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"All I know is that you... Miss Elisabeth Grace are AMAZING! The reading you gave me was so accurate that it still blows my mind 6 months later!!! I also love your daily astrology information!"
--Tim R. Los Angeles I CAN'T WRITE THIS WITHOUT YOU : ) PLEASE support my time and efforts. CONTRIBUTE to my COSMIC TIP JAR using the gold button below. THANK YOU.
Good morning! Or rather — Good Afternoon — boy did that time fly by!
Did you enjoy the extra hour of sleep gained from yesterday’s “fall back” from Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time?
The start of the work week is driven by the Moon in Aquarius, seeking to network and be recognized for its unique social significance. At 5:23 AM ET, the Moon squared the Scorpio Sun, reflecting a clash that may illuminate detached intellectualism vs. emotional depth. The story I was reading just before starting to write is an unsettling NYT piece entitled “I Got Access to My Secret Consumer Score. Now You Can, Too.”
As the Moon flows without interference for the rest of the day, get it off your desk if you can. If you were born around the 10th of January, April, July or October, you may be feeling especially provoked or provocative. Same goes for anyone with a personal point or planet around 20 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn. You’re feeling the intense call to action of the square between Mars (guns, aggression, courage, cars, men) and Pluto (power, annihilation, decay, transformation), exact on….
- TUESDAY — at 5:23 AM ET. The headlines may be notably explosive. The Aquarius Moon goes void at 9:37 AM ET, not to enter Pisces until 6:08 PM ET. That means if you’re voting today in the United States, get to the polls before or after the Moon void. You are voting today, right? Because if you don’t vote, somebody else will — and then you’ll be sorry. Find out if you are registered to vote here — and share this link with all your friends. VOTE!!! Otherwise stick to routine concerns during the long void. Roll with any twist or flake that may disrupt your efforts to move forward in a straight line. If a crisis crops up, CHILL!
- WEDNESDAY — is driven by the Pisces Moon, seeking to work with impressions and ideals. Going with the intuitive flow is supported all day, save for a possible clash around 5:41 AM ET, as the Moon squares Venus (money, values and social expression).
- THURSDAY — more of the same, with the Moon going void with a sigh at 8:13 PM ET….not to enter the next sign until…
- FRIDAY — at 6:49 AM ET. And you are likely to notice this shift from accommodating “we are all connected” Pisces to proactive me-me-me Aries. An Aries Moon quickens the pace and may test one’s patience (especially with Mercury retrograde). The upside of Aries (and there are plenty of upsides): fearlessness, a willingness to take the initiative and DO SOMETHING, especially if it is a crusade to fight for the nearest underdog. There are no exact aspects to the Moon today, but there are three other exact patterns that we’re likely to see in the news all week.
- FRIDAY — There’s a rare connection between Saturn in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces, exact at 9:51 PM ET. The technical term for this connection is a sextile, and it suggests an ease of communication and cooperation in matters symbolized by Saturn and Neptune. Saturn refers to authority, structure, limits and realism. Saturn is high-functioning in Capricorn, the sign it rules. Capricorn refers to executive authority and the corporate/governmental entities. It refers to knees, teeth, skin and bones. Neptune refers to oil, drugs, fog, vision, fantasy, lies, victims, refugees and spirits of all kinds. It refers to viruses, blood, toxins and chemicals. Neptune is high-functioning in Pisces, the sign it rules (in modern astrology). Note that Saturn is direct; Neptune is retrograde. These two planets in harmony suggest an easy application of initiatives involving the matters they symbolize. Structure is given to ideals — e.g., Elizabeth Warren delivering an actual plan that purports to realize the dream of Medicare for All. Saturn refers to the limits of time. Neptune refers to surrender. Jimmy Carter says he’s “completely at ease” with death; and in Maryland, a 94-year-old woman opted to end her life by fasting — and her daughter filmed the week-long process. Neptune refers to film and other intangibles.
- FRIDAY — this rare cooperation between Saturn (reality) and Neptune (ideals) is further highlighted by the Scorpio Sun, which forms its own sextile with Saturn at 12:06 PM ET, followed by a trine (another harmonious connection) to Neptune at 12:57 PM ET. The Sun refers to kings and queens, CEOs and other leaders. It also refers to the heart and willpower. So we are likely to see a number of headlines involving these entities successfully structuring their will, incorporating vision, for better or for worse. Yes, of course “prosperity” televangelist Paula White, a P45 spiritual advisor, has just been given a staff position at the White House.
- SATURDAY — The Aries Moon continues its impassioned charge, with a speed bump around 2:55 PM ET, symbolized by a square to patriarchal/wet blanket Saturn. A sextile between Mercury and Pluto at 9:13 PM ET, facilitates investigative reporters and other dirt-digging efforts all week.
