stats here. So much for those bogus claims by Certain People of last year’s awesome growth. Gratitude to current planetary patterns reflecting the need to get real.
Second, the “bomb cyclone” of planetary patterns was reflected in record blizzards and freezing temperatures up and down the East Coast. “In Florida, Iguanas are Freezing and Falling Out of Trees,” says USA Today. Meanwhile, Michael Wolff’s bombshell of a book — The Fire and the Fury — was rushed into stores four days ahead of schedule. Mr. Wolff says he has much of the material on tape — but even today (on Today in fact), he admits to one strategy of bending the truth in order to achieve an objective (a potential noted in the last forecast). Still…for this book to be published at this time, one would think there would be consequences, beyond headlines proclaiming, “Everyone in Trumpworld Knows He’s an Idiot.” Well?
UPDATE: on P45. When Uranus turned direct on Monday, it impacted his Venus (social expression, money, values, women) and Saturn (ambition, fear, control). This suggests, to quote astrologer Noel Tyl, “tension in relationship; jealousies; split-off affairs; arguments; possible separation.” Cue big split with Steve Bannon, now. Wow! Fun fact: Mercury is still in Sagittarius, and you know what that suggests: on the downside, sloppy thinking. Mercury just made contact with P45’s opinionated Sagittarius Moon. Result: a new nickname for Mr. Bannon — “Sloppy Steve.” Well, Mr. Bannon is a Sagittarius. If the shoe fits…
The New Moon on January 16th will again activate the potential for relationship tensions and breaks noted above. Dates to watch for action and intense emotion are the 15th, 21st and 25th — give or take a day. On February 15th, we will have a solar eclipse that activates whatever was brought up in the aftermath of the Great American Eclipse last August. This happens at 27 Aquarius, opposing his Leo Mars and Ascendant. Marking February 24th-ish for notable action.
A need for heavy thoughts kicks in by mid-March through May, courtesy of transiting Saturn (control) opposing P45’s Mercury. That can feel isolating/depressing, and it returns for a final hit at the end of the year. Humming along in tandem with the heavy thoughts is a tense pattern between transiting Saturn (ambition, fear, control) and his Neptune (vision, deception, fog). This can be bewildering. Building to a peak in June we see a need for risk and excitement — for better or for worse. From his perspective, it will likely feel exuberant and indulgent, given corroborating patterns exact on his birthday. Save for a measurement suggesting a mental buzz in August, the horoscope is free of exact major patterns for the rest of the summer into mid-October, which is….curious.
May this outline of activity and potential in P45’s horoscope serve as a useful perspective for whatever comes across the wires. To be continued.
UPDATE: VP Mike Pence — birth time unknown; here’s what we do know. Born in 1959, he will have his second Saturn return this year. Time to take stock of achievements and ambition over the past 29 years and let go of what no longer serves. Hmm. Here’s the latest from CNN: “Top Pence Aides Quietly Depart in New Year.” There may be a push to take on greater responsibility and authority; a new lease on life. His success will depend on the integrity of what he accomplished in the past three decades. Also signficant: transiting Neptune challenging his Gemini Sun. This suggests a need for vision, for better or for worse. He may be called upon to be an inspiration or a victim — and the experience may be bewildering. Fascinating to have this transit activated during a Saturn return. The latter demands getting real.
UPDATE: Jeff Sessions. Prior posts have noted how strong Neptune is in his horoscope, even without an exact birth time. His Capricorn Sun and Mars are in a tense square to the planet of “things not being as they seem,” and it is possibly that his Capricorn Moon is, too. Neptune, as you know, refers to drugs, spirits, fantasy, scandal, vision, oil. Right now his Capricorn Sun and Mars are feeling the weight of transiting Saturn upon them. On the upside (for him, anyway) we see the potential for an ambitious advance — and this week, this need was seen in a reversal of an Obama-era policy in which federal prosecutors took a hands-off approach in states that legalized marijuana. Pot is not legal under federal law. On the downside (for him), we see legislators demanding he resign; not being invited to sit at the Cool Kids Table — and talk of Scott Pruitt taking his place.
UPDATE: Scott Pruitt. His horoscope suggests a fresh start in career matters, as speculated months ago in at least one mainstream publication. We also see the potential for expansion and extraordinary effort, for better or for worse.
UPDATE: NYT columnist Gail Collins. Her horoscope was under the heavy transit of Saturn on her Mercury all last year (and noted here). Her usually cheerful op-eds were often stripped of buoyancy — and who could blame her. But now that Saturn has moved past her Mercury at 22 Sag, she is back to her cheerful self, as you can see in this week’s zippy piece: “My Button’s Bigger Than Yours.”
UPDATE: David Letterman, whose horoscope we’ve been following since 2014. He’s back with a new show premiering next week, and the timing is perfect. Pluto is sitting right at the top of his Capricorn MC, squaring his Aries Sun. He’s ready for an empowering change of perspective in public status. And power is the theme of the new show, entitled My Next Guest Needs No Introduction. His first guest is President Barack Obama, whose horoscope is scheduled for expansive outreach to the public. Did you catch his interview with Prince Harry?
Other news — another bomb cyclone, frankly — combined with the technological disruptions of Uranus turning direct:
On Wednesday, a group of security experts revealed two security flawsthat affect nearly all microprocessors, the digital brains of the world’s computers. These flaws, called Meltdown and Spectre, could allow hackers to lift passwords, photos, documents and other data from smartphones, PCs and the cloud computing services that many businesses rely on.
Here’s the full piece from the NYT, including what you need to do about it.
What’s going on in your horoscope? Astrologers are like dentists, doncha’ know. Check in with us every six months to a year — and whenever you have a burning question. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.
Have a great weekend — and thank you for reading this forecast.