- SUNDAY — the Moon’s weekly clash with Pluto at 12:37 AM ET suggests an emotional catharsis or power play. Find an appropriate channel for any assertion or aggression you may feel around 6:58 AM ET, as the me-me-me Aries Moon is opposed by Mars in we-we-we Libra. The conflict may sort itself out around 9 AM ET, suggested by a harmony between Moon and expansive/jovial Jupiter. Moon will then be void until 6:18 PM ET. That’s your caveat against impulse shopping sprees, as purchases made during voids are often do not live up to expectations. Moon enters Taurus for the evening, waxing to its fullness on Tuesday morning.
In general, remember that Mercury is retrograde. Be flexible with scheduling. Double check directions. Triple check emails before you hit send. Mercury retrograde snafus usually happen because your mind is turned inward, not outward. Focus, focus, focus — when you have to be on the clock. Plan times to retreat if you can.
And now, the news.
The Mars-Pluto square is activating the 19 degree Cancer Ascendant of P45 Jr. Of course he’d be hawking “Triggered,” which is a book with his name on the cover. Mars rules his Midheaven (career/public status). Expansive efforts to satisfy his Virgo Moon’s need to “make things right” are reflected by transiting Jupiter square the Moon and conjunct his Mercury in boundary-pushing Sagittarius.
UPDATE: on Beto O’Rourke, who has dropped out of the presidential race. It’s not a surprise, as patterns in what we know about his horoscope — discussed back in February — are not as volcanic as other contenders. I would be surprised, however, if he did not announce some alternative expansive initiative between Thanksgiving and the Winter Solstice, thanks to Jupiter returning to his natal Jupiter at 0 Capricorn and squaring his potent Sun-Pluto conjunction in early Libra.
Speaking of expansion, we’ve been hearing more from Hillary Clinton lately, haven’t we? UPDATE: if her alleged 8:02 AM birth time is correct (it’s never been formally confirmed), transiting Jupiter is squaring her 22 degree Pisces Moon, suggesting an expansive reach in matters of self-worth, money and publishing. Yes, she too, has been touting a book and has been quite vocal on social media. There is even speculation that she may be contemplating a third run for president, perhaps encouraged by a Fox News polls showing she’d beat P45 if the election were held today. But Mercury is retrograde, doncha know — so don’t believe everything you hear! However, feel free to pay attention to what she has to say about Mark Zuckerberg taking responsibility for the damage Facebook has done to democracy by letting politicians run ads that contain lies. (NYT columnist Thomas Friedman would agree.) On the other hand, it does seem that Mrs. Clinton has fully integrated the liberating potential of three hits to her Scorpio Sun by transiting rebel Uranus over the past 18 months. If she has something to say, she says it, as she did a few weeks ago when she suggested that the Republicans were grooming a Democratic primary contender to run as a third-party candidate (and mess things up for a Democratic contender). She did not names names, but Tulsi Gabbard immediately denounced any suggestion that the Russians might be backing her (which is what the press reported, which it then had to retract). And then Gabbard announced she was focusing on her presidential run and wouldn’t be running for re-election in Congress. Coincidence or conspiracy?
And speaking of Tulsi Gabbard, we can understand why she would think Mrs. Clinton was talking about her because –even with just a birth date of April 12, 1981 — we see she has four planets in me-me-me Aries, driven by the needs of a queenly Moon in Leo. More important, the Aries planets (Venus, Sun and Mars) are at 20-24 Aries, opposed by Pluto at 22 Libra. This triple opposition will be activated by heavy planets (Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto) throughout 2020, suggesting opportunities for intense and/or extreme expression of empowerment, authority and/or control. Bernie Sanders has similar placements in his horoscope (Venus and Mars at 22 Libra and 23 Aries — and possibly the Moon in Aries, too) — he is not to be underestimated.
Jane Fonda is attracting serious attention in Washington, where she is seriously protesting the lack of response to the crisis of climate change. We would expect her thoughts to be serious, as transiting Saturn is sitting right on top of her Mercury (how she needs to think) at 15 Capricorn. As a result of her protests, she is arrested every Friday — and she says she plans to spend her 82nd birthday (on Saturday, Dec 21st) in jail. With her 29 Sagittarius Sun at the Aries Point and powerbroker Pluto in everyone’s face (and right on the cusp of the 7th House, which refers to one-on-one encounters), Ms. Fonda can’t help but attract attention. As Jupiter travels through the end of Sagittarius this month, she will continue to be in the limelight. It’s fascinating to see that on Dec 21st, Mars will be exactly on her 21 Scorpio Midheaven and a day away from an exact square to her regal Moon in Leo. She may be called upon to take a courageous stand. She may find herself involved in a provocative or combative situation. We are sure to hear about it, whatever happens.
In other news…
Fun article, just because:
Meanwhile, we haven’t heard from my favorite disembodied entities in months and months, but the Hathors are back with another practical (Saturn) sound meditation (Neptune). Plus they only seem to show up when times are about to get interesting — usually on a pattern involving Pluto or Uranus; today it’s Mars square Pluto. Here’s the message and the meditation.
Finally, an apt article for a Mercury retrograde:
…and if not yourself, then with your local astrologer, reviewing your life and planning for the new year. Here’s the 411 on consultations…and it’s not too soon to think about gift certificates for friends, colleagues and family.
We will have a fun and productive discussion together.
Thank you for reading this forecast.

Good Morning!
And how was your Full Moon in Scorpio weekend? Powerful, cathartic and/or intense? If you have a planet or angle around 27 degrees of Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius or Leo, you may have been personally affected by the Scorpio Moon’s need for emotional depth (for the sake of power and control), challenged by the Taurus Sun’s need for material comfort and security. What should have the greater priority: what is mine or what is ours?
The Scorpio Full Moon was exact at 5:11 PM ET on Saturday. Supporting its quest for depth was a daring and disruptive meet-up of Venus and Uranus in Taurus, exact at 12:16 PM ET on Saturday. Earlier that day, a harmony between Mercury (mindset, communication) and Pluto (news from underground) facilitated revelations. If you watched the SNL season finale, you would have noticed a focus on sensual concerns presented in exceptionally earthy, daring, provocative and definitely unconventional ways. With Sun, Mercury, Venus and Uranus in Taurus, how could we not? Plus, by the time SNL aired at 11:30 PM ET, the Moon was in Sagittarius, pushing boundaries of opinion to the max. It was a welcome relief — and release — from an intense week.
The Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon are “the king of the fairies approaching his domain” (for the Moon), and “a woman pursued by mature romance” (for the Sun). Sabian Symbol sage Blain Bovee suggests we apply these Symbols with a mind for “…attempting to maintain a mature center while being called to a deep longing; trying not to lose one’s head in love and romance…personal creativity blooming late in life; attentions that seem to come out of another realm; a strange sense of security in never quite returning home; staying with a rigid routine out of fear of mystery.” For more insights from Bovee, look at the preceding links.
As for “trying not to lose one’s head in love and romance,” note that the 26-27 degree Taurus Sun was conjunct Algol, a fixed star associated with decapitation, demons and the destructive fury of women scorned. Still, there is a positive potential to Algol, which you can read about here. Meanwhile, one of the sketches on SNL involved a Ouija board and a female demon. Coincidence or conspiracy?
As for today and the rest of the week…
- MONDAY — the Sagittarius Moon squared Neptune at 6:32 AM ET; perhaps your dreams were especially escapist or insightful. Moon meets up with Jupiter at 1:05 PM ET, inflating everyone’s righteous opinion about recent happenings, including not one, but TWO water bottles spotted in the series finale of Game of Thrones. Seriously! But with the weekend’s meet-up between Venus and Uranus against that Sag Moon, we were due for more than one shock involving aesthetics, values, women, money and faraway places. Moon goes void at 1:05 PM ET and won’t enter Capricorn until early Tuesday morning. Give yourself permission to wander this afternoon and evening. Get out in nature; take in a foreign film; think outside the box. Don’t get carried away by a crisis that may turn out to be much ado about nothing.
- TUESDAY — Moon enters Capricorn at 3:56 AM ET, facilitating a hard-nosed need to take care of business. Both the Sun and Mercury leave Taurus for Gemini, facilitating an ability to get the word out in clever, diverse and entertaining ways. And by “getting the word out,” I’m referring to all of the seeds that were planted when the Sun was in Aries that then took form when the Sun was in Taurus. It’s time for the world to hear about your fabulous creation. Caveat: though Mercury (how we need to think) functions brilliantly in Gemini (one of the signs it rules), its proximity to the Sun for the next few days increases potential for idealism; i.e., being blinded by one’s own light. So you could wait a few days for some perspective (reflected by Mercury’s distance from the Sun) before blindly following that charming cavalier off that cliff. Meanwhile, a face-off between the Moon and Mars at 10:35 AM ET suggests a potential conflict/assertive action, especially if you have a planet or angle around 4 degrees of Capricorn, Cancer, Aries or Libra. The rest of the day and evening offers less resistance, as the proactive drive of the Capricorn Moon is supported by Venus and Uranus.
- WEDNESDAY — innovative action and technological genius is a strong potential all week, suggested by a cooperative connection (a sextile) between Mars and Uranus exact at 10:46 AM ET. Another sextile between the Moon and Neptune at 3:14 AM ET encourages vision and peaceful resolutions; I can’t say that the evening offers a similar potential. Moon meets up with Saturn and the toxic South Node at 6:22 PM ET, followed by its weekly clash with Pluto at 11:57 PM ET, suggesting an emotional catharsis or power play. Fun Fact: 7 PM ET is the time my co-op board chose for the start of our Annual Shareholders Meeting. The chart is ruled by a cranky Mars in Cancer, sitting in the 8th house (of death). For the first time in decades, two challengers are running against the incumbent board. Clearly the co-op board did not consult with an astrologer before choosing that date and time.
- THURSDAY — Take it slow in the morning; roll with the twists and flakes. The Capricorn Moon went void right after its clash with Pluto and won’t enter Aquarius until 1:49 PM ET. Around 10:17 PM ET, note the potential for an upset to the status quo, as rebel Uranus challenges the Moon.
- FRIDAY — the Aquarius Moon sails relatively free and clear. A square from Venus at 12:17 PM ET likely reflects your need to be indulgent and get out of town early for the long Memorial Day weekend.
- SATURDAY — chill chill chill during the all-day Moon void.
- SUNDAY — Moon enters Pisces at 2:08 AM ET, encouraging us to go with the intuitive flow. If that includes an appointment with your local astrologer, I do have appointments available on Sunday, but not Monday. The Pisces Moon continues through…
- MONDAY — and goes void on
- TUESDAY.…at 12:21 AM ET. So if you extend your holiday weekend through Tuesday, you’re likely to get away with it, as the Pisces Moon will be void until 2:32 PM ET.
And now, the news.
Random observation on Game of Thrones: it was THE television series coinciding and reflecting the seven-year series of Uranus-Pluto squares in Aries (which rules iron) and Capricorn (executive authority). At the end of the day, the Iron Throne was destroyed, along with nearly everyone in the cast. But after the apocalypse, the survivors then focused on creating a variety of new democratic systems of governing. We can see how that trend could develop in real life, as in December 2020 Jupiter and Saturn (collective beliefs and structure) will meet up at 0 Aquarius (the people). Looking even further ahead, we see Pluto leaving Capricorn and entering Aquarius in 2023. Power to the people!
In Wednesday’s forecast, with macho Mars at the Aries Point and leaving Gemini for Cancer (family, women), we anticipated a significant attack in the current war on women. Alabama happily obliged, as 25 white male Republicans voted to ban abortion, with no exception for rape or incest. A doctor who performs an abortion could be imprisoned for 99 years. The vote was 25 – 6, and signed into law by Alabama’s female governor. If you find that news distressing, you’ll find comic relief in Stephen Colbert’s take, as well as SNL’s Leslie Jones.
What’s going on in Alabama’s horoscope? Here is an awesome write-up, posted in November 2017, when Doug Jones was running against accused sexual predator Roy Moore. Back then, transiting Saturn put the squeeze on Alabama’s renegade Sun-Uranus conjunction in the 8th house (of sex, death and money). Now Alabama’s Sag Sun is feeling the expansive influence of transiting Jupiter, as well as the potential for reckless initiative suggested by transiting Uranus squaring Alabama’s regally entitled Leo Mars. These patterns will continue into early 2020, but that’s not all. Transiting Saturn and Pluto will be sitting right on top of Alabama’s 24 Capricorn Midheaven, which will be eclipsed this July. So when Saturn and Pluto do arrive at 24 Capricorn next year, we may see a rush of action that forever changes Alabama’s status. Adding to the potential for upsets and change: transiting Uranus will cross Alabama’s 8 degree Taurus Ascendant through 2020. Meanwhile, as you would have seen in the 2017 awesome write-up, Alabama was ranked #31 among all states in the category of infrastructure. Two years later, it has slipped to #38. One thing hasn’t changed: Alabama is still rated #50 in the category of education.
In other news, when Venus is in a charged pattern with disruptive Uranus, we often see a record broken in the world of art. Last week that record went to U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s father, who paid $91 million for a sculpture by Jeff Koons. As The Root irreverently reports, this is the highest amount ever paid for the work of a living artist. Of course Steven Mnuchin would be in the news last week, as transiting Mars opposed his Aries Point Sun. And of course Barack Obama would be making news too, as Mars was conjunct his Aries Point Venus. Last week he announced the formation of a DNC “Unity Fund” to back the party nominee.
Speaking of party nominees, at least two new Democratic challengers joined the race: New York Mayor Bill deBlasio and Governor Steve Bullock of Montana. As a New York City resident, I couldn’t be bothered to even look at deBlasio’s horoscope, but Bullock intrigued me. Even without a birth time, patterns in his horoscope (4/11/66 in Missoula, MT) are heating up. His Aries Sun is feeling the empowerment of transiting Pluto through 2019, suggesting he is likely to receive serious attention (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez enjoyed a similar power surge when she won her seat in Congress last year — check out this post from 2018) I can’t tell you how delighted I am to read — just moments ago — WaPo’s Jennifer Rubin’s latest op-ed: ‘Steve Bullock might be the best-kept secret in the Democratic race.” Astrology is amazing.
Also amazing: what’s happening in the Nevada State Legislature, the first and only state legislature where women outnumber the men. How cool and progressive is Nevada? When I googled “Nevada horoscope,” I found three articles written on the subject that were not posted on academic astrology sites. Here is one — a fine analysis — and astrology students can look and appreciate why Nevada will continue to make disruptive headlines into 2020.
Are you due for a disruptive streak any time soon? Find out in a personal consultation. Here’s the 411. And here’s a rave from an Avid Reader that made my day last week:
“Thanks for being phenomenally good at your profession, and also for being a fun and comforting friend and confidante.”
I am delighted to be of service. Thank you for reading this forecast.

…and heeeeere we go again!
The start of the work week is driven by the Moon in Aquarius, seeking to be appreciated for being unique and equal in stature. May everyone in your assorted groups be regarded as such. Arise, go forth and network.
The Moon is dead. It was dead yesterday during the most dead and boring Super Bowl of all time, so people are saying. If people wanted an exciting game, it should have been held before Friday’s brutal Mars-Pluto square…or even earlier in January, before certain powerful patterns released in the horoscopes of Tom Brady and Jared Goff (the quarterbacks for the Patriots and the Rams). Instead it was held on a dead Moon traveling with no aspects to other planets all day (and thus reflecting the lack of tension in the game). Even the Super Bowl half time show was reportedly D.O.A.
I tuned in around 8:15 PM ET — looked at the chart for the start of the game and posted the potential for a boundary-pushing action around 8:51 PM ET — no later — on a friend’s Facebook page. Lo and behold, there was a record-breaking punt around 8:49-ish– just look at the 8:51 PM timestamp on the post that turned up on my FB feed — how cool is that?

The Moon will no longer be dead at 4:04 PM ET, when it meets up with the Sun at 15 degrees of Aquarius. The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is “a big businessman at his desk.” Sabian Sage Blain Bovee writes that “this is an image of dealing with shining matters of importance plowing through work that must be done with an eye to that which must be done first.” A big businessman is an image of a formidable presence with widespread influence….but wait- wait- wait! Bovee assures us that this is meant to be a positive image, and we are advised to approach this lunar cycle with a mind to a “big, cheery outlook; an influence that spreads from a brilliant, radiant core; a warming to a sense of responsibility; glimmers of hope.” If there is a downside, it may show up as “shallow officiousness; hollow platitudes; an impostor.” Indeed.
Patterns in the chart for the New Moon set in Washington D.C. look like this…

…and they will unfold this week as follows:
- MONDAY: Moon sextile Jupiter at 9:35 PM ET — optimism, optimism, optimism
- TUESDAY: Moon sextile Mars at 8:49 AM ET — easy application of pioneering action. Moon sextile Uranus at 6:59 PM ET — innovation, inclusion; manageable disruption. Moon will be void until 9:02 PM ET, when it enters Pisces.
- WEDNESDAY: Moon in Pisces all day — with only one aspect — happening at 2:33 AM ET between the Moon and Venus. Go with the intuitive flow. This lack of planetary activity is similar to what was (not) happening during yesterday’s Super Bowl.
- THURSDAY: Dreams and vision are highlighted at 3:43 AM ET, as Moon meets up with Neptune. If you’re up at 4:44 AM ET, seize the productive structuring offered by the Moon’s sextile with Saturn. Moon squares Jupiter at 11:16 AM ET, suggesting too much of something in the morning hours…but hey! Optimism optimism optimism has been coloring the week, especially noticed around 7:33 PM ET, when Jupiter sextiles the Sun at 7:33 PM ET. This is followed by an effective “walk the talk” alignment of Mars sextile Mercury at 8:25 PM ET. What is the action plan, and will it be announced during the Moon void that began at 5:13 PM ET? Chill during the void — focus on routine — and do not be freaked by a crisis that crops up. Moon gets back into gear on…
- FRIDAY: …at 9:34 AM ET, when it charges into me-me-me Aries, looking to get something started. Fascinatingly, there are no aspects to the Moon until 9:21 PM ET, when Moon squares Venus. Whose me-me-me initiative will clash with someone else’s social standing? Until then, put yourself on cruise control and hit the road.
- SATURDAY: More Moon in Aries on cruise control. That’s right — no bumps in the road until around 5 PM ET, when Moon squares Saturn. Use your wits as you may be pleasantly surprised at your creative solution, as Mercury sextiles Uranus at 5:53 PM ET. The potential for innovative thinking is in effect all week.
- SUNDAY: Now we are getting busy. Moon makes its weekly clash with Pluto at 4:50 AM ET; watch for the usual power play in the headlines. Mercury — how we need to think — leaves rocket scientist Aquarius at 5:51 AM ET. It will be in Pisces until April 16th and deserves more attention than I’m prepared to deliver now, so stay tuned. The Aries Moon meets up with Mars and Uranus around 4 and 7 PM ET, respectively. Time to shake, rattle and roll.
Now then. Humming in the background of all of the above, including the energetic imprint of today’s New Moon is this: Mars in Aries meeting up with Uranus at the very very very last degree of Aries, exact on February 13th at 1:19 AM ET. On the 14th, Mars will leave Aries for Taurus (to be discussed in a future forecast) and will trigger 1) the horoscope of The Donald’s inauguration and 2) the horoscope of Nancy Pelosi, both of which were eclipsed by the total lunar eclipse on January 21st. We should see some daring actions and assertions right about then…and in the news in general. In the New Moon chart set in Washington DC, we see that Mars-Uranus meet-up strongly placed in the 10th House, there for all the world to see.
And now, the news.
Last Friday’s square between Mars and Pluto suggested something explosive hitting the wires as the clock approached 10:15 PM ET. Cue Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, a pediatric neurologist whose comments on a proposed state bill loosening controls on third-trimester abortions prompted outrage in certain circles earlier in the week. On Friday around the time of that Mars-Pluto square, Northam’s yearbook page from his days at medical school in 1984 went viral — prompting outrage and calls for his resignation from all of humanity.
From an astrological perspective, let the record show that back in 2014 and 2015, civil rights once again became an exceptionally hot topic in the U.S. We were well into the never-ending Uranus-Pluto square, which was making an especially anguished aspect with the horoscope of the United States. Here’s an item from October 2015:
Perhaps his firing bodes well for Alabama, where a police officer is facing a second trial on charges of violating the civil rights of an Indian grandfather out for a morning stroll, i.e., Walking While Brown. Inexplicably — yet captured on tape — the grandfather was slammed to the ground and ended up in the hospital. Putting this into an astro-logical perspective, history buffs will recall that civil rights was a hot button issue in the mid-60s, when Uranus and Pluto were conjunct in Virgo. Now that Uranus and Pluto are square to each other, we would expect matters that were hot in the 60s to be hot again now. Sure, seeds were planted in the 60s — but now we are finding out if those seeds will flourish. With respect to the United States, its horoscope is experiencing a potentially anguishing transit of Pluto to the US Saturn. It is time for the US to face its dark side.
What’s going on now in the U.S. horoscope is that transiting SATURN is squaring the U.S. Saturn, which it will do three times this year. Saturn can act as a karma cop, demanding accountability and consequences.
Meanwhile, the State of the Union is on tomorrow night at 9 PM ET in DC. The Aquarius Moon will be void, but right on The Donald’s 29 degree Aquarius Descendant. That’s a helpful aspect for someone making a public speech. Moon enters Pisces at 9:02 PM ET and it will sextile Venus. I expect we will hear beautiful words, perhaps the most beautiful we’ve ever heard involving Pisces themes: compassion, unity, suffering, drugs, refugees plus optimism, optimism optimism.
Of course Stacey Abrams has been asked to deliver the Democratic rebuttal, given that transiting Jupiter exactly conjoined her Sagittarius Sun on January 30th. This suggests strong potential for positive and expansive opportunities all through 2019. If Georgia’s gubernatorial election were held today, I suspect she would win hands down. No birth time for Ms. Abrams, just December 9, 1973 in Madison, WI.
In other news, many people would like ex-Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz to shut up and go away, instead of run for president as an independent candidate. The anguish he may be feeling by the hostile reception is suggested by transiting Pluto square his Saturn three times in 2019 (July 19, 1953 in Brooklyn, NY). Clearly the man does not have an astrologer on his team. Hostile reception or not, Mr. Schultz is still likely to be buzzing with innovative and disruptive ideas, backed by force of will and action. Transiting Uranus squares his Mercury (buzz, buzz), followed by transiting Pluto opposing his Mars (force of will/action). Plus, transiting Jupiter has just conjoined his natal Jupiter, so we can appreciate why he’s feeling so expansive. If he persists, he will then be pushing against the squeeze of transiting Saturn opposing his Cancer Sun in 2020. More than one declared candidate has a challenging Saturn-Sun pattern in his/her horoscope in 2019 or 2020. What a contest this will be.
Ah. Before I forget: yesterday’s Mercury-Jupter sextile coupled with Venus at the Aries Point suggested publishing pulling focus. Lots of people are saying their favorite Super Bowl ad was this one narrated by Tom Hanks, presented by the Washington Post. Of course it would be Tom Hanks, because astrology. Here is his horoscope.
Ooh…here’s another fun blast from the past i.e., a post from 2015. Looking at past Uranus-Pluto cycles in the U.S., my sense is that the social safety net can’t help but expand in the aftermath of the 2011-2016 Uranus-Pluto square. It is interesting to see how many candidates are declaring support for some kind of universal health coverage, backed by a tax plan to pay for it. From that 2015 post:
I’m interested to see what will hit the headlines when Jupiter is at 17-18 degrees of Virgo this November and next March and July. These were the degrees of the game-changing Uranus-Pluto conjunctions of 1965 and 1966. I expect we’ll see expanded progress on the seeds planted at that time, including, but not limited to: awareness of climate change and other ways human behavior is impacting ecological systems; awareness of subatomic particles, e.g. the Higgs boson; health care systems such as Medicare (which was created in the mid-60s). Read your history books and fill in the rest of the possibilities.
Jupiter, as you know, is in that 17-18 Sagittarius range now, squaring 17-18 degrees of Virgo. It will be there again in June, late September and early October.
Optimism, optimism, optimism…as we approach this New Moon in Aquarius. To find out what it holds for your horoscope, here’s how to contact me for a personal consultation.
Thank you for reading this forecast.

TGIF — and happy first day of February!
If you haven’t consulted the Sneak Peek at the Week for this week, which outlined the patterns driving the action today and through the weekend, here it is again:
- FRIDAY is driven by the achievement-oriented Capricorn Moon. There is one exact planetary pattern and we’ve been feeling it all week. At 10:15 PM ET, Mars in trigger-happy, crusading macho speed demon Aries will square ruthless Pluto in Capricorn. If you have a planet or angle around 21 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn, this provocative energy release will affect you personally. Consult your local astrologer for details.
- SATURDAY is still driven by the no-nonsense Capricorn Moon, albeit with greater emotional intensity than usual. It meets up with Saturn at 1:57 AM ET for a sobriety check, followed by a power play or emotional catharsis as it meets up with Pluto at 3:13 PM ET. One hour later, Moon clashes with Mars, facilitating your outburst, for better or for worse. The evening has a more tolerant vibe, as Venus in Sagittarius (pushing boundaries in matters of social expression) harmonizes with rebel Uranus. Here’s to unconventional attractions and best buddies everywhere.
- SUNDAY may start with a jolt, as Moon squares Uranus at 5:53 AM ET. It enters Aquarius just in time for the Super Bowl. Should be plenty to talk about, as Mercury (mindset/communication) will harmonize with expansive Jupiter. In fact, boundary-pushing social expression, women, money and aesthetics (see SATURDAY forecast) are sure to be prominent. Why? Because Venus will be at the Aries Pointas it leaves Sagittarius and enters Capricorn at 5:30 PM ET. Let the social climbing begin…all through February. Venus in Capricorn has that covered.
- On MONDAY, the Moon resets for a new lunar cycle in Aquarius at 4:04 PM ET — stay tuned, stay tuned, stay tuned.
Other than that, remember that we are entering the balsamic phase of the lunar cycle, a.k.a. a dead Moon. If you’re feeling listless or restless, this likely reflects the sense that something new is just around the corner, but you’re not quite sure what. Clean up your desk and your January agenda; contemplate your list of intentions for the new cycle beginning Monday. Note the potential for backroom meetings and any other action someone might wish to happen undetected. These are facilitated in times when the Moon offers little to no light.
And now, the news.
Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn suggests macho men, brute force, news from underground, plutonium, guns, sports. Venus in Sagittarius trine Uranus in Aries suggests unconventional women, unconventional attractions, being a friend to all, new heights of social expression involving technology and aviation. Venus at the Aries Point adds the potential for instant fame. Mercury in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Sagittarius adds effective and innovative communication involving foreigners, education, the media and sports. Humming in the background is Jupiter’s square with Neptune, coloring everything with potential references to the oceans, oil, refugees, drugs, spirits — all the bigger the better.
Like this:
Moral of the story: a day driven by a no-nonsense Moon in Capricorn and the potentially brute force of Mars in Aries squaring Capricorn is not likely to produce warm and fuzzy headlines. These two planets are not marshmallows! Use this goal-oriented focus to get those items off your to-do list this weekend, powerfully and persuasively…before the Big Game.
Speaking of the Big Game, here’s one story that is not as harsh (and fits the patterns): “Duo set to make history as first male cheerleaders to perform at a Super Bowl.” And why not?
Thank you for reading this forecast. To find out what’s going on in your horoscope (and thus why things are happening in your life), here’s how to contact me.

I started writing this forecast yesterday…like this:
“The Virgo Moon has been void of course since 8:50 AM ET, suggesting a possible lack of focus, a twist, flake or upset to your usual routine. Roll with any crisis that may rear its ugly head; chances are it will vaporize once the Moon get back into gear…which happens tonight at 11:02 PM ET.”
Right. That was so yesterday. Here’s what I wrote yesterday about today and the weekend:
FRIDAY is driven by a rush of energy aiding and abetting compromise, justice, harmony and diplomacy in relationship. Action hero Mars in crusading Aries will trine (harmonize) with expansive Jupiter in righteous Sagittarius at 12:53 PM; watch the morning news feed for the big news. The Libra Moon travels without bumps until around 11:10 PM ET, when it is challenged by controlling Saturn. A wet blanket on a compromise?
SATURDAY note the potential clash around 4 AM ET, as the we- we- we Moon is opposed by combative me-me-me Mars. Also note the potential for an emotional catharsis around 11:30 AM ET, as the Moon makes its weekly supercharged connection with roto-rooter Pluto. The rest of Saturday is free and clear, and there’s no Moon void to deter your shopping adventures.
SUNDAY is a shift. Moon is opposed by rebel Uranus at 12:21 AM ET and then goes void for a couple of hours — you’ll hardly notice. At 2:31 AM ET Moon plunges into Scorpio, seeking an end to airy-fairy theory and a beginning of actual depth and substance, however it may feel. Those deep feelings may be at odds with a more detached and humanitarian mindset, as the Moon squares Mercury (mindset) and the Sun (willpower) around 1 PM and 4 PM ET, respectively.
No sleeping in on MONDAY, but do note your dreams upon waking, as Moon will be in touch with visionary Neptune at 5:15 AM ET.
And now, the news — written today, a.k.a. Friday in the Eastern Time Zone:
I’ve been watching the action in the chart for The Donald’s Big Fat Partial Government Shutdown. Though the Senate failed twice to pass a bill to re-open the government Thursday during the long Moon void, I can see an astro-logical pathway to resolving this stalemate sooner, rather than later. As of Friday morning there is talk of a possible deal to start paying federal workers again…but only for three weeks seriously what kind of banana republic are we living in.
Regardless, three weeks from now, transiting Mars will ditch Aries for Taurus, triggering last week’s lunar eclipse (and by extension, the horoscopes of Nancy Pelosi, The Donald’s inauguration and anyone else with a planet or angle at 0 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius). So that’s a date when Something Significant is Likely to Happen. Please note that my random capitalization is intended as an homage to A.A. Milne’s quirky tales from the Hundred Acre Woods (a.k.a. Winnie the Pooh), not a mimicry of The Donald’s efforts to Make American (English) German Again.
MEANWHILE…the first trigger to last week’s total lunar eclipse happened yesterday, with transiting Mercury at 0 Aquarius. We expected significant information on The Donald’s administration, and we were not disappointed (file this under “told ya so”). Yesterday indictments were filed against Richard Nixon groupie Roger Stone, and this morning he was arrested by FBI agents in a pre-dawn raid that was captured on CNN.
In other news, during yesterday’s long void, Senator Michael Bennet (D-CO) delivered a fiery speech excoriating his colleagues for enabling The Donald’s shutdown. I watched it while prepping client consultations, and you can watch it here. Pundits were startled that this “mild-mannered” senator thrashed Ted Cruz (R-TX) for the Texas senator’s “crocodile tears,” but patterns in Bennet’s horoscope (11/28/64 in New Delhi, India — time unknown) suggest why he’s thrashing now. Transiting Jupiter has activated a pile-up of planets (Mars, Uranus and Pluto) that are square his righteous Sagittarius Sun. This expansive pattern will continue through 2019, along with transiting Uranus firing up his Venus in Scorpio. His social expression and value system need to be experienced as innovative and/or disruptive. And with his natal Saturn in Aquarius, this suggests his motive is to help.
Speaking of disruptive, astrologer Arthur Lipp-Bonewits has obtained the birth time for New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, so we now have her complete horoscope. As noted here back in June, after she won the primary election (no surprise to any astrologer, though the media was shocked, shocked, shocked), Ms. Ocasio-Cortez has Sun in Libra, currently supercharged by Pluto. This is a statement of potential big change and empowerment. With a confirmed birth time, we now know her Moon is in me-me-me Aries (no big surprise), and she needs to find fulfillment as a pioneering initiator. Her Sagittarius Ascendant suggests she needs to be seen as a righteous boundary-pusher, but always thinking positively. While her image will continue to expand as transiting Jupiter activates her Ascendant all year, she will also experience the serious focus that transiting Saturn adds as it squares her Libra Sun.
Guess who else has a Libra Sun and a me-me-me Aries Moon? Rapper Cardi B, whose recent political tweets prompted Stephen Colbert to start a petition inviting her to give the Democratic rebuttal to The Donald’s SOTU address, whenever it is scheduled. Here is what we know of her horoscope. Like Ocasio-Cortez, Cardi B has a hard aspect between her Libra Sun and Mars; together with their Aries Moons, these are warrior women for sure. However, Cardi B was born with the emotional overkill potential of Venus conjunct Pluto…in Scorpio. Ocasio-Cortez’s Venus is in Sagittarius, aligned with Mercury and her Midheaven. Cardi B’s social expression needs to be intense — potentially erotic (she’s a former stripper). Ocasio-Cortez’s social expression has a different kind of intensity: righteous, spontaneous, idealistic — but playful, as we saw last week as she led the search for #WheresMitch?”
The horoscopes of Venezuela and Nicolas Maduro are also functioning as designed. The latter has transiting Pluto hitting him from all angles, suggesting an inevitable test of power destined to break down and transform. Last year, Pluto squared his Midheaven, impacting his public status/profession. This week transiting Pluto got personal — and opposed his Cancer Ascendant. Lo and behold, a powerful opposition materialized — in the form of opposition leader Juan Guaido. He declared himself the legitimate interim president, offering Maduro amnesty. The U.S., Canada and other countries are backing Guaido; Russia, China and the Venezuelan military are sticking with Maduro. Hmm…what could happen? Months to watch for Maduro: April, May and December/January.
But wait — there’s more! If you find my work of value, I invite you to support it, using the nifty link to my Cosmic Tip Jar. To find out what’s going on in your own personal horoscope, I’d be delighted to schedule a consultation — though don’t just take it from me. Here’s what Avid Reader Tam has to say:
“I pulled out notes from our initial consultation, and am just fascinated with how accurate it is. Everything we discussed happened. With some changes going on around me, I would like to schedule an annual check up and order the Your Year Ahead report too.”
Thank you, Tam! And thank you — cherished Avid Reader — for reading this forecast.